Can You Get Any More Obvious and Deceptive? Biden Chides Putin for Attempted 2020 Election Meddling on Behalf of Donald Trump
In yet another clumsy Dem-driven attempt to fool the public, Biden threatened that Putin would "pay a price" for his election meddling on behalf of Donald Trump.
Laughably lame and as real as a $3 bill.
Anyone who has followed the voluminous election meddling evidence (and there is an abundance of it as the documentary Absolute Proof and other sources demonstrate can conclude:
Many foreign elements were involved including Biden's buds, the Chinese
Domestic proof of election fraud is massive and convincing and it was heavily engineered to deprive Donald Trump of the results he earned with hard work (while Joe was confined to the basement) NOT to help him.
In addition to electronic fraud involving Dominion (majority-owned by the Chinese) there was voluminous paper ballot fraud engineered by Democrat Governors in swing states and much more.
Meanwhile, Dems like Biden and the known liar Adam Schiff are attempting to deflect the blame to Russia once again (Anyone ever heard that tune before, I wonder?)
Proven liar Schiff claims:
"Russia ran a successful intelligence operation that penetrated the former president’s inner circle.”
According to Schiff:
The Russians did this “with the intent of denigrating now-President Biden and damaging his candidacy.”
Biden did not declare what price Putin would pay for this so-called interference but the American people already know what price we are paying for the theft of our votes as we observe the moronity of a Chinese puppet in Biden and his power lusting minions.
America lost this election mightily and it shows to us how with each and every day this fool and his party are in political control.
Pray for the sun, 'cause the rain is coming hard and fast.
#biden #biden2020 #electionfraud #russiahoax
Can You Get Any More Obvious and Deceptive? Biden Chides Putin for Attempted 2020 Election Meddling on Behalf of Donald Trump
In yet another clumsy Dem-driven attempt to fool the public, Biden threatened that Putin would "pay a price" for his election meddling on behalf of Donald Trump.
Laughably lame and as real as a $3 bill.
Anyone who has followed the voluminous election meddling evidence (and there is an abundance of it as the documentary Absolute Proof and other sources demonstrate can conclude:
Many foreign elements were involved including Biden's buds, the Chinese
Domestic proof of election fraud is massive and convincing and it was heavily engineered to deprive Donald Trump of the results he earned with hard work (while Joe was confined to the basement) NOT to help him.
In addition to electronic fraud involving Dominion (majority-owned by the Chinese) there was voluminous paper ballot fraud engineered by Democrat Governors in swing states and much more.
Meanwhile, Dems like Biden and the known liar Adam Schiff are attempting to deflect the blame to Russia once again (Anyone ever heard that tune before, I wonder?)
Proven liar Schiff claims:
"Russia ran a successful intelligence operation that penetrated the former president’s inner circle.”
According to Schiff:
The Russians did this “with the intent of denigrating now-President Biden and damaging his candidacy.”
Biden did not declare what price Putin would pay for this so-called interference but the American people already know what price we are paying for the theft of our votes as we observe the moronity of a Chinese puppet in Biden and his power lusting minions.
America lost this election mightily and it shows to us how with each and every day this fool and his party are in political control.
Pray for the sun, 'cause the rain is coming hard and fast.
#biden #biden2020 #electionfraud #russiahoax #votescam2020