• U.S. #AirForce has Become a Den of Debauchery - We watched as the usurper-in-chief, Barack Hussein #Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, ushered in open #sodomites, #lesbians and #transvestites before the American people... #trans #transgender - https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/u-s-air-force-has-become-a-den-of-debauchery/
    U.S. #AirForce has Become a Den of Debauchery - We watched as the usurper-in-chief, Barack Hussein #Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, ushered in open #sodomites, #lesbians and #transvestites before the American people... #trans #transgender - https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/u-s-air-force-has-become-a-den-of-debauchery/
    U.S. Air Force has Become a Den of Debauchery » Sons of Liberty Media
    We watched as the usurper-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, ushered in open sodomites, lesbians and transvestites before the American people, only to be followed by a man dubbed to be the “Most Pro-Gay President in American History.” But the doors were opened in the military for all sorts of lax in morales, including sodomy …
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  • https://medforth.biz/germany-gay-pedophile-activists-call-for-lesbians-to-be-removed-from-berlin-lgbt-museum-over-opposition-to-pedophilia/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2196 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/germany-gay-pedophile-activists-call-for-lesbians-to-be-removed-from-berlin-lgbt-museum-over-opposition-to-pedophilia/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2105 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/australian-human-rights-commission-decision-prohibits-female-only-events-for-lesbians/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 925 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/australian-human-rights-commission-decision-prohibits-female-only-events-for-lesbians/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 805 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/i-will-beat-you-until-you-die-black-man-threatens-to-kill-german-lesbians-in-shocking-video/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 503 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/i-will-beat-you-until-you-die-black-man-threatens-to-kill-german-lesbians-in-shocking-video/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 545 Views
  • What is "Legal" is NOT generally LAWFUL!
    The "Legal System" is the undoing of the Father's Law!

    Follow The #Law! Common Law, Natural Law, and God's Law...
    Follow YHWH's Law, Step out of the #Criminal Jurisdiction of the "legal system"

    The Legal System, Corporate Law, UCC, The law of money was created to protect the Criminals and limit liability!

    What is "Legal" has nothing to do with the law. It's a corrupt system which requires YOUR CONSENT and puts you under the law of the Sea, Admiralty Law


    Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 in Born Without Money

    In Chuck BALDWINS most recent post on FACEBOOK, he asks the question over and over, “What will we do,” in relation to the recent decision of homosexual marriage. Here is what I posted in response to his post.

    The answer to the question, “What will we do?” I think is hidden in one key word within your the first sentence, “What Caesar has demanded that we recognize the legal “right” of homosexuals and lesbians to “marry.” The KEY word that I speak of is the word LEGAL. Why? Even though the word legal is defined any many dictionaries and encyclopedias, the definitions are vague, confusing and most of all misdirect in misunderstanding of its true meaning and nature.

    Nevertheless, the most direct and strait forward definition that I have ever found for the word LEGAL is, “THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW.” [1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893] Think about the ramifications of this definition, as well as how plain and simple this definition is to not only get its proper meaning and intent, but to also clearly obtain insight into the activities of the world around us, and why things are being done the way that they are being done on a daily bases. It should no longer be of any wonder why the definition of this word has been obscured and hidden. This definition reveals the true objective of the LEGAL world of the dead to be to keep one embedded in a carnal mindset, which is enmity against The Most High God, Creator and Father.

    Now, what shall one do? Perhaps one can start with considering the connection between the legal world of the dead and the biblical admonishment to, “Let the dead bury the dead,” since corporations are of the world of the dead, and all governments are corporations. There obviously is some kind of connection. Furthermore, perhaps one can also consider why it behooves all to come out from such folly and be separate from the related unconscionable acts and deeds done only for the purpose of convenience. Folks, there is NO LOVE present when things are done for the sake of convenience. Likewise, if something is not done for the sake of it being inconvenient, it is no different, for it is without love and thus without keeping and fulfilling the two greatest commandments.

    Therefore, perhaps one should consider making a formal declaration for and on the PUBLIC RECORD to not only declare who they worship (in Spirit and Truth) but, to also define oneself according to LAW, not a frivolous LEGAL interpretation of Law and/or any of its definitions. Then, once such a declaration is a matter of record, it is possible that it can be used to serve notice upon all who attempt to trespass on them through assumption and/or presumption of that LEGAL WORLD that one has voluntarily elected to be under the governance of the legal world of the dead (other men/another manking 1SAM8) and all the legalities of its overwhelming statutes and codes (+60 million), which ultimately ends up with one paying tribute and homage unto Caesar. That’s Rome doing business as the UNITED STATES folks.

    Therefore, any such presumption and/or assumption is automatically declared to be null and void for willful negligent fraud unto the unconscionable act and deed of forcible conscription to violate the first of the 10-commandments; and is therefore, absent merit, absent consent, absent agreement, absent validity, absent honesty, absent mercy, absent honor, and most of all absent love.

    What is "Legal" is NOT generally LAWFUL! The "Legal System" is the undoing of the Father's Law! Follow The #Law! Common Law, Natural Law, and God's Law... Follow YHWH's Law, Step out of the #Criminal Jurisdiction of the "legal system" The Legal System, Corporate Law, UCC, The law of money was created to protect the Criminals and limit liability! What is "Legal" has nothing to do with the law. It's a corrupt system which requires YOUR CONSENT and puts you under the law of the Sea, Admiralty Law THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW – CAN YOU SEE IT? Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 in Born Without Money In Chuck BALDWINS most recent post on FACEBOOK, he asks the question over and over, “What will we do,” in relation to the recent decision of homosexual marriage. Here is what I posted in response to his post. The answer to the question, “What will we do?” I think is hidden in one key word within your the first sentence, “What Caesar has demanded that we recognize the legal “right” of homosexuals and lesbians to “marry.” The KEY word that I speak of is the word LEGAL. Why? Even though the word legal is defined any many dictionaries and encyclopedias, the definitions are vague, confusing and most of all misdirect in misunderstanding of its true meaning and nature. Nevertheless, the most direct and strait forward definition that I have ever found for the word LEGAL is, “THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW.” [1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893] Think about the ramifications of this definition, as well as how plain and simple this definition is to not only get its proper meaning and intent, but to also clearly obtain insight into the activities of the world around us, and why things are being done the way that they are being done on a daily bases. It should no longer be of any wonder why the definition of this word has been obscured and hidden. This definition reveals the true objective of the LEGAL world of the dead to be to keep one embedded in a carnal mindset, which is enmity against The Most High God, Creator and Father. Now, what shall one do? Perhaps one can start with considering the connection between the legal world of the dead and the biblical admonishment to, “Let the dead bury the dead,” since corporations are of the world of the dead, and all governments are corporations. There obviously is some kind of connection. Furthermore, perhaps one can also consider why it behooves all to come out from such folly and be separate from the related unconscionable acts and deeds done only for the purpose of convenience. Folks, there is NO LOVE present when things are done for the sake of convenience. Likewise, if something is not done for the sake of it being inconvenient, it is no different, for it is without love and thus without keeping and fulfilling the two greatest commandments. Therefore, perhaps one should consider making a formal declaration for and on the PUBLIC RECORD to not only declare who they worship (in Spirit and Truth) but, to also define oneself according to LAW, not a frivolous LEGAL interpretation of Law and/or any of its definitions. Then, once such a declaration is a matter of record, it is possible that it can be used to serve notice upon all who attempt to trespass on them through assumption and/or presumption of that LEGAL WORLD that one has voluntarily elected to be under the governance of the legal world of the dead (other men/another manking 1SAM8) and all the legalities of its overwhelming statutes and codes (+60 million), which ultimately ends up with one paying tribute and homage unto Caesar. That’s Rome doing business as the UNITED STATES folks. Therefore, any such presumption and/or assumption is automatically declared to be null and void for willful negligent fraud unto the unconscionable act and deed of forcible conscription to violate the first of the 10-commandments; and is therefore, absent merit, absent consent, absent agreement, absent validity, absent honesty, absent mercy, absent honor, and most of all absent love. https://onlashuk.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/the-undoing-of-gods-law-can-you-see-it/
    In Chuck BALDWINS most recent post on FACEBOOK, he asks the question over and over, “What will we do,” in relation to the recent decision of homosexual marriage. Here is what I posted …
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 4565 Views
  • The Supreme Court rules for a designer who doesn’t want to make wedding websites for gay couples

    WASHINGTON (AP) — In a defeat for gay rights, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled on Friday that a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-sex couples. One of the court’s liberal justices wrote in a dissent that the decision’s effect is to “mark gays and lesbians for second-class status” and that it opens the door to other discrimination.

    The court ruled 6-3 for designer Lorie Smith despite a Colorado law that bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, gender and other characteristics. Smith had argued that the law violates her free speech rights.

    Smith’s opponents warned that a win for her would allow a range of businesses to discriminate, refusing to serve Black, Jewish or Muslim cus
    The Supreme Court rules for a designer who doesn’t want to make wedding websites for gay couples https://local.newsbreak.com/colorado-state/3075943818166-the-supreme-court-rules-for-a-designer-who-doesnt-want-to-make-wedding-websites-for-gay-couples?s=dmg_local_email_bucket_4.web2_fromweb WASHINGTON (AP) — In a defeat for gay rights, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled on Friday that a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-sex couples. One of the court’s liberal justices wrote in a dissent that the decision’s effect is to “mark gays and lesbians for second-class status” and that it opens the door to other discrimination. The court ruled 6-3 for designer Lorie Smith despite a Colorado law that bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, gender and other characteristics. Smith had argued that the law violates her free speech rights. Smith’s opponents warned that a win for her would allow a range of businesses to discriminate, refusing to serve Black, Jewish or Muslim cus
    The Supreme Court rules for a designer who doesn’t want to make wedding websites for gay couples - NewsBreak
    In a defeat for gay rights, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled on Friday that a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-sex couples. (June 30) WASHINGTON (AP) — In a defeat for gay rights, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled...
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1030 Views
  • Israel has blessed the world with its laws taught to them by God.
    It has blessed the world with great inventions and technologies.
    It has blessed the world with good and righteous leaders like Deborah, Moses, Isaac, Hulda, Abraham, Josiah, David, Jacob, Asa, Solomon, Esther.
    Israel has proven historically that no matter how big the threat, no matter how dangerous the enemy, it won and the bad guys were taken down and the swamp was drained.
    Israel has blessed the world with great and noble prophets like Isaiah, Joel, Micah and Jeremiah.
    And the Lord going before the Jewish people in battle led by Gideon and David proved that to be true.
    People crossing north into Europe, south to Africa, east to Asia or west to Greece and Macedonia had to go through Israel, which was right in the centre hub of international traffic, and when they saw God's people, they saw people who were different from everyone else. Some of them desired to be different, too.
    That chance came and that prophecy was fulfilled according to the prophets Isaiah and Joel when God send us his own Son, Jesus Christ from Nazareth, the Saviour of the world and Israel's Messiah, because He loves us so much.
    Those who seek to be different will seek God to do so. 1 John 1:7
    Those who seek healing and redemption and deliverance from His Son will receive it. 1 Corinthians 4:20
    And this whose spirits need regenerating by His Holy Spirit will be reborn. John 3:16
    None of us are perfect. But Jesus perfect sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha paid the penalty of sin for us so we don't have to go to hell. He rose again and is making palaces for His believers. We are saved by His grace, not by our own works no matter how hard we try. Our sins are wiped clean from the slate, never to be remembered again. We as followers of the Master, become new creations. We can call on His Name and be born again. Washed in His blood, covered by His righteousness, illuminated by His Holy Spirit, we can follow His precepts, love, forgive, protect and defend, teach, preach, exhort, do exploits in His Name and ultimately be in heaven with Him after we're dead.
    And the devil is a defeated enemy, whose teeth were broken at the cross, so he cannot defeat us when we receive the Messiah to ourselves.
    There is a reason that many churches were planted by the apostle Paul in Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, Italy and Spain, by his own hand and by others working with him.
    Not only the seven churches referred to in prophecy in the APOCALYPSE but many other churches referred to in his letters to the believers throughout the Graeco-Roman world.
    God wanted to save the peoples all over the world, and that included a tiny little island east of Rome, south of Thessalonika, Troas and Philippi, west of Jerusalem, Antioch and Damascus, and north of Miletus and Ethiopia.
    It was the Isle of Lesbos.
    It has area of 1,633 km (631 sq mi), with approximately 400 kilometres (249 miles) of coastline. It is separated from Asia Minor (now Turkey) by the narrow Mytilini Strait. The island is widely known as the home of the ancient Greek poet Sappho, from whose association with homosexuality the word lesbian derives its modern meaning. It is also sometimes called the "Island of the Poets". The name Lesbos means "forested," or "woody." But the word ‘lesbian’ is derived from that same name because of the writings of Sappho.
    The writer Sappho has been perceived as other than heterosexual, though many of her works have been lost. However, there is a sculpted head of a woman from the Glyptothek in Munich, Germany, identified as "probably" a copy of Silanion's 4th-century BC imaginative portrait of Sappho ; there is a vase with the image of Sappho, circa 510 BC, in the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland.
    This little island was surrounded by no less than six countries where the early Chistian churches were planted, and the Good News was spreading westward from Israel to Asia Minor (Turkey), Greece, Macedonia, Thrace (now Bulgaria and Romania), eastward to Syria and Jordan, the north of Africa (Egypt and Ethiopia), the south of Russia (north of Turkey), and then further west to Germania (Germany), Gaul (France), Spain, Italy, Britain, Belgae (Belgium) and Hibernia (Ireland).
    Then it would spread further west to the Americas, including Canada and Latin America, and further east to Asia including Japan and Australia, further south into South Africa.
    Lesbos prospered from trade, and Mytilene was considered the busiest port in the Aegean Sea. And it later had both Christian and Muslim populations.
    Remember, this is Gay Pride Month. Some LGBTQI2S+ may be celebrating Sappho and the isle of Lesbos.
    It is not an accident that in the Graeco-Roman world, the apostle Paul spoke of the same-sex behaviours and abominable sexual depravity enumerated in Romans 1:20-32. If such detestable behaviour didn't exist in the Greek and Roman Empires, why would he address it?
    If, while speaking at the Aeropagus, a prominent rock outcropping located northwest of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, at Mars Hill, other gods in the Pantheon were not being worshipped alongside the altar inscribed "to the unknown God" as described in Acts 17:23, why would he address it?
    If going after strange flesh did not occur in Israel as described in Jude 1:7 why would Jude, the Lord's own brother, address it?
    If Jesus -- according to some gays and lesbians and transsexuals disputing the historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah -- is said to have not known anything about homosexual behaviour in the Old Testament and therefore never spoke on the subject of homosexuality because He wasn't born yet at the time Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the map in a firestorm described in Genesis 17:18-19, why would He say, "Before Abraham was, I AM" in John 8:58, and why would He say in Luke 10:18, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven"?
    If so-called gay Christians insist Jesus never spoke against homosexuals and lesbians in the Graeco-Roman world, because He didn't know what happened in Israel under righteous kings Josiah (2 Kings 23:7-8), Asa (1 Kings 15:11-13) and Jehoshaphat (1 King 22:46), and He wasn't there when they took down the altars and deported the sodomites from Israel, why would He say He was one with the Father (John 10:30) and being one with the Father, by definition, is seeing and witnessing the same things the Father saw and witnessed before the Messiah came to earth in human form in Bethlehem, Israel?
    Think about it.
    Israel has blessed the world with its laws taught to them by God. It has blessed the world with great inventions and technologies. It has blessed the world with good and righteous leaders like Deborah, Moses, Isaac, Hulda, Abraham, Josiah, David, Jacob, Asa, Solomon, Esther. Israel has proven historically that no matter how big the threat, no matter how dangerous the enemy, it won and the bad guys were taken down and the swamp was drained. Israel has blessed the world with great and noble prophets like Isaiah, Joel, Micah and Jeremiah. And the Lord going before the Jewish people in battle led by Gideon and David proved that to be true. People crossing north into Europe, south to Africa, east to Asia or west to Greece and Macedonia had to go through Israel, which was right in the centre hub of international traffic, and when they saw God's people, they saw people who were different from everyone else. Some of them desired to be different, too. That chance came and that prophecy was fulfilled according to the prophets Isaiah and Joel when God send us his own Son, Jesus Christ from Nazareth, the Saviour of the world and Israel's Messiah, because He loves us so much. Those who seek to be different will seek God to do so. 1 John 1:7 Those who seek healing and redemption and deliverance from His Son will receive it. 1 Corinthians 4:20 And this whose spirits need regenerating by His Holy Spirit will be reborn. John 3:16 None of us are perfect. But Jesus perfect sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha paid the penalty of sin for us so we don't have to go to hell. He rose again and is making palaces for His believers. We are saved by His grace, not by our own works no matter how hard we try. Our sins are wiped clean from the slate, never to be remembered again. We as followers of the Master, become new creations. We can call on His Name and be born again. Washed in His blood, covered by His righteousness, illuminated by His Holy Spirit, we can follow His precepts, love, forgive, protect and defend, teach, preach, exhort, do exploits in His Name and ultimately be in heaven with Him after we're dead. And the devil is a defeated enemy, whose teeth were broken at the cross, so he cannot defeat us when we receive the Messiah to ourselves. There is a reason that many churches were planted by the apostle Paul in Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, Italy and Spain, by his own hand and by others working with him. Not only the seven churches referred to in prophecy in the APOCALYPSE but many other churches referred to in his letters to the believers throughout the Graeco-Roman world. God wanted to save the peoples all over the world, and that included a tiny little island east of Rome, south of Thessalonika, Troas and Philippi, west of Jerusalem, Antioch and Damascus, and north of Miletus and Ethiopia. It was the Isle of Lesbos. It has area of 1,633 km (631 sq mi), with approximately 400 kilometres (249 miles) of coastline. It is separated from Asia Minor (now Turkey) by the narrow Mytilini Strait. The island is widely known as the home of the ancient Greek poet Sappho, from whose association with homosexuality the word lesbian derives its modern meaning. It is also sometimes called the "Island of the Poets". The name Lesbos means "forested," or "woody." But the word ‘lesbian’ is derived from that same name because of the writings of Sappho. The writer Sappho has been perceived as other than heterosexual, though many of her works have been lost. However, there is a sculpted head of a woman from the Glyptothek in Munich, Germany, identified as "probably" a copy of Silanion's 4th-century BC imaginative portrait of Sappho ; there is a vase with the image of Sappho, circa 510 BC, in the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland. This little island was surrounded by no less than six countries where the early Chistian churches were planted, and the Good News was spreading westward from Israel to Asia Minor (Turkey), Greece, Macedonia, Thrace (now Bulgaria and Romania), eastward to Syria and Jordan, the north of Africa (Egypt and Ethiopia), the south of Russia (north of Turkey), and then further west to Germania (Germany), Gaul (France), Spain, Italy, Britain, Belgae (Belgium) and Hibernia (Ireland). Then it would spread further west to the Americas, including Canada and Latin America, and further east to Asia including Japan and Australia, further south into South Africa. Lesbos prospered from trade, and Mytilene was considered the busiest port in the Aegean Sea. And it later had both Christian and Muslim populations. THERE IS STILL WORK TO BE DONE IN THAT REGION. Remember, this is Gay Pride Month. Some LGBTQI2S+ may be celebrating Sappho and the isle of Lesbos. It is not an accident that in the Graeco-Roman world, the apostle Paul spoke of the same-sex behaviours and abominable sexual depravity enumerated in Romans 1:20-32. If such detestable behaviour didn't exist in the Greek and Roman Empires, why would he address it? If, while speaking at the Aeropagus, a prominent rock outcropping located northwest of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, at Mars Hill, other gods in the Pantheon were not being worshipped alongside the altar inscribed "to the unknown God" as described in Acts 17:23, why would he address it? If going after strange flesh did not occur in Israel as described in Jude 1:7 why would Jude, the Lord's own brother, address it? If Jesus -- according to some gays and lesbians and transsexuals disputing the historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah -- is said to have not known anything about homosexual behaviour in the Old Testament and therefore never spoke on the subject of homosexuality because He wasn't born yet at the time Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the map in a firestorm described in Genesis 17:18-19, why would He say, "Before Abraham was, I AM" in John 8:58, and why would He say in Luke 10:18, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven"? If so-called gay Christians insist Jesus never spoke against homosexuals and lesbians in the Graeco-Roman world, because He didn't know what happened in Israel under righteous kings Josiah (2 Kings 23:7-8), Asa (1 Kings 15:11-13) and Jehoshaphat (1 King 22:46), and He wasn't there when they took down the altars and deported the sodomites from Israel, why would He say He was one with the Father (John 10:30) and being one with the Father, by definition, is seeing and witnessing the same things the Father saw and witnessed before the Messiah came to earth in human form in Bethlehem, Israel? Think about it.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 8077 Views
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