they didn't blow up the Georgia Guidestones to hide depopulation!

    They blew them up because FLAT EARTHERS were live-streaming from there,

    And the #Luciferians NEED you to believe their #Heliocentric fable so that you do not realize that you ARE a created being, and your Creator is above you now!

    They NEED YOU to feel small and insignificant, a cosmic "accident" that is nothing special... Because they want to drag you to HELL along with them!

    I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High...
    And I fear NO MAN!

    He told me over and over and over again to "FEAR NOT"
    So that is exactly what I'm going to do!

    Am I sitting around waiting for "the rapture"
    NO, I'm not! I'm going to fight these demons with everything that I have every day!
    And with the Most High backing me up... I CAN'T LOSE!

    SCOTT BENNETT VICTOR HUGO CLIF HIGH PREDICT POGROMS TALMUD ANTISEMITISM LAWS GEORGIA GUIDESTONES they didn't blow up the Georgia Guidestones to hide depopulation! They blew them up because FLAT EARTHERS were live-streaming from there, SHOWING PEOPLE THAT YOU COULD SEE #POLARIS THROUGH A TINY HOLE IN THE GRANITE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK, 365 DAYS PER YEAR! And the #Luciferians NEED you to believe their #Heliocentric fable so that you do not realize that you ARE a created being, and your Creator is above you now! They NEED YOU to feel small and insignificant, a cosmic "accident" that is nothing special... Because they want to drag you to HELL along with them! I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High... And I fear NO MAN! He told me over and over and over again to "FEAR NOT" So that is exactly what I'm going to do! Am I sitting around waiting for "the rapture" NO, I'm not! I'm going to fight these demons with everything that I have every day! And with the Most High backing me up... I CAN'T LOSE! https://old.bitchute.com/video/l6PLxpSiupnc/
    Scott Bennett Victor Hugo Clif High Predict Pogroms Talmud Antisemitism Laws Georgia GuideStones
    Scott Bennett and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss Clif High Predict Pogroms Talmud Antisemitism Laws Georgia GuideStones depopulation plan and the holocaust hoax. If you value these truth tellers and can contribute to keep these reports comi…
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 55 Ansichten
  • When a Ball Turret Gunner Fell Without a Parachute!
    On January 3rd, 1943 a group of 72 B-17 Flying Fortresses were on a bombing mission in occupied France. Their target was a heavily fortified German U-boat base at St. Nazaire, an important strategic location for the Kriegsmarine during the Battle of the Atlantic. Inside a B-17 named Snap! Crackle! Pop! was 24-year-old Staff Sergeant Alan Magee in the position of ball turret gunner. Magee was on his seventh and last combat mission during which he was sucked out of the B-17 at an altitude of 20,000 feet without a parachute!
    When a Ball Turret Gunner Fell Without a Parachute! On January 3rd, 1943 a group of 72 B-17 Flying Fortresses were on a bombing mission in occupied France. Their target was a heavily fortified German U-boat base at St. Nazaire, an important strategic location for the Kriegsmarine during the Battle of the Atlantic. Inside a B-17 named Snap! Crackle! Pop! was 24-year-old Staff Sergeant Alan Magee in the position of ball turret gunner. Magee was on his seventh and last combat mission during which he was sucked out of the B-17 at an altitude of 20,000 feet without a parachute!
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 61 Ansichten
  • I find it very interesting that Enoch used ANIMALS in describing some of his visions of the fallen angels. He told of the fallen breeding with MAN, and the result was producing " elephants, camels, and asses."

    The Book of Enoch Chapter 85.....

    6. I looked at and observed them; when behold, they all acted after the manner of horses, and began to approach the young cows, all of whom became pregnant, and brought forth elephants, camels, and asses.

    Ever heard of the Prohibition Party???
    Their symbols is the Camel

    Book of Enoch Chapter 85

    By Kaleena Fraga

    While researching another topic—New Yorkers who became president—we stumbled across a delicious (or perhaps dry) factoid to share.

    The Prohibition Party may seem like a throwback to the days of speakeasies and Jay Gatsby, but it’s actually the oldest third party in the United States. The Party has run a candidate in every election since 1872, and they already have a nominee for 2020—which, in some ways, makes them more prepared for the upcoming election than the Democrats.

    So what does the Prohibition Party stand for?

    As expected, the Prohibition Party’s platform emphasizes a disapproval of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and all “hard” drugs. It goes as far as to pledge support to farmers who switch from growing tobacco and grapes for wine to other crops.

    But that’s not all. The party believes in climate change and promises, “[cooperation] with other nations in mitigating its possible effects.” The party also notes that it “will not surrender our sovereignty in this, or any other regard.” It is strongly pro-life, supports a constitutional amendment that would give power of marriage to religious bodies only, endorses the NRA, and advocates for abolishing the Federal Reserve System.

    In 2016, the Prohibition Party received more than 5,000 votes, out of about 138 million ballots cast. Not a great year, but a vast improvement over the 2012 election—the party received 518 votes then. Since the party received only 208 votes in 2000, you could say they’re enjoying a new wave of support.

    Since it first ran a presidential candidate in 1872, the Prohibition Party has enjoyed peaks in popularity. Some are expected—as the Prohibition movement began to gain steam in the 1880s and into the turn of the century, the party received more than 200,000 votes (in 1888, 1892, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1916). The year prohibition became law (1920) the party’s vote count dipped—to about 188,000—perhaps because prohibition passed in January, and the election did not take place until November.

    Chapter 85
    1. Again I looked attentively, 1 while sleeping, and surveyed heaven above.

    2. And behold a single star fell from heaven.

    3. Which being raised up, ate and fed among those cows.

    4. After that I perceived other large and black cows; and behold all of them changed their stalls and pastures, while their young began to lament one with another. Again I looked in my vision, and surveyed heaven; when behold I saw many stars which descended, and projected themselves from heaven to where the first star was,

    5. Into the midst of those young ones; while the cows were with them, feeding in the midst of them.

    6. I looked at and observed them; when behold, they all acted after the manner of horses, and began to approach the young cows, all of whom became pregnant, and brought forth elephants, camels, and asses.

    7. At these all the cows were alarmed and terrified; when they began biting with their teeth, swallowing, and striking with their horns.

    8. They began also to devour the cows; and behold all the children of the earth trembled, shook with terror at them, and suddenly fled away.

    I find it very interesting that Enoch used ANIMALS in describing some of his visions of the fallen angels. He told of the fallen breeding with MAN, and the result was producing " elephants, camels, and asses." The Book of Enoch Chapter 85..... 6. I looked at and observed them; when behold, they all acted after the manner of horses, and began to approach the young cows, all of whom became pregnant, and brought forth elephants, camels, and asses. Ever heard of the Prohibition Party??? Their symbols is the Camel Book of Enoch Chapter 85 By Kaleena Fraga While researching another topic—New Yorkers who became president—we stumbled across a delicious (or perhaps dry) factoid to share. The Prohibition Party may seem like a throwback to the days of speakeasies and Jay Gatsby, but it’s actually the oldest third party in the United States. The Party has run a candidate in every election since 1872, and they already have a nominee for 2020—which, in some ways, makes them more prepared for the upcoming election than the Democrats. So what does the Prohibition Party stand for? As expected, the Prohibition Party’s platform emphasizes a disapproval of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and all “hard” drugs. It goes as far as to pledge support to farmers who switch from growing tobacco and grapes for wine to other crops. But that’s not all. The party believes in climate change and promises, “[cooperation] with other nations in mitigating its possible effects.” The party also notes that it “will not surrender our sovereignty in this, or any other regard.” It is strongly pro-life, supports a constitutional amendment that would give power of marriage to religious bodies only, endorses the NRA, and advocates for abolishing the Federal Reserve System. In 2016, the Prohibition Party received more than 5,000 votes, out of about 138 million ballots cast. Not a great year, but a vast improvement over the 2012 election—the party received 518 votes then. Since the party received only 208 votes in 2000, you could say they’re enjoying a new wave of support. Since it first ran a presidential candidate in 1872, the Prohibition Party has enjoyed peaks in popularity. Some are expected—as the Prohibition movement began to gain steam in the 1880s and into the turn of the century, the party received more than 200,000 votes (in 1888, 1892, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1916). The year prohibition became law (1920) the party’s vote count dipped—to about 188,000—perhaps because prohibition passed in January, and the election did not take place until November. Chapter 85 1. Again I looked attentively, 1 while sleeping, and surveyed heaven above. 2. And behold a single star fell from heaven. 3. Which being raised up, ate and fed among those cows. 4. After that I perceived other large and black cows; and behold all of them changed their stalls and pastures, while their young began to lament one with another. Again I looked in my vision, and surveyed heaven; when behold I saw many stars which descended, and projected themselves from heaven to where the first star was, 5. Into the midst of those young ones; while the cows were with them, feeding in the midst of them. 6. I looked at and observed them; when behold, they all acted after the manner of horses, and began to approach the young cows, all of whom became pregnant, and brought forth elephants, camels, and asses. 7. At these all the cows were alarmed and terrified; when they began biting with their teeth, swallowing, and striking with their horns. 8. They began also to devour the cows; and behold all the children of the earth trembled, shook with terror at them, and suddenly fled away. https://history-first.com/2019/08/03/americas-oldest-third-party-the-prohibitionists/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 131 Ansichten
  • https://www.conservativedailynews.com/2024/09/new-docs-shed-light-on-air-forces-goal-to-reduce-white-male-population-joining-officer-ranks/
    New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks
    The Air Force finally handed over a trove of documents pertaining to its sweeping “goal” of reducing the number of white male applicants in a popular officer program after spending months stonewalling requests for their release. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman C.Q. Brown — at the time the highest-ranking member …
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 107 Ansichten
  • Springfield, Ohio Is Under A Migration Invasion. Is Your Town Next?
    If you live in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, this is coming your way if our border remains open. Springfield, Ohio is literally under attack from a foreign population of 20,000 people.

    Springfield, Ohio Is Under A Migration Invasion. Is Your Town Next? https://youtu.be/DOuNn-PI9j0 If you live in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, this is coming your way if our border remains open. Springfield, Ohio is literally under attack from a foreign population of 20,000 people.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 129 Ansichten
  • A lot of attention has been paid to Springfield, Ohio and the 20,000 Haitians that have inundated that city, making it unrecognizable to people who grew up there.

    But it's not just Springfield. It's happening to small towns across the country.

    -Charleroi, Pennsylvania: 50% of the population is now Haitian. Crime and theft have skyrocketed, along with rent and insurance costs. Locals report finding goat carcasses around town.

    -Sylacauga, Alabama: Social services have been overwhelmed by unvetted Haitian migrants. The local city council cut off public comment during a city council meeting to suppress dissent against what has happened.

    -Whitewater, Wisconsin: 300 new ESL students entered the school system all at once. A police slide show outlined increased cartel activity in this once sleepy college town. One police official was quoted as saying some of the migrants perform “farm or factory labor during the day and cocaine sales at night.”

    -Aurora, Colorado: "Venezuelan migrants seeking opportunity" quickly evolved into "Venezuelan gangsters shaking down entire apartments for protection money."

    The Kamala Harris platform is to keep the border open until every part of America is like this — except for a handful of enclaves for the blue elite, who will be the only ones allowed to preserve islands of privilege that resemble the way America used to be.
    A lot of attention has been paid to Springfield, Ohio and the 20,000 Haitians that have inundated that city, making it unrecognizable to people who grew up there. But it's not just Springfield. It's happening to small towns across the country. -Charleroi, Pennsylvania: 50% of the population is now Haitian. Crime and theft have skyrocketed, along with rent and insurance costs. Locals report finding goat carcasses around town. -Sylacauga, Alabama: Social services have been overwhelmed by unvetted Haitian migrants. The local city council cut off public comment during a city council meeting to suppress dissent against what has happened. -Whitewater, Wisconsin: 300 new ESL students entered the school system all at once. A police slide show outlined increased cartel activity in this once sleepy college town. One police official was quoted as saying some of the migrants perform “farm or factory labor during the day and cocaine sales at night.” -Aurora, Colorado: "Venezuelan migrants seeking opportunity" quickly evolved into "Venezuelan gangsters shaking down entire apartments for protection money." The Kamala Harris platform is to keep the border open until every part of America is like this — except for a handful of enclaves for the blue elite, who will be the only ones allowed to preserve islands of privilege that resemble the way America used to be.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 282 Ansichten
  • https://medforth.biz/pope-francis-doubles-down-says-diversity-of-religious-identities-is-a-gift-of-god/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 68 Ansichten
  • The Most Frighteningly Deranged Figure of WW2 - The Jungle King
    Herman Perry’s heart hammered against his ribcage. He was cornered. Officer Harold Cady and two imposing US servicemen loomed before him, their silhouettes stark against the dense Burmese jungle. Perry’s mind raced as he confronted the grim reality of being taken back into the depths of the notorious Ledo military Stockade.

    Delirious on poppy, emotionally shattered, and driven by a fierce determination to evade the nightmarish conditions of the Stockade at any cost, Perry did the unthinkable and trained his rifle on Cady. To Perry, the thought of returning to that forced-labor, malaria-ridden hell, where he and other prisoners languished at the bottom of the pecking order, was inconceivable. In a broken shriek, Perry said: (QUOTE) “Get back!... Get Back!”

    Cady stepped forward anyway. Perry was shaking now, begging: (QUOTE) “Lieutenant, don’t come up on me.”

    Having fled the Stockade after his 90-day sentence for insubordination was unjustly extended, Perry now felt the oppressive weight of the sweltering jungle air, its humidity squeezing out the last remnants of sense he had left. As tears spilled down his face, he fired once, then one more time, and ran into the maddening embrace of the jungle towards a terrifying head-hunter tribe. The Greatest and most insane manhunt of World War 2 was on, and Perry would become a Jungle King…
    The Most Frighteningly Deranged Figure of WW2 - The Jungle King Herman Perry’s heart hammered against his ribcage. He was cornered. Officer Harold Cady and two imposing US servicemen loomed before him, their silhouettes stark against the dense Burmese jungle. Perry’s mind raced as he confronted the grim reality of being taken back into the depths of the notorious Ledo military Stockade. Delirious on poppy, emotionally shattered, and driven by a fierce determination to evade the nightmarish conditions of the Stockade at any cost, Perry did the unthinkable and trained his rifle on Cady. To Perry, the thought of returning to that forced-labor, malaria-ridden hell, where he and other prisoners languished at the bottom of the pecking order, was inconceivable. In a broken shriek, Perry said: (QUOTE) “Get back!... Get Back!” Cady stepped forward anyway. Perry was shaking now, begging: (QUOTE) “Lieutenant, don’t come up on me.” Having fled the Stockade after his 90-day sentence for insubordination was unjustly extended, Perry now felt the oppressive weight of the sweltering jungle air, its humidity squeezing out the last remnants of sense he had left. As tears spilled down his face, he fired once, then one more time, and ran into the maddening embrace of the jungle towards a terrifying head-hunter tribe. The Greatest and most insane manhunt of World War 2 was on, and Perry would become a Jungle King…
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 167 Ansichten
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/homeschooling-is-still-gaining-popularitythanks-to-woke-educators/
    Homeschooling is Still Gaining Popularity…Thanks to Woke ‘Educators’ - The Washington Standard
    One of the few areas where liberty made gains in the COVID lockdown era was the increase in homeschooling. Many parents started homeschooling out of frustration with the failure of “virtual learning” to provide children with a quality education. Other parents withdrew their children from government schools when virtual learning ...
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 114 Ansichten
  • https://forex-strategy.com/2024/09/17/why-is-it-necessary-to-reduce-the-population-of-the-earth-the-real-reason/
    Why is it necessary to reduce the population of the Earth? The real reason!
    #usa #georgia #population #billgates #wef #politics #climatechange
    https://forex-strategy.com/2024/09/17/why-is-it-necessary-to-reduce-the-population-of-the-earth-the-real-reason/ Why is it necessary to reduce the population of the Earth? The real reason! #usa #georgia #population #billgates #wef #politics #climatechange
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 125 Ansichten

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