Imagine a white guy like me saying to a random black guy, "can you be less nÍgger"? Wouldn't that be racist? What do you think his reaction would be?
So why is it okay for big corporations like Coca-Cola to say the same to white folks?
And why is it okay for blacks to judge whites based on their color?
I've been covering police brutality cases for years in America, and the victims are from all colors and races. But communist organizations like Black Lives Matter® hijacked the anti-police brutality movement and turned into a racial war.
This is yet another textbook example of the divide and conquer doctrine where the elites turn the peasants on each other so they'll never revolt.
#CocaCola #Racist #Racism #RacismInAmerica #Cocola #BeLessWhite #BeLessBlack #JustFollowingOrders #DefundThePolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #AmericanPoliceState #FascistPoliceState #QualifiedImmunity #KillerCops #PoliceViolence #LicensedKillers #BlueKluxKlan #ObeyOrDie #ThinBlueLine #TheThinBlueLine #ICantBreathe #GeorgeFloyd #JusticeForFloyd #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ToPunishAndEnslave #ToProtectAndServe #PunishAndEnslave #ProtectAndServe #AFTP #AlwaysFilmThePolice #Cops #NaziCops #Police #LawEnforcement #MilitarizedPolice #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
So why is it okay for big corporations like Coca-Cola to say the same to white folks?
And why is it okay for blacks to judge whites based on their color?
I've been covering police brutality cases for years in America, and the victims are from all colors and races. But communist organizations like Black Lives Matter® hijacked the anti-police brutality movement and turned into a racial war.
This is yet another textbook example of the divide and conquer doctrine where the elites turn the peasants on each other so they'll never revolt.
#CocaCola #Racist #Racism #RacismInAmerica #Cocola #BeLessWhite #BeLessBlack #JustFollowingOrders #DefundThePolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #AmericanPoliceState #FascistPoliceState #QualifiedImmunity #KillerCops #PoliceViolence #LicensedKillers #BlueKluxKlan #ObeyOrDie #ThinBlueLine #TheThinBlueLine #ICantBreathe #GeorgeFloyd #JusticeForFloyd #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ToPunishAndEnslave #ToProtectAndServe #PunishAndEnslave #ProtectAndServe #AFTP #AlwaysFilmThePolice #Cops #NaziCops #Police #LawEnforcement #MilitarizedPolice #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
Imagine a white guy like me saying to a random black guy, "can you be less nÍgger"? Wouldn't that be racist? What do you think his reaction would be?
So why is it okay for big corporations like Coca-Cola to say the same to white folks?
And why is it okay for blacks to judge whites based on their color?
I've been covering police brutality cases for years in America, and the victims are from all colors and races. But communist organizations like Black Lives Matter® hijacked the anti-police brutality movement and turned into a racial war.
This is yet another textbook example of the divide and conquer doctrine where the elites turn the peasants on each other so they'll never revolt.
#CocaCola #Racist #Racism #RacismInAmerica #Cocola #BeLessWhite #BeLessBlack #JustFollowingOrders #DefundThePolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #AmericanPoliceState #FascistPoliceState #QualifiedImmunity #KillerCops #PoliceViolence #LicensedKillers #BlueKluxKlan #ObeyOrDie #ThinBlueLine #TheThinBlueLine #ICantBreathe #GeorgeFloyd #JusticeForFloyd #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ToPunishAndEnslave #ToProtectAndServe #PunishAndEnslave #ProtectAndServe #AFTP #AlwaysFilmThePolice #Cops #NaziCops #Police #LawEnforcement #MilitarizedPolice #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #MilitaryIndustrialComplex