I really try not to cast aspersions on groups of people....
    But with the #Jew it's different!

    The people who "SAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARE NOT,

    These people are NOT Jews folks!
    NONE of them are!

    These are a people who literally HIJACKED ANOTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE!

    They have CLAIMED to be the descendants of the "Jews of the bible"
    But they are NOT!

    These people are demonic worshipers of #Satan who have been ejected from over 100 countries because of their #Evil deeds, like the killing and torturing of babies

    These are a people worthy of your disdain!
    Highly organized.... You will NEVER DEFEAT THEM unless YOU GET ORGANIZED!

    Right now they are committing #Genocide against the WORLD!
    And calling those who notice "Antisemitic"

    These people have made you a #Slave through their control over the monetary system! And you will STAY A SLAVE until you stop using their worthless paper
    "notes of debt" to trade with!

    We could trade using ANYTHING!
    So why would people continue using a piece of paper that makes them a SLAVE?

    It just makes no sense!

    THE USA AND EUROPE ARE PARASITEVILLE KIKE TOWN! I really try not to cast aspersions on groups of people.... But with the #Jew it's different! The people who "SAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARE NOT, BUT ARE THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN These people are NOT Jews folks! NONE of them are! These are a people who literally HIJACKED ANOTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE! They have CLAIMED to be the descendants of the "Jews of the bible" But they are NOT! These people are demonic worshipers of #Satan who have been ejected from over 100 countries because of their #Evil deeds, like the killing and torturing of babies These are a people worthy of your disdain! Highly organized.... You will NEVER DEFEAT THEM unless YOU GET ORGANIZED! Right now they are committing #Genocide against the WORLD! And calling those who notice "Antisemitic" These people have made you a #Slave through their control over the monetary system! And you will STAY A SLAVE until you stop using their worthless paper "notes of debt" to trade with! We could trade using ANYTHING! So why would people continue using a piece of paper that makes them a SLAVE? It just makes no sense! https://old.bitchute.com/video/8ohTtkLaFnEx/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 321 Views
  • The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis ( Playlist of 5 videos )

    The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis ( Playlist of 5 videos ) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSB_QyIupFmHMBO9CZrMhlpYGOnwbWNdq
    0 Comments 0 Shares 92 Views
  • These demonic scumbags are NOT psychics people!
    So when they lay out "things that our future holds" for us.....

    The fact that these demons have not been arrested already, every last one of them,
    well... THAT should tell you everything you need to know about the "legitimacy" of "governments" around the world!

    Every last one of them are #Corporations and are ALL run by the very same #Criminals! There are no "countries" anymore.....

    It's just one big organized crime ring
    controlling the entire world because WE ALLOW IT!

    The worst part of it is.... When they send someone to kill you, it'll be ONE OF US
    going to kill our brothers and sisters, because we are #Slaves to a worthless
    "note of debt"

    It is truly sad!
    We could completely cut them out of the equation IF WE STOOD TOGETHER!
    But as soon as they offer some poor kid from the ghetto (who they put there) some WORTHLESS PAPER he will gladly do whatever they say!

    He'll destroy his own future for worthless paper!
    As will their "mercenary" armies!

    If you are in the military then YOU are a servant of #Satan!
    I have nothing but love for our veterans.... But there comes a time to pull your head from your ass and look around! The "Military" of ALL COUNTRIES is nothing more than shock troops of #Evil men!

    And you should be ashamed if you are one!
    You have NEVER "fought for freedom"

    You have just been the pawn of "worldly gouernours" using you to their evil ends!
    I will STAND OPPOSED every time! But I won't be standing alone!

    The Full Armor of God (Geneva Bible)

    10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

    11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaultes of the deuil.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places.

    13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, stand fast.

    14 Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse,

    15 And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.

    16 Aboue all, take the shielde of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked,

    17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God.

    18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance & supplication for al Saints,

    19 And for me, that vtterance may be giuen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel,

    20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bonds, that therein I may speake boldely, as I ought to speake.

    These demonic scumbags are NOT psychics people! So when they lay out "things that our future holds" for us..... IT IS BECAUSE THEY PLAN TOO MAKE THEM HAPPEN!!! The fact that these demons have not been arrested already, every last one of them, well... THAT should tell you everything you need to know about the "legitimacy" of "governments" around the world! Every last one of them are #Corporations and are ALL run by the very same #Criminals! There are no "countries" anymore..... It's just one big organized crime ring controlling the entire world because WE ALLOW IT! The worst part of it is.... When they send someone to kill you, it'll be ONE OF US going to kill our brothers and sisters, because we are #Slaves to a worthless "note of debt" It is truly sad! We could completely cut them out of the equation IF WE STOOD TOGETHER! But as soon as they offer some poor kid from the ghetto (who they put there) some WORTHLESS PAPER he will gladly do whatever they say! He'll destroy his own future for worthless paper! As will their "mercenary" armies! If you are in the military then YOU are a servant of #Satan! I have nothing but love for our veterans.... But there comes a time to pull your head from your ass and look around! The "Military" of ALL COUNTRIES is nothing more than shock troops of #Evil men! And you should be ashamed if you are one! You have NEVER "fought for freedom" You have just been the pawn of "worldly gouernours" using you to their evil ends! I will STAND OPPOSED every time! But I won't be standing alone! The Full Armor of God (Geneva Bible) 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaultes of the deuil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places. 13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, stand fast. 14 Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse, 15 And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 16 Aboue all, take the shielde of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked, 17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God. 18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance & supplication for al Saints, 19 And for me, that vtterance may be giuen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel, 20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bonds, that therein I may speake boldely, as I ought to speake. https://bastyon.com/index?s=6cb2c2b5263187e274edc99c55bccbd3f62f503f1cc423b8678dda044aa9dd71&ref=PR73uNkFMJzvL9NtkL66NAZ2ci1GVQuW8E
    0 Comments 0 Shares 722 Views

    The #Jews used THE SAME PLAN against the Germans as they are using against White people TODAY! They tried to "breed them out of existence"

    Just like is now being done to White people!
    It's truly amazing to me, that an #Evil group of demonic scum could survive in the world today, who have systematically attacked and tried to destroy so many people!

    In the old days they could use disinformation to keep the uneducated believing their lies! But they cannot do that today!

    TODAY they must use the GREED of people who KNOW their Evil intent, to carry out their plans. The entire WORLD is controlled by it's own greed!

    The worthless paper these demons print has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER!
    Yet, most people are willing to kill their own mother top get it!
    They'll sell out their countrymen, and even their children

    It is truly pathetic!
    How many more people will be wiped out at the hands of the Jew?

    The Jew who'll use YOU to do his dirty work for him!
    He'll manipulate and lie, but more than anything BUY your soul

    For a few dollars more YOU will become a puppet of the Jew...
    At least that has been the case throughout history

    Conquered and turned into a tool of evil

    FREEMASONRY AND SATANISM, BOOK REVIEW 124 PT. 1, GERMANY MUST PERISH BY THEODORE KAUFMAN The #Jews used THE SAME PLAN against the Germans as they are using against White people TODAY! They tried to "breed them out of existence" Just like is now being done to White people! It's truly amazing to me, that an #Evil group of demonic scum could survive in the world today, who have systematically attacked and tried to destroy so many people! In the old days they could use disinformation to keep the uneducated believing their lies! But they cannot do that today! TODAY they must use the GREED of people who KNOW their Evil intent, to carry out their plans. The entire WORLD is controlled by it's own greed! The worthless paper these demons print has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER! Yet, most people are willing to kill their own mother top get it! They'll sell out their countrymen, and even their children It is truly pathetic! How many more people will be wiped out at the hands of the Jew? The Jew who'll use YOU to do his dirty work for him! He'll manipulate and lie, but more than anything BUY your soul For a few dollars more YOU will become a puppet of the Jew... At least that has been the case throughout history CONQUERED BY WORTHLESS NOTES OF DEBT! Conquered and turned into a tool of evil https://old.bitchute.com/video/JVeclV570ZSp/
    Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 124 Pt. 1, Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufman
    Repost from 20th August 2024 • Rick Miracle (The Truth Exposed by Rick Miracle - New World Order Exposed) • Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 124 pt 1, Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufman Did you know the Jews declared war on Germany wa…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 463 Views
  • #DemonicRats sick #Murderers
    Attendees at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago will have the opportunity to receive free vasectomies and abortions blocks away from the proceedings at the United Center.
    DNC Attendees Will Have Opportunities For Free Vasectomies, Abortions
    #DemonicRats sick #Murderers Attendees at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago will have the opportunity to receive free vasectomies and abortions blocks away from the proceedings at the United Center. Politics DNC Attendees Will Have Opportunities For Free Vasectomies, Abortions https://dailycaller.com/2024/08/17/democratic-national-convention-attendees-free-vasectomies-abortions-chicago-planned-parenthood/
    DNC Attendees Will Have Opportunities For Free Vasectomies, Abortions
    Attendees at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will have the opportunity to receive free vasectomies and abortions, according to The New York Times.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 336 Views
  • Paris from Hell, NATO Fights Russia, Bankrupt Economy

    The 2024 Olympics in Paris were straight out of Hell. What was being signaled was not just “woke” but a not-so-subtle public notice of how things were going to go for years to come. First off, they mocked the Last Supper and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In doing so, they also mocked Jehovah because in John 3:16, it says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” In the future, these wicked demonic globalists will give you a new god. It might be an alien they dream up or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Christians, especially, were put on notice to comply or die, and that is not over-the-top analysis. This is why Christ Jesus will come back.

    The reporting says the Ukraine army is penetrating Russia all by itself, but that it not the case. Now, more than ever, NATO is deeply involved in the fighting INSIDE Russia. How long will Russia play along without attacking NATO on its soil. Be on guard as this fight in Ukraine is not heading for peace talks–just the opposite.

    The new inflation numbers came out this week, and you would think that 2.9% inflation was a magic economic potion that has fixed the economy. The real inflation rate is much higher, and that is what the general public is feeling while trying to make ends meet. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 10-Year Treasury is still around 4%, and the 30-Year mortgage is 6.5%. Lending standards are tightening, and home prices are at or near all-time highs. This is not going to help the commercial real estate (CRE) market that is in deep debt trouble. On top of that, you are seeing thousands of companies filing for bankruptcy at a dramatically increasing rate from last year. The general economy looks like it’s bankrupt or headed that way. That is a stunning rebuke of how the economy is really doing.
    Paris from Hell, NATO Fights Russia, Bankrupt Economy https://rumble.com/v5b9w4p-paris-from-hell-nato-fights-russia-bankrupt-economy.html The 2024 Olympics in Paris were straight out of Hell. What was being signaled was not just “woke” but a not-so-subtle public notice of how things were going to go for years to come. First off, they mocked the Last Supper and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In doing so, they also mocked Jehovah because in John 3:16, it says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” In the future, these wicked demonic globalists will give you a new god. It might be an alien they dream up or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Christians, especially, were put on notice to comply or die, and that is not over-the-top analysis. This is why Christ Jesus will come back. The reporting says the Ukraine army is penetrating Russia all by itself, but that it not the case. Now, more than ever, NATO is deeply involved in the fighting INSIDE Russia. How long will Russia play along without attacking NATO on its soil. Be on guard as this fight in Ukraine is not heading for peace talks–just the opposite. The new inflation numbers came out this week, and you would think that 2.9% inflation was a magic economic potion that has fixed the economy. The real inflation rate is much higher, and that is what the general public is feeling while trying to make ends meet. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 10-Year Treasury is still around 4%, and the 30-Year mortgage is 6.5%. Lending standards are tightening, and home prices are at or near all-time highs. This is not going to help the commercial real estate (CRE) market that is in deep debt trouble. On top of that, you are seeing thousands of companies filing for bankruptcy at a dramatically increasing rate from last year. The general economy looks like it’s bankrupt or headed that way. That is a stunning rebuke of how the economy is really doing.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 829 Views
  • I'm not familiar with "The Phoenix Journals" myself, I just saw Rick reading one of them and happened to look them up. According to this website there are 115 of them!

    I was looking for the download and stumbled upon this site, I cannot vouch for the validity of it's content, but thought I'd share and let you check it out for yourself if you are so inclined!

    Apparently written by a grandmother, who blew out a whole lot of these really quick!
    Was it the Most High she was in contact with? Or something else?
    I'll let you decide, I may check a couple of them out myself too

    From the very first page of the very first one I looked at......
    I'm going to say she was in contact with SOMETHING ELSE!

    There's something in the statement of "I am grateful to "Commander so and so from Pleiades, whom I have spent thousands of hours with me" that sounds new age and demonic to me!

    These journals may contain a lot of truth.....
    But I'd be very cautious about buying into any of it!
    Sorry Commander, the earth is flat and the "Federation" will have to go on without me!

    Here's the first couple of paragraphs on the welcome page:

    Welcome to the official source for the Phoenix Journals, CONTACT newspaper (and predecessors) and The Word meeting tapes, documenting the birth of the Phoenix. Those who know the truth have gravitated towards and continue to contribute to making the Word available to the four corners of the Earth.

    Developments in the material World provide confirmation day after day of the truth underpinning every jot and tittle scribed by Doris Ekker for Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn in both the Phoenix Journals and the CONTACT newspaper. We do not wish to make or be part of some kind of a “cult of Doris Ekker” but the fact is that this Grandmother managed to write a 200-page book on average EVERY 3 WEEKS FOR YEARS, hundreds of books in total. How was this prodigious output covering such a wide range of topics possible? Please do not be too quick to reject the truthful answer, that she scribed DIRECTLY for our Heavenly Father, exactly as stated. There probably has NEVER been a scribe so well connected — including all of the great ones acknowledged in all of the holy books.

    Here's the link to the download page:

    I'm not familiar with "The Phoenix Journals" myself, I just saw Rick reading one of them and happened to look them up. According to this website there are 115 of them! I was looking for the download and stumbled upon this site, I cannot vouch for the validity of it's content, but thought I'd share and let you check it out for yourself if you are so inclined! Apparently written by a grandmother, who blew out a whole lot of these really quick! Was it the Most High she was in contact with? Or something else? I'll let you decide, I may check a couple of them out myself too From the very first page of the very first one I looked at...... I'm going to say she was in contact with SOMETHING ELSE! There's something in the statement of "I am grateful to "Commander so and so from Pleiades, whom I have spent thousands of hours with me" that sounds new age and demonic to me! These journals may contain a lot of truth..... But I'd be very cautious about buying into any of it! Sorry Commander, the earth is flat and the "Federation" will have to go on without me! Here's the first couple of paragraphs on the welcome page: Welcome to the official source for the Phoenix Journals, CONTACT newspaper (and predecessors) and The Word meeting tapes, documenting the birth of the Phoenix. Those who know the truth have gravitated towards and continue to contribute to making the Word available to the four corners of the Earth. Developments in the material World provide confirmation day after day of the truth underpinning every jot and tittle scribed by Doris Ekker for Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn in both the Phoenix Journals and the CONTACT newspaper. We do not wish to make or be part of some kind of a “cult of Doris Ekker” but the fact is that this Grandmother managed to write a 200-page book on average EVERY 3 WEEKS FOR YEARS, hundreds of books in total. How was this prodigious output covering such a wide range of topics possible? Please do not be too quick to reject the truthful answer, that she scribed DIRECTLY for our Heavenly Father, exactly as stated. There probably has NEVER been a scribe so well connected — including all of the great ones acknowledged in all of the holy books. Here's the link to the download page: https://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/downloads.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 710 Views
  • Get ready for a ghostly experience with this 2-hour marathon of chilling paranormal stories. From haunted houses to demonic encounters, prepare to be captivated by these tales of the supernatural. Grab a blanket, turn off the lights, grab a drink / snack and immerse yourself in a scary world of mystery, intrigue and these true horror stories.
    "The Untold Story Paranormal Series" invites you to witness the extraordinary and the eerie. This series presents a collection of true stories that delve into the realm of the supernatural, showcasing the experiences of individuals who have encountered the unexplainable. With a blend of storytelling and expert commentary, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of the paranormal phenomena that intrigue and terrify us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6lu1fyeqOc&t=2772s
    Get ready for a ghostly experience with this 2-hour marathon of chilling paranormal stories. From haunted houses to demonic encounters, prepare to be captivated by these tales of the supernatural. Grab a blanket, turn off the lights, grab a drink / snack and immerse yourself in a scary world of mystery, intrigue and these true horror stories. "The Untold Story Paranormal Series" invites you to witness the extraordinary and the eerie. This series presents a collection of true stories that delve into the realm of the supernatural, showcasing the experiences of individuals who have encountered the unexplainable. With a blend of storytelling and expert commentary, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of the paranormal phenomena that intrigue and terrify us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6lu1fyeqOc&t=2772s
    0 Comments 0 Shares 646 Views
  • Brighteon Broadcast News, July 29, 2024 – Degenerate Olympics showcases demonic powers of darkness that now claim dominion over the Earth

    Brighteon Broadcast News, July 29, 2024 – Degenerate Olympics showcases demonic powers of darkness that now claim dominion over the Earth https://www.brighteon.com/e19efa71-548a-4778-9202-a56577990cb0
    0 Comments 0 Shares 460 Views

    These demonic scum WILL get what they have coming!

    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #923, 2016, DEMONS, ALIENS, DUMB, ILLUMINATI AND THREATS OF MODERN TIMES These demonic scum WILL get what they have coming! https://old.bitchute.com/video/Gf9YykVY454Y/
    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #923, 2016, Demons, aliens, DUMB, Illuminati and threats of modern times
    Video found at: https://archive.org/details/youtube-llAdPdqT2Bo Original Title: Fritz Springmeier. Demons, aliens, DUMB, Illuminati and treats of modern times [2016] Something strange is happening in our world, I think we all can agree on that! …
    0 Comments 0 Shares 374 Views
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