• Trump May be Gagged, but Vivek Ramaswamy is Not.. He Knocked it out of the Park!
    “The real bookkeeping that we need accounting of, is Judge Merchan’s own family member collecting millions of dollars as a Democratic operative..
    Using the existence of this trial as a fundraising ploy for democrats… this is unconscionable…
    Donald Trump is sitting with the indignity in this dingy third-rate courtroom with fourth-rate prosecutors and a fifth rate lawyer on the stand as a witness who has violated attorney client privilege, and nobody’s talking about that.”
    Trump May be Gagged, but Vivek Ramaswamy is Not.. He Knocked it out of the Park! “The real bookkeeping that we need accounting of, is Judge Merchan’s own family member collecting millions of dollars as a Democratic operative.. Using the existence of this trial as a fundraising ploy for democrats… this is unconscionable… Donald Trump is sitting with the indignity in this dingy third-rate courtroom with fourth-rate prosecutors and a fifth rate lawyer on the stand as a witness who has violated attorney client privilege, and nobody’s talking about that.” https://rumble.com/v4v3yor-vivek-ramaswamy-showed-up-to-support-donald-trump-and-knocked-it-out-of-the.html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 667 Views
  • Matt Gaetz introduces an amendment to halt Ukraine War funding, warning that the Biden admin is sleepwalking into a world war, US taxpayers fund Ukraine's pensions amidst a US pension crisis while the Pentagon has no accountability despite billion dollar accounting errors...
    Matt Gaetz introduces an amendment to halt Ukraine War funding, warning that the Biden admin is sleepwalking into a world war, US taxpayers fund Ukraine's pensions amidst a US pension crisis while the Pentagon has no accountability despite billion dollar accounting errors... https://rumble.com/v2zutau-gaetz-check-description.html
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 883 Views
  • VAERS CHANGES 6/23- 6/30

    1,693 NEW REPORTS...1,571,361 total
    The reporting system is once again exposed as a joke!

    One week ago URGENT CARE lost 149,968 CASES!

    This week they are back!

    But....when they disappeared the overall report total did not change...and when they re-appeared the total reports did not change.

    That leaves 2 possibilities:

    1) There is another unseen category that 150,000 cases were reclassed to that website visitors cannot see


    2) There is no tie at all between the subcategories and the aggregate total
    Either way it is sloppy accounting and shows how the data presented on the website is error filled
    VAERS CHANGES 6/23- 6/30 1,693 NEW REPORTS...1,571,361 total =========================== The reporting system is once again exposed as a joke! One week ago URGENT CARE lost 149,968 CASES! This week they are back! But....when they disappeared the overall report total did not change...and when they re-appeared the total reports did not change. That leaves 2 possibilities: 1) There is another unseen category that 150,000 cases were reclassed to that website visitors cannot see or 2) There is no tie at all between the subcategories and the aggregate total =================== Either way it is sloppy accounting and shows how the data presented on the website is error filled
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1018 Views
  • Hey look over here at this missing submarine while we steal more money for Ukraine Nazi's....

    Hey look over here at this missing submarine while we steal more money for Ukraine Nazi's.... https://fortune.com/2023/06/20/pentagon-accounting-error-ukraine-military-aid/
    The Pentagon discovered a $6.2 billion accounting error that translates into more military aid for Ukraine
    The military services used replacement costs rather than the book value of equipment that was pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 984 Views
  • ───── ❝ ACCOUNTING ERROR ❞ ─────
    Provides extra $6.2 BILLION for Ukraine Pentagon says.
    ───── ❝ ACCOUNTING ERROR ❞ ───── Provides extra $6.2 BILLION for 💵 Ukraine 💵 Pentagon says.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 550 Views 0
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/here-goes-your-taxes-pentagon-discloses-accounting-error/
    Here Goes Your Taxes: Pentagon Discloses "Accounting Error" Resulting in $6.2 Billion Surplus for Ukraine (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | 120
    The Pentagon revealed on Tuesday that an overestimation in the value of weapons sent to Ukraine over the past two years has resulted in an extra $6.2 billion of U.S.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 545 Views

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