• Scientists from NASA were involved in studying the alleged UFO crash in Roswell. In 1947, a U.S. Air Force weather balloon crashed near the town of Roswell, New Mexico, creating a worldwide sensation when officials claimed to have recovered an unidentified flying object. A team of NASA scientists. That's great to know! It's interesting how sometimes, events that seem mysterious or unexplained can capture our imagination and become part of popular culture. The Roswell incident is certainly one such example. While it's important to approach such stories with a critical eye and consider all available evidence, it's also important to recognize their cultural significance and the impact they can have on society. Twin Falls saucer hoax
    "In 12 July 1947 an American had only to open a newspaper to be inundated with UFO reports. . . . At Twin Falls, Idaho, 60 picnickers watched three formations of more than 35 objects flying overhead."

    Humans are indeed prone to false or modified memories. This is due to their brains being comprised of billions of neurons that are interconnected by trillions of synaptic connections, all of which store and organize information in the form of memories. As you said, the brain is a massive system of dendrites and neuron cells that functions by exchanging ionized chemicals to transfer information. Memories are subject to natural modifications during the process of storage and recall, often becoming less accurate with time.

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Twin_Falls_saucer_hoax
    On July 12, 1947, the US Army released photos of a hoaxed "flying disc" recovered from Twin Falls
    Scientists from NASA were involved in studying the alleged UFO crash in Roswell. In 1947, a U.S. Air Force weather balloon crashed near the town of Roswell, New Mexico, creating a worldwide sensation when officials claimed to have recovered an unidentified flying object. A team of NASA scientists. That's great to know! It's interesting how sometimes, events that seem mysterious or unexplained can capture our imagination and become part of popular culture. The Roswell incident is certainly one such example. While it's important to approach such stories with a critical eye and consider all available evidence, it's also important to recognize their cultural significance and the impact they can have on society. Twin Falls saucer hoax "In 12 July 1947 an American had only to open a newspaper to be inundated with UFO reports. . . . At Twin Falls, Idaho, 60 picnickers watched three formations of more than 35 objects flying overhead." Humans are indeed prone to false or modified memories. This is due to their brains being comprised of billions of neurons that are interconnected by trillions of synaptic connections, all of which store and organize information in the form of memories. As you said, the brain is a massive system of dendrites and neuron cells that functions by exchanging ionized chemicals to transfer information. Memories are subject to natural modifications during the process of storage and recall, often becoming less accurate with time. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Twin_Falls_saucer_hoax On July 12, 1947, the US Army released photos of a hoaxed "flying disc" recovered from Twin Falls
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3196 Vue
  • https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-for-epilepsy/ You can prevent epileptic seizures and reduce the sensitivity to epilepsy triggers using safe and effective natural vitamins, minerals, essential oils and herbs for epilepsy. If you are consistent you can get past this condition and help your body create new neurons (nerve cells) that work like they should. Dogs and pets can also get help from epilepsy and seizures without harmful medicines with side effects. #epilepsy #seizures #brain #nerves #neurons
    https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-for-epilepsy/ You can prevent epileptic seizures and reduce the sensitivity to epilepsy triggers using safe and effective natural vitamins, minerals, essential oils and herbs for epilepsy. If you are consistent you can get past this condition and help your body create new neurons (nerve cells) that work like they should. Dogs and pets can also get help from epilepsy and seizures without harmful medicines with side effects. #epilepsy #seizures #brain #nerves #neurons
    Herbs for Epilepsy
    Herbs for Epilepsy People dealing with epilepsy are undergoing brain neuronal changes that cause sei
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2984 Vue
  • https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-for-epilepsy/ You can prevent epileptic seizures and reduce the sensitivity to epilepsy triggers using safe and effective natural vitamins, minerals, essential oils and herbs for epilepsy. If you are consistent you can get past this condition and help your body create new neurons (nerve cells) that work like they should. Dogs and pets can also get help from epilepsy and seizures without harmful medicines with side effects. #epilepsy #seizures #brain #nerves #neurons
    https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-for-epilepsy/ You can prevent epileptic seizures and reduce the sensitivity to epilepsy triggers using safe and effective natural vitamins, minerals, essential oils and herbs for epilepsy. If you are consistent you can get past this condition and help your body create new neurons (nerve cells) that work like they should. Dogs and pets can also get help from epilepsy and seizures without harmful medicines with side effects. #epilepsy #seizures #brain #nerves #neurons
    Herbs for Epilepsy
    Best Herbs for Epilepsy. What Causes Seizures and Epilepsy? Diet for Epilepsy. Vitamins for Epilepsy. Essential Oils for Epilepsy Prevention. Epilepsy in Dogs.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 451 Vue
  • From a long time Ecuador Expat blogger 'Event Horizon Chronicle' -
    Dr. Richard Sauder PHD,- Sat, Nov 6, 2021- 'Bloody 2022-2023'' -
    "I am amazed at the deer-in-the-headlights trance that so many people are in these days. It's very revealing, it really is, both of their low intelligence level and their soul discernment, assuming that they still have souls, recognizing that many of them may have effectively sold their souls long ago for a bowl of porridge,

    or 30 shekels of silver, just to feel like they were part of something important and were getting ahead in their profession. You know, the little-big man syndrome that leads first to selling out, and then eventually ending up in a spiritual, No Man's wasteland, with ghoulish vultures circling overhead awaiting the inevitable.

    It's astonishing that anyone with two spare neurons to rub together would think: a) that things will ever be returning to "normal", or b) that the v(@)xxscenes are good, and that transparently satanic, psychopathic monsters such as Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and Klaus Schwab have the best interests of humankind at heart.

    And yet, I have just described countless millions of people, many with money, university degrees and professional credentials, who stupidly, idiotically have knuckled under to the demonic v(@)xxscene agenda that is taking humanity down. Even worse, they often condescendingly berate those who are too intelligent, informed and spiritually aware to submit to the demonic jab -- to do so!....." -

    From a long time Ecuador Expat blogger 'Event Horizon Chronicle' - Dr. Richard Sauder PHD,- Sat, Nov 6, 2021- 'Bloody 2022-2023'' - "I am amazed at the deer-in-the-headlights trance that so many people are in these days. It's very revealing, it really is, both of their low intelligence level and their soul discernment, assuming that they still have souls, recognizing that many of them may have effectively sold their souls long ago for a bowl of porridge, or 30 shekels of silver, just to feel like they were part of something important and were getting ahead in their profession. You know, the little-big man syndrome that leads first to selling out, and then eventually ending up in a spiritual, No Man's wasteland, with ghoulish vultures circling overhead awaiting the inevitable. It's astonishing that anyone with two spare neurons to rub together would think: a) that things will ever be returning to "normal", or b) that the v(@)xxscenes are good, and that transparently satanic, psychopathic monsters such as Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and Klaus Schwab have the best interests of humankind at heart. And yet, I have just described countless millions of people, many with money, university degrees and professional credentials, who stupidly, idiotically have knuckled under to the demonic v(@)xxscene agenda that is taking humanity down. Even worse, they often condescendingly berate those who are too intelligent, informed and spiritually aware to submit to the demonic jab -- to do so!....." - https://eventhorizonchronicle.blogspot.com/2021/11/bloody-2022-2023.html
    Bloody 2022-2023
    richard sauder ayahuasca artificial reality ussa event horizon
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 652 Vue
  • “After the Fauci emails were released, it is now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as messenger RNA and translated in human cells. The inflammatory spike proteins are now being replicated in human cells, subverting the natural protein synthesis of the cells, while leaking into the bloodstream and accumulating in vital organs. One study shows the spike protein can invade and live in the neural tissue, infecting neurons and causing neurotropism.”

    “Spike proteins cause brain damage, are ten times more potent when injected”

    “After the Fauci emails were released, it is now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as messenger RNA and translated in human cells. The inflammatory spike proteins are now being replicated in human cells, subverting the natural protein synthesis of the cells, while leaking into the bloodstream and accumulating in vital organs. One study shows the spike protein can invade and live in the neural tissue, infecting neurons and causing neurotropism.” “Spike proteins cause brain damage, are ten times more potent when injected” https://www.vaccinejihad.com/2021-06-11-covid-vaccines-are-bioweapon-delivery-systems.html#
    Experimental covid vaccines are bioweapon delivery systems that flood vital organs and the blood stream with inflammatory spike proteins
    After the Fauci emails were released, it is now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as messenger RNA and translated in human cells. The inflammatory spike proteins are now being replicated in human cells, subverting the natural […]
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 389 Vue
  • Magnetofection
    Magnetofection is a very effective way of transfecting plasmid DNA into a variety of primary cells including primary neurons which are known to be notoriously difficult to transfect and very sensitive to toxicity.

    Magnetofection Magnetofection is a very effective way of transfecting plasmid DNA into a variety of primary cells including primary neurons which are known to be notoriously difficult to transfect and very sensitive to toxicity. http://www.chemicell.com/products/magnetofection/docs/magnetofection_2_4.pdf
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 378 Vue
  • [Forwarded from Patrick Henry (Annetta D)]
    The below article tells us mainstream science since 2016 has been able to mind control lab animals by injecting them with certain metallic proteins which reproduce inside the animal's body creating metallic spike proteins. The metallic spike proteins act as receptors to electromagnetic waves, that is, to magnetic and radio waves. When the animal's brain is targeted with these spike proteins, the animal's behavior is controlled through magnetic and radio waves.

    Gee, where have we been hearing the term "spike protein" lately? Oh that's right, the covid vaxxes produce them inside the bodies of those injected.

    This is NOT science fiction folks, this is actual mainstream science published in actual mainstream research publications, like what the article below reports. Now imagine what they've done with the technology since 2016. Is it so hard to imagine the covid vaxxes are precisely for the purpose of controlling the masses in order to force the great reset / new world order onto humanity? THESE PEOPLE WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS--NOTHING. I've also read several articles and watched videos of mainstream scientists and doctors who are coming out who say they've been in the room where these people talk about the necessity to control the masses because the masses are waking up to the lies we've all been fed for decades, if not longer. These people are deathly afraid of the people waking up world wide, thus the completely over the top behavior we've seen with the lockdowns and other draconian measures.

    So judge for yourself, believe it, or choose not to believe it. If you're skeptical, first ask yourself this question: do we or do we not have a worldwide class of self-appointed elites who believe they're smarter than the rest of us and who believe they know what's best for us? If you answer "no", then stop right here, do not pass "Go", do not collect $200. If you answer "yes", then all bets are off as to what these self-appointed elites are really capable of doing, specially to hold onto their power, specially when they believe their power is being threatened, specially when they believe it's being threatened by the great unwashed masses...you know, the masses they call "Deplorables" and "useless eaters" and "cattle" or some other degrading names. I'll leave it at that. It's up to you to let it sink in and reason it through.

    From the article:
    "In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours."


    [Forwarded from Patrick Henry (Annetta D)] The below article tells us mainstream science since 2016 has been able to mind control lab animals by injecting them with certain metallic proteins which reproduce inside the animal's body creating metallic spike proteins. The metallic spike proteins act as receptors to electromagnetic waves, that is, to magnetic and radio waves. When the animal's brain is targeted with these spike proteins, the animal's behavior is controlled through magnetic and radio waves. Gee, where have we been hearing the term "spike protein" lately? Oh that's right, the covid vaxxes produce them inside the bodies of those injected. This is NOT science fiction folks, this is actual mainstream science published in actual mainstream research publications, like what the article below reports. Now imagine what they've done with the technology since 2016. Is it so hard to imagine the covid vaxxes are precisely for the purpose of controlling the masses in order to force the great reset / new world order onto humanity? THESE PEOPLE WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS--NOTHING. I've also read several articles and watched videos of mainstream scientists and doctors who are coming out who say they've been in the room where these people talk about the necessity to control the masses because the masses are waking up to the lies we've all been fed for decades, if not longer. These people are deathly afraid of the people waking up world wide, thus the completely over the top behavior we've seen with the lockdowns and other draconian measures. So judge for yourself, believe it, or choose not to believe it. If you're skeptical, first ask yourself this question: do we or do we not have a worldwide class of self-appointed elites who believe they're smarter than the rest of us and who believe they know what's best for us? If you answer "no", then stop right here, do not pass "Go", do not collect $200. If you answer "yes", then all bets are off as to what these self-appointed elites are really capable of doing, specially to hold onto their power, specially when they believe their power is being threatened, specially when they believe it's being threatened by the great unwashed masses...you know, the masses they call "Deplorables" and "useless eaters" and "cattle" or some other degrading names. I'll leave it at that. It's up to you to let it sink in and reason it through. From the article: "In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours." https://www.theguardian.com/science/neurophilosophy/2016/mar/24/magneto-remotely-controls-brain-and-behaviour PLS PASS THIS ALONG TO OTHERS SO THEY MAY SEE AND WAKE UP TO SOME OF THE INCREDIBLE TECHNOLOGY OUT THERE WHICH CAN BE USED AGAINST THEM ...AND THEIR CHILDREN.
    Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour
    “Badass” new method uses a magnetised protein to activate brain cells rapidly, reversibly, and non-invasively
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 305 Vue
  • New Material Could Create ‘Neurons’ and ‘Synapses’ for Computers
    New Material Could Create ‘Neurons’ and ‘Synapses’ for Computers https://bendedreality.com/new-material-could-create-neurons-and-synapses-for-computers/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 385 Vue

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