• I have noticed something lately...
    And it bothers me, so I thought I'd toss it out there!

    People say "Grace" before dinner, and they often pray....

    And what I've noticed is they always ask for things for THEMSELVES! I'm guilty of asking for discernment, guidance, strength and protection myself... But our job is to SERVE HIM! Not the other way around!

    The Most High is not there like a DJ, to take request! Really big things, I can see asking for help... But we should be asking Him to "Use my hands to do YOUR WILL" and things like this!

    He has already given us EVERYTHING! This earth, our life, and protection from the Evil ones! I guess my point is that I hate to hear people "pray" like they are at the drive-up window at McDonald's or at the mall on (Satan's) Santa's lap.

    Remember that MAN is fallen, and we have some serving to do! Most are not really "feeling" what is expected of us, and it's more than asking for a new bike and a raise at work!
    I have noticed something lately... And it bothers me, so I thought I'd toss it out there! People say "Grace" before dinner, and they often pray.... And what I've noticed is they always ask for things for THEMSELVES! I'm guilty of asking for discernment, guidance, strength and protection myself... But our job is to SERVE HIM! Not the other way around! The Most High is not there like a DJ, to take request! Really big things, I can see asking for help... But we should be asking Him to "Use my hands to do YOUR WILL" and things like this! He has already given us EVERYTHING! This earth, our life, and protection from the Evil ones! I guess my point is that I hate to hear people "pray" like they are at the drive-up window at McDonald's or at the mall on (Satan's) Santa's lap. Remember that MAN is fallen, and we have some serving to do! Most are not really "feeling" what is expected of us, and it's more than asking for a new bike and a raise at work!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 174 Views

    THE TRUTH ABOUT WIND TURBINES https://old.bitchute.com/video/JWT6Qt5I0vVM/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 80 Views

    Bryan's final question in this video is this....
    "Could Police be at your house to actually prevent a school shooting"


    But more likely, they are there to FRAME YOU for a school shooting OR to implement some kind of MK Ultra mind control on you...
    winding you up and setting you loose on the public!'

    Because unfortunately ladies and gents....
    I believe that JUST LIKE ALL "GOVERNMENT" they are likely #Luciferians

    WHY do you think Police have a "Fraternal Order of Police???"
    That is #Freemason BS folks!

    LOOK AROUND at how many Police are Freemasons!
    We ALL know Freemasons worship Satan!

    So WHO thinks it's a good idea to give Luciferians badges and guns?

    COPS QUESTION ALLEGED SCHOOL SH**TER BEFORE THE SH**TING Bryan's final question in this video is this.... "Could Police be at your house to actually prevent a school shooting" SURE.... THEY COULD BE I SUPPOSE.... But more likely, they are there to FRAME YOU for a school shooting OR to implement some kind of MK Ultra mind control on you... winding you up and setting you loose on the public!' Because unfortunately ladies and gents.... I believe that JUST LIKE ALL "GOVERNMENT" they are likely #Luciferians WHY do you think Police have a "Fraternal Order of Police???" That is #Freemason BS folks! LOOK AROUND at how many Police are Freemasons! We ALL know Freemasons worship Satan! So WHO thinks it's a good idea to give Luciferians badges and guns? https://old.bitchute.com/video/FZxGLIfFP6g/
    COPS Question ALLEGED School Sh**ter BEFORE the SH**TING
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Sub my NEW CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdzWGXzBK88 Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.…
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    CAN'T UNINSTALL RECALL - ANOTHER REASON TO DITCH WINDOWS https://old.bitchute.com/video/Wf5HIcWbbXA/
    Can't Uninstall Recall - Another Reason to Ditch Windows
    A recent Windows previewer noticed an uninstall feature for Windows Recall, but Microsoft came out and said this is a bug. It can't be uninstalled! We discuss the issues. #windows #recall #linux https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/2/24233992/microsoft-…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 170 Views
    Kim Clement - Kennedy Prophecy - Frederick, MD July 27th, 2008
    NOW PLAYING ON PROPHETIC REWIND Kim Clement - Kennedy Prophecy - Frederick, MD July 27th, 2008 https://www.houseofdestiny.org/watch-kimtv/?video=83B525752BF58641B1D7059BBbC7
    Kim.TV | House of Destiny
    Watch Kim Clement content here at Kim.TV and relive prophetic moments, worship and encouragement.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 164 Views
  • WAS JESUS A MAN??? Yes or No???

    It seems that every "Christian" out there thinks that Jesus IS the Most High.....
    And it just makes no sense!

    Examine these verses!
    You CANNOT argue that Jesus was not a MAN.
    He lived as a MAN, He died as a MAN, and He was even the self proclaimed
    "Son of MAN." But right here in Mathew 24:36 He tells you that
    "NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY" only the Father knows the day!

    Jesus is NOT the Most High folks!
    He is the SON of the most high!

    He does NOT pray to himself!
    He prays to HIS FATHER, the Most High!

    Matthew 24
    1599 Geneva Bible

    30 And then shall appear the [s]sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the [t]kindreds of the earth [u]mourn, and they shall see the Son of man [v]come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    31 And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect, from the [w]four winds, and from the one end of the heavens unto the other.

    32 [x]Now learn the parable of the fig tree: when her bough is yet [y]tender, and it putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near.

    33 So likewise ye, when ye see all these things, know that the kingdom of God is near, even at the doors.

    34 Verily I say unto you, this [z]generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

    35 [aa]Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

    36 [ab]But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my father only.

    There are many other passages where He says that His words are not His own, but of HE WHO SENT ME. Preachers seem to even need this lesson!

    While I'm no bible scholar by any means.....
    I do know that the FATHER is NOT also "The Son"

    The Father dwells within the Son, He gives the Son messages for the people, and spiritually "they are one" because Jesus is FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER!

    But He is not the father! He is the SON!
    He's my Lord and Savior, He's the head of the church and He has ALL AUTHORITY on this earth! But those things were given to Him BY THE FATHER!

    There are so many examples of Jesus Himself denying being the Father!
    Jesus was baptized by John, and the heavens opened and the Most High said "This is my beloved SON, with whom I'm well pleased"

    So..... what happened there?
    Are you claiming that Yahuwah Himself was baptized, and after He left his human body, jumped up into heaven to then speak to John???

    You have to be mentally ill to believe this!
    And I already know 100 people will argue with me about this.....

    But I also know their arguments make no sense!
    They turn the entire bible into nonsense!

    There is the FATHER, and at His Right Hand is the SON!
    The Father's spirit fills the SON, the SON speaks the Father's words....
    But He is NOT the Father!

    At least not without some SERIOUS MENTAL GYMNASTICS!!!
    WAS JESUS A MAN??? Yes or No??? It seems that every "Christian" out there thinks that Jesus IS the Most High..... And it just makes no sense! Examine these verses! You CANNOT argue that Jesus was not a MAN. He lived as a MAN, He died as a MAN, and He was even the self proclaimed "Son of MAN." But right here in Mathew 24:36 He tells you that "NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY" only the Father knows the day! Jesus is NOT the Most High folks! He is the SON of the most high! He does NOT pray to himself! He prays to HIS FATHER, the Most High! Matthew 24 1599 Geneva Bible 30 And then shall appear the [s]sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the [t]kindreds of the earth [u]mourn, and they shall see the Son of man [v]come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect, from the [w]four winds, and from the one end of the heavens unto the other. 32 [x]Now learn the parable of the fig tree: when her bough is yet [y]tender, and it putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near. 33 So likewise ye, when ye see all these things, know that the kingdom of God is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, this [z]generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. 35 [aa]Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. 36 [ab]But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my father only. There are many other passages where He says that His words are not His own, but of HE WHO SENT ME. Preachers seem to even need this lesson! While I'm no bible scholar by any means..... I do know that the FATHER is NOT also "The Son" The Father dwells within the Son, He gives the Son messages for the people, and spiritually "they are one" because Jesus is FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER! But He is not the father! He is the SON! He's my Lord and Savior, He's the head of the church and He has ALL AUTHORITY on this earth! But those things were given to Him BY THE FATHER! There are so many examples of Jesus Himself denying being the Father! Jesus was baptized by John, and the heavens opened and the Most High said "This is my beloved SON, with whom I'm well pleased" So..... what happened there? Are you claiming that Yahuwah Himself was baptized, and after He left his human body, jumped up into heaven to then speak to John??? You have to be mentally ill to believe this! And I already know 100 people will argue with me about this..... But I also know their arguments make no sense! They turn the entire bible into nonsense! There is the FATHER, and at His Right Hand is the SON! The Father's spirit fills the SON, the SON speaks the Father's words.... But He is NOT the Father! At least not without some SERIOUS MENTAL GYMNASTICS!!!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 338 Views

    Cowardly steroid abusers in blue kill another family pet!

    You know..... I'm a siding and window guy, I do remodeling....
    I've met all kinds of dogs in my line of work, never killed one though!

    I've met big dogs, little dogs, sweet dogs and mean dogs, pretty dogs and ugly dogs... NOT ONCE have I ever even considered killing a man's dog!

    Now... If a dog were to knock me down and try to chew my head off, THEN I may kill the dog! But that has NEVER HAPPENED!

    But these cops are scared like little girls AND they have been trained that "Going Home" is the most important part of their duty, NOT PUBLIC SAFETY, but "My own safety"

    THAT is a coward right there!
    If you take a job as #Police YOUR LIFE should be SECONDARY to
    "Public Safety"

    I'm not saying to jump on grenades or nothing,
    I'm saying that you should NOT have taken the job with the attitude that nobody's life matters but your own!

    Police are paid to PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND THEIR RIGHTS....
    But they cannot do that because they are too fearful for their own safety!

    And that is likely due to how they treat the public!
    Police are selfish, narcissistic COWARDS, serving themselves,
    public be damned

    SCARED COP OFFS FAMILY PET IN FRONT OF KIDS Cowardly steroid abusers in blue kill another family pet! You know..... I'm a siding and window guy, I do remodeling.... I've met all kinds of dogs in my line of work, never killed one though! I've met big dogs, little dogs, sweet dogs and mean dogs, pretty dogs and ugly dogs... NOT ONCE have I ever even considered killing a man's dog! Now... If a dog were to knock me down and try to chew my head off, THEN I may kill the dog! But that has NEVER HAPPENED! But these cops are scared like little girls AND they have been trained that "Going Home" is the most important part of their duty, NOT PUBLIC SAFETY, but "My own safety" THAT is a coward right there! If you take a job as #Police YOUR LIFE should be SECONDARY to "Public Safety" I'm not saying to jump on grenades or nothing, I'm saying that you should NOT have taken the job with the attitude that nobody's life matters but your own! Police are paid to PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND THEIR RIGHTS.... But they cannot do that because they are too fearful for their own safety! And that is likely due to how they treat the public! Police are selfish, narcissistic COWARDS, serving themselves, public be damned https://old.bitchute.com/video/nBz7zpzg1AU/
    SCARED COP OFFS Family Pet in Front of Kids
    ATTN YouTube Screeners. This video is for educational purposes only and the creators have blurred out any questionable content per YouTube's Community Guidelines. 🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.yo…
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    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e1dc412ba279f9a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/r7fs60/ - Baby Giraffe
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/0b32b504873728a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/r9sw4m/ - Animals Window
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/9fb3747733e3317 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/u1slgi/ - Santa Claus
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    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e10d7b2f63589e3 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/w68q5m/ - Blackhole
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/ef6426e9894538a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/n4pi7z/ - Crooked House
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/7e404f04a9f7d59 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/3b63sr/ - Cat Umbrella
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/7b5da388c3ad5c3 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/3v4v4q/ - Colored Sky
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/f9ba6043abe21f6 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/9g1ql7/ - Angel Statue
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e0cf3705052e32c - https://www.jigidi.com/s/v8qc1z/ - Chefchaouen Morocco
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/fe741d0598c8f1c - https://www.jigidi.com/s/tdqgoj/ - Dragon Temple Thailand
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/2c63a0352651a7d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/oaqpg4/ - Buildings Plane
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/fc62c213dfe2e42 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/784gz0/ - Cat Fruit Hat
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/237de8ece590247 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/8daiqh/ - Karen Tarlton Mermaid Painting
    https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/de7638cf8b1a35e - https://www.jigidi.com/s/1bqpi2/ - Mont Saint Michel France
    https://www.jigidi.com/s/p22ech/ - Mermaid

    #puzzle #jigsaw #game #fun #image #RenaudBe
    MY HOMEMADE PUZZLES ONLINE: https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e1dc412ba279f9a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/r7fs60/ - Baby Giraffe https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/0b32b504873728a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/r9sw4m/ - Animals Window https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/9fb3747733e3317 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/u1slgi/ - Santa Claus https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/48675854a8b78fd - https://www.jigidi.com/s/cnyrol/ - Hummingbird https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/b3811b81d6893a0 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/fso0x6/ - Painting House https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/dad9f0ee57537c5 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/oe67wm/ - Cat And Baby Ducks https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/89b166d04eecdeb - https://www.jigidi.com/s/84ft8a/ - Bluebell Woods https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/fe1bf11d9102123 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/nv0pzt/ - Lady Trees https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/7419411487b0a6d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/ix0jny/ - Mermaid Painting https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/574d4850500d38a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/2hlw2q/ - Birds Camera https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/025fee2ff8aaf75 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/at7idp/ - St Mary Statue https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/50c22090a5bd63d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/mg0ax8/ - Mordillo City Golf https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/3c410aad210859a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/eqz04s/ - Mordillo Bird Friendly Building https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/af64561908997e8 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/gj61tt/ - Mordillo Giraffe Lover https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/c2c79d903716551 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/9vjwv9/ - Mordillo Giraffe Snake Love https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/9fdca27572cedfd - https://www.jigidi.com/s/ey1mcc/ - Mordillo Jungle Animals 1 https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/db8d51c3dc4244c - https://www.jigidi.com/s/jk8ykn/ - Mordillo Jungle Animals 2 https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/47e9c1ca213236d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/lib1fs/ - Mordillo Jungle Animals 3 https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e9e3dc12613e0c4 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/1nhbai/ - Mordillo Dinning Out https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/545787d5676867a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/dbi3wm/ - Cheetahs Photographer https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/bd593c13331a65d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/kij133/ - Lion Camera https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/ca3f475bd93df6a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/pntz3n/ - Old Plane https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/03835a3541f79e4 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/uyz9wo/ - New Plane https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/28ce74b6d2beaf6 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/2sxsvn/ - Jan Van Haasteren Hotel https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/99c970d10e2f8f3 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/enovei/ - Jan Van Haasteren Fire https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/3abb467e7b1d07d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/rsrpg0/ - Jan Van Haasteren School https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e84853af5b6e241 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/innfue/ - Jan Van Haasteren Neighborhood https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/4aff1ea28184f9c - https://www.jigidi.com/s/eefmgi/ - Jan Van Haasteren Opera https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/4ca1e56abdc7f00 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/3q114i/ - Jan Van Haasteren Sea Cruise https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/aba49fdd3dbef92 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/xl23bp/ - Jan Van Haasteren Pool https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e4203d90db062dd - https://www.jigidi.com/s/w1y6ji/ - Cat Aquarium https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/7eff74049ead7b4 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/dxatnj/ - James Christensen Voyage Of The Basset https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/3a55786a7d14cae - https://www.jigidi.com/s/ju1g0i/ - Crowded Beach https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e10d7b2f63589e3 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/w68q5m/ - Blackhole https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/ef6426e9894538a - https://www.jigidi.com/s/n4pi7z/ - Crooked House https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/7e404f04a9f7d59 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/3b63sr/ - Cat Umbrella https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/7b5da388c3ad5c3 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/3v4v4q/ - Colored Sky https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/f9ba6043abe21f6 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/9g1ql7/ - Angel Statue https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/e0cf3705052e32c - https://www.jigidi.com/s/v8qc1z/ - Chefchaouen Morocco https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/fe741d0598c8f1c - https://www.jigidi.com/s/tdqgoj/ - Dragon Temple Thailand https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/2c63a0352651a7d - https://www.jigidi.com/s/oaqpg4/ - Buildings Plane https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/fc62c213dfe2e42 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/784gz0/ - Cat Fruit Hat https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/237de8ece590247 - https://www.jigidi.com/s/8daiqh/ - Karen Tarlton Mermaid Painting https://im-a-puzzle.com/share/de7638cf8b1a35e - https://www.jigidi.com/s/1bqpi2/ - Mont Saint Michel France https://www.jigidi.com/s/p22ech/ - Mermaid #puzzle #jigsaw #game #fun #image #RenaudBe
    0 Comments 0 Shares 729 Views
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  • Here are the shots believed to have been fired by Nicol at Trump via a direct line of fire at Trump thru a window of the building where the suspected shooter (Crooks or Yearick) was on the roof. The footage has been adjusted to reduce camera movement.(9 seconds)
    Here are the shots believed to have been fired by Nicol at Trump via a direct line of fire at Trump thru a window of the building where the suspected shooter (Crooks or Yearick) was on the roof. The footage has been adjusted to reduce camera movement.(9 seconds)
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