Typical narcissistic psychopath disorder!
    Not to mention a good number of the boys in blue are #Freemason scum!

    Worshiping #Lucifer and performing the occasional human sacrifice!
    Look it up!

    Almost every PD in the country has a Masonic version of their patch available
    These guys undergo a bit of Satanic Ritual Abuse, a little brainwashing....

    And told that if they got to kill 60 innocent Americans...

    Their job description is supposed to be "Public Safety"
    but "Officer Safety" is all that matters!

    People with this affliction seek out positions
    in the #Police Department, #Sheriff, or #Government!

    WARNING!! TO ALL WOMEN!!! RE: DATING COPS Typical narcissistic psychopath disorder! Not to mention a good number of the boys in blue are #Freemason scum! Worshiping #Lucifer and performing the occasional human sacrifice! Look it up! Almost every PD in the country has a Masonic version of their patch available These guys undergo a bit of Satanic Ritual Abuse, a little brainwashing.... And told that if they got to kill 60 innocent Americans... THEY GO HOME SAFE! Their job description is supposed to be "Public Safety" but "Officer Safety" is all that matters! People with this affliction seek out positions in the #Police Department, #Sheriff, or #Government! https://old.bitchute.com/video/6qvflRZ-MZM/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1K Views

    scumbag mf's who have no empathy for others
    OR common decency!

    They are nothing more than scumbags who get away with #Crimes over and over again

    Narcissistic devils

    609 FALSE DUI ARRESTS BY LYING COPS WITH BIBLE TATTOOS scumbag mf's who have no empathy for others OR common decency! They are nothing more than scumbags who get away with #Crimes over and over again Narcissistic devils https://old.bitchute.com/video/ddgcewPpjbU/
    609 False DUI ARRESTS by Lying Cops With Bible Tattoos
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch **New Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AnZIdIN64I Become a Channel member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patr…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 591 Views
  • Kamala gets irate that ppl were chanting Donald Trump at her Detroit rally. She went back to her condescending phrase “I’m talking right now” . This egotistical narcissistic liar believes she outranks us in the human order. Someone tell this b!t€h we aren’t in her courtroom
    Kamala gets irate that ppl were chanting Donald Trump at her Detroit rally. She went back to her condescending phrase “I’m talking right now” 🤣. This egotistical narcissistic liar believes she outranks us in the human order. Someone tell this b!t€h we aren’t in her courtroom
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 321 Views 0
  • https://medforth.biz/kamalas-narcissistic-rage-what-were-up-against-continued/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 201 Views

    We are an illegitimate "authority" to begin with, we are "POLICY ENFORCERS" of the #Corporation of the United States, and we are unthinking, immoral, scumbags who believe that we have more rights than every other American...

    We are brain dead ZOT-BOTS who "Follow Orders" even when we are fully aware those orders are UNLAWFUL! Instead of arresting the #Criminal who GAVE those orders, we will unlawfully follow those orders to the letter

    We violate our sworn #Oath on a daily basis because we cannot BOTH "Protect and Defend the #Constitution of the United States" while simultaneously "Enforcing the STATUTES and CODES of our CORPORATE State"

    Because the "Statutes and Codes" we swear to enforce are

    You CANNOT serve two masters folks!
    You either uphold your sworn oath to the Constitution....
    OR you uphold the STATUTES and CODES of the Criminal Corporate "state"


    We wear a pentagram on our chest, or some other Satanic symbol, which must have some sort of effect over our minds, because we are ALL pieces of dung without empathy for ANYONE!

    I know what you'll say.... Some have pentagrams, but other Police and Sheriffs wear badges with 7 pointed stars... and others even wear 8 pointed stars!

    Well guess what???
    ALL of those have Satanic meanings too!

    Babylonian TALMUD meanings, Greek FALSE GOD meanings, Every FALSE RELIGION on earth holds these symbols to have meanings in their false doctrine!


    Whatever "training" these individuals have gone through likely involved at least some Satanic ritual abuse AND mind control technology!

    Because the simple fact of the matter is that they no longer even seem human!
    Police are just about ALL narcissistic, psychopathic abusers, who have zero empathy or compassion for anyone but themselves!

    They will gladly DO TO YOU
    what they would NOT want done to them!

    It's quite possible that psychopaths seek out positions of authority and control so that they can get away with their evil deeds and crimes....

    And it works very well for them since they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in very rare cases, where their deeds draw national attention

    Scumbags all

    And these symbols being on a person all the time, and within their line of sight, along with the flashing strobes etc.... certainly has an effect on their subconscious mind and their actions!

    Plus the lack of accountability just encourages criminal behavior!
    WHY NOT break the "Law" if you KNOW you won't be punished?

    HIDDEN CAMERA: COPS Threaten DESPERATE Hurricane SURVIVORS We are an illegitimate "authority" to begin with, we are "POLICY ENFORCERS" of the #Corporation of the United States, and we are unthinking, immoral, scumbags who believe that we have more rights than every other American... We are brain dead ZOT-BOTS who "Follow Orders" even when we are fully aware those orders are UNLAWFUL! Instead of arresting the #Criminal who GAVE those orders, we will unlawfully follow those orders to the letter We violate our sworn #Oath on a daily basis because we cannot BOTH "Protect and Defend the #Constitution of the United States" while simultaneously "Enforcing the STATUTES and CODES of our CORPORATE State" Because the "Statutes and Codes" we swear to enforce are REPUGNANT TO THE CONSTITUTION! You CANNOT serve two masters folks! You either uphold your sworn oath to the Constitution.... OR you uphold the STATUTES and CODES of the Criminal Corporate "state" PERIOD! We wear a pentagram on our chest, or some other Satanic symbol, which must have some sort of effect over our minds, because we are ALL pieces of dung without empathy for ANYONE! I know what you'll say.... Some have pentagrams, but other Police and Sheriffs wear badges with 7 pointed stars... and others even wear 8 pointed stars! Well guess what??? ALL of those have Satanic meanings too! Babylonian TALMUD meanings, Greek FALSE GOD meanings, Every FALSE RELIGION on earth holds these symbols to have meanings in their false doctrine! LOOK IT UP! Whatever "training" these individuals have gone through likely involved at least some Satanic ritual abuse AND mind control technology! Because the simple fact of the matter is that they no longer even seem human! Police are just about ALL narcissistic, psychopathic abusers, who have zero empathy or compassion for anyone but themselves! They will gladly DO TO YOU what they would NOT want done to them! It's quite possible that psychopaths seek out positions of authority and control so that they can get away with their evil deeds and crimes.... And it works very well for them since they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in very rare cases, where their deeds draw national attention Scumbags all And these symbols being on a person all the time, and within their line of sight, along with the flashing strobes etc.... certainly has an effect on their subconscious mind and their actions! Plus the lack of accountability just encourages criminal behavior! WHY NOT break the "Law" if you KNOW you won't be punished? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om4uTDe0tcs
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2K Views
  • Elon, you state the truth that is suppressed by the propaganda media. YES, many Marxist democrat governors & Secretary of states are imposing restrictions on any efforts to ask for voter ID or ballot verification to prevent fraudulent ballots submitted by mail or drop boxes from being counted. While these Marxist democrats work on the state level Biden/Kamala & Marxist democrats moves ahead on the Federal level.
    Only the Presidency has the coercive powers & authority to enforce the federal laws & policies of land. Congress does not.
    Lawless narcissistic sociopath Biden & serial liar Kamala has decided to used these powers to destroy political opposition while violating the laws & constitution of & ignoring the Supreme Court rulings that attempts to stop Biden's lawlessness.
    Over 50 million illegals invited by Biden/Kamala to shatter society by 2029 is the plan!
    Today Narcissistic sociopath Biden & Marxist Kamala believe that a shattered society is the fastest route to a permanent 1 party dictatorship.
    Our 1776 forefathers believed that the constitution, bill of rights, the separation of powers among 3 coequal branches of government & a largely honest independent free press would give us the best chance to prevent an dictatorship.
    Instead in a 2020 stolen election, Biden a demented liar was installed as president through election fraud, an entrenched lying Marxist Democrat propaganda media with $400 billion spent by socialist billionaire Zuckerberg to steal the election in 5 key swing states in 2020.
    The Marxist democrats with the support of propaganda media plan to steal another presidential election with mass harvested ballots prepared by Marxist democrat operatives & stuffed into unsupervised drop boxes or mail boxes.
    All to be counted with little or no oversight for fraud.
    In 2021 corrupt sociopath Biden signed an Executive order mandating all federal agencies to facilitate mass voting registration including homeland security with illegal immigrants & law enforcement to facilitate voting registration of convicted felons in prisons & jails.
    Also in DMV departments where in many democrat control states for the last few years illegal immigrants are allowed to obtain drivers licenses.
    The unstated goal is to produce a hugh pool of ballots that can be harvested & prepared by democrat operatives to steal national & state elections for the Marxist Democrat party. Similar to what Zuckerberg damned America with $400 million in 2020.
    Not surprisingly, Zuckerberg announced this summer he will not be involved in this year's presidential election & will not spend another $400 million to steal the 2024 election. He doesn't have to, the federal government is mandated to do so by sociopath Biden's executive order with YOUR TAX DOLLARS! Of cause Facebook will continue to censor Trump & GOP while praising Harris & the Marxist Democrat party.
    This was all made possible by an obedient propaganda media owned by Marxist Democrat billionaire oligarchs that are committed to a Marxist Democrat one party dictatorship.
    Today effective Republican candidates are hounded with lawsuits, criminal indictments, convicted by partisan persecutors & judges appointed by democrats & face repeated assassination attempts without any concern by the propaganda media.
    Propaganda media will provide 24/7 support to Marxist Kamala (the committed daughter of a Marxist economist) worth billions while censoring, slandering & twisting out of context or just plain lying about everything Trump says & does.
    This is the most dangerous time for liberty & honest elections in!
    If Marxist serial liar Kamala is installed through another rigged election repeating 2020 never expect another honest election in our lifetime.
    Expect the beginning of a 1 party Marxist Democrat dictatorship no different than elections in Putin's Russia or Maduro's Venezuela.
    will not survive 4 years of Kamala. Nor will honest elections be allowed.
    Elon, you state the truth that is suppressed by the propaganda media. YES, many Marxist democrat governors & Secretary of states are imposing restrictions on any efforts to ask for voter ID or ballot verification to prevent fraudulent ballots submitted by mail or drop boxes from being counted. While these Marxist democrats work on the state level Biden/Kamala & Marxist democrats moves ahead on the Federal level. 👉Only the Presidency has the coercive powers & authority to enforce the federal laws & policies of land. Congress does not. 👉Lawless narcissistic sociopath Biden & serial liar Kamala has decided to used these powers to destroy political opposition while violating the laws & constitution of🇺🇸 & ignoring the Supreme Court rulings that attempts to stop Biden's lawlessness. 👉Over 50 million illegals invited by Biden/Kamala to shatter🇺🇸 society by 2029 is the plan! 👉Today Narcissistic sociopath Biden & Marxist Kamala believe that a shattered 🇺🇸 society is the fastest route to a permanent 1 party dictatorship. 👉Our 1776 forefathers believed that the constitution, bill of rights, the separation of powers among 3 coequal branches of government & a largely honest independent free press would give us the best chance to prevent an🇺🇸 dictatorship. 👉Instead in a 2020 stolen election, Biden a demented liar was installed as president through election fraud, an entrenched lying Marxist Democrat propaganda media with $400 billion spent by socialist billionaire Zuckerberg to steal the election in 5 key swing states in 2020. 👉The Marxist democrats with the support of propaganda media plan to steal another presidential election with mass harvested ballots prepared by Marxist democrat operatives & stuffed into unsupervised drop boxes or mail boxes. 👉All to be counted with little or no oversight for fraud. 👉In 2021 corrupt sociopath Biden signed an Executive order mandating all federal agencies to facilitate mass voting registration including homeland security with illegal immigrants & law enforcement to facilitate voting registration of convicted felons in prisons & jails. 👉Also in DMV departments where in many democrat control states for the last few years illegal immigrants are allowed to obtain drivers licenses. 👉The unstated goal is to produce a hugh pool of ballots that can be harvested & prepared by democrat operatives to steal national & state elections for the Marxist Democrat party. Similar to what Zuckerberg damned America with $400 million in 2020. 👉Not surprisingly, Zuckerberg announced this summer he will not be involved in this year's presidential election & will not spend another $400 million to steal the 2024 election. He doesn't have to, the federal government is mandated to do so by sociopath Biden's executive order with YOUR TAX DOLLARS! Of cause Facebook will continue to censor Trump & GOP while praising Harris & the Marxist Democrat party. 👉This was all made possible by an obedient propaganda media owned by Marxist Democrat billionaire oligarchs that are committed to a Marxist Democrat one party dictatorship. 👉Today effective Republican candidates are hounded with lawsuits, criminal indictments, convicted by partisan persecutors & judges appointed by democrats & face repeated assassination attempts without any concern by the propaganda media. 👉Propaganda media will provide 24/7 support to Marxist Kamala (the committed daughter of a Marxist economist) worth billions while censoring, slandering & twisting out of context or just plain lying about everything Trump says & does. 👉This is the most dangerous time for liberty & honest elections in🇺🇸! 👉If Marxist serial liar Kamala is installed through another rigged election repeating 2020 never expect another honest election in our lifetime. 👉Expect the beginning of a 1 party Marxist Democrat dictatorship no different than elections in Putin's Russia or Maduro's Venezuela. 👉🇺🇸 will not survive 4 years of Kamala. Nor will honest elections be allowed.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3K Views
  • Even though the winner of the presidential debate was crystal clear to me—Donald Trump—I've been seeing far-left Twitter accounts claim Kamala Harris won by a "landslide." Yeah, seriously. One comment even said, "Anyone with intelligence and common sense saw that Kamala Harris won the debate. Criminal Trump is so narcissistic he can’t stand anything negative about himself."

    But here's the truth: did Trump really lose? No, he didn’t. Reuters held a focus group with undecided voters to get to the bottom of it. These people were unsure who they would vote for before watching the debate — making them the perfect test subjects. Out of the 10 people in that group, six said they'd vote for Trump, three said Harris, and one was still undecided. Six is twice as many as three. That's a landslide for Trump, No contest. He won, big time.

    In Trump’s first post after the debate, Trump criticized the moderators for “partisan interference” which could be seen by the amount they joined in. Furthermore, Trump stated “When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, ‘I WANT A REMATCH,'” Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate… KAMALA SHOULD FOCUS ON WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE DURING THE LAST ALMOST FOUR YEAR PERIOD. THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!”

    Now that Biden is out of the race, he may be having too much fun. During an appearance in Pennsylvania, Biden had a light hearted back and forth with a Trump supporter who asked him to sign his “Trump 2024” hat. Right after — The crowd around them started chanting to put the hat on, which Biden did with a smile. In response, The White House claimed that he was simply showcasing “bipartisan unity.” We all know he would have never done this if he was running, to me, it’s a sign that Trump was right — Biden does hate Harris.

    Thank you so much for liking and sharing these videos. It really helps me out as a small news station.

    An ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.
    So according to this whistleblower ABC news allegedly gave Harris and her team practice questions. Those then ended up being the questions that Harris was asked. Also, the ABC news whistleblower says the Kamala election team was given assurances that Trump would be fact checked and she would not. By the way did you know Trump was fact checked at least 7 times and Kamala was fact checked 0 times.
    If this is true ABC news just lost all credibility. I think they should be boycotted. Vote with your money and your time by boycotting ABC news for rigging an election in favor of Harris according to this whistleblower.
    In fact…A former Clinton adviser is calling for a formal internal investigation into ABC News’ rigged presidential debate.

    Mark Penn called Thursday for ABC to probe if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate."

    Kamala Harris’ scripted answers calls into question whether she knew the questions in advance. There are unconfirmed reports an ABC News-employed whistleblower is willing to sign an affidavit that the network gave the Harris team advance notice of the questions.

    The ABC News moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir “fact-checked” Trump at least five times, while never fact-checking Harris, despite her telling lies and
    half-truths that have been widely fact-checked as being false.

    The debate moderator Linsey Davis had previously boasted on air about literally being Kamala Harris’ sorority sister. Harris is also good friends with Dana Walden, who is Disney’s co-chairman and oversees ABC News. She is the boss of the debate moderators.

    ABC News ran a three-on-one presidential debate and thereby committed election interference.

    This is a huge scandal. ABC News must be investigated!

    In other huge news for Trump, Judge Scott Mcaffee down in Georgia has just dropped 2 major charges. Judge Macaffe ordered the dismissal of two criminal counts in Fani Willis’ RICO case against Donald Trump and his co-defendants.
    The judge found that Fani Willis did NOT have the authority to bring the charges against Trump, because she is not a federal prosecutor.
    The Democrats’ corrupt lawfare campaign is falling apart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqVrnTP7vSM
    Even though the winner of the presidential debate was crystal clear to me—Donald Trump—I've been seeing far-left Twitter accounts claim Kamala Harris won by a "landslide." Yeah, seriously. One comment even said, "Anyone with intelligence and common sense saw that Kamala Harris won the debate. Criminal Trump is so narcissistic he can’t stand anything negative about himself." But here's the truth: did Trump really lose? No, he didn’t. Reuters held a focus group with undecided voters to get to the bottom of it. These people were unsure who they would vote for before watching the debate — making them the perfect test subjects. Out of the 10 people in that group, six said they'd vote for Trump, three said Harris, and one was still undecided. Six is twice as many as three. That's a landslide for Trump, No contest. He won, big time. In Trump’s first post after the debate, Trump criticized the moderators for “partisan interference” which could be seen by the amount they joined in. Furthermore, Trump stated “When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, ‘I WANT A REMATCH,'” Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate… KAMALA SHOULD FOCUS ON WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE DURING THE LAST ALMOST FOUR YEAR PERIOD. THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!” Now that Biden is out of the race, he may be having too much fun. During an appearance in Pennsylvania, Biden had a light hearted back and forth with a Trump supporter who asked him to sign his “Trump 2024” hat. Right after — The crowd around them started chanting to put the hat on, which Biden did with a smile. In response, The White House claimed that he was simply showcasing “bipartisan unity.” We all know he would have never done this if he was running, to me, it’s a sign that Trump was right — Biden does hate Harris. Thank you so much for liking and sharing these videos. It really helps me out as a small news station. An ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not. So according to this whistleblower ABC news allegedly gave Harris and her team practice questions. Those then ended up being the questions that Harris was asked. Also, the ABC news whistleblower says the Kamala election team was given assurances that Trump would be fact checked and she would not. By the way did you know Trump was fact checked at least 7 times and Kamala was fact checked 0 times. If this is true ABC news just lost all credibility. I think they should be boycotted. Vote with your money and your time by boycotting ABC news for rigging an election in favor of Harris according to this whistleblower. In fact…A former Clinton adviser is calling for a formal internal investigation into ABC News’ rigged presidential debate. Mark Penn called Thursday for ABC to probe if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate." Kamala Harris’ scripted answers calls into question whether she knew the questions in advance. There are unconfirmed reports an ABC News-employed whistleblower is willing to sign an affidavit that the network gave the Harris team advance notice of the questions. The ABC News moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir “fact-checked” Trump at least five times, while never fact-checking Harris, despite her telling lies and half-truths that have been widely fact-checked as being false. The debate moderator Linsey Davis had previously boasted on air about literally being Kamala Harris’ sorority sister. Harris is also good friends with Dana Walden, who is Disney’s co-chairman and oversees ABC News. She is the boss of the debate moderators. ABC News ran a three-on-one presidential debate and thereby committed election interference. This is a huge scandal. ABC News must be investigated! In other huge news for Trump, Judge Scott Mcaffee down in Georgia has just dropped 2 major charges. Judge Macaffe ordered the dismissal of two criminal counts in Fani Willis’ RICO case against Donald Trump and his co-defendants. The judge found that Fani Willis did NOT have the authority to bring the charges against Trump, because she is not a federal prosecutor. The Democrats’ corrupt lawfare campaign is falling apart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqVrnTP7vSM
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2K Views
  • Get off your knees, Humanity. The Nexus of Narcissism and Leadership
    Narcissism and leadership are intricately linked, with both positive and negative consequences. Here’s a breakdown of the key findings:

    Healthy Narcissism in Leadership

    Healthy narcissism can be beneficial in leadership roles, as it can drive ambition, confidence, and a sense of self-importance (Maccoby, 2000).
    Leaders with healthy narcissistic tendencies may be more likely to take risks, innovate, and inspire others (Galvin et al., 2010).
    However, healthy narcissism is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits, such as empathy and self-awareness (Emmons, 1987).
    Destructive Narcissism in Leadership

    Destructive narcissism, characterized by grandiosity, entitlement, and a lack of empathy, can have negative consequences for organizations and followers (Rosenthal and Pittinsky, 2006).
    Leaders with destructive narcissistic tendencies may engage in abusive supervision, exploit others, and prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the organization (Tepper, 2000).
    Followers with low self-esteem may be particularly vulnerable to abuse by narcissistic leaders (Nevicka et al., 2011b).
    Mixed Results

    Research has yielded mixed results regarding the relationship between leader narcissism and leadership effectiveness (Campbell et al., 2011; Grijalva and Harms, 2014).
    Some studies have found positive correlations between leader narcissism and leadership emergence, but not with leadership effectiveness (Harms et al., 2022).
    Others have found no direct relationship between leader narcissism and abusive supervision (Wisse and Sleebos, 2016).
    Key Takeaways

    Narcissism is a complex trait that can manifest differently in leaders, with both positive and negative consequences.
    Healthy narcissism may be beneficial in leadership roles, but it is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits.
    Destructive narcissism can have devastating consequences for organizations and followers.
    Followers’ personality traits, such as low self-esteem, can influence their susceptibility to abuse by narcissistic leaders.
    Get off your knees, Humanity. The Nexus of Narcissism and Leadership Narcissism and leadership are intricately linked, with both positive and negative consequences. Here’s a breakdown of the key findings: Healthy Narcissism in Leadership Healthy narcissism can be beneficial in leadership roles, as it can drive ambition, confidence, and a sense of self-importance (Maccoby, 2000). Leaders with healthy narcissistic tendencies may be more likely to take risks, innovate, and inspire others (Galvin et al., 2010). However, healthy narcissism is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits, such as empathy and self-awareness (Emmons, 1987). Destructive Narcissism in Leadership Destructive narcissism, characterized by grandiosity, entitlement, and a lack of empathy, can have negative consequences for organizations and followers (Rosenthal and Pittinsky, 2006). Leaders with destructive narcissistic tendencies may engage in abusive supervision, exploit others, and prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the organization (Tepper, 2000). Followers with low self-esteem may be particularly vulnerable to abuse by narcissistic leaders (Nevicka et al., 2011b). Mixed Results Research has yielded mixed results regarding the relationship between leader narcissism and leadership effectiveness (Campbell et al., 2011; Grijalva and Harms, 2014). Some studies have found positive correlations between leader narcissism and leadership emergence, but not with leadership effectiveness (Harms et al., 2022). Others have found no direct relationship between leader narcissism and abusive supervision (Wisse and Sleebos, 2016). Key Takeaways Narcissism is a complex trait that can manifest differently in leaders, with both positive and negative consequences. Healthy narcissism may be beneficial in leadership roles, but it is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits. Destructive narcissism can have devastating consequences for organizations and followers. Followers’ personality traits, such as low self-esteem, can influence their susceptibility to abuse by narcissistic leaders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-zZESSt_X0
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1K Views

    Cowardly steroid abusers in blue kill another family pet!

    You know..... I'm a siding and window guy, I do remodeling....
    I've met all kinds of dogs in my line of work, never killed one though!

    I've met big dogs, little dogs, sweet dogs and mean dogs, pretty dogs and ugly dogs... NOT ONCE have I ever even considered killing a man's dog!

    Now... If a dog were to knock me down and try to chew my head off, THEN I may kill the dog! But that has NEVER HAPPENED!

    But these cops are scared like little girls AND they have been trained that "Going Home" is the most important part of their duty, NOT PUBLIC SAFETY, but "My own safety"

    THAT is a coward right there!
    If you take a job as #Police YOUR LIFE should be SECONDARY to
    "Public Safety"

    I'm not saying to jump on grenades or nothing,
    I'm saying that you should NOT have taken the job with the attitude that nobody's life matters but your own!

    Police are paid to PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND THEIR RIGHTS....
    But they cannot do that because they are too fearful for their own safety!

    And that is likely due to how they treat the public!
    Police are selfish, narcissistic COWARDS, serving themselves,
    public be damned

    SCARED COP OFFS FAMILY PET IN FRONT OF KIDS Cowardly steroid abusers in blue kill another family pet! You know..... I'm a siding and window guy, I do remodeling.... I've met all kinds of dogs in my line of work, never killed one though! I've met big dogs, little dogs, sweet dogs and mean dogs, pretty dogs and ugly dogs... NOT ONCE have I ever even considered killing a man's dog! Now... If a dog were to knock me down and try to chew my head off, THEN I may kill the dog! But that has NEVER HAPPENED! But these cops are scared like little girls AND they have been trained that "Going Home" is the most important part of their duty, NOT PUBLIC SAFETY, but "My own safety" THAT is a coward right there! If you take a job as #Police YOUR LIFE should be SECONDARY to "Public Safety" I'm not saying to jump on grenades or nothing, I'm saying that you should NOT have taken the job with the attitude that nobody's life matters but your own! Police are paid to PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND THEIR RIGHTS.... But they cannot do that because they are too fearful for their own safety! And that is likely due to how they treat the public! Police are selfish, narcissistic COWARDS, serving themselves, public be damned https://old.bitchute.com/video/nBz7zpzg1AU/
    SCARED COP OFFS Family Pet in Front of Kids
    ATTN YouTube Screeners. This video is for educational purposes only and the creators have blurred out any questionable content per YouTube's Community Guidelines. 🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.yo…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 674 Views
  • Narcissistic, two-faced Eurocrats after Elon's dosh. He should refuse any funding for projects in Europe until they STFU or withdraw it completely. You can always see the socialistic political mindset at work because they think in terms of large-scale inward investment bringing a lot of new jobs. You could see this mindset at work in the UK in the 1970s and if anything, the descendants (or inheritors) of that mindset are even dimmer and more idiotic these days.
    Narcissistic, two-faced Eurocrats after Elon's dosh. He should refuse any funding for projects in Europe until they STFU or withdraw it completely. You can always see the socialistic political mindset at work because they think in terms of large-scale inward investment bringing a lot of new jobs. You could see this mindset at work in the UK in the 1970s and if anything, the descendants (or inheritors) of that mindset are even dimmer and more idiotic these days.
    BREAKING: The European Union just issued a letter to Elon Musk demanding that he censor Donald Trump.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 785 Views 4
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