The Lion of Lucerne, created in 1821 by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, stands as a poignant and striking monument to commemorate the Swiss Guard soldiers who lost their lives during the tumultuous events of the French Revolution. This majestic sculpture is located in Lucerne, Switzerland, and has become an iconic symbol of bravery and sacrifice.
The Lion of Lucerne, created in 1821 by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, stands as a poignant and striking monument to commemorate the Swiss Guard soldiers who lost their lives during the tumultuous events of the French Revolution. This majestic sculpture is located in Lucerne, Switzerland, and has become an iconic symbol of bravery and sacrifice.
The Lion of Lucerne, created in 1821 by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, stands as a poignant and striking monument to commemorate the Swiss Guard soldiers who lost their lives during the tumultuous events of the French Revolution. This majestic sculpture is located in Lucerne, Switzerland, and has become an iconic symbol of bravery and sacrifice.
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