• REVEALED: The middle-class actress Georgia Frost who let trans hate mob loose on #JKRowling - and once got an award from a Harry Potter star

    #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithJKR #TransMob #TransHateMob #GeorgiaFrost #RichardEnergy #JaninaSmith #HollyStars #Trans

    REVEALED: The middle-class actress Georgia Frost who let trans hate mob loose on #JKRowling - and once got an award from a Harry Potter star #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithJKR #TransMob #TransHateMob #GeorgiaFrost #RichardEnergy #JaninaSmith #HollyStars #Trans https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10247533/Actress-let-trans-hate-mob-loose-JK-Rowling-got-award-Harry-Potter-star.html
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  • part 2...
    Me, i was just :"cruising in the hatemobile" while pretending to be in their shoes for a few hours (not literally in DC, though), But these enemies of Trump literally eat, sleep, live, and breathe hatred with their coffee oatmeal in the morning! They go from 0 to 189 mph in nothing flat running on TDS premium in their luxury hatemobiles.
    How can people live like that with all that cumulative aversion to MAGA KAG every day of the week for 3.5 years and not get physically sick? Imagine losing friends, family, business contacts, reputations, trust, just for your unabated hatred of the man since November 2016, just for your bitter revenge after Hillary's loss. People not erven wanting to talk to you, hang out with your or even look at you just for your seething hostility against one person, who has been proven time and again to be right on issue after issue, and has done more for America, Israel, and the world to make things better, and they STILL are caustic and antagonistic against him after all this time?
    Some of these people are even Christians (yes, some of them have a deep aversion to him, too). They have repugnance against him to the point of refusing to be civil and work with the man to save America because of their TDS; refusing to address the violence in our cities because of rancor; refusing to deal with the looting, burning, shooting, blinding, allowing the people to burn down the country and devastate our children's futures -- all because they hate America. And they are so eaten up with the sheer revulsion of this President that they would rather destroy this great nation than put aside their differences and work together with the President to save it, all be cause they because they have disrelish for the man and his family. How sick!
    At least 28 times this man has had assassination attempts on his life, and not a word of compassion or sympathy from ANY of them for when he, or his wife, or his youngest son were targeted for attacks and harm because of TDS,
    And vile, ugly attacks and threats against him on social media when his own brother died because they have such unvarnished contempt for the man.
    Not to mention the niece who wrote a scathing attack in book form on the president out of sheer odium, a book which his own brother and best friend Robert tried to stop publication of of via the courts to protect the family; and his sister, a federal judge no less, also character assassinating him after the funeral at the White House for that same family member.
    Who does that and still stays healthy, even with their top-flight healthcare? How can anyone go to heaven with a heart full of revulsion for one's fellow human being? That's an awful lot of hate for 3.5 years. Mat 5:21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
    Mat 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
    part 2... Me, i was just :"cruising in the hatemobile" while pretending to be in their shoes for a few hours (not literally in DC, though), But these enemies of Trump literally eat, sleep, live, and breathe hatred with their coffee oatmeal in the morning! They go from 0 to 189 mph in nothing flat running on TDS premium in their luxury hatemobiles. How can people live like that with all that cumulative aversion to MAGA KAG every day of the week for 3.5 years and not get physically sick? Imagine losing friends, family, business contacts, reputations, trust, just for your unabated hatred of the man since November 2016, just for your bitter revenge after Hillary's loss. People not erven wanting to talk to you, hang out with your or even look at you just for your seething hostility against one person, who has been proven time and again to be right on issue after issue, and has done more for America, Israel, and the world to make things better, and they STILL are caustic and antagonistic against him after all this time? Some of these people are even Christians (yes, some of them have a deep aversion to him, too). They have repugnance against him to the point of refusing to be civil and work with the man to save America because of their TDS; refusing to address the violence in our cities because of rancor; refusing to deal with the looting, burning, shooting, blinding, allowing the people to burn down the country and devastate our children's futures -- all because they hate America. And they are so eaten up with the sheer revulsion of this President that they would rather destroy this great nation than put aside their differences and work together with the President to save it, all be cause they because they have disrelish for the man and his family. How sick! At least 28 times this man has had assassination attempts on his life, and not a word of compassion or sympathy from ANY of them for when he, or his wife, or his youngest son were targeted for attacks and harm because of TDS, And vile, ugly attacks and threats against him on social media when his own brother died because they have such unvarnished contempt for the man. Not to mention the niece who wrote a scathing attack in book form on the president out of sheer odium, a book which his own brother and best friend Robert tried to stop publication of of via the courts to protect the family; and his sister, a federal judge no less, also character assassinating him after the funeral at the White House for that same family member. Who does that and still stays healthy, even with their top-flight healthcare? How can anyone go to heaven with a heart full of revulsion for one's fellow human being? That's an awful lot of hate for 3.5 years. Mat 5:21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: Mat 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
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  • Here is my new video where I discuss the massive persecution of Christians and the Biblical worldview being carried out by the Far-Left hate mob. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.

    #farleft #hatemob #christian #bible #persecution

    Here is my new video where I discuss the massive persecution of Christians and the Biblical worldview being carried out by the Far-Left hate mob. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute. #farleft #hatemob #christian #bible #persecution https://www.bitchute.com/video/36OqD8jIH8e0/
    The Far-Left Hate Mob Is Now Trying To Unperson Christianity From Society
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