• That Americans paid hundreds of billions of dollars more for their fuels under Biden, That the auto industry is stuck with vast inventories of money-losing electric vehicles that the public does not want, And that the Entire Economy has been Destroyed by Bidens Counterproductive Green New Scam were considered worth the cost of Destroying America & Alienating It's Citizens in the Minds of the Anti-American Biden Regime.
    That Americans paid hundreds of billions of dollars more for their fuels under Biden, That the auto industry is stuck with vast inventories of money-losing electric vehicles that the public does not want, And that the Entire Economy has been Destroyed by Bidens Counterproductive Green New Scam were considered worth the cost of Destroying America & Alienating It's Citizens in the Minds of the Anti-American Biden Regime. https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/24/the-logic-in-all-the-madness/
    The Logic in All the Madness
    Most Americans believe it is unhinged to deliberately destroy the border and allow 10 million illegal aliens to enter the country without background audits, means of support, any claims to legal…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 275 Vue
  • The Genetics Of Coffee
    The genetics of coffee is a fascinating and complex field that explores the hereditary and molecular characteristics of coffee plants. Two main species dominate the commercial coffee industry: Coffea arabica (Arabica) and Coffea canephora (Robusta). Here's an overview of the key aspects of coffee genetics:

    1. Species and Varieties
    Coffea arabica (Arabica):

    Genetic Makeup: Arabica coffee is a tetraploid (possesses four sets of chromosomes) with 44 chromosomes. It is a result of a cross between two diploid species, Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora.
    Varieties: Arabica coffee has numerous varieties such as Bourbon, Typica, Geisha, SL28, and SL34, each with unique genetic traits influencing flavor, yield, and disease resistance.
    Coffea canephora (Robusta):

    Genetic Makeup: Robusta coffee is a diploid species with 22 chromosomes.
    Varieties: Robusta varieties are generally more resistant to pests and diseases compared to Arabica but are often considered less flavorful. Key varieties include Kouillou and Congensis.
    2. Genomic Studies
    Arabica Genome: Sequencing the genome of Arabica has been challenging due to its tetraploid nature. However, recent advances have made it possible to identify genes associated with disease resistance, caffeine production, and quality traits.
    Robusta Genome: The genome of Robusta has been sequenced, providing insights into genes related to stress resistance, yield, and biochemical pathways involved in flavor and aroma.
    3. Breeding and Hybridization
    Traditional Breeding: Involves selecting plants with desirable traits and cross-breeding them to produce improved varieties. This process is time-consuming and requires several generations to achieve stable traits.
    Hybrid Varieties: New hybrids such as Arabusta (a cross between Arabica and Robusta) combine the favorable traits of both species, such as improved disease resistance from Robusta and better flavor profiles from Arabica.
    Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS): Uses molecular markers linked to desirable traits to accelerate the breeding process by selecting plants with the desired genes at an early stage.
    4. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
    CRISPR/Cas9: This gene-editing technology holds potential for precise modifications in the coffee genome, such as enhancing disease resistance, improving flavor, and increasing yield.
    Transgenic Approaches: Though controversial and subject to regulatory approval, transgenic techniques can introduce new genes into coffee plants to confer desirable traits, such as pest resistance or improved environmental adaptability.
    5. Challenges and Future Directions
    Climate Change: Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns threaten coffee production. Genetic research aims to develop varieties that are more resilient to these changes.
    Disease Resistance: Diseases like coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum kahawae) are major threats. Identifying and incorporating resistant genes into new varieties is a priority.
    Flavor and Quality: Genetics plays a crucial role in determining the flavor profile of coffee. Research focuses on understanding the genetic basis of flavor compounds and breeding varieties with superior taste.
    The genetics of coffee is a rapidly evolving field that combines traditional breeding methods with modern genomic and biotechnological approaches. Advances in this area promise to enhance coffee quality, yield, and sustainability, ensuring the future of one of the world's most beloved beverages.

    The Genetics Of Coffee The genetics of coffee is a fascinating and complex field that explores the hereditary and molecular characteristics of coffee plants. Two main species dominate the commercial coffee industry: Coffea arabica (Arabica) and Coffea canephora (Robusta). Here's an overview of the key aspects of coffee genetics: 1. Species and Varieties Coffea arabica (Arabica): Genetic Makeup: Arabica coffee is a tetraploid (possesses four sets of chromosomes) with 44 chromosomes. It is a result of a cross between two diploid species, Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora. Varieties: Arabica coffee has numerous varieties such as Bourbon, Typica, Geisha, SL28, and SL34, each with unique genetic traits influencing flavor, yield, and disease resistance. Coffea canephora (Robusta): Genetic Makeup: Robusta coffee is a diploid species with 22 chromosomes. Varieties: Robusta varieties are generally more resistant to pests and diseases compared to Arabica but are often considered less flavorful. Key varieties include Kouillou and Congensis. 2. Genomic Studies Arabica Genome: Sequencing the genome of Arabica has been challenging due to its tetraploid nature. However, recent advances have made it possible to identify genes associated with disease resistance, caffeine production, and quality traits. Robusta Genome: The genome of Robusta has been sequenced, providing insights into genes related to stress resistance, yield, and biochemical pathways involved in flavor and aroma. 3. Breeding and Hybridization Traditional Breeding: Involves selecting plants with desirable traits and cross-breeding them to produce improved varieties. This process is time-consuming and requires several generations to achieve stable traits. Hybrid Varieties: New hybrids such as Arabusta (a cross between Arabica and Robusta) combine the favorable traits of both species, such as improved disease resistance from Robusta and better flavor profiles from Arabica. Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS): Uses molecular markers linked to desirable traits to accelerate the breeding process by selecting plants with the desired genes at an early stage. 4. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology CRISPR/Cas9: This gene-editing technology holds potential for precise modifications in the coffee genome, such as enhancing disease resistance, improving flavor, and increasing yield. Transgenic Approaches: Though controversial and subject to regulatory approval, transgenic techniques can introduce new genes into coffee plants to confer desirable traits, such as pest resistance or improved environmental adaptability. 5. Challenges and Future Directions Climate Change: Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns threaten coffee production. Genetic research aims to develop varieties that are more resilient to these changes. Disease Resistance: Diseases like coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum kahawae) are major threats. Identifying and incorporating resistant genes into new varieties is a priority. Flavor and Quality: Genetics plays a crucial role in determining the flavor profile of coffee. Research focuses on understanding the genetic basis of flavor compounds and breeding varieties with superior taste. Conclusion The genetics of coffee is a rapidly evolving field that combines traditional breeding methods with modern genomic and biotechnological approaches. Advances in this area promise to enhance coffee quality, yield, and sustainability, ensuring the future of one of the world's most beloved beverages.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 596 Vue
  • MUST WATCH - VERY INFORMATIVE https://www.prageru.com/video/big-tech-censorship-an-industry-developed-by-the-government?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_10227701
    MUST WATCH - VERY INFORMATIVE https://www.prageru.com/video/big-tech-censorship-an-industry-developed-by-the-government?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_10227701
    Big Tech Censorship: An Industry Developed by the Government | PragerU
    Are America’s intelligence agencies being used to silence citizens and influence elections? Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom and a…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 192 Vue
  • Operation destroy the airline industry is well underway. (7 min, 8 sec)
    Operation destroy the airline industry is well underway. (7 min, 8 sec) https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/131572
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 77 Vue 3

    FIRST OF ALL.... #Fluoride is NOT a "medicine"

    I dare you to look up the #MSDS of Fluoride!
    It's so TOXIC in fact, that people who handle it are REQUIRED to wear a "moon suit" (Like the suit NASA fakers wore when they FAKED the moon landing)

    Fluoride is so toxic that 100% of your body must be covered up, as forced air is pumped into the suit, ensuring that none of this TOXIC CHEMICAL WASTE can get into the suit via the air supply

    There are lots of people who claim that we have people and children consuming "Uncontrolled amounts of medication" via their drinking water... which would be true IF fluoride was a medication... IT'S NOT! It's a TOXIC waste product of mining

    But let's say that fluoride actually is a "medicine"
    How many "medicines" are dumped into the WATER SUPPLY so that people who drink water all day long every day consume uncontrolled amounts of it???

    That is INSANITY!
    But fluoride is NOT A "MEDICINE" it's a toxic by-product of the mining industry!!!

    So toxic in fact, that it's treated JUST LIKE "nuclear waste"

    So when you make your newborn baby a bottle, it has TOXIC CHEMICAL WASTE in the water you are using! And that toxic chemical waste WILL destroy your ability to THINK and to rationalize. It will make YOU into an "obedient #Slave"

    And THAT is exactly why it's in YOUR WATER SUPPLY!
    The people who put it there are Criminals who are poisoning mankind!

    WHY IS IT..... Do you think.... That when discussing this subject I ALWAYS think about the stories of the #Jews who POISONED PEOPLE'S WELLS in days gone by???

    WHY would I conflate these two things do you suppose?

    WINNING THE FLUORIDE FIGHT - #SOLUTIONSWATCH FIRST OF ALL.... #Fluoride is NOT a "medicine" Fluoride is a TOXIC CHEMICAL WASTE PRODUCT OF THE MINING INDUSTRY! I dare you to look up the #MSDS of Fluoride! It's so TOXIC in fact, that people who handle it are REQUIRED to wear a "moon suit" (Like the suit NASA fakers wore when they FAKED the moon landing) Fluoride is so toxic that 100% of your body must be covered up, as forced air is pumped into the suit, ensuring that none of this TOXIC CHEMICAL WASTE can get into the suit via the air supply There are lots of people who claim that we have people and children consuming "Uncontrolled amounts of medication" via their drinking water... which would be true IF fluoride was a medication... IT'S NOT! It's a TOXIC waste product of mining But let's say that fluoride actually is a "medicine" How many "medicines" are dumped into the WATER SUPPLY so that people who drink water all day long every day consume uncontrolled amounts of it??? That is INSANITY! But fluoride is NOT A "MEDICINE" it's a toxic by-product of the mining industry!!! So toxic in fact, that it's treated JUST LIKE "nuclear waste" So when you make your newborn baby a bottle, it has TOXIC CHEMICAL WASTE in the water you are using! And that toxic chemical waste WILL destroy your ability to THINK and to rationalize. It will make YOU into an "obedient #Slave" And THAT is exactly why it's in YOUR WATER SUPPLY! The people who put it there are Criminals who are poisoning mankind! WHY IS IT..... Do you think.... That when discussing this subject I ALWAYS think about the stories of the #Jews who POISONED PEOPLE'S WELLS in days gone by??? WHY would I conflate these two things do you suppose? https://www.bitchute.com/video/819V6ZaR67r9/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 634 Vue
  • Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

    In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .”

    Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.”

    Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.”

    Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.” Kingston adds all co-conspirators can be sued for their role in hiding the truth about the CV19 injections from the public at a later time.

    Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.”

    In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world, and they want the laws to go away. They think they are the good guys.”
    Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v52f0dg-kansas-ag-pfizer-lawsuit-will-stop-cv19-bioweapon-vax-industry-karen-kingst.html In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .” Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.” Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.” Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.” Kingston adds all co-conspirators can be sued for their role in hiding the truth about the CV19 injections from the public at a later time. Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.” In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world, and they want the laws to go away. They think they are the good guys.”
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 933 Vue
  • In the video I watched it was claimed that "50,000 people a year go to the hospital with table-saw related injuries"

    So f*cking what???
    Statistics are how you are SUCKERED into agreeing with BS!

    More people than that choke on their dinner!
    Even more than that fall while going down stairs!

    In a world with 8 BILLION PEOPLE........
    There are very few things that don't hospitalize 50,000 people a year! It SOUNDS like a lot of people, and it is......

    But out of 8 BILLION it's a fraction of a percent!

    THIS is exactly how you get scammed over and over again!

    So these people are proposing to force manufacturers of
    TABLE SAWS into implementing a bunch of BS to triple the price of the product while putting smaller manufacturers out of business

    It's nothing more than monopolizing an industry!
    And they'll end up FORCING all small manufacturers to pay a "licensing fee" to use some existing GIANT CORPORATION'S safety device tech, so that like Microsoft... they get a piece of every saw sold... Like Microsoft does with computers!

    IT's A SCAM!
    Just like the CORPORATION people call "government"

    In the video I watched it was claimed that "50,000 people a year go to the hospital with table-saw related injuries" So f*cking what??? Statistics are how you are SUCKERED into agreeing with BS! More people than that choke on their dinner! Even more than that fall while going down stairs! In a world with 8 BILLION PEOPLE........ There are very few things that don't hospitalize 50,000 people a year! It SOUNDS like a lot of people, and it is...... But out of 8 BILLION it's a fraction of a percent! THIS is exactly how you get scammed over and over again! So these people are proposing to force manufacturers of TABLE SAWS into implementing a bunch of BS to triple the price of the product while putting smaller manufacturers out of business It's nothing more than monopolizing an industry! And they'll end up FORCING all small manufacturers to pay a "licensing fee" to use some existing GIANT CORPORATION'S safety device tech, so that like Microsoft... they get a piece of every saw sold... Like Microsoft does with computers! IT's A SCAM! Just like the CORPORATION people call "government" https://youtu.be/kb6LRfGhr_g
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 380 Vue
  • https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/18/disease-drought-and-fruit-switching-orange-juice-industry-in-crisis.html
    Disease, drought and alternative fruits: The orange juice industry is in crisis
    The crisis has even prompted some orange juice manufacturers and blenders to explore whether alternative fruits can be used to make the breakfast staple.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 186 Vue
  • Every day, in every way, YOU are being led to destruction!

    If you are "getting along" in this world, it's because this world has blinded your eyes, deafened your ears, and jaded your heart

    I'm NOT preaching, I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE!

    Less than 4 years ago I was blinded by the world!

    I believed in the fairy tales, actually thought that "government" was real, and my eyes could not discern the #Truth which was right in front of them!

    I've always been a "Believer" in the word of Yah...
    But I never realized how relevant it was in my life every day...

    One day I realized that I needed some help
    And I got on my knees and asked for forgiveness of my sins,
    and I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High...

    The following day my eyes were opened
    And I'm not talking about my eyesight improving!

    I'm talking about becoming able to actually SEE with my eyes
    and to actually HEAR with my ears... And I suddenly realized that EVERY WORD spoken in the bible about #Satan being the "god of this world" were demonstrably true and correct

    Before that point in time I THOUGHT that I had a pretty good handle on "reality" and the world around me, boy was I wrong!

    Once your eyes are truly opened you will be able to SEE that Satan literally controls every aspect of this realm, and has deceived EVERYONE who has not been saved, and the mark of their Creator placed on them for protection!

    Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, the Vatican, Knights of Malta, #Hollywood, the Music Industry, every "secret society" that exists
    ALL WORK FOR SATAN and help him to DECEIVE YOU!

    You have been thoroughly BRAINWASHED, and you have literally had "Spells cast upon you" by these people! I KNOW that I was!

    And I don't believe that I'd have ever opened my eyes, or even would have had the ability to discern ANY OF THESE THINGS without the Most High's help!

    Having 20'20 spiritual vision is such a blessing!
    I don't have the vocabulary to truly express how it has changed me, and changed my life.

    Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:

    24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

    Praise the Most High!
    Put your faith and trust in Him, and EVERYTHING CHANGES
    Every day, in every way, YOU are being led to destruction! If you are "getting along" in this world, it's because this world has blinded your eyes, deafened your ears, and jaded your heart I'm NOT preaching, I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE! Less than 4 years ago I was blinded by the world! I believed in the fairy tales, actually thought that "government" was real, and my eyes could not discern the #Truth which was right in front of them! I've always been a "Believer" in the word of Yah... But I never realized how relevant it was in my life every day... One day I realized that I needed some help And I got on my knees and asked for forgiveness of my sins, and I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High... The following day my eyes were opened And I'm not talking about my eyesight improving! I'm talking about becoming able to actually SEE with my eyes and to actually HEAR with my ears... And I suddenly realized that EVERY WORD spoken in the bible about #Satan being the "god of this world" were demonstrably true and correct Before that point in time I THOUGHT that I had a pretty good handle on "reality" and the world around me, boy was I wrong! Once your eyes are truly opened you will be able to SEE that Satan literally controls every aspect of this realm, and has deceived EVERYONE who has not been saved, and the mark of their Creator placed on them for protection! Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, the Vatican, Knights of Malta, #Hollywood, the Music Industry, every "secret society" that exists ALL WORK FOR SATAN and help him to DECEIVE YOU! You have been thoroughly BRAINWASHED, and you have literally had "Spells cast upon you" by these people! I KNOW that I was! And I don't believe that I'd have ever opened my eyes, or even would have had the ability to discern ANY OF THESE THINGS without the Most High's help! Having 20'20 spiritual vision is such a blessing! I don't have the vocabulary to truly express how it has changed me, and changed my life. Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Praise the Most High! Put your faith and trust in Him, and EVERYTHING CHANGES
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 696 Vue
  • The WHO, MSM & A growing Pandemic Industry had been waiting for this inevitable event, testing and screening, as it is critical to perhaps the largest business scheme in human history. There are hundreds of billions on the table, and the will and means to take it. This inevitability is not so much because it is a real and existential threat, but rather because the industry – the financial-Pharma-media-public health complex that has arisen before and through Covid – needs it.
    The WHO, MSM & A growing Pandemic Industry had been waiting for this inevitable event, testing and screening, as it is critical to perhaps the largest business scheme in human history. There are hundreds of billions on the table, and the will and means to take it. This inevitability is not so much because it is a real and existential threat, but rather because the industry – the financial-Pharma-media-public health complex that has arisen before and through Covid – needs it. https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/14/the-who-is-desperate-for-another-pandemic/
    The WHO is Desperate for Another Pandemic – The Daily Sceptic
    The WHO is desperate for another pandemic, says Dr David Bell, and seems determined that bird flu is going to be it. So much is riding on it coming along that you can be sure it will.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 428 Vue
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