• You Have to Question the IQ of People Calling Israel the Aggressor
    Don't start no shit and there will be no shit. What part of this is it that is so hard for a retard to understand? If someone attacks YOUR family and murders them, you will stop at NOTHING to return the favor!
    You Have to Question the IQ of People Calling Israel the Aggressor Don't start no shit and there will be no shit. What part of this is it that is so hard for a retard to understand? If someone attacks YOUR family and murders them, you will stop at NOTHING to return the favor! https://rumble.com/v5hyh99-you-have-to-question-the-iq-of-people-calling-israel-the-aggressor.html
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 134 Visualizações
  • More than 13,000 murders were committed by illegals. Many of those victims would be alive today were it not for Harris’s bloody border policies. Laken Riley is one of them.
    “It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. This defies all common sense,” noted House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green. “Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement has been directed to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes — and these dangerous, destructive individuals are making their way into every city and state in this country. How many more Americans need to die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? This is madness. It is something no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate.”
    More than 13,000 murders were committed by illegals. Many of those victims would be alive today were it not for Harris’s bloody border policies. Laken Riley is one of them. “It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. This defies all common sense,” noted House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green. “Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement has been directed to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes — and these dangerous, destructive individuals are making their way into every city and state in this country. How many more Americans need to die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? This is madness. It is something no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate.”
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 440 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/german-police-expect-left-wing-extremist-murders-soon/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 185 Visualizações
  • Israel: Muslim crossing from Jordan murders three Israelis at border with Judea and Samaria
    Israel: Muslim crossing from Jordan murders three Israelis at border with Judea and Samaria https://jihadwatch.org/2024/09/israel-muslim-crossing-from-jordan-murders-three-israelis-at-border-with-judea-and-samaria
    Israel: Muslim crossing from Jordan murders three Israelis at border with Judea and Samaria
    Reuters refers here to the "occupied West Bank." They would claim it is occupied "Palestinian" land, but there never has actually been a "Palestinian" state that owns this land. By virtue of the Mandate for Palestine, which is the last international agreement governing this territory, the land was set aside for a Jewish National Home,...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 142 Visualizações

    what a brain dead putz

    I just love listening to these people talk!

    "I feel sorry for parents who have to send their kids to #schools, and they have to worry about whether the child will come home alive or not"


    Secondly, NO PARENT "Has to send their child to a public school"
    Matter of fact, if you do it's YOUR FAULT that child will be indoctrinated and BRAINWASHED!

    I don;'t care if the CIA murders every school child in America, you #Criminals are NOT getting my gun, or anyone else's!

    If a MAN or WOMAN wants to kill you, they don't NEED a gun!

    A KNIFE works fine, as does a car, a fork, a ROCK etc.....
    "Inanimate object violence" DOES NOT EXIST!

    You have VIOLENT PEOPLE (mostly in government) who kill other people

    But they don't NEED a gun! They can run you down with a car, and can kill FAR MORE PEOPLE QUICKER AND EASIER THAN WITH A GUN!

    Are you planning to outlaw CARS???
    How about ROCKS and KNIVES???

    You are retarded at best...
    And enemy of EVERY AMERICAN at worst!

    And I'm going out on a limb here, but I say you are the latter!
    Tell you what Camel Toe, have YOUR SECURITY DETAIL DISARMED,
    and then come back and talk to us!

    Until you've done THAT, I don't want to hear another WORD out of your LYING MOUTH!

    OH...GOD! MAYBE IT IS ALL OVER! THESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY what a brain dead putz I just love listening to these people talk! "I feel sorry for parents who have to send their kids to #schools, and they have to worry about whether the child will come home alive or not" IF YOU REALLY FELT THAT WAY CAMEL-TOE.... YOU'D STOP HAVING THE #CIA COMMIT THESE CRIMES IN SCHOOLS TO TRY TO TAKE GUNS! Secondly, NO PARENT "Has to send their child to a public school" Matter of fact, if you do it's YOUR FAULT that child will be indoctrinated and BRAINWASHED! I don;'t care if the CIA murders every school child in America, you #Criminals are NOT getting my gun, or anyone else's! DAVID KILLED GOLIATH WITH A ROCK DUMBASS! If a MAN or WOMAN wants to kill you, they don't NEED a gun! A KNIFE works fine, as does a car, a fork, a ROCK etc..... "Inanimate object violence" DOES NOT EXIST! You have VIOLENT PEOPLE (mostly in government) who kill other people But they don't NEED a gun! They can run you down with a car, and can kill FAR MORE PEOPLE QUICKER AND EASIER THAN WITH A GUN! Are you planning to outlaw CARS??? How about ROCKS and KNIVES??? You are retarded at best... And enemy of EVERY AMERICAN at worst! And I'm going out on a limb here, but I say you are the latter! Tell you what Camel Toe, have YOUR SECURITY DETAIL DISARMED, and then come back and talk to us! Until you've done THAT, I don't want to hear another WORD out of your LYING MOUTH! https://old.bitchute.com/video/lH4rMKrMnrA/
    OH...GOD! Maybe it IS ALL OVER! These People are CRAZY
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    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 583 Visualizações
  • Pale Rider - The Storm by Doug Simpson
    In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. ― Mark Twain

    “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” ― Barry Goldwater

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
    ― Thomas Jefferson

    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ― Thomas Jefferson

    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" ― Thomas Jefferson

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
    ― Ronald Reagan

    Remember Ruby Ridge. Remember the family of Randy & Vicki Weaver. Remember an FBI sniper shooting an unarmed mother through a door holding her infant daughter.

    Remember Waco. Remember a host of other government sponsored murders, including LaVoy Finicum.

    No more free Ruby Ridges and no more free Wacos.

    We're drawing our line in the sand. Isn't it about time you drew yours?
    Pale Rider - The Storm by Doug Simpson 🩸 ✝️ In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. ― Mark Twain “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” ― Barry Goldwater "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ― Thomas Jefferson "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ― Thomas Jefferson "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" ― Thomas Jefferson “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ― Ronald Reagan Remember Ruby Ridge. Remember the family of Randy & Vicki Weaver. Remember an FBI sniper shooting an unarmed mother through a door holding her infant daughter. Remember Waco. Remember a host of other government sponsored murders, including LaVoy Finicum. No more free Ruby Ridges and no more free Wacos. We're drawing our line in the sand. Isn't it about time you drew yours? https://youtu.be/H-hV4ruLvdQ?si=et0PnBCOVjUltlFI
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 643 Visualizações
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/kamala-border-czar-peru-migrant-gang-leader-arrested-for-23-murders-inside-the-usa/
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 352 Visualizações
  • India: Muslim 12-year-old murders fellow 12-year-old student who swore on the Qur’an that he’d kill him
    India: Muslim 12-year-old murders fellow 12-year-old student who swore on the Qur’an that he’d kill him https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/08/india-muslim-12-year-old-murders-fellow-12-year-old-student-who-swore-on-the-quran-that-hed-kill-him
    India: Muslim 12-year-old murders fellow 12-year-old student who swore on the Qur’an that he’d kill him
    What other book that some people consider holy inspires people to threaten murder? "I swear on Quran that I’ll kill you: Mohammad Ayan stabbed to death inside Madrasa days after verbal argument with a fellow student; Police arrest 12-year-old accused," OpIndia, August 5, 2024: On the intervening night of 1-2 August, minor Mohammad Ayan was stabbed...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 314 Visualizações
  • https://borderhawk.blog/watch-florida-deputies-arrest-migrant-charged-with-two-murders-during-crime-spree/
    WATCH: Florida Deputies Arrest ‘Migrant’ Charged With Two Murders During Crime Spree
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has issued a detainer for a foreign man arrested for two murders during a crime spree in Florida last weekend. On July 13 at around 2 p.m., the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) was alerted about a woman who had been stabbed. Responding
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 362 Visualizações
  • "Disrespecting Government Is Illegal!" - Union City Police

    More Criminal scumbags violating their #Oath to
    "Protect and defend the Constitution" as they violate the Inalienable human rights of Americans!

    These scumbags need to be introduced to 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights
    AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law!

    These are the #Criminal codes specifically created to punish #Government actors who violate the civil rights of their employers, the people!

    A 1983 lawsuit is the CIVIL code, the CRIMINAL code need to be ENFORCED!

    And because "Federal Prosecutors" are Criminals as well.... they never prosecute their criminal buddies!

    It is time for 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 to be taken out of the hands of "government" prosecutors, and put into the hands of "We the People" to prosecute these cases ourselves!

    Because let's face it... if EVERYONE were allowed to "Investigate themselves" and then to "Prosecute themselves" our jails would be EMPTY! Because NOBODY is going to prosecute themselves! DUH!

    These scumbags need to be indicted by GRAND JURIES put together by THE PEOPLE

    No "prosecutor" and no "judge," Just THE PEOPLE as our founding documents called for! THE PEOPLE have every right to convene their own grand jury!

    And it is time that the masses realize this!
    #Police misconduct and brutality are out of control, as is blatant criminality, falsifying police reports and evidence, and the murders of innocent people!

    It's grand jury time folks!
    NO LONGER will we beg for the CORPORATION known as "government" to investigate and prosecute THEMSELVES!

    It is time that "We the People" perform our civic DUTY and prosecute these criminal scumbags! And once a couple of dozen get sent to prison for decades or get EXECUTED for their crimes, the rest of these spoiled punks will fall back into line!

    But I would NOT hold my breathe as long as they are

    It is actually ENCOURAGING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR by Police, failing to prosecute them for CRIMES and civil rights violations!

    Police have grown INTOLERABLE!
    And it's time they are reeled in by an ARMED PUBLIC and their own grand jury!
    (Since Federal Prosecutors are COMPLICIT in the crimes by failing to prosecute)

    By the way.... those federal prosecutors should be the second order of business for our grand jury! Charging them for EVERY 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242 CASE they failed to file when they had overwhelming #Evidence of the crimes!

    They are just as guilty (complicit) as the person who committed the crime!

    "Disrespecting Government Is Illegal!" - Union City Police More Criminal scumbags violating their #Oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution" as they violate the Inalienable human rights of Americans! These scumbags need to be introduced to 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law! These are the #Criminal codes specifically created to punish #Government actors who violate the civil rights of their employers, the people! A 1983 lawsuit is the CIVIL code, the CRIMINAL code need to be ENFORCED! And because "Federal Prosecutors" are Criminals as well.... they never prosecute their criminal buddies! It is time for 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 to be taken out of the hands of "government" prosecutors, and put into the hands of "We the People" to prosecute these cases ourselves! Because let's face it... if EVERYONE were allowed to "Investigate themselves" and then to "Prosecute themselves" our jails would be EMPTY! Because NOBODY is going to prosecute themselves! DUH! These scumbags need to be indicted by GRAND JURIES put together by THE PEOPLE No "prosecutor" and no "judge," Just THE PEOPLE as our founding documents called for! THE PEOPLE have every right to convene their own grand jury! And it is time that the masses realize this! #Police misconduct and brutality are out of control, as is blatant criminality, falsifying police reports and evidence, and the murders of innocent people! It's grand jury time folks! NO LONGER will we beg for the CORPORATION known as "government" to investigate and prosecute THEMSELVES! It is time that "We the People" perform our civic DUTY and prosecute these criminal scumbags! And once a couple of dozen get sent to prison for decades or get EXECUTED for their crimes, the rest of these spoiled punks will fall back into line! But I would NOT hold my breathe as long as they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! It is actually ENCOURAGING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR by Police, failing to prosecute them for CRIMES and civil rights violations! Police have grown INTOLERABLE! And it's time they are reeled in by an ARMED PUBLIC and their own grand jury! (Since Federal Prosecutors are COMPLICIT in the crimes by failing to prosecute) By the way.... those federal prosecutors should be the second order of business for our grand jury! Charging them for EVERY 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242 CASE they failed to file when they had overwhelming #Evidence of the crimes! They are just as guilty (complicit) as the person who committed the crime! https://youtu.be/Be-PO_oNBdM
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1276 Visualizações
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