Occasionally normal people come up with a jem. I got to sit in on the original screening for this in a friggin barn in Northern Sacramento. I think they liked that I watched out for them during the Anime / Import Car show (Decepti - Kon). Of course it wasn't a blockbuster but shit. The blockbusters don't usually have any soul. This one had Lovecraftian Monsters, South Central and full on Blaxploitation mixed in with that cheezy 80s vibe.
Bad Assed Monster Killa.
Bad Assed Monster Killa.
Occasionally normal people come up with a jem. I got to sit in on the original screening for this in a friggin barn in Northern Sacramento. I think they liked that I watched out for them during the Anime / Import Car show (Decepti - Kon). Of course it wasn't a blockbuster but shit. The blockbusters don't usually have any soul. This one had Lovecraftian Monsters, South Central and full on Blaxploitation mixed in with that cheezy 80s vibe.
Bad Assed Monster Killa.