• This Documentary Will Change the Course of History

    I'm sorry....
    But you have to be one punk MF and a COWARD POS to be in National Guard OR the #BorderPatrol OR the #Police in America! (Including ANY 3 letter Agency)

    PERIOD and full stop!
    YOU are enabling #Evil if you are in one of these positions!

    YOU are violating your sworn #Oath before the Most High EVERY SINGLE DAY!

    YOU are a #Traitor to your country, your countrymen, and to MANKIND ITSELF!
    YOU are protecting the #Criminals as you screw over YOUR BOSSES, the PEOPLE!

    And for what??? A f*cking paycheck???
    YOU are a sad excuse for a MAN!

    Mark 8:36
    For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

    Now, having said all of that....
    TRUMP wants to make these cowards UNTOUCHABLE!

    So NO.... He is not the answer!
    Eliminating out illegitimate "government" is the answer!

    This Documentary Will Change the Course of History I'm sorry.... But you have to be one punk MF and a COWARD POS to be in National Guard OR the #BorderPatrol OR the #Police in America! (Including ANY 3 letter Agency) PERIOD and full stop! YOU are enabling #Evil if you are in one of these positions! YOU are violating your sworn #Oath before the Most High EVERY SINGLE DAY! YOU are a #Traitor to your country, your countrymen, and to MANKIND ITSELF! YOU are protecting the #Criminals as you screw over YOUR BOSSES, the PEOPLE! And for what??? A f*cking paycheck??? YOU are a sad excuse for a MAN! Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Now, having said all of that.... TRUMP wants to make these cowards UNTOUCHABLE! So NO.... He is not the answer! Eliminating out illegitimate "government" is the answer! https://rumble.com/v5g86yd-this-documentary-will-change-the-course-of-history.html?
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 221 Просмотры
  • This is how it's done, folks.
    Charles Bronson DEATH WISH (all 5 films) Every shot fired in CHRONOLOGICAL order
    6,104,412 views May 25, 2019

    Conscientious objector, pacifist, knee-jerk bleeding heart liberal, and all around chicken-shit Paul Kersey has had his fill of low-life punks running amok and terrorizing his peaceful New York way of life. Sending a message of flying lead, Kersey is on a one man crusade to take back the streets. Witness Charles Bronson in a role that spanned nearly 20 years and about 20 pounds, fill the screen with vigilante justice.
    This is how it's done, folks. Charles Bronson DEATH WISH (all 5 films) Every shot fired in CHRONOLOGICAL order 6,104,412 views May 25, 2019 Conscientious objector, pacifist, knee-jerk bleeding heart liberal, and all around chicken-shit Paul Kersey has had his fill of low-life punks running amok and terrorizing his peaceful New York way of life. Sending a message of flying lead, Kersey is on a one man crusade to take back the streets. Witness Charles Bronson in a role that spanned nearly 20 years and about 20 pounds, fill the screen with vigilante justice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxeBn5Kuggg
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 288 Просмотры
  • This is how it's done, folks.
    Charles Bronson DEATH WISH (all 5 films) Every shot fired in CHRONOLOGICAL order
    6,104,412 views May 25, 2019
    Conscientious objector, pacifist, knee-jerk bleeding heart liberal, and all around chicken-shit Paul Kersey has had his fill of low-life punks running amok and terrorizing his peaceful New York way of life. Sending a message of flying lead, Kersey is on a one man crusade to take back the streets. Witness Charles Bronson in a role that spanned nearly 20 years and about 20 pounds, fill the screen with vigilante justice.
    This is how it's done, folks. Charles Bronson DEATH WISH (all 5 films) Every shot fired in CHRONOLOGICAL order 6,104,412 views May 25, 2019 https://youtu.be/LxeBn5Kuggg?si=pCnxo9wkwfMaAV4Q Conscientious objector, pacifist, knee-jerk bleeding heart liberal, and all around chicken-shit Paul Kersey has had his fill of low-life punks running amok and terrorizing his peaceful New York way of life. Sending a message of flying lead, Kersey is on a one man crusade to take back the streets. Witness Charles Bronson in a role that spanned nearly 20 years and about 20 pounds, fill the screen with vigilante justice.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 256 Просмотры
  • https://medforth.org/rfk-jr-s-unterstutzung-ist-ein-wendepunkt-und-kippt-die-gewichtung-nun-entscheidend-zu-gunsten-von-prasident-trump/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 191 Просмотры
  • What a dummy. The truck punked him and he didn't pay attention.
    What a dummy. The truck punked him and he didn't pay attention.😮
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 196 Просмотры 3
  • https://medforth.org/deutschen-bahn-fahrplan-chaos-erreicht-neuen-hohepunkt/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 172 Просмотры
  • https://medforth.org/neue-rasmussen-umfrage-donald-trump-fuhrt-mit-funf-punkten-vorsprung-vor-kamala-harris/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 171 Просмотры

    Of course.... The #Jews and #Jesuits and #Freemasons control ALL #Hospitals!
    They are purveyors of #Pharmakeia ( Sorcery )

    The demon seed, here to destroy mankind
    All of that "saving people" nonsense is just a cover....

    The same way that Bill Gates and every other supposed "philanthropist" in the world does what they do for one reason..... AS A COVER TOO HIDE THEIR EVIL DEEDS!

    Pedophiles work in schools, social services, and day care centers... Because they want access to CHILDREN while having the excuse they are "here to help them"

    The demon seed is a beguiler, and you better learn their tactics pretty quick!

    They control ALL BANKS, ALL HOSPITALS, and ALL LAWYERS AND JUDGES via control over the BAR Association! By controlling the BANKS you automatically control the politicians! ( ACTORS )

    HOW did these evil scumbags take over the world?
    By gaining control over these 3 institutions AND convincing the public that their WORTHLESS PRINTED PAPER has value!

    Your own GREED takes care of the rest!
    You see YHWH put you here with ABUNDANCE, He gave you an abundance of ALL things, everything you would ever need!

    By creating these worthless notes of DEBT and convincing you they have value.... the deceivers create scarcity in a world filled with abundance!

    And after you have lived a life of scarcity for a while.....
    They can get you to kill your own mother for some of their worthless paper!

    When the truth is..... You would be living a life of abundance if you kicked the bankers out of every country on earth! Assassinate THEM before they can assassinate YOU!

    Because THEY WILL pay some poor inner city punk to kill you using their worthless paper... and he will do it because he has never had the abundance YHWH gave him!

    THEY KNEW. THEY ALL KNEW. THEY TERMINATED EVERYONE WHO STOOD AGAINST THEM. Of course.... The #Jews and #Jesuits and #Freemasons control ALL #Hospitals! They are purveyors of #Pharmakeia ( Sorcery ) The demon seed, here to destroy mankind All of that "saving people" nonsense is just a cover.... The same way that Bill Gates and every other supposed "philanthropist" in the world does what they do for one reason..... AS A COVER TOO HIDE THEIR EVIL DEEDS! Pedophiles work in schools, social services, and day care centers... Because they want access to CHILDREN while having the excuse they are "here to help them" The demon seed is a beguiler, and you better learn their tactics pretty quick! They control ALL BANKS, ALL HOSPITALS, and ALL LAWYERS AND JUDGES via control over the BAR Association! By controlling the BANKS you automatically control the politicians! ( ACTORS ) HOW did these evil scumbags take over the world? By gaining control over these 3 institutions AND convincing the public that their WORTHLESS PRINTED PAPER has value! Your own GREED takes care of the rest! You see YHWH put you here with ABUNDANCE, He gave you an abundance of ALL things, everything you would ever need! By creating these worthless notes of DEBT and convincing you they have value.... the deceivers create scarcity in a world filled with abundance! And after you have lived a life of scarcity for a while..... They can get you to kill your own mother for some of their worthless paper! When the truth is..... You would be living a life of abundance if you kicked the bankers out of every country on earth! Assassinate THEM before they can assassinate YOU! Because THEY WILL pay some poor inner city punk to kill you using their worthless paper... and he will do it because he has never had the abundance YHWH gave him! https://old.bitchute.com/video/ucDii3FXshNL/
    They Knew. They All Knew. They Terminated Everyone Who Stood Against Them.
    “I was fired after 31 years as an emergency room physician with not one single patient complain
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1441 Просмотры
  • Well... #Trump wants to give guys like this

    Maybe next time it'll be YOUR MOM or GRANDMOTHER he kills

    I'm a non-violent man by nature....
    But I must be honest here, I'd REALLY have a hard time not beating this scumbag to death with my bare hands if I saw his sorry carcass on the streets!

    An elderly woman makes the mistake of calling the corporate "Policy Enforcers" to her home over a prowler....

    These demonic scumbags invite themselves into her home, they were NOT "invited in" and they had no warrant...

    The crackheads needed a fix..... SO THEY WANTED HER ID!
    To run her for possible warrants
    (Because wanted people call police all the time)

    After unlawfully entering this elderly woman's home and trying to get her ID, the cop mentions to the woman she has something on the stove, which was a pot of water boiling, likely for tea....

    So she goes and removes the pot of water from the stove and walk towards her sink with it, she is not within 10 feet of this pussy, and he suddenly freaks out like the old lady wants to take him out with the water! SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE! (For cooking)

    Just a friendly reminder....
    #Police are more dangerous than ANY #Criminal

    WHY would ANYONE call the Police?
    Have you been asleep for 25 years?

    Do you REALLY believe that these murderous scum are
    "working for you?" NO... they are your sworn ENEMIES!

    They work for a #Corporation that considers YOU the enemy!
    It's about time to clean them up and haul them off!

    Every last scumbag affiliated with the
    Corporation of the United States needs to go!

    I hope that Big Bubba makes this punk his bitch
    little sissy
    Well... #Trump wants to give guys like this even stronger IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION! Maybe next time it'll be YOUR MOM or GRANDMOTHER he kills I'm a non-violent man by nature.... But I must be honest here, I'd REALLY have a hard time not beating this scumbag to death with my bare hands if I saw his sorry carcass on the streets! An elderly woman makes the mistake of calling the corporate "Policy Enforcers" to her home over a prowler.... These demonic scumbags invite themselves into her home, they were NOT "invited in" and they had no warrant... The crackheads needed a fix..... SO THEY WANTED HER ID! To run her for possible warrants (Because wanted people call police all the time) After unlawfully entering this elderly woman's home and trying to get her ID, the cop mentions to the woman she has something on the stove, which was a pot of water boiling, likely for tea.... So she goes and removes the pot of water from the stove and walk towards her sink with it, she is not within 10 feet of this pussy, and he suddenly freaks out like the old lady wants to take him out with the water! SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE! (For cooking) Just a friendly reminder.... #Police are more dangerous than ANY #Criminal WHY would ANYONE call the Police? Have you been asleep for 25 years? Do you REALLY believe that these murderous scum are "working for you?" NO... they are your sworn ENEMIES! They work for a #Corporation that considers YOU the enemy! It's about time to clean them up and haul them off! Every last scumbag affiliated with the Corporation of the United States needs to go! I hope that Big Bubba makes this punk his bitch little sissy
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1173 Просмотры
  • "Disrespecting Government Is Illegal!" - Union City Police

    More Criminal scumbags violating their #Oath to
    "Protect and defend the Constitution" as they violate the Inalienable human rights of Americans!

    These scumbags need to be introduced to 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights
    AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law!

    These are the #Criminal codes specifically created to punish #Government actors who violate the civil rights of their employers, the people!

    A 1983 lawsuit is the CIVIL code, the CRIMINAL code need to be ENFORCED!

    And because "Federal Prosecutors" are Criminals as well.... they never prosecute their criminal buddies!

    It is time for 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 to be taken out of the hands of "government" prosecutors, and put into the hands of "We the People" to prosecute these cases ourselves!

    Because let's face it... if EVERYONE were allowed to "Investigate themselves" and then to "Prosecute themselves" our jails would be EMPTY! Because NOBODY is going to prosecute themselves! DUH!

    These scumbags need to be indicted by GRAND JURIES put together by THE PEOPLE

    No "prosecutor" and no "judge," Just THE PEOPLE as our founding documents called for! THE PEOPLE have every right to convene their own grand jury!

    And it is time that the masses realize this!
    #Police misconduct and brutality are out of control, as is blatant criminality, falsifying police reports and evidence, and the murders of innocent people!

    It's grand jury time folks!
    NO LONGER will we beg for the CORPORATION known as "government" to investigate and prosecute THEMSELVES!

    It is time that "We the People" perform our civic DUTY and prosecute these criminal scumbags! And once a couple of dozen get sent to prison for decades or get EXECUTED for their crimes, the rest of these spoiled punks will fall back into line!

    But I would NOT hold my breathe as long as they are

    It is actually ENCOURAGING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR by Police, failing to prosecute them for CRIMES and civil rights violations!

    Police have grown INTOLERABLE!
    And it's time they are reeled in by an ARMED PUBLIC and their own grand jury!
    (Since Federal Prosecutors are COMPLICIT in the crimes by failing to prosecute)

    By the way.... those federal prosecutors should be the second order of business for our grand jury! Charging them for EVERY 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242 CASE they failed to file when they had overwhelming #Evidence of the crimes!

    They are just as guilty (complicit) as the person who committed the crime!

    "Disrespecting Government Is Illegal!" - Union City Police More Criminal scumbags violating their #Oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution" as they violate the Inalienable human rights of Americans! These scumbags need to be introduced to 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law! These are the #Criminal codes specifically created to punish #Government actors who violate the civil rights of their employers, the people! A 1983 lawsuit is the CIVIL code, the CRIMINAL code need to be ENFORCED! And because "Federal Prosecutors" are Criminals as well.... they never prosecute their criminal buddies! It is time for 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 to be taken out of the hands of "government" prosecutors, and put into the hands of "We the People" to prosecute these cases ourselves! Because let's face it... if EVERYONE were allowed to "Investigate themselves" and then to "Prosecute themselves" our jails would be EMPTY! Because NOBODY is going to prosecute themselves! DUH! These scumbags need to be indicted by GRAND JURIES put together by THE PEOPLE No "prosecutor" and no "judge," Just THE PEOPLE as our founding documents called for! THE PEOPLE have every right to convene their own grand jury! And it is time that the masses realize this! #Police misconduct and brutality are out of control, as is blatant criminality, falsifying police reports and evidence, and the murders of innocent people! It's grand jury time folks! NO LONGER will we beg for the CORPORATION known as "government" to investigate and prosecute THEMSELVES! It is time that "We the People" perform our civic DUTY and prosecute these criminal scumbags! And once a couple of dozen get sent to prison for decades or get EXECUTED for their crimes, the rest of these spoiled punks will fall back into line! But I would NOT hold my breathe as long as they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! It is actually ENCOURAGING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR by Police, failing to prosecute them for CRIMES and civil rights violations! Police have grown INTOLERABLE! And it's time they are reeled in by an ARMED PUBLIC and their own grand jury! (Since Federal Prosecutors are COMPLICIT in the crimes by failing to prosecute) By the way.... those federal prosecutors should be the second order of business for our grand jury! Charging them for EVERY 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242 CASE they failed to file when they had overwhelming #Evidence of the crimes! They are just as guilty (complicit) as the person who committed the crime! https://youtu.be/Be-PO_oNBdM
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1240 Просмотры
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