People have been so thoroughly BRAINWASHED by their #Rockefeller funded indoctrination center ( their #Schools ) they have no idea how pathetic the history of #NASA is!

    It's nothing more than #Kabbalah worshiping #Wizards
    using deception to literally cast spells on you!

    The bible warned you about these things....
    But you assumed they were speaking to "someone else"

    YOU could never be fooled by #Satan worshiping Wizards!
    NO WAY!

    Well... I have news for YOU partner...
    If you believe that NASA is anything other than a group of Satanic Deceivers indoctrinating you into a Satanic #Cult... Then they've already cast their spell on you!

    THIS was NASA's first attempt to lie to the American people!

    NASA'S FIRST ATTEMPT AT FAKING "OUTER SPACE" People have been so thoroughly BRAINWASHED by their #Rockefeller funded indoctrination center ( their #Schools ) they have no idea how pathetic the history of #NASA is! It's nothing more than #Kabbalah worshiping #Wizards using deception to literally cast spells on you! The bible warned you about these things.... But you assumed they were speaking to "someone else" YOU could never be fooled by #Satan worshiping Wizards! NO WAY! Well... I have news for YOU partner... If you believe that NASA is anything other than a group of Satanic Deceivers indoctrinating you into a Satanic #Cult... Then they've already cast their spell on you! THIS was NASA's first attempt to lie to the American people! PATHETIC! https://www.bitchute.com/video/tqB5uKITb51k/
    NASA's First Attempt At Faking "Outer Space"
    I see now why NASA grifters decided stars aren't visible from space 😂😂😂
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 690 مشاهدة
  • UN Plans Tyrannical Future for You – Alex Newman, Greg Hunter

    Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine. Newman explains, “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September . . . and they are having ‘The Summit of the Future.’ They are telling us they are going to bring out radical drastic reforms in the structure of the UN . . . and the power of the UN. Think of it as the biggest power grab ever at the global level. The Secretary General of the UN (António Guterres) has put out briefs where he is calling for the UN to be the one world global dictatorship with him at the helm. In emergencies, the UN would have all power in emergencies and have all power to oversee emergency response. . . . They say the crisis could be a climate crisis, an economic crisis, environmental crisis, pandemic crisis, black swan crisis or maybe something from outer space. So, basically, anything could be a crisis, and when the Secretary General declares a crisis, all power and authority would go to the UN. This is like a blank check on the wealth and liberty on every person on the planet, and this is coming soon. It is eminent. This is coming in September at the UN, and it is a power grab of historic proportions. They know their time is short, and they are going for the big enchilada here. This is really a summit for a tyrannical future. . . . They want control of every aspect of your life.”

    If you think the “depopulation” or murder program by the Deep State is some sort of conspiracy theory or myth, think again. Newman says, “One of the interesting things about going to the UN conferences is they are totally open and totally transparent about the fact that they think there are way too many of us on this planet. We are taking up their space and consuming their resources. They say this openly. They say there are way too many people having way too many babies, and we have to drastically cut back on the number of people on the planet. They have a whole agency dedicated to this called the UN Population Fund.”

    One sure fire way to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time is war. Newman says, “They have understood, the globalists, the Deep State, the evil doers and the sick cabal, have understood for a very long time that war was the best mechanism for bringing about their totalitarian one world government. This is not speculation on my part. This is what they say. Their game plan is war, famine, energy crisis and economic crisis. These are all tools and catalysts for accelerating this agenda. If millions of people die in a third world war, and it does not matter if it is Iran and Israel, or China and Tiawan, or Ukraine and Russia, it really does not matter, they want millions and millions of people dead so people will give up their attachment to the nation state, self-government and individual liberty and give up anything, money or freedom, anything to make it stop.”

    Don’t lose hope because Newman also talks about all the things you can do to not comply with tyranny. Newman also points out what state and local governments can do and are doing to resist this UN total control of everything. Newman says, “We are at war, and everyone needs to put on the full armor of God.”
    UN Plans Tyrannical Future for You – Alex Newman, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v4qgrbh-un-plans-tyrannical-future-for-you-alex-newman.html Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine. Newman explains, “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September . . . and they are having ‘The Summit of the Future.’ They are telling us they are going to bring out radical drastic reforms in the structure of the UN . . . and the power of the UN. Think of it as the biggest power grab ever at the global level. The Secretary General of the UN (António Guterres) has put out briefs where he is calling for the UN to be the one world global dictatorship with him at the helm. In emergencies, the UN would have all power in emergencies and have all power to oversee emergency response. . . . They say the crisis could be a climate crisis, an economic crisis, environmental crisis, pandemic crisis, black swan crisis or maybe something from outer space. So, basically, anything could be a crisis, and when the Secretary General declares a crisis, all power and authority would go to the UN. This is like a blank check on the wealth and liberty on every person on the planet, and this is coming soon. It is eminent. This is coming in September at the UN, and it is a power grab of historic proportions. They know their time is short, and they are going for the big enchilada here. This is really a summit for a tyrannical future. . . . They want control of every aspect of your life.” If you think the “depopulation” or murder program by the Deep State is some sort of conspiracy theory or myth, think again. Newman says, “One of the interesting things about going to the UN conferences is they are totally open and totally transparent about the fact that they think there are way too many of us on this planet. We are taking up their space and consuming their resources. They say this openly. They say there are way too many people having way too many babies, and we have to drastically cut back on the number of people on the planet. They have a whole agency dedicated to this called the UN Population Fund.” One sure fire way to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time is war. Newman says, “They have understood, the globalists, the Deep State, the evil doers and the sick cabal, have understood for a very long time that war was the best mechanism for bringing about their totalitarian one world government. This is not speculation on my part. This is what they say. Their game plan is war, famine, energy crisis and economic crisis. These are all tools and catalysts for accelerating this agenda. If millions of people die in a third world war, and it does not matter if it is Iran and Israel, or China and Tiawan, or Ukraine and Russia, it really does not matter, they want millions and millions of people dead so people will give up their attachment to the nation state, self-government and individual liberty and give up anything, money or freedom, anything to make it stop.” Don’t lose hope because Newman also talks about all the things you can do to not comply with tyranny. Newman also points out what state and local governments can do and are doing to resist this UN total control of everything. Newman says, “We are at war, and everyone needs to put on the full armor of God.”
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1771 مشاهدة
  • The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children
    The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children https://new.americanprophet.org/the-programming-of-ai-and-the-indoctrinating-of-our-children/
    The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children
    Destructive ideology is being utilized to program AI, influence culture's thinking, and indoctrinate children, posing a significant threat to our society.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 369 مشاهدة
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/indoctrinating-our-children-to-death-public-schools-are-incompatible-with-the-bible-with-alex-newman-video/
    Indoctrinating Our Children To Death: Public Schools Are Incompatible With The Bible With Alex Newman (Video) - The Washington Standard
    Journalist and author Alex Newman joins me in this episode to expose what is really going on in public schools, and it’s been going on for some time. However, the solution is quite simple if parents would merely follow the biblical commands found in Deuteronomy 6:1-9, along with multiple exhortations ...
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 269 مشاهدة
  • Transgender Satanic Video Game is WAY To Much Fun: Bhaal-ders Gate

    Some pretty weird stuff!
    Indoctrinating children and adults alike!

    The amount of Satanism in video games is unreal

    Transgender Satanic Video Game is WAY To Much Fun: Bhaal-ders Gate Some pretty weird stuff! Indoctrinating children and adults alike! The amount of Satanism in video games is unreal https://rumble.com/v4atpzn-transgender-satanic-video-game-is-way-to-much-fun-bhaal-ders-gate.html
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 580 مشاهدة
  • Video: Rogan Says California School Tried Indoctrinating 5-year-old Daughter Into ‘Woke, Guilt-Ridden Ideology’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-rogan-says-california-school-tried-indoctrinating-5-year-old-daughter-into-woke-guilt-ridden-ideology
    Video: Rogan Says California School Tried Indoctrinating 5-year-old Daughter Into ‘Woke, Guilt-Ridden Ideology’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-rogan-says-california-school-tried-indoctrinating-5-year-old-daughter-into-woke-guilt-ridden-ideology
    Video: Rogan Says California School Tried Indoctrinating 5-year-old Daughter Into ‘Woke, Guilt-Ridden Ideology’
    'You're indoctrinating them into this woke, guilt-ridden ideology that you are carrying around with you,' podcast host explained.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 423 مشاهدة
  • https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/my-question-for-doug-ford-when-it-comes-to-gender-who-is-indoctrinating-whom/article_e3b27a5d-a4b0-5cf2-895a-579cde424ffe.html

    The leftdard disease has been a big epidemic in canada for like 10 years now, they have been taking over schools up here like they did in the US. Surprisingly, canadians have been hitting back harder than americans have so far.

    The left-tard are mad that some provinces have told schools they cannot secretly treat children as the opposite sex anymore. They are requiring parents be notified, and their permission is requied for calling them a name other than their real one. The more they bitch about it, the less support they have been getting in surveys about it. Parents are not putting up with this shit quietly lol. Here is one of the latent loonytune rants.
    https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/my-question-for-doug-ford-when-it-comes-to-gender-who-is-indoctrinating-whom/article_e3b27a5d-a4b0-5cf2-895a-579cde424ffe.html The leftdard disease has been a big epidemic in canada for like 10 years now, they have been taking over schools up here like they did in the US. Surprisingly, canadians have been hitting back harder than americans have so far. The left-tard are mad that some provinces have told schools they cannot secretly treat children as the opposite sex anymore. They are requiring parents be notified, and their permission is requied for calling them a name other than their real one. The more they bitch about it, the less support they have been getting in surveys about it. Parents are not putting up with this shit quietly lol. Here is one of the latent loonytune rants.
    Emma Teitel: My question for Doug Ford: When it comes to gender who is indoctrinating whom?
    Conservatives are ramping up their interest in trans and non-binary Canadians, a vulnerable minority that accounts for 0.33 per cent of the population.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 3139 مشاهدة
  • With video. This is the madness and utter stupidity indoctrinating our kids in public schools.

    With video. This is the madness and utter stupidity indoctrinating our kids in public schools. https://conservativefiringline.com/fifth-grade-boy-wins-total-victory-over-school-that-banned-his-gadsden-flag-patch-over-false-claim-it-had-origins-with-slavery-video/
    Fifth-Grade Boy Wins Total Victory Over School that Banned His Gadsden Flag Patch Over False Claim It Had Origins With Slavery (Video) ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
    A 12-year-old boy was kicked out of his class in Colorado after being accused of having what school officials called a “racist” Gadsden flag sticker.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 762 مشاهدة

    People fail to realize that public schools, and especially Universities, are indoctrination centers and recruiting grounds for the #Illuminati and other Satanic secret societies.

    You go to college, graduate, and you are made to wear a "mortarboard hat" to symbolize that the #Freemasons have manipulated your reality.

    This is the dumbest hat ever made, but it is SYMBOLIC of Freemasons now controlling your mind!

    And once you've graduated you become an "Alumni"
    Meaning that you have been "illuminated"

    Freemasons are in every town across America. They are seeking DNA from children, they want to chip your children, AND they want to indoctrinate them into their #Cult

    Each of us must decide to how best deal with these cults in our midst
    But I must admit, my "tolerance" of #Evil is not very high!

    Sitting your children in front of #Disney movies is indoctrinating them!
    Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason who indoctrinates children into accepting "magic" and sorcery.... Kinda like Harry Potter of today

    To be honest.... Allowing children to consume ANY television or movies from #Hollywood is an act of child abuse. Demonstrating bad parenting

    It's YOUR JOB to protect them from this satanic filth, but instead, many use the television as a babysitter... Satan LOVES babysitting your children!

    He'll gladly accept the responsibility you shirk!

    THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL! THESE ARE THE DEMONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STATE OF THE WORLD RIGHT NOW! People fail to realize that public schools, and especially Universities, are indoctrination centers and recruiting grounds for the #Illuminati and other Satanic secret societies. You go to college, graduate, and you are made to wear a "mortarboard hat" to symbolize that the #Freemasons have manipulated your reality. This is the dumbest hat ever made, but it is SYMBOLIC of Freemasons now controlling your mind! And once you've graduated you become an "Alumni" Meaning that you have been "illuminated" Freemasons are in every town across America. They are seeking DNA from children, they want to chip your children, AND they want to indoctrinate them into their #Cult Each of us must decide to how best deal with these cults in our midst But I must admit, my "tolerance" of #Evil is not very high! Sitting your children in front of #Disney movies is indoctrinating them! Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason who indoctrinates children into accepting "magic" and sorcery.... Kinda like Harry Potter of today To be honest.... Allowing children to consume ANY television or movies from #Hollywood is an act of child abuse. Demonstrating bad parenting It's YOUR JOB to protect them from this satanic filth, but instead, many use the television as a babysitter... Satan LOVES babysitting your children! He'll gladly accept the responsibility you shirk! https://www.bitchute.com/video/HL4AYLkWgv1a/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2490 مشاهدة
  • Daily Surge
    Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor

    -- Anti-Parent! Family Planning Providers Equip Children to Go Behind Mom’s, Dad’s Back

    “Families need to know that this is what the Sexual Revolution, aided and abetted by the Biden administration, is doing to their children: turning them into cogs in a well-oiled machine that includes indoctrinating them at an early age, getting them on contraceptives, and, when that fails, providing them with abortions – all without your knowledge or consent.”

    -- Heroes Training to Save Our Children, Respond Effectively to Mass-Shooting Threats

    -- Enemies of Decency Prove: Changing Hearts, Minds Still Most Effective Means of Changing Society

    -- More Parents Are Saying ‘Enough!’ to Creepy ‘Trans’ Tyranny in Schools

    -- Nope! Turns Out You Can’t Separate the T (or Q) from the LGB …

    -- Left’s M.O.? Too Much of a Good Thing…

    -- False ‘Rainbow’ Religion Must Be Opposed by Real Thing

    -- Memorial Day Reflections: When Nation and Military Go ‘Woke’, Security Is Imperiled

    -- One Man’s Strategy to Counteract Poisonous Alinsky Agenda of Fear, Division

    Click on over and check us out!

    Daily Surge Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor 6-2-23 dailysurge.com -- Anti-Parent! Family Planning Providers Equip Children to Go Behind Mom’s, Dad’s Back https://dailysurge.com/2023/06/anti-parent-family-planning-providers-equip-children-to-go-behind-moms-dads-back/ “Families need to know that this is what the Sexual Revolution, aided and abetted by the Biden administration, is doing to their children: turning them into cogs in a well-oiled machine that includes indoctrinating them at an early age, getting them on contraceptives, and, when that fails, providing them with abortions – all without your knowledge or consent.” -- Heroes Training to Save Our Children, Respond Effectively to Mass-Shooting Threats https://dailysurge.com/2023/06/heroes-training-to-save-our-children-respond-effectively-to-mass-shooting-threats/ -- Enemies of Decency Prove: Changing Hearts, Minds Still Most Effective Means of Changing Society https://dailysurge.com/2023/06/enemies-of-decency-prove-changing-hearts-minds-still-most-effective-means-of-changing-society/ -- More Parents Are Saying ‘Enough!’ to Creepy ‘Trans’ Tyranny in Schools https://dailysurge.com/2023/06/more-parents-are-saying-enough-to-creepy-trans-tyranny-in-schools/ -- Nope! Turns Out You Can’t Separate the T (or Q) from the LGB … https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/nope-turns-out-you-cant-separate-the-t-or-q-from-the-lgb/ -- Left’s M.O.? Too Much of a Good Thing… https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/lefts-m-o-too-much-of-a-good-thing/ -- False ‘Rainbow’ Religion Must Be Opposed by Real Thing https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/false-rainbow-religion-must-be-opposed-by-real-thing/ -- Memorial Day Reflections: When Nation and Military Go ‘Woke’, Security Is Imperiled https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/memorial-day-reflections-when-nation-and-military-are-woke-security-is-imperiled/ -- One Man’s Strategy to Counteract Poisonous Alinsky Agenda of Fear, Division https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/one-mans-strategy-to-counteract-poisonous-alinsky-agenda-of-fear-division/ Click on over and check us out! dailysurge.com
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 843 مشاهدة
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