The wench has either gone underground OR has worn out her usefulness!
The truth is that either are quite feasible!
What these scumbags fail to realize is that #Satan and his minions don't give a rat's a** about them! They are "useful idiots" nothing more, nothing less!
She may be in a bunker somewhere, but it's just as possible that her Satan worshiping buddies got rid of her too cover their own sorry a**es!
Satan HATES all men!
And his servants are just morons and useful idiots
The people who serve Satan are ALL expendable!
This bi*ch censored life saving information from YouTube for YEARS!
She helped to push this evil agenda forward and lied too people daily
She may have just "reaped what she had sown" or she thought it a good time too duck out before JUSTICE finds her sorry a**!
But it could also be that the Most High wanted too have a word with her!
Who knows... it's not my place to judge, but anyone who'd purposefully mislead people, silence people trying to warn their fellow man, and attempt to get people to get injected with a known weapon of #Genocide is NOT your friend!
It's truly amazing.... The PURE #Evil that has been covertly living among us, and nobody knew it until they exposed themselves during the Genocide!
I put my trust in the Most High!
And you should too!
If you put your trust in "wealth" material things, or Satan....
Then you have certainly misplaced your trust, and it will cost you eventually!
The wench has either gone underground OR has worn out her usefulness!
The truth is that either are quite feasible!
What these scumbags fail to realize is that #Satan and his minions don't give a rat's a** about them! They are "useful idiots" nothing more, nothing less!
She may be in a bunker somewhere, but it's just as possible that her Satan worshiping buddies got rid of her too cover their own sorry a**es!
Satan HATES all men!
And his servants are just morons and useful idiots
The people who serve Satan are ALL expendable!
This bi*ch censored life saving information from YouTube for YEARS!
She helped to push this evil agenda forward and lied too people daily
She may have just "reaped what she had sown" or she thought it a good time too duck out before JUSTICE finds her sorry a**!
But it could also be that the Most High wanted too have a word with her!
Who knows... it's not my place to judge, but anyone who'd purposefully mislead people, silence people trying to warn their fellow man, and attempt to get people to get injected with a known weapon of #Genocide is NOT your friend!
It's truly amazing.... The PURE #Evil that has been covertly living among us, and nobody knew it until they exposed themselves during the Genocide!
I put my trust in the Most High!
And you should too!
If you put your trust in "wealth" material things, or Satan....
Then you have certainly misplaced your trust, and it will cost you eventually!
The wench has either gone underground OR has worn out her usefulness!
The truth is that either are quite feasible!
What these scumbags fail to realize is that #Satan and his minions don't give a rat's a** about them! They are "useful idiots" nothing more, nothing less!
She may be in a bunker somewhere, but it's just as possible that her Satan worshiping buddies got rid of her too cover their own sorry a**es!
Satan HATES all men!
And his servants are just morons and useful idiots
The people who serve Satan are ALL expendable!
This bi*ch censored life saving information from YouTube for YEARS!
She helped to push this evil agenda forward and lied too people daily
She may have just "reaped what she had sown" or she thought it a good time too duck out before JUSTICE finds her sorry a**!
But it could also be that the Most High wanted too have a word with her!
Who knows... it's not my place to judge, but anyone who'd purposefully mislead people, silence people trying to warn their fellow man, and attempt to get people to get injected with a known weapon of #Genocide is NOT your friend!
It's truly amazing.... The PURE #Evil that has been covertly living among us, and nobody knew it until they exposed themselves during the Genocide!
I put my trust in the Most High!
And you should too!
If you put your trust in "wealth" material things, or Satan....
Then you have certainly misplaced your trust, and it will cost you eventually!