• The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war, hitting the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Nearly a quarter of a million people were instantly killed, while countless others suffered medical consequences for generations to come. There have been countless peace agreements and pledges to learn from past mistakes, but as the next world war rapidly approaches, Western Neocons have signaled that they would be willing to implode cities and civilizations.
    The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war, hitting the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Nearly a quarter of a million people were instantly killed, while countless others suffered medical consequences for generations to come. There have been countless peace agreements and pledges to learn from past mistakes, but as the next world war rapidly approaches, Western Neocons have signaled that they would be willing to implode cities and civilizations. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/neocons-favor-nuclear-war/
    Neocons Favor Nuclear War
    Japan has recently condemned US neocons for speaking favorably of nuclear war. The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war,
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 501 Visualizações
  • Oh boy, this is something I have thought about. If I went back in time to do it all over again, for one, I may not have ever met my wife and that is a chance I wouldn't take. But even so, given the same circumstances and the same knowledge and experience I had back then with the same life that lead me to it all, I would have done it all the same as I couldn't have known what I know now. I will think about these things and tell myself that it is utterly pointless to beat myself up over the past. I did what I did, knowing what I knew and that is that. Had I done it differently, being the imperfect man that I am, I just would have made different mistakes, perhaps I would have done even worse.
    Oh boy, this is something I have thought about. If I went back in time to do it all over again, for one, I may not have ever met my wife and that is a chance I wouldn't take. But even so, given the same circumstances and the same knowledge and experience I had back then with the same life that lead me to it all, I would have done it all the same as I couldn't have known what I know now. I will think about these things and tell myself that it is utterly pointless to beat myself up over the past. I did what I did, knowing what I knew and that is that. Had I done it differently, being the imperfect man that I am, I just would have made different mistakes, perhaps I would have done even worse.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 201 Visualizações
  • Mistakes Were Not Made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMev9zjNyHk&t=67s
    Mistakes Were Not Made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMev9zjNyHk&t=67s
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 100 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/france-blasted-for-failing-to-learn-from-uks-trans-mistakes-after-feminist-authors-targeted/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 311 Visualizações
  • I never ask the Father for "Things"
    I ask forgiveness, I ask for Him to "use my hands to do His will"
    I ask for guidance and strength for my body, mind, and spirit...

    I even ask for protection against the evil one and his minions!
    I ask for my message to be heard by those who can make a difference! I ask Him to protect my brothers and sisters....

    And mostly for the discernment I need to tell truth from fiction and to avoid the tricks and traps of the devil.... occasionally I may ask for healing of my old bones!

    But asking Him for a new truck, a house, a job all that stuff.... NO!
    I ask that he help me to survive and to do what is right and His will!

    He hears and helps when I really need it!
    That's good enough!

    If you are going to pray, pray selflessly!

    The Father is far too busy to right now to be dealing
    with people wanting worldly things and stuff!

    And by all means..... Offer a bit of PRAISE for all that you do have!
    I'd say He's tired of people blaming Him for their mistakes!
    The complaint department is DOWNSTAIRS!
    I never ask the Father for "Things" I ask forgiveness, I ask for Him to "use my hands to do His will" I ask for guidance and strength for my body, mind, and spirit... I even ask for protection against the evil one and his minions! I ask for my message to be heard by those who can make a difference! I ask Him to protect my brothers and sisters.... And mostly for the discernment I need to tell truth from fiction and to avoid the tricks and traps of the devil.... occasionally I may ask for healing of my old bones! But asking Him for a new truck, a house, a job all that stuff.... NO! I ask that he help me to survive and to do what is right and His will! He hears and helps when I really need it! That's good enough! If you are going to pray, pray selflessly! The Father is far too busy to right now to be dealing with people wanting worldly things and stuff! And by all means..... Offer a bit of PRAISE for all that you do have! I'd say He's tired of people blaming Him for their mistakes! The complaint department is DOWNSTAIRS!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 885 Visualizações
  • 10 Common Mistakes Beginner Archers Make…and how to fix each of them

    10 Common Mistakes Beginner Archers Make…and how to fix each of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkpYRAD4o7Y&list=TLPQMDUwNDIwMjTLudXnl4CBJA&index=15
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 184 Visualizações
  • https://www.globalresearch.ca/mistakes-misfiring-trident-britain-flawed-nuclear-deterrence/5851255
    Mistakes, Misfiring and Trident: Britain’s Flawed Nuclear Deterrence
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 311 Visualizações
  • (10 MISTAKES) When Buying Land...
    (10 MISTAKES) When Buying Land... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNLbPCYBSy4&list=TLPQMjQwMTIwMjQAIzOr9xrBGA&index=16
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 458 Visualizações
  • Where've I been?
    I have two books written. One is done editing, now I just need to figure out whether to go with a normal publisher, or publish it myself.

    The second is in editing, and coming along reasonably-well as I continue making the editing passes, adding details, fixing mistakes, smoothing out areas that read 'clunky' and tend to be jarring/break the reader's 'flow of enjoyment'...I dunnow what else to call it.

    The first is Lovecraftian, and pulls NO punches, at all. it's NOT 'hyper-gore' and such, that's not Lovecraftian, but there's experiences the two main characters have that don't soft-shoe the horrific nature of what's happening.

    The second is more conventional scifi, some sex scenes but nothing excessive and they're not gratuitous.

    I will state that neither are in any way 'Woke'.
    I Do Not Do 'Woke'.

    #scifi #lovecraft #horror #fiction
    Where've I been? I have two books written. One is done editing, now I just need to figure out whether to go with a normal publisher, or publish it myself. The second is in editing, and coming along reasonably-well as I continue making the editing passes, adding details, fixing mistakes, smoothing out areas that read 'clunky' and tend to be jarring/break the reader's 'flow of enjoyment'...I dunnow what else to call it. The first is Lovecraftian, and pulls NO punches, at all. it's NOT 'hyper-gore' and such, that's not Lovecraftian, but there's experiences the two main characters have that don't soft-shoe the horrific nature of what's happening. The second is more conventional scifi, some sex scenes but nothing excessive and they're not gratuitous. I will state that neither are in any way 'Woke'. I Do Not Do 'Woke'. #scifi #lovecraft #horror #fiction
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1855 Visualizações

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