Actual slavery is now called the "inmate workforce" in the United Slaves of America. Add a catchy motto along with it like "saving tax dollars" and suddenly it becomes completely okay and normal to the brainless shameless sheeple. You'll find plenty of idiots out there on Uncle Sam's tax farm who believe slavery was abolished, but never try to reason with them because they've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. The 13th Amendment in the United States Constitution didn't abolish slavery at all. It merely regulated it. The 13th Amendment actually legalized and institutionalized it. If you're convicted of a crime in the United States, the private prisons of America are free to own you as a slave and treat you like one. The 13th Amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” And it's so easy to become a slave in the United States. Just grow or consume a cancer-healing plant like cannabis and you'll wake up as a slave in one of America's private prisons. You can also end up as a slave in a prison for the only crime of being too poor to pay your medical bills. Welcome to the land of the unfree and home of the salves.
#ThirteenthAmendment #Slavery #Cannabis #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #NoJusticeNoPeace #ObeyOrDie #ToPunishAndEnslave #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #CorporateAmerica #PettyCrimes #DrugOffenders #ProbationViolations #Jaywalking #TheSystemIsTheProblem #Incarceration #WorldPrision #PrisonSystem #PrivatePrisons #PrivatePrison
#ThirteenthAmendment #Slavery #Cannabis #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #NoJusticeNoPeace #ObeyOrDie #ToPunishAndEnslave #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #CorporateAmerica #PettyCrimes #DrugOffenders #ProbationViolations #Jaywalking #TheSystemIsTheProblem #Incarceration #WorldPrision #PrisonSystem #PrivatePrisons #PrivatePrison
Actual slavery is now called the "inmate workforce" in the United Slaves of America. Add a catchy motto along with it like "saving tax dollars" and suddenly it becomes completely okay and normal to the brainless shameless sheeple. You'll find plenty of idiots out there on Uncle Sam's tax farm who believe slavery was abolished, but never try to reason with them because they've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. The 13th Amendment in the United States Constitution didn't abolish slavery at all. It merely regulated it. The 13th Amendment actually legalized and institutionalized it. If you're convicted of a crime in the United States, the private prisons of America are free to own you as a slave and treat you like one. The 13th Amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” And it's so easy to become a slave in the United States. Just grow or consume a cancer-healing plant like cannabis and you'll wake up as a slave in one of America's private prisons. You can also end up as a slave in a prison for the only crime of being too poor to pay your medical bills. Welcome to the land of the unfree and home of the salves.
#ThirteenthAmendment #Slavery #Cannabis #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #NoJusticeNoPeace #ObeyOrDie #ToPunishAndEnslave #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #CorporateAmerica #PettyCrimes #DrugOffenders #ProbationViolations #Jaywalking #TheSystemIsTheProblem #Incarceration #WorldPrision #PrisonSystem #PrivatePrisons #PrivatePrison