Typical PSYCHOPATH LEO in America!
HOW LONG will we tolerate this scum who supposedly "works for us"
The story is "#Police Protect and Defend the Public"
The #Truth is that Police "Protect and Defend the #Criminals in Washington"
And they ABUSE THE PUBLIC every day of their career!
An #Oath violation occurs EVERY DAY in the life of cops!
Most cops take the OATH to "Protect and Defend the #Constitution" as soon as they graduate the Academy..... THEN they get hired on somewhere, and immediately have to TAKE ANOTHER OATH which is diametrically opposed to the first oath!
Police CANNOT "uphold the unconstitutional laws of their state" AND "Protect and Defend the Constitution"!!!
You cannot serve two masters!
Just like the bible says!
Police SERVE THE STATE (who writes their paycheck)
And they wipe their nasty asses with the constitution AND the rights of Americans!
These scumbags are economically terrorizing every American!
But they prefer the POOR AMERICANS who cannot afford to fight them in court!
What Police do on a daily basis is USELESS ABUSE of Americans!
They do not solve crimes, or try to catch "bad guys"
They try to WRITE TICKETS and file felony charges
on people who have HARMED NOBODY! (There is no legitimate #Crime)
A "CRIME" requires a VICTIM!
What Police charge these Americans under is NOT the "Law of the LAND"
They file these charges under "Maritime Admiralty Law"
where they can make sh*t up as they go along!
NO AMERICAN belongs within the #Jurisdiction of
"Maritime Admiralty Law"
We ALL belong under COMMON LAW!
Police are part of a criminal CORPORATION that harvests Americans for their money
Typical PSYCHOPATH LEO in America!
HOW LONG will we tolerate this scum who supposedly "works for us"
The story is "#Police Protect and Defend the Public"
The #Truth is that Police "Protect and Defend the #Criminals in Washington"
And they ABUSE THE PUBLIC every day of their career!
An #Oath violation occurs EVERY DAY in the life of cops!
Most cops take the OATH to "Protect and Defend the #Constitution" as soon as they graduate the Academy..... THEN they get hired on somewhere, and immediately have to TAKE ANOTHER OATH which is diametrically opposed to the first oath!
Police CANNOT "uphold the unconstitutional laws of their state" AND "Protect and Defend the Constitution"!!!
You cannot serve two masters!
Just like the bible says!
Police SERVE THE STATE (who writes their paycheck)
And they wipe their nasty asses with the constitution AND the rights of Americans!
These scumbags are economically terrorizing every American!
But they prefer the POOR AMERICANS who cannot afford to fight them in court!
What Police do on a daily basis is USELESS ABUSE of Americans!
They do not solve crimes, or try to catch "bad guys"
They try to WRITE TICKETS and file felony charges
on people who have HARMED NOBODY! (There is no legitimate #Crime)
A "CRIME" requires a VICTIM!
What Police charge these Americans under is NOT the "Law of the LAND"
They file these charges under "Maritime Admiralty Law"
where they can make sh*t up as they go along!
NO AMERICAN belongs within the #Jurisdiction of
"Maritime Admiralty Law"
We ALL belong under COMMON LAW!
Police are part of a criminal CORPORATION that harvests Americans for their money
Typical PSYCHOPATH LEO in America!
HOW LONG will we tolerate this scum who supposedly "works for us"
The story is "#Police Protect and Defend the Public"
The #Truth is that Police "Protect and Defend the #Criminals in Washington"
And they ABUSE THE PUBLIC every day of their career!
An #Oath violation occurs EVERY DAY in the life of cops!
Most cops take the OATH to "Protect and Defend the #Constitution" as soon as they graduate the Academy..... THEN they get hired on somewhere, and immediately have to TAKE ANOTHER OATH which is diametrically opposed to the first oath!
Police CANNOT "uphold the unconstitutional laws of their state" AND "Protect and Defend the Constitution"!!!
You cannot serve two masters!
Just like the bible says!
Police SERVE THE STATE (who writes their paycheck)
And they wipe their nasty asses with the constitution AND the rights of Americans!
These scumbags are economically terrorizing every American!
But they prefer the POOR AMERICANS who cannot afford to fight them in court!
What Police do on a daily basis is USELESS ABUSE of Americans!
They do not solve crimes, or try to catch "bad guys"
They try to WRITE TICKETS and file felony charges
on people who have HARMED NOBODY! (There is no legitimate #Crime)
A "CRIME" requires a VICTIM!
What Police charge these Americans under is NOT the "Law of the LAND"
They file these charges under "Maritime Admiralty Law"
where they can make sh*t up as they go along!
NO AMERICAN belongs within the #Jurisdiction of
"Maritime Admiralty Law"
We ALL belong under COMMON LAW!
Police are part of a criminal CORPORATION that harvests Americans for their money
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