• The Constitution and Question of Justice: Prologue

    The Preamble of the Constitution sets forth the basic authorities and intent that founded the United States. The first mentioned is the establishment of justice. It is the question of justice that has become the great issue of our time. Is justice equal? Is it being applied to everyone with an even hand? Are some held to different standards than others? It is in these fundamental questions (and others) that the #SocialUpheaval of our time revolves. The ability to communicate and share ideas is available to everyone, but are we communicating? When will the issues get beyond just acting out, reacting without reason? It is a substantive discussion on the problems that is needed. What are the ideas? Is anyone willing to listen? Does anyone want to listen?

    #TheConstitution, #ThePreamble, #TheQuestionOfJustice

    The Constitution and Question of Justice: Prologue The Preamble of the Constitution sets forth the basic authorities and intent that founded the United States. The first mentioned is the establishment of justice. It is the question of justice that has become the great issue of our time. Is justice equal? Is it being applied to everyone with an even hand? Are some held to different standards than others? It is in these fundamental questions (and others) that the #SocialUpheaval of our time revolves. The ability to communicate and share ideas is available to everyone, but are we communicating? When will the issues get beyond just acting out, reacting without reason? It is a substantive discussion on the problems that is needed. What are the ideas? Is anyone willing to listen? Does anyone want to listen? #TheConstitution, #ThePreamble, #TheQuestionOfJustice https://constitutionus.com/
    Constitution of the United States - We the People
    A highly accessible, easy to use online version of the U. S. Constitution with the full text including the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Amendments includes both sequential and subject indexes.
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