• Just what we need is 2 alcoholics in the White House.
    Privately, Obama expressed concerns about Kamala Harris:
    "Throughout Kamala Harris's political career her biggest weakness was her sobriety according to those closest to her. In her first run for the presidency donors were especially reluctant to fund her campaign forcing her out of the race. According to various reports, Obama did NOT want to appoint her to be the Democrat nominee and he lobbied fellow Democrats for a week after Biden withdrew to pick someone else. Anyone who has watched videos of Kamala Harris at events over the past four years can recognize the telltale signs that she is often drunk and/or on mood altering medications. Should Democrats have taken more time to pick a candidate who doesn't struggle with alcoholism and addiction? Can we afford ANOTHER incapacitated president? Of course, Tim Walz is worse given his criminal record related to drunk driving... "

    Feel free to copy & paste this in its' entirety and repost on all social media sites, especially facebook!
    Just what we need is 2 alcoholics in the White House. Privately, Obama expressed concerns about Kamala Harris: "Throughout Kamala Harris's political career her biggest weakness was her sobriety according to those closest to her. In her first run for the presidency donors were especially reluctant to fund her campaign forcing her out of the race. According to various reports, Obama did NOT want to appoint her to be the Democrat nominee and he lobbied fellow Democrats for a week after Biden withdrew to pick someone else. Anyone who has watched videos of Kamala Harris at events over the past four years can recognize the telltale signs that she is often drunk and/or on mood altering medications. Should Democrats have taken more time to pick a candidate who doesn't struggle with alcoholism and addiction? Can we afford ANOTHER incapacitated president? Of course, Tim Walz is worse given his criminal record related to drunk driving... " https://imgflip.com/i/90yz9p Feel free to copy & paste this in its' entirety and repost on all social media sites, especially facebook!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 501 Views
  • Barack Obama Talks Out of His ASS Praising Kamala Harris
    Some would call it talking out both sides of his mouth, but after recent reports to the contrary, I'd say he is talking out of his ass!

    Privately, Obama expressed concerns about Kamala Harris:
    "Throughout Kamala Harris's political career her biggest weakness was her sobriety according to those closest to her. In her first run for the presidency donors were especially reluctant to fund her campaign forcing her out of the race. According to various reports, Obama did NOT want to appoint her to be the Democrat nominee and he lobbied fellow Democrats for a week after Biden withdrew to pick someone else. Anyone who has watched videos of Kamala Harris at events over the past four years can recognize the telltale signs that she is often drunk and/or on mood altering medications. Should Democrats have taken more time to pick a candidate who doesn't struggle with alcoholism and addiction? Can we afford ANOTHER incapacitated president? Of course, Tim Walz is worse given his criminal record related to drunk driving... "
    Barack Obama Talks Out of His ASS Praising Kamala Harris Some would call it talking out both sides of his mouth, but after recent reports to the contrary, I'd say he is talking out of his ass! Privately, Obama expressed concerns about Kamala Harris: "Throughout Kamala Harris's political career her biggest weakness was her sobriety according to those closest to her. In her first run for the presidency donors were especially reluctant to fund her campaign forcing her out of the race. According to various reports, Obama did NOT want to appoint her to be the Democrat nominee and he lobbied fellow Democrats for a week after Biden withdrew to pick someone else. Anyone who has watched videos of Kamala Harris at events over the past four years can recognize the telltale signs that she is often drunk and/or on mood altering medications. Should Democrats have taken more time to pick a candidate who doesn't struggle with alcoholism and addiction? Can we afford ANOTHER incapacitated president? Of course, Tim Walz is worse given his criminal record related to drunk driving... " https://rumble.com/v5btqn6-barack-obama-talks-out-of-his-ass-praising-kamala-harris.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 471 Views
  • John H. Bryan - Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped:


    #PoliceMisconduct #Malfeasance #TrafficStop #TerryFrisk #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #FieldSobrietyTest #Marijuana #WarOnDrugs #WrongfulArrest #FalseArrest #JusticeForJaden #ThrownToTheWolves #Music #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
    John H. Bryan - Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2024/07/11/country-singer-writes-song-about-arrest-by-idiot-cop-charges-now-dropped/ #PoliceMisconduct #Malfeasance #TrafficStop #TerryFrisk #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #FieldSobrietyTest #Marijuana #WarOnDrugs #WrongfulArrest #FalseArrest #JusticeForJaden #ThrownToTheWolves #Music #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
    Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped - The Civil Rights Lawyer
    This 18 year old country music singer from Montana was pulled over for speeding by a state trooper who is looking for reasons to accuse him of driving intoxicated. Even though he blew a 0.0 showing he had no alcohol in his system, and even though he did all the stupid human tricks he was asked to do, and even though he was 100% polite and cooperative with the officer, he was still wrongfully arrested and charged. A blood test taken after the arrest showed what any rational police officers should have known: that the kid was completely sober. Yet this happened to him. He wrote a song about it.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1509 Views
  • Concerned About His Sobriety? Or Just Intimidation Tactics?

    Concerned About His Sobriety? Or Just Intimidation Tactics? https://youtu.be/3x9y4oP4zco
    0 Comments 0 Shares 658 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/uk-muslima-in-drunken-brawl-doesnt-have-to-wear-sobriety-tag-it-would-hinder-her-preparation-for-prayers/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 210 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/uk-muslima-in-drunken-brawl-doesnt-have-to-wear-sobriety-tag-it-would-hinder-her-preparation-for-prayers/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 181 Views
  • Doubtless man must know and believe, in the first place, that there is a God, and that this God is but one; for God is too jealous of his honour and his dignity, and too much concerned in this important point, to lavish out happiness and his heavenly favours on any person who makes other gods to become his rivals, or who exalts a creature, or a mere chimera, into the throne of God. He must believe also, that God is a being of perfect wisdom, power and goodness, and that he is the righteous Governor of the world.—Man must also know, that he himself is a creature of God, furnished with a faculty of understanding to perceive the general difference between good and evil, in the most important instances of it; and endowed with a will, which is a power to chuse or to refuse the evil or the good: That he is obliged to exert these powers or faculties in a right manner, both toward God and toward himself, as well as his neighbour. I do not insist upon it, that he must know those propositions explictly, and in a philosophical manner: but he must have some sort of consciousness of his own natural powers, to know and distinguish, to chuse or to refuse good or evil, and must be sensible of his obligations to enquire and practise what is good, and to avoid what is evil.

    As for the duties that relate to God, man is obliged to worship him with reverence, to honour him in his heart and life, on the account of his wisdom and power manifested in the world; to fear his majesty, to love him, and hope in his goodness, to give him thanks for what instances of it he partakes of, to seek to him for what blessings he wants, and to carry it toward him in all things as his Maker, his Lord, and his Governor.—He must know also, that since God is a righteous Governor, if he does not make good men happy in this world, and the wicked miserable, then there must be another world, wherein he will appoint some happiness for the good, and misery for the wicked; or in general, that he will some time or other distribute rewards and punishments to all persons, according to their behaviour: For this has a very considerable influence unto all holiness of life, and every part of morality, which will hardly be practised without these motives.

    As for the duties which relate to other men, every man must know and believe, that as he is placed here amongst a multitude of fellow creatures of his own species or kind, he is bound to practise truth or veracity, justice and goodness toward them, according to the several relations in which he may stand, as a father, brother, son, husband, neighbour, subject, master, servant, buyer, seller, &c. And with regard to himself, he must know that he is bound to exercise sobriety and temperance, and to maintain a due government over his appetites and passions, that they run not into excess and extravagance. And finally, since every man will frequently find himself coming short of his duty to God and man, and betrayed into sin by the strength of his temptations, his appetites and passions, in the various occurrences of life, he must repent of his sins, be sincerely sorry for what he has done amiss, humbly ask forgiveness of God, and endeavour to serve and please him in all things for the time to come, and he must exercise a hope or trust in the mercy of God, that upon repentance and new obedience, God will forgive sinners, and take them again into his favour.

    Isaac Watts
    Doubtless man must know and believe, in the first place, that there is a God, and that this God is but one; for God is too jealous of his honour and his dignity, and too much concerned in this important point, to lavish out happiness and his heavenly favours on any person who makes other gods to become his rivals, or who exalts a creature, or a mere chimera, into the throne of God. He must believe also, that God is a being of perfect wisdom, power and goodness, and that he is the righteous Governor of the world.—Man must also know, that he himself is a creature of God, furnished with a faculty of understanding to perceive the general difference between good and evil, in the most important instances of it; and endowed with a will, which is a power to chuse or to refuse the evil or the good: That he is obliged to exert these powers or faculties in a right manner, both toward God and toward himself, as well as his neighbour. I do not insist upon it, that he must know those propositions explictly, and in a philosophical manner: but he must have some sort of consciousness of his own natural powers, to know and distinguish, to chuse or to refuse good or evil, and must be sensible of his obligations to enquire and practise what is good, and to avoid what is evil. As for the duties that relate to God, man is obliged to worship him with reverence, to honour him in his heart and life, on the account of his wisdom and power manifested in the world; to fear his majesty, to love him, and hope in his goodness, to give him thanks for what instances of it he partakes of, to seek to him for what blessings he wants, and to carry it toward him in all things as his Maker, his Lord, and his Governor.—He must know also, that since God is a righteous Governor, if he does not make good men happy in this world, and the wicked miserable, then there must be another world, wherein he will appoint some happiness for the good, and misery for the wicked; or in general, that he will some time or other distribute rewards and punishments to all persons, according to their behaviour: For this has a very considerable influence unto all holiness of life, and every part of morality, which will hardly be practised without these motives. As for the duties which relate to other men, every man must know and believe, that as he is placed here amongst a multitude of fellow creatures of his own species or kind, he is bound to practise truth or veracity, justice and goodness toward them, according to the several relations in which he may stand, as a father, brother, son, husband, neighbour, subject, master, servant, buyer, seller, &c. And with regard to himself, he must know that he is bound to exercise sobriety and temperance, and to maintain a due government over his appetites and passions, that they run not into excess and extravagance. And finally, since every man will frequently find himself coming short of his duty to God and man, and betrayed into sin by the strength of his temptations, his appetites and passions, in the various occurrences of life, he must repent of his sins, be sincerely sorry for what he has done amiss, humbly ask forgiveness of God, and endeavour to serve and please him in all things for the time to come, and he must exercise a hope or trust in the mercy of God, that upon repentance and new obedience, God will forgive sinners, and take them again into his favour. Isaac Watts
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2028 Views
  • THE BIGGEST CRIMINAL IS SAYING. “No one is above the law.”

    Nancy Pelosi is worth 200 million dollars because of illegal insider trading- her husband is on video so drunk in a DUI stop that he couldn’t even let go of the cop car to do a field sobriety test without falling down - he got a slap on the wrist.
    THE BIGGEST CRIMINAL IS SAYING. “No one is above the law.” Nancy Pelosi is worth 200 million dollars because of illegal insider trading- her husband is on video so drunk in a DUI stop that he couldn’t even let go of the cop car to do a field sobriety test without falling down - he got a slap on the wrist.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 60 Views
  • https://tv.gab.com/channel/the_kings_hall/view/stability-sobriety-62e82181abfdc41b84384d33
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15 Views

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