• Obviously In the Bag Arizona Judge, Peter Thompson, Dismisses Kari Lake's Lawsuit Against Katie Hobbs. Lake Will Appeal the Judgement to a Higher Court

    Apparently in Arizona, the court system thinks that elections with broken machines in 59% of the precincts (all Republican majorities coincidentally) and that break the chain of custody election laws and foster invalid ballot printing and even more transgressions are free, fair and certifiable. https://bit.ly/3hU8evu

    The owned judge ruled that Lake's lawyers:

    Had not proven Maricopa officials committed any kind of misconduct.
    A travesty, of course, but not unexpected.

    Neither party can afford to allow any election to be judged as dishonest because that would destroy the myth both parties propagate that elections are free and fair and cause a widespread mistrust of our completely corrupted voting cesspool they label a system.

    Lake should appeal to:

    Keep this quite obvious corruption in the public eye forcing more people come to the realization, if possible, that our voting system is as rigged as that in any totalitarian nation - including Red China and Russia.

    Demonstrate that our court system is as rigged as the voting system in that they can find ways to ignore plain and obvious evidence to rule in favor of the corrupt and lawless politicians.

    The truth is that voting is a complete travesty and completely rigged to put in place immoral scum who are completely controlled by the globalist elite who are pushing for a one world government and need to destroy this nation first while placing it under the control of political, legal, medical, educational, police state thugs.

    P.S. - Lake's lawyers shutdown is the same kind of censorship that has and will continue to take place with the mRNA gene therapy debacle.

    #arizona #karilake #katiehobbs #electionfraud #votescam #votetheft #electiontheft
    Obviously In the Bag Arizona Judge, Peter Thompson, Dismisses Kari Lake's Lawsuit Against Katie Hobbs. Lake Will Appeal the Judgement to a Higher Court Apparently in Arizona, the court system thinks that elections with broken machines in 59% of the precincts (all Republican majorities coincidentally) and that break the chain of custody election laws and foster invalid ballot printing and even more transgressions are free, fair and certifiable. https://bit.ly/3hU8evu The owned judge ruled that Lake's lawyers: Had not proven Maricopa officials committed any kind of misconduct. A travesty, of course, but not unexpected. Neither party can afford to allow any election to be judged as dishonest because that would destroy the myth both parties propagate that elections are free and fair and cause a widespread mistrust of our completely corrupted voting cesspool they label a system. Lake should appeal to: Keep this quite obvious corruption in the public eye forcing more people come to the realization, if possible, that our voting system is as rigged as that in any totalitarian nation - including Red China and Russia. Demonstrate that our court system is as rigged as the voting system in that they can find ways to ignore plain and obvious evidence to rule in favor of the corrupt and lawless politicians. The truth is that voting is a complete travesty and completely rigged to put in place immoral scum who are completely controlled by the globalist elite who are pushing for a one world government and need to destroy this nation first while placing it under the control of political, legal, medical, educational, police state thugs. P.S. - Lake's lawyers shutdown is the same kind of censorship that has and will continue to take place with the mRNA gene therapy debacle. #arizona #karilake #katiehobbs #electionfraud #votescam #votetheft #electiontheft
    BREAKING: Judge Dismisses Kari Lake's Election Lawsuit on Christmas Eve - Lake to Appeal Ruling
    An Arizona judge on Saturday dismissed Kari Lake’s election lawsuit against Democrat Katie Hobbs. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson found Kari Lake’s lawyers had not proven Maricopa officials committed any kind of misconduct. “My Election Case provided the world with evidence that proves our elections are run outside of the law. This Judge…
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3365 Просмотры
  • Want to Know Why Republicans Don't Fight for Election Integrity? Watch This Video for the Answer

    Two moms, Jenn Orton and Sophie Anderson, in the very red state of Utah were led to do some digging into what they felt was government corruption.

    Their journey eventually led them to election integrity.

    Watch this presentation and get the answer to the question of why, when it is so apparent to all conservatives and patriots, Republican losing candidates just quietly fold up their tents and slip away after elections are so obviously stolen from them - against the will of the people. http://bit.ly/3gqG76o

    Note: From the page Red States 2022:

    Is Utah a red state? - Yes, Utah is a red state. With a CPVI of R+13, Utah is considered a “deep” red state and the second-most Republican state in the U.S. behind Wyoming. Utah has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1968.
    After viewing this you may wonder if it even matters any more.

    #electionintegrity #votefraud #votescam #utah #citizenactivists
    Want to Know Why Republicans Don't Fight for Election Integrity? Watch This Video for the Answer Two moms, Jenn Orton and Sophie Anderson, in the very red state of Utah were led to do some digging into what they felt was government corruption. Their journey eventually led them to election integrity. Watch this presentation and get the answer to the question of why, when it is so apparent to all conservatives and patriots, Republican losing candidates just quietly fold up their tents and slip away after elections are so obviously stolen from them - against the will of the people. http://bit.ly/3gqG76o Note: From the page Red States 2022: Is Utah a red state? - Yes, Utah is a red state. With a CPVI of R+13, Utah is considered a “deep” red state and the second-most Republican state in the U.S. behind Wyoming. Utah has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1968. After viewing this you may wonder if it even matters any more. #electionintegrity #votefraud #votescam #utah #citizenactivists
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 976 Просмотры
  • Election Integrity Gets a Win in Michigan In Time for the Midterms

    The lawsuit was a combined case against Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson and Director of Elections, Jonathan Brater. https://bit.ly/3siQn2S

    Benson and Brater were charged with imposing binding rules on poll watchers and vote challengers.

    In common language, blocking their ability to observe and challenge.

    One of the plaintiffs, Braden Giacobazzi, pointed out numerous problems:

    - Ballot tabulators connected to the internet
    - Scanned ballots failed to register in the poll book, and multiple “errors in red that would pop up on the poll book screen that were simply being dismissed.”

    Giacobazzi said:

    - "I asked the table supervisors what this meant, and one of them said, ‘I don’t know. I was just told to push it through when it happens."

    RNC National Committee Chairman, Ronna McDaniel posted:

    - “This ruling is a massive victory for election integrity, the rule of law, and Michigan voters,”

    - “Jocelyn Benson not only disregarded Michigan election law in issuing this guidance, she also violated the rights of political parties and poll challengers to fully ensure transparency and promote confidence that Michigan elections are run fairly and lawfully.”

    Yep! Happened in every single swing state and combined with the voting machine fraud produced the most apparent and egregious vote scamming in U.S. history.

    The same should have happened in every state in the Union, but hasn't.

    Will they steal the mid-terms again too? We shall see.

    #votefraud #michigan #votescam #2020election
    Election Integrity Gets a Win in Michigan In Time for the Midterms The lawsuit was a combined case against Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson and Director of Elections, Jonathan Brater. https://bit.ly/3siQn2S Benson and Brater were charged with imposing binding rules on poll watchers and vote challengers. In common language, blocking their ability to observe and challenge. One of the plaintiffs, Braden Giacobazzi, pointed out numerous problems: - Ballot tabulators connected to the internet - Scanned ballots failed to register in the poll book, and multiple “errors in red that would pop up on the poll book screen that were simply being dismissed.” Giacobazzi said: - "I asked the table supervisors what this meant, and one of them said, ‘I don’t know. I was just told to push it through when it happens." RNC National Committee Chairman, Ronna McDaniel posted: - “This ruling is a massive victory for election integrity, the rule of law, and Michigan voters,” - “Jocelyn Benson not only disregarded Michigan election law in issuing this guidance, she also violated the rights of political parties and poll challengers to fully ensure transparency and promote confidence that Michigan elections are run fairly and lawfully.” Yep! Happened in every single swing state and combined with the voting machine fraud produced the most apparent and egregious vote scamming in U.S. history. The same should have happened in every state in the Union, but hasn't. Will they steal the mid-terms again too? We shall see. #votefraud #michigan #votescam #2020election
    Victory for Election Integrity in Michigan - The New American
    Election integrity advocates in Michigan are celebrating a court victory over two state officials’ overreach in regard to guidelines for poll challengers and poll watchers. ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1826 Просмотры

  • Pelosi is Very Confident Democrats Will Keep the Majority Despite the Census Changes and Mid-Term Trends. Wonder If It Has Anything to Do With NO Real Election Reform?

    We all know Biden was not elected by the people but by electronic algorithims and downright fraud. https://bit.ly/3e55QNJ

    That's why disgusting scum like Pelosi can still feel confident about retaining the House majority.

    Nothing has been done to change that.

    In fact, steps have been taken to assure more of the same election corruption will prevail. Even the so-called reform in Georgia is designed to maintain status quo when all is said and done. https://bit.ly/3s06WOz

    Unless, electronic voting is eliminated (it cannot be "reformed") and other reforms are instituted, political slime like Pelosi and her ilk will continue to run and run down this nation.

    Count on it!

    #votescam2020 #votefraud #pelosi #2020votefraud
    Pelosi is Very Confident Democrats Will Keep the Majority Despite the Census Changes and Mid-Term Trends. Wonder If It Has Anything to Do With NO Real Election Reform? We all know Biden was not elected by the people but by electronic algorithims and downright fraud. https://bit.ly/3e55QNJ That's why disgusting scum like Pelosi can still feel confident about retaining the House majority. Nothing has been done to change that. In fact, steps have been taken to assure more of the same election corruption will prevail. Even the so-called reform in Georgia is designed to maintain status quo when all is said and done. https://bit.ly/3s06WOz Unless, electronic voting is eliminated (it cannot be "reformed") and other reforms are instituted, political slime like Pelosi and her ilk will continue to run and run down this nation. Count on it! #votescam2020 #votefraud #pelosi #2020votefraud
    Pelosi 'very confident' Democrats will keep majority, despite Census changes, historical trends
    "I feel very confident that the Democrats will hold the majority after the next election," Pelosi said Thursday.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 879 Просмотры
  • Can You Get Any More Obvious and Deceptive? Biden Chides Putin for Attempted 2020 Election Meddling on Behalf of Donald Trump

    In yet another clumsy Dem-driven attempt to fool the public, Biden threatened that Putin would "pay a price" for his election meddling on behalf of Donald Trump. https://bit.ly/3vMOYSM

    Laughably lame and as real as a $3 bill.

    Anyone who has followed the voluminous election meddling evidence (and there is an abundance of it as the documentary Absolute Proof https://bit.ly/3cOG5zG and other sources demonstrate can conclude:

    Many foreign elements were involved including Biden's buds, the Chinese

    Domestic proof of election fraud is massive and convincing and it was heavily engineered to deprive Donald Trump of the results he earned with hard work (while Joe was confined to the basement) NOT to help him.

    In addition to electronic fraud involving Dominion (majority-owned by the Chinese) there was voluminous paper ballot fraud engineered by Democrat Governors in swing states and much more.

    Meanwhile, Dems like Biden and the known liar Adam Schiff are attempting to deflect the blame to Russia once again (Anyone ever heard that tune before, I wonder?)

    Proven liar Schiff claims:

    "Russia ran a successful intelligence operation that penetrated the former president’s inner circle.”
    According to Schiff:

    The Russians did this “with the intent of denigrating now-President Biden and damaging his candidacy.”
    Biden did not declare what price Putin would pay for this so-called interference but the American people already know what price we are paying for the theft of our votes as we observe the moronity of a Chinese puppet in Biden and his power lusting minions.

    America lost this election mightily and it shows to us how with each and every day this fool and his party are in political control.

    Pray for the sun, 'cause the rain is coming hard and fast.

    #biden #biden2020 #electionfraud #russiahoax #votescam2020
    Can You Get Any More Obvious and Deceptive? Biden Chides Putin for Attempted 2020 Election Meddling on Behalf of Donald Trump In yet another clumsy Dem-driven attempt to fool the public, Biden threatened that Putin would "pay a price" for his election meddling on behalf of Donald Trump. https://bit.ly/3vMOYSM Laughably lame and as real as a $3 bill. Anyone who has followed the voluminous election meddling evidence (and there is an abundance of it as the documentary Absolute Proof https://bit.ly/3cOG5zG and other sources demonstrate can conclude: Many foreign elements were involved including Biden's buds, the Chinese Domestic proof of election fraud is massive and convincing and it was heavily engineered to deprive Donald Trump of the results he earned with hard work (while Joe was confined to the basement) NOT to help him. In addition to electronic fraud involving Dominion (majority-owned by the Chinese) there was voluminous paper ballot fraud engineered by Democrat Governors in swing states and much more. Meanwhile, Dems like Biden and the known liar Adam Schiff are attempting to deflect the blame to Russia once again (Anyone ever heard that tune before, I wonder?) Proven liar Schiff claims: "Russia ran a successful intelligence operation that penetrated the former president’s inner circle.” According to Schiff: The Russians did this “with the intent of denigrating now-President Biden and damaging his candidacy.” Biden did not declare what price Putin would pay for this so-called interference but the American people already know what price we are paying for the theft of our votes as we observe the moronity of a Chinese puppet in Biden and his power lusting minions. America lost this election mightily and it shows to us how with each and every day this fool and his party are in political control. Pray for the sun, 'cause the rain is coming hard and fast. #biden #biden2020 #electionfraud #russiahoax #votescam2020
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1235 Просмотры
  • HR 1 Voting Bill Prompts 21 State AG's to Threaten Legal Action If It Passes

    Along with dismantling our nation economically and culturally, the Marxist left in Congress also wants to dismantle the vote to ensure their continued rule - while we still have a nation anyway. https://bit.ly/3v8U4Zt

    HR1 - the 791 pg. For the People Act of 2021 (although "shaft" might be a better description than "act") pushes provisions that would:

    • Override ALL state laws on voter ID, voter registration, restoration of voting for felons, mail-in voting, and more
    • Increase vote fraud by barring state election officials from verifying voter eligibility and voter rolls.
    • Give illegal citizens equal representation with legal citizens
    • Legalize ballot harvesting for paid political operatives
    • Create a “free speech czar” at the FEC (What other administration had 31 "czar's" I wonder, Joe?)
    • Increase vulnerability to foreign election interference and more.

    As former VP Pence put it:

    "Every single proposed change in HR 1 serves one goal, and one goal only: to give leftists a permanent, unfair, and unconstitutional advantage in our political system." https://bit.ly/3v3hoaS

    #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #voterfraud #votescam #HR1
    HR 1 Voting Bill Prompts 21 State AG's to Threaten Legal Action If It Passes Along with dismantling our nation economically and culturally, the Marxist left in Congress also wants to dismantle the vote to ensure their continued rule - while we still have a nation anyway. https://bit.ly/3v8U4Zt HR1 - the 791 pg. For the People Act of 2021 (although "shaft" might be a better description than "act") pushes provisions that would: • Override ALL state laws on voter ID, voter registration, restoration of voting for felons, mail-in voting, and more • Increase vote fraud by barring state election officials from verifying voter eligibility and voter rolls. • Give illegal citizens equal representation with legal citizens • Legalize ballot harvesting for paid political operatives • Create a “free speech czar” at the FEC (What other administration had 31 "czar's" I wonder, Joe?) • Increase vulnerability to foreign election interference and more. As former VP Pence put it: "Every single proposed change in HR 1 serves one goal, and one goal only: to give leftists a permanent, unfair, and unconstitutional advantage in our political system." https://bit.ly/3v3hoaS #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #voterfraud #votescam #HR1
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 491 Просмотры
  • We'll Get Them in 2022 and 2024 You Say? Uh, Don't Count On It. Biden Signs Executive Order Directing the AG to Help Increase Prisoner Voting Procedures

    We know the election was stolen. Electronic voting was heavily engaged in pulling off this fraud. Anyone doing anything about it? Doesn't seem so. http://bit.ly/3bo0uvG

    No worries. Damaged goods Joe just signed another executive order to facilitate voter registration and voting for "eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons."

    Biden is also asking the U.S. Marshals Service to include language in its contracts to facilitate voting by mail and provide eligible criminals information on voting and voter registration.
    Yeah, it just keeps on coming folks. Ensure the demise of this nation by our closet Commies through every means possible.

    #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #prisonervoting #biden #votescam2020
    We'll Get Them in 2022 and 2024 You Say? Uh, Don't Count On It. Biden Signs Executive Order Directing the AG to Help Increase Prisoner Voting Procedures We know the election was stolen. Electronic voting was heavily engaged in pulling off this fraud. Anyone doing anything about it? Doesn't seem so. http://bit.ly/3bo0uvG No worries. Damaged goods Joe just signed another executive order to facilitate voter registration and voting for "eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons." Biden is also asking the U.S. Marshals Service to include language in its contracts to facilitate voting by mail and provide eligible criminals information on voting and voter registration. Yeah, it just keeps on coming folks. Ensure the demise of this nation by our closet Commies through every means possible. #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #prisonervoting #biden #votescam2020
    Biden Signs Election Executive Order to Increase Voting by Criminals
    President Joe Biden signed an executive order on March 7 altering the way the federal government handles elections, ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 902 Просмотры

  • Kind of the Short Version (16:29 minutes) of My Pillow Guy's Vote Fraud Documentary - Absolute Proof

    Undeniable fraud demonstrated. Loaded with facts in a compressed amount of time. Watch it and/or pass it on.

    Don't bother with BigTech media of course. They'll ban it and delete you for good measure. http://bit.ly/2Z9VEeM

    #votescam2020 #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #fakepresident
    Kind of the Short Version (16:29 minutes) of My Pillow Guy's Vote Fraud Documentary - Absolute Proof Undeniable fraud demonstrated. Loaded with facts in a compressed amount of time. Watch it and/or pass it on. Don't bother with BigTech media of course. They'll ban it and delete you for good measure. http://bit.ly/2Z9VEeM #votescam2020 #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #fakepresident
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1001 Просмотры
  • Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof Documentary on the Election Fraud

    Link to Absolute Proof by Mike Lindell: https://bit.ly/3cYXLdA

    #2020electionfraud #votescam #2020votefraud #electionfraud
    Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof Documentary on the Election Fraud Link to Absolute Proof by Mike Lindell: https://bit.ly/3cYXLdA #2020electionfraud #votescam #2020votefraud #electionfraud
    Mike Lindell - The Full Documentary - Absolute Truth - ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED!
    Absolute Truth - The Full Documentary can be seen right here. This premiered on Mike Lindell's website the morning of 2/5/2021 and before the entire video could be shown the enemies of truth and justi
    0 Комментарии 3 Поделились 580 Просмотры
  • What's Up with VP Pence? Whose side is he on anyway?

    Now, he is asking the judge to reject the push to allow him to reject the electoral college votes. http://bit.ly/35h8ZWf

    #pence #electoralvotecount #votefraud #votesteal #votescam
    What's Up with VP Pence? Whose side is he on anyway? Now, he is asking the judge to reject the push to allow him to reject the electoral college votes. http://bit.ly/35h8ZWf #pence #electoralvotecount #votefraud #votesteal #votescam
    Pence Asks Judge to Reject Push to Expand His Powers to Decide Electoral College Votes
    Vice President Mike Pence asked a federal judge on Thursday to reject an effort to give him “exclusive authority” to decide which Electoral College votes should be counted during the upcoming joint session of Congress.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 160 Просмотры
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