• Vehicles in the Lahaina Burn Zone Let the Facts Tell the Story Instead of Government Omissions

    Vehicles in the Lahaina Burn Zone Let the Facts Tell the Story Instead of Government Omissions https://www.brighteon.com/03642b7b-9765-41f0-b1bf-372b0012ba73
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 130 Views
  • 1.Joe Biden Drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)
    No other President drew more oil out of our nation’s critical reserve than Biden, and he did it just for the politics.
    2. Biden Administration Leased the Fewest Acres for American Oil Production Since Truman
    Since the end of World War II, no other President has leased fewer acres of American land for oil production than Joe Biden. To put this failure in perspective, in his first 19 months in office, President Jimmy Carter leased 11.77 million acres of land for oil, compared to Biden’s 126,228.
    3. Joe Biden Colludes with Saudi Arabia for More Oil
    ,In July 2022, American families were paying around $5 a gallon for gas, Joe Biden made a trip to Saudi Arabia to fist-bump with their prince.
    4. The Failed “Inflation Reduction Act”
    Since taking office, Biden’s goal was a massive climate bill. First it was called “Build Back Better” but when that failed, his administration re-branded it as the Inflation Reduction Act.
    5. Electric Vehicle (EV) Mandates.
    The last six months have seen EV companies layoff thousands, lose market share, and burn through billions. And the pain is just getting started.
    1.Joe Biden Drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) No other President drew more oil out of our nation’s critical reserve than Biden, and he did it just for the politics. 2. Biden Administration Leased the Fewest Acres for American Oil Production Since Truman Since the end of World War II, no other President has leased fewer acres of American land for oil production than Joe Biden. To put this failure in perspective, in his first 19 months in office, President Jimmy Carter leased 11.77 million acres of land for oil, compared to Biden’s 126,228. 3. Joe Biden Colludes with Saudi Arabia for More Oil ,In July 2022, American families were paying around $5 a gallon for gas, Joe Biden made a trip to Saudi Arabia to fist-bump with their prince. 4. The Failed “Inflation Reduction Act” Since taking office, Biden’s goal was a massive climate bill. First it was called “Build Back Better” but when that failed, his administration re-branded it as the Inflation Reduction Act. 5. Electric Vehicle (EV) Mandates. The last six months have seen EV companies layoff thousands, lose market share, and burn through billions. And the pain is just getting started. https://realclearwire.com/articles/2024/06/25/five_energy_failures_joe_biden_needs_you_to_forget_before_the_debate_1040390.html
    Five Energy Failures Joe Biden Needs You to Forget Before the Debate
    Let’s just be clear: everyone knows Joe Biden’s energy failures extend well beyond the five listed here. However, in an effort to create a discussion even the Biden sycophants at CNN can u
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 527 Views
  • The Future is Here: The First Hydrogen Energy Car.
    This hydrogen car can run all day on full. They are called fuel cell vehicles.

    The only emission from these vehicles is water.
    Several cities around the world have tested fuel cell vehicles, with over 5,600 buses in use worldwide, the majority of which are in China.

    Hydrogen fuel cell buses have a greater range and longer run time than battery electric buses, with a range of around 450 kilometers (280 mi) before refueling compared to around 250 kilometers (160 mi) between charges for a battery electric bus.

    Hydrogen also has a higher energy storage density than batteries and does not rape the environment because it does not contain cobalt or lithium. The only exhaust it emits is water. That's right, just pure H2O.

    Looks like Elon Musk needs to expand his horizons. When this catches on, the Tesla will go the route of the dinosaurs.
    The Future is Here: The First Hydrogen Energy Car. This hydrogen car can run all day on full. They are called fuel cell vehicles. The only emission from these vehicles is water. Several cities around the world have tested fuel cell vehicles, with over 5,600 buses in use worldwide, the majority of which are in China. Hydrogen fuel cell buses have a greater range and longer run time than battery electric buses, with a range of around 450 kilometers (280 mi) before refueling compared to around 250 kilometers (160 mi) between charges for a battery electric bus. Hydrogen also has a higher energy storage density than batteries and does not rape the environment because it does not contain cobalt or lithium. The only exhaust it emits is water. That's right, just pure H2O. Looks like Elon Musk needs to expand his horizons. When this catches on, the Tesla will go the route of the dinosaurs. https://imgflip.com/i/8ux4e0
    The Future is Here: The First Hydrogen Energy Car.
    An image tagged sad elon musk,elon musk smoking a joint,elon musk weed,elon musk crying,hydrogen car,bye bye tesla
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 705 Views

    Criminals at large: Last seen wearing body armor, a badge, and a gun, and driving a Corporation of the United States vehicle marked "Police"

    It's about time to form a posse and take these criminals off the street!

    GUY POSTED ABOUT LOCAL COPS ON FACEBOOK - THEY ARREST HIM FOR IT! Criminals at large: Last seen wearing body armor, a badge, and a gun, and driving a Corporation of the United States vehicle marked "Police" It's about time to form a posse and take these criminals off the street! https://www.bitchute.com/video/GDISW0J4_xc/
    Guy Posted About Local Cops on Facebook - They Arrest Him For it!
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 525 Views
  • That Americans paid hundreds of billions of dollars more for their fuels under Biden, That the auto industry is stuck with vast inventories of money-losing electric vehicles that the public does not want, And that the Entire Economy has been Destroyed by Bidens Counterproductive Green New Scam were considered worth the cost of Destroying America & Alienating It's Citizens in the Minds of the Anti-American Biden Regime.
    That Americans paid hundreds of billions of dollars more for their fuels under Biden, That the auto industry is stuck with vast inventories of money-losing electric vehicles that the public does not want, And that the Entire Economy has been Destroyed by Bidens Counterproductive Green New Scam were considered worth the cost of Destroying America & Alienating It's Citizens in the Minds of the Anti-American Biden Regime. https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/24/the-logic-in-all-the-madness/
    The Logic in All the Madness
    Most Americans believe it is unhinged to deliberately destroy the border and allow 10 million illegal aliens to enter the country without background audits, means of support, any claims to legal…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 651 Views

    This is all a FACT....
    It is NOT "theory" or a "conspiracy theory" it's a FACT!

    If you are ignorant of this fact, it makes it no less factual!
    Educate yourself on the subject and I assure you, you WILL discover it's a FACT!

    You ALREADY "Own nothing"
    You have just been brainwashed into believing that since you are allowed to "USE" something that you own it.... NOT TRUE!

    You do not even "own" your car!
    The day that you "registered" it with the #Corporation that is your "state" you actually

    THAT is what "register" means folks!
    When you "register" something, you are giving ownership of the item to ever who it is that you are "registering" it with!

    These are FACTS of #Law people!
    Just because you may not currently KNOW THE LAW changes nothing!

    When you "vote" you are declaring yourself "Incompetent" and giving
    "Power of Attorney" over YOUR ENTIRE LIFE to the CORPORATION
    of the United States! (A corporation with a Dun & Bradstreet number)

    Dun & Bradstreet registers for-profit CORPORATIONS, not "governments"
    So any CORPORATION (Like the corporation of the united states) that is listed there is an actual CORPORATION!

    And YOU thought it was your government!
    Silly American... YOU are a #Slave of a #Fascist corporation

    FASCISM UNDER THE GUISE OF DEI (DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION) - Juxtaposition.stories This is all a FACT.... It is NOT "theory" or a "conspiracy theory" it's a FACT! If you are ignorant of this fact, it makes it no less factual! Educate yourself on the subject and I assure you, you WILL discover it's a FACT! You ALREADY "Own nothing" You have just been brainwashed into believing that since you are allowed to "USE" something that you own it.... NOT TRUE! You do not even "own" your car! The day that you "registered" it with the #Corporation that is your "state" you actually GAVE OWNERSHIP OF THE VEHICLE TO THEM! THAT is what "register" means folks! When you "register" something, you are giving ownership of the item to ever who it is that you are "registering" it with! These are FACTS of #Law people! Just because you may not currently KNOW THE LAW changes nothing! When you "vote" you are declaring yourself "Incompetent" and giving "Power of Attorney" over YOUR ENTIRE LIFE to the CORPORATION of the United States! (A corporation with a Dun & Bradstreet number) Dun & Bradstreet registers for-profit CORPORATIONS, not "governments" So any CORPORATION (Like the corporation of the united states) that is listed there is an actual CORPORATION! And YOU thought it was your government! Silly American... YOU are a #Slave of a #Fascist corporation https://rumble.com/v52y325-fascism-under-the-guise-of-dei-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-juxtaposition.html
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 688 Views
  • #SCIENCE #TECHNOLOGY #GavinNewson #ElectricVehicles
    #California Has 1 Fast-Charging EV Station For Every 5 #Gas Stations https://trueactivist.com/california-state-has-1-fast-charging-ev-station-for-every-5-gas-stations-t1/
    #SCIENCE #TECHNOLOGY #GavinNewson #ElectricVehicles #California Has 1 Fast-Charging EV Station For Every 5 #Gas Stations https://trueactivist.com/california-state-has-1-fast-charging-ev-station-for-every-5-gas-stations-t1/
    California State Has 1 Fast-Charging EV Station For Every 5 Gas Stations - True Activist
    California has installed 105,000 public or shared private EV chargers, complementing over 500,000 at-home chargers across the state.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 510 Views
  • This is the Fascistbook profile of a #Criminal POS in blue
    who unlawfully extended a traffic stop and then unlawfully ordered the occupants of a vehicle out of the vehicle AFTER THE TRAFFIC STOP WAS OVER!

    He TRIED claiming that "Pennsylvania vs Mimms" gives him this right.... HE'S WRONG!

    The entirety of our "Judicial System" is based 100% in #Fraud!
    YOU have been duped into representing a "Legal Fiction"
    created by the state!

    And when you go to court... THEY ARE NOT PROSECUTING YOU!!!
    They are prosecuting that LEGAL FICTION (Which you THINK is you, but it's NOT)

    As long as you are willing to REPRESENT a "Legal Fiction" you'll be a #Slave!

    YOU have been brainwashed since birth to represent this "Legal Fiction" or "Strawman" which is a CORPORATION....


    These entities CANNOT interact with a FREE MAN or WOMAN!
    A CORPORATION can only contract with ANOTHER CORPORATION!!!

    You see.... they CREATED and OWN the Strawman or "Legal Fiction" with your BERTH CERTIFICATE... This is NOT you!!!

    But they have convinced you that it's you.....
    And as long as you REPRESENT that "Legal Fiction" then YOU will pay for every phony CORPORATE POLICY VIOLATION they call a "Crime," that the FICTIONAL ENTITY is found guilty of!

    This is how YOU were removed from the proper #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW
    (Which is for MEN & WOMEN) and placed under the jurisdiction of
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" where you have no rights!!!

    You have NO INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS under maritime admiralty law.......

    You have NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS under maritime admiralty law.......

    YOU need to return to the JURISDICTION of the LAND, or COMMON LAW, which is exactly where EVERY MAN & WOMAN BELONG!!!

    The #Constitution is the "Highest Law of the LAND" but YOU are not on the land!

    YOU have been defrauded into "consenting" (they claim) to being RULED like a #Slave under maritime admiralty law!

    This is the Fascistbook profile of a #Criminal POS in blue who unlawfully extended a traffic stop and then unlawfully ordered the occupants of a vehicle out of the vehicle AFTER THE TRAFFIC STOP WAS OVER! He TRIED claiming that "Pennsylvania vs Mimms" gives him this right.... HE'S WRONG! Besides... The entirety of our "Judicial System" is based 100% in #Fraud! YOU have been duped into representing a "Legal Fiction" created by the state! And when you go to court... THEY ARE NOT PROSECUTING YOU!!! They are prosecuting that LEGAL FICTION (Which you THINK is you, but it's NOT) As long as you are willing to REPRESENT a "Legal Fiction" you'll be a #Slave! YOU have been brainwashed since birth to represent this "Legal Fiction" or "Strawman" which is a CORPORATION.... JUST LIKE THE COURTS AND THE STATE AND THE "GOVERNMENT" ARE CORPORATIONS!!! These entities CANNOT interact with a FREE MAN or WOMAN! A CORPORATION can only contract with ANOTHER CORPORATION!!! You see.... they CREATED and OWN the Strawman or "Legal Fiction" with your BERTH CERTIFICATE... This is NOT you!!! But they have convinced you that it's you..... And as long as you REPRESENT that "Legal Fiction" then YOU will pay for every phony CORPORATE POLICY VIOLATION they call a "Crime," that the FICTIONAL ENTITY is found guilty of! This is how YOU were removed from the proper #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW (Which is for MEN & WOMEN) and placed under the jurisdiction of "Maritime Admiralty Law" where you have no rights!!! You have NO INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS under maritime admiralty law....... You have NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS under maritime admiralty law....... YOU need to return to the JURISDICTION of the LAND, or COMMON LAW, which is exactly where EVERY MAN & WOMAN BELONG!!! The #Constitution is the "Highest Law of the LAND" but YOU are not on the land! YOU have been defrauded into "consenting" (they claim) to being RULED like a #Slave under maritime admiralty law! ONLY YOU CAN CORRECT YOUR STATUS AND EXIT THE JURISDICTION OF THE SEA!
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 775 Views
  • Now you know why Elon Musk could not GIVE me one of his Teslas.
    (Give me the money instead)

    Two electric vehicles in a crash in Canada. Apparently fire fighters won’t go anywhere near an electric vehicle fire.
    Now you know why Elon Musk could not GIVE me one of his Teslas. (Give me the money instead) Two electric vehicles in a crash in Canada. Apparently fire fighters won’t go anywhere near an electric vehicle fire.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 367 Views 4
  • Washington DC (‘23):

    Robberies are up 67%
    Homicides are up 35%
    Violent crime are up 39%
    Vehicle thefts are up 82%
    This is the DC Police Chief
    Washington DC (‘23): Robberies are up 67% Homicides are up 35% Violent crime are up 39% Vehicle thefts are up 82% This is the DC Police Chief 👇
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 330 Views 0
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