• We Must Not Let Marxists Win

    Whether you are cognizant or not, America is at present in a cultural civil war on the precipice ideologies violently clashing. The ideologies: Marxist (reminiscent of Maoist) transformation expounded by Dems, the Dem Party armed wings of Antifa/BLM and the MSM propaganda machine VERSUS proponents of American exceptionalism espousing Christian principles as the foundation of good governance. Justin Smith asks the when and/or WHERE will the proponents of American exceptional stand up VOCALLY for America: https://bit.ly/2WMeuYL
    #AmericanExceptionalism #AmericanCommunism #Stand4America
    We Must Not Let Marxists Win Whether you are cognizant or not, America is at present in a cultural civil war on the precipice ideologies violently clashing. The ideologies: Marxist (reminiscent of Maoist) transformation expounded by Dems, the Dem Party armed wings of Antifa/BLM and the MSM propaganda machine VERSUS proponents of American exceptionalism espousing Christian principles as the foundation of good governance. Justin Smith asks the when and/or WHERE will the proponents of American exceptional stand up VOCALLY for America: https://bit.ly/2WMeuYL #AmericanExceptionalism #AmericanCommunism #Stand4America
    We Must Not Let Marxists Win
    Whether you are cognizant or not, America is at present in a cultural civil war on the precipice ideologies violently clashing. The ideo...
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