The Interview ALL Should Watch!
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Brannon House
SUMMARY: The significant part of the video discussion is about bureaucracies forbidding effective and inexpensive drug therapies that combatted COVID-19 due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. THAT MEANS of the 1% (or less) who died from COVID as opposed to the 99% who survived, EVEN LESS deaths would have occurred if greedy Big Pharma and control-minded globalist scientists would have revealed the effectiveness truth. READ & WATCH:
#UnsafeExperimentalJabs #SaferCOVIDTherapies #ZelenkoProtocols
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Brannon House
SUMMARY: The significant part of the video discussion is about bureaucracies forbidding effective and inexpensive drug therapies that combatted COVID-19 due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. THAT MEANS of the 1% (or less) who died from COVID as opposed to the 99% who survived, EVEN LESS deaths would have occurred if greedy Big Pharma and control-minded globalist scientists would have revealed the effectiveness truth. READ & WATCH:
#UnsafeExperimentalJabs #SaferCOVIDTherapies #ZelenkoProtocols
The Interview ALL Should Watch!
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Brannon House
SUMMARY: The significant part of the video discussion is about bureaucracies forbidding effective and inexpensive drug therapies that combatted COVID-19 due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. THAT MEANS of the 1% (or less) who died from COVID as opposed to the 99% who survived, EVEN LESS deaths would have occurred if greedy Big Pharma and control-minded globalist scientists would have revealed the effectiveness truth. READ & WATCH:
#UnsafeExperimentalJabs #SaferCOVIDTherapies #ZelenkoProtocols