• https://medforth.biz/sick-funeral-of-transgender-activist-and-atheist-prostitute-faces-backlash-for-including-prayers-for-sex-change-and-celebrating-whoredom-at-catholic-cathedral-in-nyc-video/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 657 Ansichten
  • https://medforth.biz/sick-funeral-of-transgender-activist-and-atheist-prostitute-faces-backlash-for-including-prayers-for-sex-change-and-celebrating-whoredom-at-catholic-cathedral-in-nyc-video/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 567 Ansichten

    There is nothing new under the sun!
    Allowing people to call YOU names to shut you up and prevent you from speaking out when it is THEM who are sexual deviates and child molesters is inexcusable!

    Don't let ANYONE silence you with their BS "transphobe" name calling!
    There is NOTHING normal about these people!

    They are an #Abomination

    DON'T ALLOW these people to normalize this behavior!
    It is an ABOMINATION! And you DON'T "tolerate" abominations!
    "tolerance" is #Satan telling you the OPPOSITE of your bible!

    Deuteronomy 22:5
    “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”

    Leviticus 20
    4 And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:

    5 Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

    6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

    7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God.

    8 And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the Lord which sanctify you.

    9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

    10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

    11 And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    12 And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them.

    13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    SHAPESHIFTERS ARE RUNNING THE SHOW There is nothing new under the sun! Allowing people to call YOU names to shut you up and prevent you from speaking out when it is THEM who are sexual deviates and child molesters is inexcusable! Don't let ANYONE silence you with their BS "transphobe" name calling! There is NOTHING normal about these people! They are an #Abomination PERIOD! DON'T ALLOW these people to normalize this behavior! It is an ABOMINATION! And you DON'T "tolerate" abominations! "tolerance" is #Satan telling you the OPPOSITE of your bible! Deuteronomy 22:5 “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” Leviticus 20 4 And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not: 5 Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people. 6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. 7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God. 8 And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the Lord which sanctify you. 9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him. 10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. 11 And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 12 And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them. 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. https://rumble.com/v1ckezp-shapeshifters-are-running-the-show.html
    Reupload from ShakingMyHeadProductions on Odysee, their YT channel was removed, they are now SMHP Reloaded. We have ALL been deceived. Come out of Babylon. Accept the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. I
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 764 Ansichten
  • It's really not hard to understand why the majority of today's women are promiscuous whores. Look at the movies and the music they're consuming.

    What do 99.99% of music promote? Casual sex. This is what these females dance to like monkeys.

    Do you get it now? Do you understand now why these females are flooding Instagram with pornography and why the tech mafia protects them from scrutiny by deleting negative comments and shutting down the accounts of the decent people who resist pornography and whoredom.

    The tech mafia is incubating this culture along with the music and the movie industry. It's all by design.

    And if you follow the money, you'll find out that the real architects behind this immoral bastard culture are the banking dynasties that includes the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing).

    It's always been the banking class behind the destruction of society.

    The key to ending all this nightmare is to illegalize all debt and financial speculation (stock exchanges and other forms of gambling).

    #CasualSex #WomenRights #Whoredom #Prostitution #PredictiveProgramming #NormalizeProstitution #LiberationOfWomen #Feminist #Feminists #FeministMovement #EmpowermentOfWhomen #WhomenEmpowerment #Tinder #TinderWhores #Prostitution #Demoralization #PromotingPornography #Pornography #Porno #WomenIndependence #AmericanCulture #ModernWayOfLife #ProstitutionApps #ProstitutionApp #MatchGroupInc #MatchGroup #Tinder #Hinge #Match #OkCupid #PlentyOfFish #Bumble #DatingApp #DatingApps #Dating #OnlineDating #DatingSites #DatingWorld #Hookup #HookupCulture #SexForFood #illusionOfChoice
    It's really not hard to understand why the majority of today's women are promiscuous whores. Look at the movies and the music they're consuming. What do 99.99% of music promote? Casual sex. This is what these females dance to like monkeys. Do you get it now? Do you understand now why these females are flooding Instagram with pornography and why the tech mafia protects them from scrutiny by deleting negative comments and shutting down the accounts of the decent people who resist pornography and whoredom. The tech mafia is incubating this culture along with the music and the movie industry. It's all by design. And if you follow the money, you'll find out that the real architects behind this immoral bastard culture are the banking dynasties that includes the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). It's always been the banking class behind the destruction of society. The key to ending all this nightmare is to illegalize all debt and financial speculation (stock exchanges and other forms of gambling). #CasualSex #WomenRights #Whoredom #Prostitution #PredictiveProgramming #NormalizeProstitution #LiberationOfWomen #Feminist #Feminists #FeministMovement #EmpowermentOfWhomen #WhomenEmpowerment #Tinder #TinderWhores #Prostitution #Demoralization #PromotingPornography #Pornography #Porno #WomenIndependence #AmericanCulture #ModernWayOfLife #ProstitutionApps #ProstitutionApp #MatchGroupInc #MatchGroup #Tinder #Hinge #Match #OkCupid #PlentyOfFish #Bumble #DatingApp #DatingApps #Dating #OnlineDating #DatingSites #DatingWorld #Hookup #HookupCulture #SexForFood #illusionOfChoice
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 11550 Ansichten
  • This question is for the ladies: After casually giving away your love and your body to a dozen or more men, how much you think they're now worth to your future husband/partner?

    Your body is the most sacred thing you can give someone, but yet you embraced casual sex and irreversibly belittled your self-worth.

    Do you know the damage you caused to your reputation?

    Are you aware of the untold psychological damage you've caused to yourself and the man you'll eventually end up with?

    And all these things are like glass. Once they're damaged, it's forever.

    Long-term relationships that last years are fine, but this prostitution ("dating" or "hookup" in doublespeak) on prostitution apps like Tinder or Bumble or OkCupid is for the whores of society.

    #CasualSex #WomenRights #Whoredom #Prostitution #PredictiveProgramming #NormalizeProstitution #LiberationOfWomen #Feminist #Feminists #FeministMovement #EmpowermentOfWhomen #WhomenEmpowerment #Tinder #TinderWhores #Prostitution #Demoralization #PromotingPornography #Pornography #Porno #WomenIndependence #AmericanCulture #ModernWayOfLife #ProstitutionApps #ProstitutionApp #MatchGroupInc #MatchGroup #Tinder #Hinge #Match #OkCupid #PlentyOfFish #Bumble #DatingApp #DatingApps #Dating #OnlineDating #DatingSites #DatingWorld #Hookup #HookupCulture #SexForFood #illusionOfChoice
    This question is for the ladies: After casually giving away your love and your body to a dozen or more men, how much you think they're now worth to your future husband/partner? Your body is the most sacred thing you can give someone, but yet you embraced casual sex and irreversibly belittled your self-worth. Do you know the damage you caused to your reputation? Are you aware of the untold psychological damage you've caused to yourself and the man you'll eventually end up with? And all these things are like glass. Once they're damaged, it's forever. Long-term relationships that last years are fine, but this prostitution ("dating" or "hookup" in doublespeak) on prostitution apps like Tinder or Bumble or OkCupid is for the whores of society. #CasualSex #WomenRights #Whoredom #Prostitution #PredictiveProgramming #NormalizeProstitution #LiberationOfWomen #Feminist #Feminists #FeministMovement #EmpowermentOfWhomen #WhomenEmpowerment #Tinder #TinderWhores #Prostitution #Demoralization #PromotingPornography #Pornography #Porno #WomenIndependence #AmericanCulture #ModernWayOfLife #ProstitutionApps #ProstitutionApp #MatchGroupInc #MatchGroup #Tinder #Hinge #Match #OkCupid #PlentyOfFish #Bumble #DatingApp #DatingApps #Dating #OnlineDating #DatingSites #DatingWorld #Hookup #HookupCulture #SexForFood #illusionOfChoice
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 10357 Ansichten
  • Behold the vegan feminists. After they murder their own unborn babies in the womb for their own selfish reasons, they lecture the rest of us about killing animals for food.

    Vegan feminists are mentally ill. Be very careful when you approach these diseased individuals or talk to them. And if you had to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads, please be aware that you have more luck talking to a brick wall.

    Abortion was once again the #1 cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 MILLION unborn babies killed in the womb by their mothers, according to data provided by Worldometer.

    In 2020 there were 42.7 million murdered babies, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, and 1.7 million from AIDS. By comparison, worldwide deaths from COVID19 in 2020 totaled 1.8 million (if you believe the fraudulent data by the international medical mafia) according to Johns Hopkins University.

    Yes, there were far more murdered babies globally in 2020 than ALL deaths from cancer, malaria, AIDS, smoking, alcohol, COVID19, and traffic accidents COMBINED!

    The same country that mandates everyone to wear a mask and stay away from people to save lives has made it perfectly legal throughout its territories for mothers to murder their own babies at 12 weeks old. Because not all lives matter to the thugs and terrorists that you call politicians.

    If you're one of those brainwashed idiots chanting "my body my choice," try going inside a business without a face mask and see what happens. They'll call you selfish. Because it's very selfish to refuse to cover your own mouth to breathe fresh air but not selfish at all if you murder a baby when it's an inconvenience.

    And this is the reality of the mentally ill world that we're forced to live in.

    Perhaps we should be thanking prostitution apps like Tinder for this increase in baby-killing. After all, Tinder made prostitution incredibly easy for everyone. And all that whoredom on Tinder naturally comes with accidental pregnancies, which are an inconvenience, of course, for the Tinder whores who just want to "have fun."

    #Vegan #VeganFeminists #VeganFeminist #Abortion #Worldometer #JohnsHopkinsUniversity #NotAllLivesMatter #MyBodyMyChoice #BabyKillers #BabyKiller #ProChoice #Tinder #TinderWhores #Prostitution #WomenIndependence #AmericanCulture #ModernWayOfLife #ProstitutionApps #ProstitutionApp #MatchGroupInc #MatchGroup #Tinder #Hinge #Match #OkCupid #PlentyOfFish #DatingApp #DatingApps #Dating #OnlineDating #DatingSites #DatingWorld #Hookup #HookupCulture #SexForFood #illusionOfChoice

    Behold the vegan feminists. After they murder their own unborn babies in the womb for their own selfish reasons, they lecture the rest of us about killing animals for food. Vegan feminists are mentally ill. Be very careful when you approach these diseased individuals or talk to them. And if you had to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads, please be aware that you have more luck talking to a brick wall. Abortion was once again the #1 cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 MILLION unborn babies killed in the womb by their mothers, according to data provided by Worldometer. In 2020 there were 42.7 million murdered babies, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, and 1.7 million from AIDS. By comparison, worldwide deaths from COVID19 in 2020 totaled 1.8 million (if you believe the fraudulent data by the international medical mafia) according to Johns Hopkins University. Yes, there were far more murdered babies globally in 2020 than ALL deaths from cancer, malaria, AIDS, smoking, alcohol, COVID19, and traffic accidents COMBINED! The same country that mandates everyone to wear a mask and stay away from people to save lives has made it perfectly legal throughout its territories for mothers to murder their own babies at 12 weeks old. Because not all lives matter to the thugs and terrorists that you call politicians. If you're one of those brainwashed idiots chanting "my body my choice," try going inside a business without a face mask and see what happens. They'll call you selfish. Because it's very selfish to refuse to cover your own mouth to breathe fresh air but not selfish at all if you murder a baby when it's an inconvenience. And this is the reality of the mentally ill world that we're forced to live in. Perhaps we should be thanking prostitution apps like Tinder for this increase in baby-killing. After all, Tinder made prostitution incredibly easy for everyone. And all that whoredom on Tinder naturally comes with accidental pregnancies, which are an inconvenience, of course, for the Tinder whores who just want to "have fun." #Vegan #VeganFeminists #VeganFeminist #Abortion #Worldometer #JohnsHopkinsUniversity #NotAllLivesMatter #MyBodyMyChoice #BabyKillers #BabyKiller #ProChoice #Tinder #TinderWhores #Prostitution #WomenIndependence #AmericanCulture #ModernWayOfLife #ProstitutionApps #ProstitutionApp #MatchGroupInc #MatchGroup #Tinder #Hinge #Match #OkCupid #PlentyOfFish #DatingApp #DatingApps #Dating #OnlineDating #DatingSites #DatingWorld #Hookup #HookupCulture #SexForFood #illusionOfChoice Sources: https://is.gd/smLfJk https://is.gd/79EjvR https://is.gd/L5OWQ7 https://is.gd/9h90eA
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 13328 Ansichten
  • Behold the modern female of the 21st century. After casually giving away her love and her body to a dozen or more men, she decides somewhere in her 30s that "it's time to settle down" as if her love and her body are worth anything at that point to whichever clown she marries.

    Ask any brainwashed lady, and she'll tell you that photos like these aren't nudity or pornography or whoredom, but "confidence" and "empowerment."

    But there's a reason for the moral decline of women, and it all rhymes with the NWO agenda to demoralize society, emasculate men, and destroy the family unit.

    This agenda is promoted nonstop in movies, music videos and lyrics, and especially online content.

    #Demoralization #PromotingPornography #Pornography #Porno #WomenRights #Whoredom #Prostitution #PredictiveProgramming #NormalizeProstitution #LiberationOfWomen #Feminist #Feminists #FeministMovement #EmpowermentOfWhomen #WhomenEmpowerment
    Behold the modern female of the 21st century. After casually giving away her love and her body to a dozen or more men, she decides somewhere in her 30s that "it's time to settle down" as if her love and her body are worth anything at that point to whichever clown she marries. Ask any brainwashed lady, and she'll tell you that photos like these aren't nudity or pornography or whoredom, but "confidence" and "empowerment." But there's a reason for the moral decline of women, and it all rhymes with the NWO agenda to demoralize society, emasculate men, and destroy the family unit. This agenda is promoted nonstop in movies, music videos and lyrics, and especially online content. #Demoralization #PromotingPornography #Pornography #Porno #WomenRights #Whoredom #Prostitution #PredictiveProgramming #NormalizeProstitution #LiberationOfWomen #Feminist #Feminists #FeministMovement #EmpowermentOfWhomen #WhomenEmpowerment
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4045 Ansichten
  • Today's newborn males have part of their dicks chopped off because, you know, cleanliness.

    Then they're injected with a cocktail of toxins including mercury, aluminum, and the dead meat of dead babies because, you know, science.

    Then they're fed chemicals and processed food because, you know, health comes from a can.

    Then they're sent to a prison-like indoctrination center (school) to learn how to be obedient and follow orders so they can succeed in life as factory/office workers because, you know, capitalism.

    Then they spend most of their lives watching bigger men on TV in competitive sports and movies to belittle and emasculate themselves because, you know, it's entertainment, and it's fun to watch physically superior men compete on TV.

    Then they watch their own sisters embrace prostitution and whoredom by posting pornography and nudity on Instagram because, you know, it's called confidence, not whoredom.

    Then they learn that they're powerless because if they attempt to discipline their own sisters to prevent them from becoming whores, they're kidnapped (arrested) then forced into a rape cage (prison) because, you know, domestic violence must be prevented.

    Then they learn that they must allow the government to steal their income at gunpoint through income taxes because, you know, governments can issue their own fiatmoney, and it's not the Zionist banks that control the world's money supply.

    Then they get old as they watch the world around them be systematically demoralized and stolen away from them and their children's future because, you know, elected governments represent the people, not the banking deep state.

    Then they die knowing that their children will have fewer freedoms than their parents once had and that their daughters will most likely be the future whores of Tinder with no dignity or self-worth because, you know, women's independence strengthens the family unit, not the opposite.

    And this cycle will continue indefinitely for as long as there are order-following sheeple out there standing in line like zombies to vote for the next puppet they saw on TV because, you know, voting for the lesser of two evils isn't also voting for evil.

    #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #YourVoteDoesNotCount #VotingIsMeaningless


    Today's newborn males have part of their dicks chopped off because, you know, cleanliness. Then they're injected with a cocktail of toxins including mercury, aluminum, and the dead meat of dead babies because, you know, science. Then they're fed chemicals and processed food because, you know, health comes from a can. Then they're sent to a prison-like indoctrination center (school) to learn how to be obedient and follow orders so they can succeed in life as factory/office workers because, you know, capitalism. Then they spend most of their lives watching bigger men on TV in competitive sports and movies to belittle and emasculate themselves because, you know, it's entertainment, and it's fun to watch physically superior men compete on TV. Then they watch their own sisters embrace prostitution and whoredom by posting pornography and nudity on Instagram because, you know, it's called confidence, not whoredom. Then they learn that they're powerless because if they attempt to discipline their own sisters to prevent them from becoming whores, they're kidnapped (arrested) then forced into a rape cage (prison) because, you know, domestic violence must be prevented. Then they learn that they must allow the government to steal their income at gunpoint through income taxes because, you know, governments can issue their own fiatmoney, and it's not the Zionist banks that control the world's money supply. Then they get old as they watch the world around them be systematically demoralized and stolen away from them and their children's future because, you know, elected governments represent the people, not the banking deep state. Then they die knowing that their children will have fewer freedoms than their parents once had and that their daughters will most likely be the future whores of Tinder with no dignity or self-worth because, you know, women's independence strengthens the family unit, not the opposite. And this cycle will continue indefinitely for as long as there are order-following sheeple out there standing in line like zombies to vote for the next puppet they saw on TV because, you know, voting for the lesser of two evils isn't also voting for evil. #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #YourVoteDoesNotCount #VotingIsMeaningless Sources: https://is.gd/Z9HrK5 https://is.gd/I7VLCf https://is.gd/60xMUz https://is.gd/uJu5VP https://is.gd/6zqZD8 https://is.gd/uCogSX https://is.gd/iucJnu https://is.gd/AiZPHM https://is.gd/RDV474 https://is.gd/CK3gCz https://is.gd/C2tu94 https://is.gd/mvSoF7 https://is.gd/m0TYaa
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5994 Ansichten
  • Do you remember the "2020 October Surprise" when corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery was working overtime to censor all the pornography and whoredom found on Hunter Biden's laptop so his daddy can become America's puppet in chief?

    And that's what the sheeple of America voted for because, you know, they're sheep.

    #HunterBiden #2020OctoberSurprise #OctoberSurprise2020 #CreepyJoe #CreepyUncleJoe #JoeBiden #JosephRobinetteBidenJr #JosephBiden #Biden2020 #JoeBiden2020 #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #YourVoteDoesNotCount #VotingIsMeaningless

    Do you remember the "2020 October Surprise" when corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery was working overtime to censor all the pornography and whoredom found on Hunter Biden's laptop so his daddy can become America's puppet in chief? And that's what the sheeple of America voted for because, you know, they're sheep. #HunterBiden #2020OctoberSurprise #OctoberSurprise2020 #CreepyJoe #CreepyUncleJoe #JoeBiden #JosephRobinetteBidenJr #JosephBiden #Biden2020 #JoeBiden2020 #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #YourVoteDoesNotCount #VotingIsMeaningless Sources: https://is.gd/Z9HrK5 https://is.gd/4tpgeN https://is.gd/GOnIwd https://is.gd/UHMLCT https://is.gd/jNByYi https://is.gd/gGzDdE https://is.gd/MpQUDV https://is.gd/Cq9dq2
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 8348 Ansichten
  • Do you remember the "2020 October Surprise" when corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery was working overtime to censor all the pornography and whoredom found on Hunter Biden's laptop so his daddy can become America's puppet in chief?

    And that's what the sheeple of America voted for because, you know, they're sheep.

    #HunterBiden #2020OctoberSurprise #OctoberSurprise2020 #CreepyJoe #CreepyUncleJoe #JoeBiden #JosephRobinetteBidenJr #JosephBiden #Biden2020 #JoeBiden2020 #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #YourVoteDoesNotCount #VotingIsMeaningless

    Do you remember the "2020 October Surprise" when corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery was working overtime to censor all the pornography and whoredom found on Hunter Biden's laptop so his daddy can become America's puppet in chief? And that's what the sheeple of America voted for because, you know, they're sheep. #HunterBiden #2020OctoberSurprise #OctoberSurprise2020 #CreepyJoe #CreepyUncleJoe #JoeBiden #JosephRobinetteBidenJr #JosephBiden #Biden2020 #JoeBiden2020 #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #YourVoteDoesNotCount #VotingIsMeaningless Sources: https://is.gd/4tpgeN https://is.gd/GOnIwd https://is.gd/UHMLCT https://is.gd/jNByYi
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5441 Ansichten

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