• https://botanicals.one/coenzyme-q10/ Stop Statins and Worry over cholesterol! You don't need harmful Statins to keep your heart healthy, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and protect your brain cells from damage. CoQ10 with BioPQQ and Shilajit balance your blood profiles so they are at thier optimum levels. They help you prevent cancer naturally and boost your Brain, Heart and energy levels too. #cholesterol #ldl #statins #coq10 #health
    https://botanicals.one/coenzyme-q10/ Stop Statins and Worry over cholesterol! You don't need harmful Statins to keep your heart healthy, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and protect your brain cells from damage. CoQ10 with BioPQQ and Shilajit balance your blood profiles so they are at thier optimum levels. They help you prevent cancer naturally and boost your Brain, Heart and energy levels too. #cholesterol #ldl #statins #coq10 #health
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  • https://botanicals.one/coenzyme-q10/ Stop Statins and Worry over cholesterol! You don't need harmful Statins to keep your heart healthy, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and protect your brain cells from damage. CoQ10 with BioPQQ and Shilajit balance your blood profiles so they are at their optimum levels. They help you prevent cancer naturally and boost your Brain, Heart and energy levels too. #cholesterol #ldl #statins #coq10 #health
    https://botanicals.one/coenzyme-q10/ Stop Statins and Worry over cholesterol! You don't need harmful Statins to keep your heart healthy, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and protect your brain cells from damage. CoQ10 with BioPQQ and Shilajit balance your blood profiles so they are at their optimum levels. They help you prevent cancer naturally and boost your Brain, Heart and energy levels too. #cholesterol #ldl #statins #coq10 #health
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    0 Comments 0 Shares 215 Views
  • Here's what I did while I had the Wuhan.

    Ivermectin, Durvet (for swine and cattle) 1% sterile solution, 1.2 ml oral taken in the morning.

    lysine 2500-3000 mg divided throughout the day (I usually take my zinc with this, because supposedly lysine is an ionophore of zinc) (1000 mid morning, 1000 early afternoon, 500 evening, and if I wake up in the middle of the night, another 500)
    zinc methionine sulfate + copper 45 mg in 15 mg doses

    If I would have had hydroxychloroquine, I would have taken it, but I didn't have any, so I didn't. You can order it from America's Frontline Doctors, but their consultation fee is about $85, which I didn't have.

    DIET!! I almost eliminated arginine from my diet. That's basically anything based on nuts, grains, vegetable oils, oatmeal, etc. I switched to eggs, beef, and fish, and mangos, and papaya.
    Arginine interferes with lysine, and arginine is implicated in viral replication, so it's best to eliminate it when you have the Wuhan.

    ELIMINATE caffeine. Interferes with lysine.
    Added sugar.

    drink a lot, preferably stuff with electrolytes.

    Walk around if you can.

    A (NOT beta caroteen) 100,000 units
    C: maybe 10-20g per day, 1 gram as lyposomal, remainder as ascorbic acid powder, 1 gram per hour, including every time I wake up at night. If it was longer than 2 hours, I take 2 grams at once)
    D3: 50,000 units

    Glutathione 150 mg 2 times per day (sublingual) (this stuff's expensive; friends gave me some; use NAC if you can't afford it; NAC is cheap)
    NAC 600 mg two doses per day
    baby aspirin 81 mg, 4-5 times per day
    Quercetin 400 bromelain 180 x2 per day (don't know anything about bromelain; someone gave it to me)
    B12 sublingual 3000 mcg (someone gave me this, also)

    Stuff I was taking anyway, or started taking for other reasons that I don't know if they had any effect on the Wuhan:
    probiotic: Florastor select immunity boost, 2 capsules 3 times a day (for a fungal infection, normal dose is 1 per day)
    Nutrikey curcumin Biocurc 400 mg 3 times a day (normally 2, but I bumped it up 1 while I was sick)
    CoQ10 200 mg
    Magnesium l Threonate 1000 mg 2 times per day (seems to almost eliminate muscle cramps, whereas magnesium oxide does not.)

    Don't know if these did any good, but my friends gave them to me, so I took them:
    Potassium 99 mg
    niacin 500 mg no flush
    vitamin K 100 mg
    Turmeric, unknown maybe 500 mg

    I nebulized a couple times with a mixture of saline, hydrogen peroxide, and Lugol's, but the 2nd time my chest started hurting afterwards, so I was afraid to use it any more. May have just been a coincidence.

    Disease progress:

    Wed morning (10-13) I woke up feeling crappy, I knew I was sick, and I figured it was the Wuhan, since I had gone to a Kentucky gun show the previous weekend, taken a ton of caffene (wiped out my lysine), not had good sleep, and was stressed from the long drives.
    The first time I checked, by oxygen saturation was 93-95%, but I checked a little later and it was up to normal.
    Also, my pulse was 100, whereas, normally it is 60-70. A nurse told me it's not unusual for your vitals to be messed up when you first awaken.

    I took my first dose of Ivermectin.
    I don't know if I took any of my wuhan vitamins; I may have taken the 50,000 vitamin D; I also ate my usual high-arginine breakfast.

    I had no fever, and didn't have fever at least until mid afternoon, when I checked my temperature with a forehead checker thingey.
    I went to work, even though I felt tired and achy. I moved slowly at work, but was able to finish.

    When I went home, then I took my full Wuhan regimen.

    Didn't go to work any more. Planning to start back Thursday (10-21 1 week after onset of symptoms). Dr said I could go back if I wanted, but had to stay away from people until Friday, (10-22 about a week and a half after onset).

    I had a constant low grade fever that went from maybe 99.9 to 100.3, and I always felt tired and achy, but never lost my sense of taste or smell (I attribute that to the zinc and lysine). I occasionally had a very light and dry cough, from a bit of throat tickle. I never felt non-functional; just lousy. I never had trouble breathing, and my chest stayed 100% clear. I did have a little congestion in my throat a couple times, but cleared it, and that was it. Note: normally I have a lot of allergies and phlem, but during the Wuhan, I had little.

    Here's what I did while I had the Wuhan. Ivermectin, Durvet (for swine and cattle) 1% sterile solution, 1.2 ml oral taken in the morning. lysine 2500-3000 mg divided throughout the day (I usually take my zinc with this, because supposedly lysine is an ionophore of zinc) (1000 mid morning, 1000 early afternoon, 500 evening, and if I wake up in the middle of the night, another 500) zinc methionine sulfate + copper 45 mg in 15 mg doses If I would have had hydroxychloroquine, I would have taken it, but I didn't have any, so I didn't. You can order it from America's Frontline Doctors, but their consultation fee is about $85, which I didn't have. DIET!! I almost eliminated arginine from my diet. That's basically anything based on nuts, grains, vegetable oils, oatmeal, etc. I switched to eggs, beef, and fish, and mangos, and papaya. Arginine interferes with lysine, and arginine is implicated in viral replication, so it's best to eliminate it when you have the Wuhan. ELIMINATE caffeine. Interferes with lysine. Added sugar. drink a lot, preferably stuff with electrolytes. Walk around if you can. vitamins: A (NOT beta caroteen) 100,000 units C: maybe 10-20g per day, 1 gram as lyposomal, remainder as ascorbic acid powder, 1 gram per hour, including every time I wake up at night. If it was longer than 2 hours, I take 2 grams at once) D3: 50,000 units Glutathione 150 mg 2 times per day (sublingual) (this stuff's expensive; friends gave me some; use NAC if you can't afford it; NAC is cheap) NAC 600 mg two doses per day baby aspirin 81 mg, 4-5 times per day Quercetin 400 bromelain 180 x2 per day (don't know anything about bromelain; someone gave it to me) B12 sublingual 3000 mcg (someone gave me this, also) Stuff I was taking anyway, or started taking for other reasons that I don't know if they had any effect on the Wuhan: probiotic: Florastor select immunity boost, 2 capsules 3 times a day (for a fungal infection, normal dose is 1 per day) Nutrikey curcumin Biocurc 400 mg 3 times a day (normally 2, but I bumped it up 1 while I was sick) CoQ10 200 mg Magnesium l Threonate 1000 mg 2 times per day (seems to almost eliminate muscle cramps, whereas magnesium oxide does not.) Don't know if these did any good, but my friends gave them to me, so I took them: Potassium 99 mg niacin 500 mg no flush vitamin K 100 mg Turmeric, unknown maybe 500 mg I nebulized a couple times with a mixture of saline, hydrogen peroxide, and Lugol's, but the 2nd time my chest started hurting afterwards, so I was afraid to use it any more. May have just been a coincidence. Disease progress: Wed morning (10-13) I woke up feeling crappy, I knew I was sick, and I figured it was the Wuhan, since I had gone to a Kentucky gun show the previous weekend, taken a ton of caffene (wiped out my lysine), not had good sleep, and was stressed from the long drives. The first time I checked, by oxygen saturation was 93-95%, but I checked a little later and it was up to normal. Also, my pulse was 100, whereas, normally it is 60-70. A nurse told me it's not unusual for your vitals to be messed up when you first awaken. I took my first dose of Ivermectin. I don't know if I took any of my wuhan vitamins; I may have taken the 50,000 vitamin D; I also ate my usual high-arginine breakfast. I had no fever, and didn't have fever at least until mid afternoon, when I checked my temperature with a forehead checker thingey. I went to work, even though I felt tired and achy. I moved slowly at work, but was able to finish. When I went home, then I took my full Wuhan regimen. Didn't go to work any more. Planning to start back Thursday (10-21 1 week after onset of symptoms). Dr said I could go back if I wanted, but had to stay away from people until Friday, (10-22 about a week and a half after onset). I had a constant low grade fever that went from maybe 99.9 to 100.3, and I always felt tired and achy, but never lost my sense of taste or smell (I attribute that to the zinc and lysine). I occasionally had a very light and dry cough, from a bit of throat tickle. I never felt non-functional; just lousy. I never had trouble breathing, and my chest stayed 100% clear. I did have a little congestion in my throat a couple times, but cleared it, and that was it. Note: normally I have a lot of allergies and phlem, but during the Wuhan, I had little.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1855 Views
  • Top 10 Benefits of Shilajit
    1 Shilajit the Adaptogen
    Shilajit has been classified as an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to both internal and external stressors. (1,2) It has been used for thousands of years to fight stress and fatigue while rejuvenating and regenerating tired cells.
    2 Shilajit the Energizer
    Shilajit works by increasing the production of the body’s primary fuel supply, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This energy supply is made by the mitochondria in every cell as they convert food into ATP or energy. As we age, the mitochondria make less and less ATP. (1,3)
    3 Shilajit the Anti-Aging Agent
    The mitochondria manufacture about 95% of the cellular energy of the body, which dramatically reduces with age. The mitochondria are responsible for muscle strength, hormonal energy and, as it turns out, shilajit is a powerhouse for mitochondrial energy, along with an enzyme called CoQ10. Shilajit alone has been shown to activate, stabilize and revitalize CoQ10, making it more available to boost mitochondrial energy production. (3,4)
    4 Shilajit Battles Fatigue
    In one study, mice were given shilajit for 21 days before exposure to a stress procedure. They were forced to swim daily for 15 minutes for 21 consecutive days. They were then given a series of stress tests for endurance and anxiety. The mice that took shilajit had significantly less stress and anxiety compared to the group that was not given shilajit. (4)
    When I was the Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, all the players took shilajit (along with boswellia and ashwagandha) regularly. We went from the 3rd most injured team in the league to the 3rd least injured team in the league that year.
    5 Shilajit the Turbo-Charger
    Perhaps the star ingredients in shilajit are the humic acids, which speed up the transfer of electrons and energy to the mitochondria. Studies suggest this is like a turbocharger in your car, but for your mitochondria. (1,3) In nature, humic acids found in soils are what break down nutrients and deliver them to plants in a digestible form. In the body, they play a similar role. (1)
    6 Shilajit Slows an Aging Brain
    Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is critical for brain function, memory, and attention. Stress and aging decrease levels of acetylcholine, and shilajit has been found to inhibit the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. (5)
    7 Shilajit the Brain Detoxifier
    Proteins like beta-amyloid plaque and tau can build up over time in the brain and cause nerve damage related to cognitive decline. Shilajit has been shown to drive oxygen, minerals, and nutrients into the brain tissue and support the brain’s natural ability to drain these potentially damaging proteins. (8, 10)
    8 Shilajit the Fight-or-Flight Blocker
    It is accepted that fight-or-flight stress from the sympathetic nervous system is degenerative for the body. The opposite calming parasympathetic nervous system is the rebuilding, repair, rejuvenate, rest-and-digest nervous system. Shilajit has been shown to increase parasympathetic activity, supporting health and longevity. (5)
    9 Shilajit the Heart Health Enhancer

    Shilajit has been shown to support heart health with lower heart rates, breathing rates and healthy blood pressure when under stress. (6)
    10 Shilajit Boosts Performance and Pleasure
    Shilajit has been shown to boost performance and reduce worry when under stress. It was also shown to trigger the release of pleasure hormones such a dopamine. (7)
    Top 10 Benefits of Shilajit 1 Shilajit the Adaptogen Shilajit has been classified as an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to both internal and external stressors. (1,2) It has been used for thousands of years to fight stress and fatigue while rejuvenating and regenerating tired cells. 2 Shilajit the Energizer Shilajit works by increasing the production of the body’s primary fuel supply, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This energy supply is made by the mitochondria in every cell as they convert food into ATP or energy. As we age, the mitochondria make less and less ATP. (1,3) 3 Shilajit the Anti-Aging Agent The mitochondria manufacture about 95% of the cellular energy of the body, which dramatically reduces with age. The mitochondria are responsible for muscle strength, hormonal energy and, as it turns out, shilajit is a powerhouse for mitochondrial energy, along with an enzyme called CoQ10. Shilajit alone has been shown to activate, stabilize and revitalize CoQ10, making it more available to boost mitochondrial energy production. (3,4) 4 Shilajit Battles Fatigue In one study, mice were given shilajit for 21 days before exposure to a stress procedure. They were forced to swim daily for 15 minutes for 21 consecutive days. They were then given a series of stress tests for endurance and anxiety. The mice that took shilajit had significantly less stress and anxiety compared to the group that was not given shilajit. (4) When I was the Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, all the players took shilajit (along with boswellia and ashwagandha) regularly. We went from the 3rd most injured team in the league to the 3rd least injured team in the league that year. 5 Shilajit the Turbo-Charger Perhaps the star ingredients in shilajit are the humic acids, which speed up the transfer of electrons and energy to the mitochondria. Studies suggest this is like a turbocharger in your car, but for your mitochondria. (1,3) In nature, humic acids found in soils are what break down nutrients and deliver them to plants in a digestible form. In the body, they play a similar role. (1) 6 Shilajit Slows an Aging Brain Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is critical for brain function, memory, and attention. Stress and aging decrease levels of acetylcholine, and shilajit has been found to inhibit the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. (5) 7 Shilajit the Brain Detoxifier Proteins like beta-amyloid plaque and tau can build up over time in the brain and cause nerve damage related to cognitive decline. Shilajit has been shown to drive oxygen, minerals, and nutrients into the brain tissue and support the brain’s natural ability to drain these potentially damaging proteins. (8, 10) 8 Shilajit the Fight-or-Flight Blocker It is accepted that fight-or-flight stress from the sympathetic nervous system is degenerative for the body. The opposite calming parasympathetic nervous system is the rebuilding, repair, rejuvenate, rest-and-digest nervous system. Shilajit has been shown to increase parasympathetic activity, supporting health and longevity. (5) 9 Shilajit the Heart Health Enhancer Shilajit has been shown to support heart health with lower heart rates, breathing rates and healthy blood pressure when under stress. (6) 10 Shilajit Boosts Performance and Pleasure Shilajit has been shown to boost performance and reduce worry when under stress. It was also shown to trigger the release of pleasure hormones such a dopamine. (7) https://www.purehimalayanshilajit.com/?ref=131 Code:Plntbsdmark
    0 Comments 0 Shares 322 Views
  • https://botanicals.one/coenzyme-q10/ You don't need harmful Statins to keep your heart healthy, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and protect your brain cells from damage. CoQ10 with BioPQQ and Shilajit balance your blood profiles so they are at thier optimum levels. They help you prevent cancere naturally and boost your Brain, Heart and energy levels too:
    https://botanicals.one/coenzyme-q10/ You don't need harmful Statins to keep your heart healthy, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and protect your brain cells from damage. CoQ10 with BioPQQ and Shilajit balance your blood profiles so they are at thier optimum levels. They help you prevent cancere naturally and boost your Brain, Heart and energy levels too:
    The Best CoQ10
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