In case you don't know WHY farms are under attack and being shut down...
    It's being done so that the #Parasite Class can STARVE YOU TO DEATH, along with your children and grandchildren, and anyone else you care about

    First, they tried to inject you with a toxic bio-weapon that alters your DNA and makes you STERILE so that you cannot have children

    They gave you the full details in the series Utopia2020, which can be found by searching YouTube for "Utopia2020" and look for the one by Roman Krausko
    ( It has John Cusack on the thumbnail )

    Soon, fertilizer will be outlawed by people who have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over anyone! These same people will steal the land of farmers, starve you, and force you to "Eat Zee bugs"

    And you'll do it apparently!
    I mean you are sitting on your duff as they try to #Murder YOU and everyone you know and love! You have not demanded their arrest, or arrested them yourself!

    You have not awakened and organized your community while exposing the #Criminal Satan worshiping cartel called "The #Corporation of the United States!

    Soon.... you'll be either DEAD or sitting in the dark starving to death...
    Too busy defending your groceries and other possessions from the hoards of inner city criminals that will turn against THEMSELVES and kill their own neighbors because the store shelves are empty and the lights are off...

    Instead of going after the GUILTY scumbags who caused all of this orchestrated PAIN and misery... THEY'LL GO AFTER EACH OTHER AND ROB, KILL, AND MAIM...

    YOU have been at war for DECADES...
    but it has only really been exposed for the past 4 years...

    What have you done to STOP the people trying to kill you or starve you to death?

    What have you done to ensure JUSTICE finds the people responsible for injecting BILLIONS with a lethal weapon that alters their DNA???

    Do we owe the DEAD nothing?
    YOU could be one of the dead.... Or your people, your son or daughter, mom or dad

    Will you continue to sit idly by and let these people continue their attacks on you without you even putting up a fight??? We have so far!


    Go ahead and jump into the coffin for them since you want to cooperate with your own death so bad! Save them the trouble of having to kill you, and just do it yourself!

    If you are going to continue doing nothing....
    It will actually save you a lot of pain and suffering... AND HUNGER!

    THE EDOMITE KIKES ARE IMPLODING AMERICA. WILL WE DO ANYTHING? In case you don't know WHY farms are under attack and being shut down... It's being done so that the #Parasite Class can STARVE YOU TO DEATH, along with your children and grandchildren, and anyone else you care about HOW LONG WILL YOU TOLERATE THESE DEMONS TRYING TO MURDER YOU? First, they tried to inject you with a toxic bio-weapon that alters your DNA and makes you STERILE so that you cannot have children They gave you the full details in the series Utopia2020, which can be found by searching YouTube for "Utopia2020" and look for the one by Roman Krausko ( It has John Cusack on the thumbnail ) Soon, fertilizer will be outlawed by people who have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over anyone! These same people will steal the land of farmers, starve you, and force you to "Eat Zee bugs" And you'll do it apparently! I mean you are sitting on your duff as they try to #Murder YOU and everyone you know and love! You have not demanded their arrest, or arrested them yourself! You have not awakened and organized your community while exposing the #Criminal Satan worshiping cartel called "The #Corporation of the United States! Soon.... you'll be either DEAD or sitting in the dark starving to death... Too busy defending your groceries and other possessions from the hoards of inner city criminals that will turn against THEMSELVES and kill their own neighbors because the store shelves are empty and the lights are off... Instead of going after the GUILTY scumbags who caused all of this orchestrated PAIN and misery... THEY'LL GO AFTER EACH OTHER AND ROB, KILL, AND MAIM... YOU have been at war for DECADES... but it has only really been exposed for the past 4 years... BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT? What have you done to STOP the people trying to kill you or starve you to death? What have you done to ensure JUSTICE finds the people responsible for injecting BILLIONS with a lethal weapon that alters their DNA??? Do we owe the DEAD nothing? YOU could be one of the dead.... Or your people, your son or daughter, mom or dad Will you continue to sit idly by and let these people continue their attacks on you without you even putting up a fight??? We have so far! So I say "DEAD MEN WALKING" "We have DEAD MEN WALKING HERE" Go ahead and jump into the coffin for them since you want to cooperate with your own death so bad! Save them the trouble of having to kill you, and just do it yourself! If you are going to continue doing nothing.... It will actually save you a lot of pain and suffering... AND HUNGER! https://old.bitchute.com/video/nBmxBg26kAbv/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 207 Просмотры
  • God offers hope even to the "trans" people who have been castrated.

    Isa 56:4 For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose [the things] that please me, and take hold of my covenant;

    5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
    God offers hope even to the "trans" people who have been castrated. Isa 56:4 For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose [the things] that please me, and take hold of my covenant; 5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 125 Просмотры
  • I have tried to contact her. I still haven't heard from my Daughter that lives in Spencer, Iowa.
    Prayers for all the flood victims.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    I have tried to contact her. I still haven't heard from my Daughter that lives in Spencer, Iowa. Prayers for all the flood victims. God Bless America, God Save The Republic. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-omr-001&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=omr&param1=y6bdVFVIsvuYsgEClQfz8FBvKkXdqONxqOqRNOxENVbHPTR63xd8%2BpM2Roud3jDrXB%2BnA3bOEmhZOIWD3Ba6XVVzosH39DtCfOI9F21WsYVYug7JisVnPFN27Wcvnu%2FEN6uyrvO2k1n2cHMJKZat8GB%2F9WqI3EOjtNLINpcs3NC0F%2FWJxixoI7T%2FCeHeKUOxGq1N2Yn2OhiPkDyZD%2BpfC7NLGV%2BRURHSV4FmkN1NKXBWQPW73JlcJjn1WFYXTuE4Tlrmuz03J%2BskyyBoV93BJojXH2mCKDC2qQMSwCx3LOg%3D&p=Spencer%2C+Iowa+floodong&type=863167379#id=1&vid=3acb2a0d77c8e5280dd61bd9f1ae562b&action=click
    Spencer, Iowa floodong - Yahoo Search Results Video Search Results
    The search engine that helps you find exactly what you're looking for. Find the most relevant information, video, images, and answers from all across the Web.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 406 Просмотры
  • With the Unstinting support of the Corrupt Corporate Media, Which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, Biden will memory hole his long history of Dishonesty, Deceit, and Disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity. For decades Biden said his wife and daughter were killed in 1972 by a truck driver who “allegedly … drank his lunch.” Crash investigators found no evidence to support the claim, a fact Biden finally acknowledged in 2009, Biden still suggests that his son Beau lost his life in Iraq – When he died from a brain tumor six years after his brave service. These tragedies are terrible enough – What kind of man insistently lies about such matters?
    With the Unstinting support of the Corrupt Corporate Media, Which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, Biden will memory hole his long history of Dishonesty, Deceit, and Disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity. For decades Biden said his wife and daughter were killed in 1972 by a truck driver who “allegedly … drank his lunch.” Crash investigators found no evidence to support the claim, a fact Biden finally acknowledged in 2009, Biden still suggests that his son Beau lost his life in Iraq – When he died from a brain tumor six years after his brave service. These tragedies are terrible enough – What kind of man insistently lies about such matters? https://patriotpost.us/articles/107945-if-character-matters-biden-flunks-the-test-2024-06-26
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 547 Просмотры
  • Hey everybody! I hope everyone is doing super!

    Just wanted to share another junk mail journal idea as my dad is known for going through junk mail, I wanted to make his out of envelopes we usually recycle
    and upcycle them into this neat journal!
    This is a flip through and you can see some of the ways you can cover these and use them.
    Please let us know your ideas or how you would use things that are generally considered trash.

    #junkjournals , #junkjournalpockets , #junkmail, #upcycle, #reuse, #memoryjournal, #gift, #giftideas, #memorykeepsake, #cowboy, #windowenvelopes, #envelope, #envelopes, #envelopejournal, #craft, #craftsmanship, #create, #createkindness, #diy, #diyproject, #dad, #daughters

    Hey everybody! I hope everyone is doing super! Just wanted to share another junk mail journal idea as my dad is known for going through junk mail, I wanted to make his out of envelopes we usually recycle and upcycle them into this neat journal! This is a flip through and you can see some of the ways you can cover these and use them. Please let us know your ideas or how you would use things that are generally considered trash. #junkjournals , #junkjournalpockets , #junkmail, #upcycle, #reuse, #memoryjournal, #gift, #giftideas, #memorykeepsake, #cowboy, #windowenvelopes, #envelope, #envelopes, #envelopejournal, #craft, #craftsmanship, #create, #createkindness, #diy, #diyproject, #dad, #daughters https://rumble.com/v53ix1q-from-junk-2-journal-of-memories-4-dad-i-upcycled-my-trash-recycling-hacks-y.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 789 Просмотры
  • https://medforth.biz/germany-afghan-parents-suspected-of-murdering-their-15-year-old-daughter/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 241 Просмотры
  • https://medforth.biz/syrian-father-reportedly-confessed-to-teen-daughters-honor-killing-in-friesland/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 249 Просмотры
  • Trump 2024!! Save Your Son's & Daughter's!! Save America!!
    Trump 2024!! Save Your Son's & Daughter's!! Save America!!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 136 Просмотры
  • Alexandra Pelosi Explaining The Need For The Psyop That’s About To Be Unleashed Against The American People

    Nancy Pelosi's Daughter Is Talking About The Importance Of 24/7 Media Lies To Push A False Narrative About January 6th. She CLEARLY States There Was “No Insurrection, No Plan, No Guns,” They Then Pushed The Lie. This Is Literal Treason Caught On Camera

    “Well, the reason, see, I think time is gonna remember January 6th differently. Right now people are still in the heat of them. There's two things. Media needs stuff to fill. I mean, if you watch TV on January 6th, it's like, January 6th, 24-7. As time goes on, it's gonna be less, and as, so I think also people are gonna lose their office, the jobs, the people that were there will lose their jobs. It's not gonna mean anything if you weren't even there. I know, we need like a word.

    No, it's not. Okay, I... Thank you for your time. Listen, I really... I know you're not the bad guy. I mean, if there is... I haven't found the bad guy yet. But if there is, I know you're not the bad guy. The guy with the outfit, he's like a stereotypical bad guy. But the thing... Why I ask you the question of like, So what was the plan? If there was an interaction...

    You were supposed to be in line marching. You were in the military, you know this. You were supposed to have a plan. Exactly, you sit down overnight with your soldiers, you go over, all right, you're gonna go here, you're gonna go in by this side. At this time, we're gonna take over this. There was none of that. It's a sorry insurrection in the 20th, 21st century ever. No guns, no land, people taking cells. A guy smoking pot.

    I love the guy. Yeah, I like that. Well, we did that. We just went to New Hampshire last week for the guy that just was drinking beer. My favorite guy.”
    Alexandra Pelosi Explaining The Need For The Psyop That’s About To Be Unleashed Against The American People Nancy Pelosi's Daughter Is Talking About The Importance Of 24/7 Media Lies To Push A False Narrative About January 6th. She CLEARLY States There Was “No Insurrection, No Plan, No Guns,” They Then Pushed The Lie. This Is Literal Treason Caught On Camera “Well, the reason, see, I think time is gonna remember January 6th differently. Right now people are still in the heat of them. There's two things. Media needs stuff to fill. I mean, if you watch TV on January 6th, it's like, January 6th, 24-7. As time goes on, it's gonna be less, and as, so I think also people are gonna lose their office, the jobs, the people that were there will lose their jobs. It's not gonna mean anything if you weren't even there. I know, we need like a word. No, it's not. Okay, I... Thank you for your time. Listen, I really... I know you're not the bad guy. I mean, if there is... I haven't found the bad guy yet. But if there is, I know you're not the bad guy. The guy with the outfit, he's like a stereotypical bad guy. But the thing... Why I ask you the question of like, So what was the plan? If there was an interaction... You were supposed to be in line marching. You were in the military, you know this. You were supposed to have a plan. Exactly, you sit down overnight with your soldiers, you go over, all right, you're gonna go here, you're gonna go in by this side. At this time, we're gonna take over this. There was none of that. It's a sorry insurrection in the 20th, 21st century ever. No guns, no land, people taking cells. A guy smoking pot. I love the guy. Yeah, I like that. Well, we did that. We just went to New Hampshire last week for the guy that just was drinking beer. My favorite guy.” https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1726308628221874546
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 720 Просмотры 0
  • https://borderhawk.blog/michigan-illegal-alien-arrested-for-killing-mother-daughter-in-horror-crash/
    Michigan: Illegal Alien Arrested for Killing Mother, Daughter in Horror Crash
    A mother and daughter were killed in a car accident caused by an illegal alien suspect in Michigan this week, according to reports. The tragedy unfolded just before 1 p.m. on Thursday in Macomb County, located on the outskirts of Detroit. Authorities say the driver of a box truck
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 313 Просмотры
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