You need to understand that our #Courts are based on CORPORATE LAW!

When you attend court YOU (A live, sovereign, human being) go into court to REPRESENT A "LEGAL FICTION" or a "STRAWMAN" which is a
DEAD CORPORATION with your name! ( In all capital letters, NOT English )

You see... #Government has NO AUTHORITY over you, a FREE MAN or WOMAN!
But by convincing you this DEAD CORPORATION with your name,
a LEGAL FICTION, is YOU they can deceive you into "representing" that corporation!

Well they can do whatever they like to a corporation because corporations HAVE NO RIGHTS!

YOU ARE NOT YOUR "Strawman" or "Legal Fiction"

If people would WAKE UP to this fact we could END THEIR SYSTEM tomorrow!

Go listen to "EternallyAware" on YouTube
Search information on Admiralty Law vs Common Law!

Find and WATCH "Alan of Salisbury - The Occult Art of Law" on Odysee!

You need to "understand" that when #Police ask you if you "Understand" they are NOT ASKING IF YOU COMPREHEND!!!

They are speaking a foreign language called "Legalese"
And they are REALLY ASKING "Do you stand under MY AUTHORITY?"
Tell them NO, you do NOT understand!

They need you to consent to "contract with them"
They NEED YOU to represent the dead corporation! The "Strawman" so that they can violate your rights and treat YOU (A FREE HUMAN BEING) as if you are nothing more than a corporate entity!!!

EVERY COURT IN AMERICA is dealing with YOU as a corporate entity!
NO MAN can force you to pay "taxes"

NO MAN can force you to purchase a "permit" or a "license" to drive!
But they CAN force a corporation to do these things!

These people are an ancient CULT!
They control LAW, MEDICINE, BANKS, Most Churches, and GOVERNMENTS!

All you have to do is REFUSE!

You must go into a courtroom and PROVE that you know the law!
And that you do NOT represent your legal fiction!
And you do NOT contract with government or pay them tribute!

By becoming a citizen (At birth) you have AGREED TO BE THEIR SLAVE!
You agreed to pay property, income, and sales taxes!

NO FREE MAN or WOMAN can be forced to do these things!!!
But our system "Assumes that you CONSENT" because YOU have never challenged them on these things as FREE MAN or WOMAN who knows the law!

You seriously need to LEARN THE LAW!
It's time for humanity to END their fraudulent and corrupt system!
And replace it with COMMON LAW like we should have already!
LEARN ABOUT #LAW! You need to understand that our #Courts are based on CORPORATE LAW! When you attend court YOU (A live, sovereign, human being) go into court to REPRESENT A "LEGAL FICTION" or a "STRAWMAN" which is a DEAD CORPORATION with your name! ( In all capital letters, NOT English ) You see... #Government has NO AUTHORITY over you, a FREE MAN or WOMAN! But by convincing you this DEAD CORPORATION with your name, a LEGAL FICTION, is YOU they can deceive you into "representing" that corporation! Well they can do whatever they like to a corporation because corporations HAVE NO RIGHTS! YOU ARE NOT YOUR "Strawman" or "Legal Fiction" YOU are a FREE MAN or WOMAN! If people would WAKE UP to this fact we could END THEIR SYSTEM tomorrow! Go listen to "EternallyAware" on YouTube Search information on Admiralty Law vs Common Law! Find and WATCH "Alan of Salisbury - The Occult Art of Law" on Odysee! You need to "understand" that when #Police ask you if you "Understand" they are NOT ASKING IF YOU COMPREHEND!!! They are speaking a foreign language called "Legalese" And they are REALLY ASKING "Do you stand under MY AUTHORITY?" Tell them NO, you do NOT understand! They need you to consent to "contract with them" They NEED YOU to represent the dead corporation! The "Strawman" so that they can violate your rights and treat YOU (A FREE HUMAN BEING) as if you are nothing more than a corporate entity!!! EVERY COURT IN AMERICA is dealing with YOU as a corporate entity! Otherwise.... NO MAN CAN TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN/CANNOT POSSESS! NO MAN can force you to pay "taxes" NO MAN can force you to purchase a "permit" or a "license" to drive! But they CAN force a corporation to do these things! These people are an ancient CULT! They control LAW, MEDICINE, BANKS, Most Churches, and GOVERNMENTS! They have DECEIVED YOU into WILLINGLY BECOMING THEIR #Slave! All you have to do is REFUSE! You must go into a courtroom and PROVE that you know the law! And that you do NOT represent your legal fiction! And you do NOT contract with government or pay them tribute! A "Citizen" is someone who WILLINGLY GIVES UP THEIR OWN SOVEREIGNTY! By becoming a citizen (At birth) you have AGREED TO BE THEIR SLAVE! You agreed to pay property, income, and sales taxes! NO FREE MAN or WOMAN can be forced to do these things!!! But our system "Assumes that you CONSENT" because YOU have never challenged them on these things as FREE MAN or WOMAN who knows the law! You seriously need to LEARN THE LAW! It's time for humanity to END their fraudulent and corrupt system! And replace it with COMMON LAW like we should have already!
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