• What this Country Needs is More Jake McNastys & Grizzled Old Nam Vets
    It was the night before one of the most transcendental military invasions in human history, and hundreds of C-47 Skytrains darted across the English Channel carrying thousands of brave paratroopers about to face the darkest chapter of their lives.

    The warplanes carried a group of paratroopers unlike any other, with mohawk haircuts and tribal face paint. The outfit led by the rebellious and untamed Jake 'McNasty' McNiece laughed and joked even as their aircraft was engulfed by fierce German flak fire.

    As the Skytrain lost altitude, McNiece ordered his men to prepare for the jump. The lights inside the cabin then turned red, and the men scrambled to their feet amid fire and thunder. As McNiece and his comrade Willy made it to the door, flak burst through the warplane's belly, hitting Willy's backpack and unraveling his parachute inside the plane.

    Now significantly damaged, the C-37 continued to lose altitude as Willy desperately tried to gather his parachute and move away from the door so other paratroopers could jump. McNiece then jumped into the flak-lit skies over France, and the Skytrain exploded in midair only a few seconds later.

    There was no time to mourn, as McNiece and the rest of the notorious Filthy Thirteen outfit were now behind enemy lines in Normandy, and they had a crucial mission to finish…
    What this Country Needs is More Jake McNastys & Grizzled Old Nam Vets It was the night before one of the most transcendental military invasions in human history, and hundreds of C-47 Skytrains darted across the English Channel carrying thousands of brave paratroopers about to face the darkest chapter of their lives. The warplanes carried a group of paratroopers unlike any other, with mohawk haircuts and tribal face paint. The outfit led by the rebellious and untamed Jake 'McNasty' McNiece laughed and joked even as their aircraft was engulfed by fierce German flak fire. As the Skytrain lost altitude, McNiece ordered his men to prepare for the jump. The lights inside the cabin then turned red, and the men scrambled to their feet amid fire and thunder. As McNiece and his comrade Willy made it to the door, flak burst through the warplane's belly, hitting Willy's backpack and unraveling his parachute inside the plane. Now significantly damaged, the C-37 continued to lose altitude as Willy desperately tried to gather his parachute and move away from the door so other paratroopers could jump. McNiece then jumped into the flak-lit skies over France, and the Skytrain exploded in midair only a few seconds later. There was no time to mourn, as McNiece and the rest of the notorious Filthy Thirteen outfit were now behind enemy lines in Normandy, and they had a crucial mission to finish…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 177 Views
  • This is only ONE reason that I DO NOT carry around a spy device on my person!
    I get it, we ALL have cell phones!

    I have one myself!
    MINE has blue painters tape over the front and rear facing cameras....

    And I very rarely have it in my hand OR within 5 feet of me!

    If you carry this tracking device with you everywhere you go
    you are a very easy target, that can be had at any time!

    Our best way forward would be to rid ourselves of these devices!
    Go back to the days of yesteryear, and ALL get a landline!

    Whereas ANYTHING WIRELESS may be monitored and tracked!

    Your text messages, photos, and calls are ALL RECORDED & STORED
    in a database in Utah, and gives the criminal cartel a simple way to frame you

    And of course, to KILL YOU!
    This is only ONE reason that I DO NOT carry around a spy device on my person! I get it, we ALL have cell phones! I have one myself! MINE has blue painters tape over the front and rear facing cameras.... And I very rarely have it in my hand OR within 5 feet of me! If you carry this tracking device with you everywhere you go you are a very easy target, that can be had at any time! Our best way forward would be to rid ourselves of these devices! Go back to the days of yesteryear, and ALL get a landline! You know.... IT REQUIRES A WARRANT TO SPY ON A LANDLINE! Whereas ANYTHING WIRELESS may be monitored and tracked! Your text messages, photos, and calls are ALL RECORDED & STORED in a database in Utah, and gives the criminal cartel a simple way to frame you And of course, to KILL YOU!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 80 Views
  • @ArtistsPages
    ‪@Lochanpeng‬ #art #painting #oilpainting #paint #contemporaryart #kunst #artandcraft
    @ArtistsPages ‪@Lochanpeng‬ #art #painting #oilpainting #paint #contemporaryart #kunst #artandcraft https://youtube.com/shorts/cq_Kn0MBc_Y?si=FCzitayAZW1nqfsF
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 132 Views
  • The process of creating 'Pepevarius' (Oil on wooden board) #oilpainting #grisaille #art #shorts
    The process of creating 'Pepevarius' (Oil on wooden board) #oilpainting #grisaille #art #shorts https://youtube.com/shorts/aprpAr3znKM?si=jrW5WNrFTGW5aIoB
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 110 Views
  • Alex gazed up at the sky, his brow furrowed in concern. The trails crisscrossing the blue expanse were more than just vapor; they were a signal, a warning that only he seemed to recognize. While his friends dismissed his worries as paranoia, Alex was convinced they were being manipulated, their perceptions clouded by a veil of misinformation.
    For years, he had immersed himself in research, uncovering layers of history and hidden agendas. The government’s silence on certain topics, especially those surrounding environmental changes, felt like a conspiracy to him. As a passionate sky watcher and amateur astronomer, he had always believed in the power of knowledge and observation. But now, he felt as if he was shouting into a void.
    "Look at the sky!" he would urge anyone who would listen. "We’re being poisoned, and no one seems to care!" But his words often fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the noise of daily life and the allure of comfortable ignorance.
    One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant oranges and purples, Alex made a decision. He would not succumb to despair. Instead, he would harness his passion for astronomy to spark conversations about the truths hidden in plain sight. He began organizing local sky-watching events, inviting friends and strangers alike to join him under the stars.
    With each gathering, he shared his findings, carefully explaining the science behind the trails above and the historical context of their existence. Slowly, he noticed a shift. People began to ask questions, to think critically about the narratives they had accepted without challenge.
    Yet, the deeper Alex delved, the more he realized that the conversation about the past—particularly the events of World War II and the complexities of geopolitical alliances—was fraught with tension. It was a topic that many avoided, fearing the backlash of challenging established beliefs. But Alex pressed on, believing that understanding history was crucial to addressing the issues of the present.
    As he stood beneath the vast, starry sky one night, surrounded by a small group of engaged listeners, Alex felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, the truth could no longer be silenced. With every question asked and every myth debunked, they were taking a step toward clarity.
    The system may have been designed to obscure, but Alex was determined to illuminate. And as the stars twinkled above, he knew that as long as he kept looking up, there was a chance for change
    Alex gazed up at the sky, his brow furrowed in concern. The trails crisscrossing the blue expanse were more than just vapor; they were a signal, a warning that only he seemed to recognize. While his friends dismissed his worries as paranoia, Alex was convinced they were being manipulated, their perceptions clouded by a veil of misinformation. For years, he had immersed himself in research, uncovering layers of history and hidden agendas. The government’s silence on certain topics, especially those surrounding environmental changes, felt like a conspiracy to him. As a passionate sky watcher and amateur astronomer, he had always believed in the power of knowledge and observation. But now, he felt as if he was shouting into a void. "Look at the sky!" he would urge anyone who would listen. "We’re being poisoned, and no one seems to care!" But his words often fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the noise of daily life and the allure of comfortable ignorance. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant oranges and purples, Alex made a decision. He would not succumb to despair. Instead, he would harness his passion for astronomy to spark conversations about the truths hidden in plain sight. He began organizing local sky-watching events, inviting friends and strangers alike to join him under the stars. With each gathering, he shared his findings, carefully explaining the science behind the trails above and the historical context of their existence. Slowly, he noticed a shift. People began to ask questions, to think critically about the narratives they had accepted without challenge. Yet, the deeper Alex delved, the more he realized that the conversation about the past—particularly the events of World War II and the complexities of geopolitical alliances—was fraught with tension. It was a topic that many avoided, fearing the backlash of challenging established beliefs. But Alex pressed on, believing that understanding history was crucial to addressing the issues of the present. As he stood beneath the vast, starry sky one night, surrounded by a small group of engaged listeners, Alex felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, the truth could no longer be silenced. With every question asked and every myth debunked, they were taking a step toward clarity. The system may have been designed to obscure, but Alex was determined to illuminate. And as the stars twinkled above, he knew that as long as he kept looking up, there was a chance for change
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 415 Views
  • In Finland 4000 reindeer are hit and killed by cars….so, they paint the antlers with reflective paint so drivers can see them!!!
    In Finland 4000 reindeer are hit and killed by cars….so, they paint the antlers with reflective paint so drivers can see them!!!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 132 Views
  • HOW in the HELL do People Take THEM SERIOUSLY!?

    There are some seriously mentally defective people in the USA!
    And I'm NOT just speaking about #DemonRats who will support Camel Toe Harris!

    #Trump is an ACTOR!
    You can claim whatever you like...

    People KNOW these thing....
    But because they are brainwashed #Slaves with Stockholm syndrome they WILL
    go down and give up their INALIENABLE RIGHTS and "Vote" to give
    "Power of Attorney" over their LIFE to the ACTOR Donald Trump!

    A guy with a picture of Apollyon painted on his ceiling, even the supposed #Christians will "vote" to be ruled by this man... Despite the FACT that he worships the anti-Christ, claims to be a Christian but has NEVER ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS!

    All I want to know is how they square this with THEMSELVES!
    It's easy enough to rationalize your insanity to other people, but HOW do you rationalize it to yourself?

    If you want to change this world, you MUST start by changing YOURSELF!\
    I changed myself! The day I fell to my knees and asked forgiveness of my own sins

    That very day, and the weeks that followed,
    the Most High SHOWED ME THE #TRUTH... And the TRUTH is that all of these people are Satan's minions, deceiving YOU into participating in SATAN'S SYSTEM!

    The very word "Legal" means "AGAINST GOD'S LAW"

    HOW in the HELL do People Take THEM SERIOUSLY!? There are some seriously mentally defective people in the USA! And I'm NOT just speaking about #DemonRats who will support Camel Toe Harris! #Trump is an ACTOR! You can claim whatever you like... BUT I HAVE SEEN HIM ON WWE WRESTLING AND "THE APPRENTICE" MYSELF! People KNOW these thing.... But because they are brainwashed #Slaves with Stockholm syndrome they WILL go down and give up their INALIENABLE RIGHTS and "Vote" to give "Power of Attorney" over their LIFE to the ACTOR Donald Trump! A guy with a picture of Apollyon painted on his ceiling, even the supposed #Christians will "vote" to be ruled by this man... Despite the FACT that he worships the anti-Christ, claims to be a Christian but has NEVER ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS! All I want to know is how they square this with THEMSELVES! It's easy enough to rationalize your insanity to other people, but HOW do you rationalize it to yourself? If you want to change this world, you MUST start by changing YOURSELF!\ I changed myself! The day I fell to my knees and asked forgiveness of my own sins That very day, and the weeks that followed, the Most High SHOWED ME THE #TRUTH... And the TRUTH is that all of these people are Satan's minions, deceiving YOU into participating in SATAN'S SYSTEM! The very word "Legal" means "AGAINST GOD'S LAW" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L6TdNRhd2U
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 473 Views
  • [from CloutHub:
    (IMHO: This, was worth "sharing):
    After six burglaries, three car thefts, multiple illegal trespasses, ongoing cocaine and alcohol addictions, committing two violent home invasions, three armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money, beating four victims senseless, and being arrested 23 times, George Floyd hasn’t committed a crime in over three years.

    But his hard work did net his family $27 million from the state and $20 million from a GoFundMe account, not to mention statues and paintings honoring his many accomplishments.

    We are one sick country when half the population follows the Democratic Party’s model of democracy!!
    [from CloutHub: (IMHO: This, was worth "sharing): R ronrob @ronrob After six burglaries, three car thefts, multiple illegal trespasses, ongoing cocaine and alcohol addictions, committing two violent home invasions, three armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money, beating four victims senseless, and being arrested 23 times, George Floyd hasn’t committed a crime in over three years. But his hard work did net his family $27 million from the state and $20 million from a GoFundMe account, not to mention statues and paintings honoring his many accomplishments. We are one sick country when half the population follows the Democratic Party’s model of democracy!!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 485 Views
  • Thermite Powder added to the paint on the walls is what caused the Twin Towers to Collapse on 9/11; NOT an airliner hologram crashing into the buildings.

    Thermite is commonly used by all major railroads in the U.S., Canada, & worldwide to fuse ribbon rail together. It is also used in military explosives.

    Thermite burns at 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Thermite Powder added to the paint on the walls is what caused the Twin Towers to Collapse on 9/11; NOT an airliner hologram crashing into the buildings. Thermite is commonly used by all major railroads in the U.S., Canada, & worldwide to fuse ribbon rail together. It is also used in military explosives. Thermite burns at 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 248 Views
  • MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France

    SUMMARY: DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE! The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered. THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control. …MORE FRENCH TYRANNY INFO TO READ!
    #GlobalistDeepState #PavelDurov #CensoringTelegram
    MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/more-on-pavel-durov-arrest-in-france SUMMARY: DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE! The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered. THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control. …MORE FRENCH TYRANNY INFO TO READ! #GlobalistDeepState #PavelDurov #CensoringTelegram
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 705 Views
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