• Brilliant no doubt!
    #Saturnalia 2022 and 2023 just won't be the same!

    Even those of us who no longer celebrate Saturnalia can appreciate the humor and the irony

    The downside...... America won't escape either!

    And THAT, girls and boys, is why I put 110% of my #Faithin Yahuwah

    Brilliant no doubt! #Saturnalia 2022 and 2023 just won't be the same! Even those of us who no longer celebrate Saturnalia can appreciate the humor and the irony The downside...... America won't escape either! And THAT, girls and boys, is why I put 110% of my #Faithin Yahuwah https://gab.com/Gruvedawg/posts/109569851818103569
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 339 Views
  • While this is technically correct.....
    #Christmas is actually #Saturnalia (A PAGAN Celebration) re-branded!

    I've celebrated Christmas for 50 years of my life.... BUT NO MORE!
    Because I now know the #Truth!

    Just like every other American holiday (Holy Day) the roots of Christmas are #Satanic!

    Every "Tradition" of Christmas came directly from the PAGAN Celebration of Saturnalia! EVERY ONE!

    The bible also tells us that Mary was impregnated IN THE 6th MONTH!
    So there's NO WAY it's a celebration of the birth of Yahushua! NO WAY!

    Know what you are REALLY CELEBRATING???? #Evil PAGAN practices!

    I'm NOT attacking anyone here! I'm simply pointing out the LIES which surround the "TRADITION OF MAN" called Christmas!

    Right from the Bible!

    Jeremiah Chapter 10

    2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

    3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

    4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

    Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions


    Christmas History: Bible & Pagans - The Truth

    While this is technically correct..... #Christmas is actually #Saturnalia (A PAGAN Celebration) re-branded! I've celebrated Christmas for 50 years of my life.... BUT NO MORE! Because I now know the #Truth! Just like every other American holiday (Holy Day) the roots of Christmas are #Satanic! RESEARCH IT FOR YOURSELF! Every "Tradition" of Christmas came directly from the PAGAN Celebration of Saturnalia! EVERY ONE! The bible also tells us that Mary was impregnated IN THE 6th MONTH! So there's NO WAY it's a celebration of the birth of Yahushua! NO WAY! Know what you are REALLY CELEBRATING???? #Evil PAGAN practices! I'm NOT attacking anyone here! I'm simply pointing out the LIES which surround the "TRADITION OF MAN" called Christmas! Right from the Bible! Jeremiah Chapter 10 2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions https://youtu.be/p4E3H1AWuAY THE MAIN REASON A BELIEVER SHOULD NOT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS: IF YOU NEVER UNDERSTOOD OR AGREED, WATCH https://youtu.be/9dLFycyLHUQ Christmas History: Bible & Pagans - The Truth https://youtu.be/YEDXBmMv5zE A BIG END TIME DECEPTION: WHAT MOST CHURCHES ARE IGNORING https://youtu.be/vT1bVzB63Gg
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 508 Views
  • #Satan has DECEIVED US well!
    I used to be there, right alongside everyone else trying to
    "Keep the Christ in Christmas" and all that stuff!

    But Christmas is ALREADY A PAGAN HOLIDAY!

    The whole cover story of it being a celebration of the birth of Yahushua is a lie!
    Folks the BIBLE tells us that Mary was given the child in THE SIXTH MONTH!!!

    Now I'm no mathematician..... But the 6th month to December does NOT
    a nine month pregnancy make!

    #Christmas is nothing more than the ancient festival of #Saturnalia re-branded!

    The "Traditions" of Christmas are ALL traditions taken from "Saturnalia"
    The information is out there..... YOU JUST HAVE TO LOOK!

    Every Holiday (Holy Day) celebrated in America today

    And STOP giving your energy to Satanic Festivals!
    We NEED to stop supporting and condoning these PAGAN practices!

    It's #Evil!

    You START by lying to your children about #SatanClause
    and everything past that point just goes downhill!

    HOW are your children supposed to trust and believe you when you

    Not to mention LYING is one of the 7 things that Yahuwah HATES!
    #Satan has DECEIVED US well! I used to be there, right alongside everyone else trying to "Keep the Christ in Christmas" and all that stuff! But Christmas is ALREADY A PAGAN HOLIDAY! It ALWAYS HAS BEEN! The whole cover story of it being a celebration of the birth of Yahushua is a lie! Folks the BIBLE tells us that Mary was given the child in THE SIXTH MONTH!!! Now I'm no mathematician..... But the 6th month to December does NOT a nine month pregnancy make! #Christmas is nothing more than the ancient festival of #Saturnalia re-branded! The "Traditions" of Christmas are ALL traditions taken from "Saturnalia" The information is out there..... YOU JUST HAVE TO LOOK! Every Holiday (Holy Day) celebrated in America today has PAGAN / SATANIC roots! PLEASE RESEARCH IT!!! And STOP giving your energy to Satanic Festivals! We NEED to stop supporting and condoning these PAGAN practices! It's #Evil! You START by lying to your children about #SatanClause and everything past that point just goes downhill! HOW are your children supposed to trust and believe you when you LIE TO THEM? Not to mention LYING is one of the 7 things that Yahuwah HATES!
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 448 Views
  • WHAT or WHO are we giving our power to???

    I want you to just CONSIDER a couple of things here folks.....
    FIRST and foremost READ YOUR BIBLE and what it says about #Christmas!

    Christmas did NOT exist when the bible was written, yet PAGANS were doing the EXACT SAME THING AS WE ARE TODAY back then!

    So in Joshua 10 it is written

    1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

    2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

    3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

    4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

    5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

    Okay..... Now consider WHAT YOU DO during the "Tradition of MAN" which is Christmas..... First YOU LIE TO YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT #Santa!

    Let's return to the bible and see what The Father says about this LYING!
    Proverbs 6

    13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; 14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. 15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    Then you MUST see that "Santa" is just an anagram for #Satan!

    Santa flies around in his "Sleigh" a lot like #Apollo does, coincidence?

    Isn't it strange that EVERY "Traditional Christmas" activity is THE EXACT SAME as what was done to celebrate Saturnalia?

    EVERY HOLIDAY (Holy Day) celebrated in the United States is SATANIC / PAGAN!
    It's a fact!

    Every one of them stem from Satanic Holidays (Holy Days) and YOU have been deceived into celebrating this unholy crap!

    Let's STOP giving our energy to this Blasphemy and get back to Yahuwah!
    RESEARCH what I'm telling you, it's true!
    WHAT or WHO are we giving our power to??? I want you to just CONSIDER a couple of things here folks..... FIRST and foremost READ YOUR BIBLE and what it says about #Christmas! Christmas did NOT exist when the bible was written, yet PAGANS were doing the EXACT SAME THING AS WE ARE TODAY back then! So in Joshua 10 it is written 1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. Okay..... Now consider WHAT YOU DO during the "Tradition of MAN" which is Christmas..... First YOU LIE TO YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT #Santa! Let's return to the bible and see what The Father says about this LYING! Proverbs 6 13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; 14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. 15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Then you MUST see that "Santa" is just an anagram for #Satan! Santa flies around in his "Sleigh" a lot like #Apollo does, coincidence? Isn't it strange that EVERY "Traditional Christmas" activity is THE EXACT SAME as what was done to celebrate Saturnalia? EVERY HOLIDAY (Holy Day) celebrated in the United States is SATANIC / PAGAN! It's a fact! Every one of them stem from Satanic Holidays (Holy Days) and YOU have been deceived into celebrating this unholy crap! Let's STOP giving our energy to this Blasphemy and get back to Yahuwah! RESEARCH what I'm telling you, it's true!
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 478 Views
  • Have YOU gotten used to all those "coincidences" yet???
    HAVE YOU???

    There's no such ting as coincidence!
    EVERYTHING is planned and orchestrated by SOMEONE!

    Now that someone may hide in the darkness and originate from the pit of Hell...
    but SOMEONE is behind EVERYTHING!

    WHAT and WHO are you really celebrating on December 25th???
    It's certainly NOT Yahushua! (Jesus)

    There's no such thing as a coincidence!
    If you are a #Christian then ACT LIKE ONE!

    STOP practicing #Pagan rituals and "Traditions" and read your Bible!

    The ONLY PLACE I've ever seen a mention of "Christmas" in the bible is in Jeremiah, in the following verses:

    Jeremiah Chapter 10

    1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

    2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

    3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

    4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

    "Christmas" is nothing more than #Saturnalia rebranded!
    Have YOU gotten used to all those "coincidences" yet??? HAVE YOU??? There's no such ting as coincidence! EVERYTHING is planned and orchestrated by SOMEONE! Now that someone may hide in the darkness and originate from the pit of Hell... but SOMEONE is behind EVERYTHING! WHAT and WHO are you really celebrating on December 25th??? It's certainly NOT Yahushua! (Jesus) There's no such thing as a coincidence! If you are a #Christian then ACT LIKE ONE! STOP practicing #Pagan rituals and "Traditions" and read your Bible! The ONLY PLACE I've ever seen a mention of "Christmas" in the bible is in Jeremiah, in the following verses: Jeremiah Chapter 10 1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. "Christmas" is nothing more than #Saturnalia rebranded! A PAGAN PRACTICE!
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 309 Views
  • Should I go to PRISON for this? Cop Watch Truth Revealed | Vlog #6

    F*CK "Christmas" AND #Saturnalia too!
    (What you are ACTUALLY celebrating on December 25th)

    This year INSTEAD of wasting money buying people a bunch of useless sh*t, and being a "good little consumer" how about you ACTUALLY HELP SOMEONE???

    Government is putting Americans on the streets BECAUSE WE CONTINUE ALLOWING IT. How about this year we find a way to HELP THESE PEOPLE?

    Pay them to clean up around the city! Let them cut the grass! SOMETHING!
    NOT "Charity" but a way to help them HELP THEMSELVES! MOST HOMELESS PEOPLE WON'T ACCEPT CHARITY! That's WHY they are homeless!

    Way to go brother! Not enough folks help others! You'd be amazed at how much something like not owning a vehicle can destroy someone's life if they don't have anyone to help them out with a ride!

    I say that from personal experience! I've always helped people when I can, especially with stuff like a ride to the grocery store etc...... Then I lost my ride, and never thought that I'd say this, but there a LOT of real a**holes in the world!

    Trying to get 15 miles to my doctor's office OR to the grocery store with no ride can be tough!

    Hell, I stayed with my own cousin, and the rotten POS acted like you asked him to take you to Nebraska or something if you asked him for a ride 10 minutes up the road!

    I'll surely NEVER FORGET the scumbags that I THOUGHT had my back, but in reality are just selfish scumbags! And I really won't ever forget the few people I found willing to give me a ride to town.

    I never thought it a big deal to give someone a little less fortunate a ride somewhere, loan them a couple of bucks, or help them by donating a little of my own time! I mean it was always just "What people do" for one another!

    THEN I GOT STUCK IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY AT MY COUSIN'S PLACE! That's when I learned how selfish and uncaring people can be, sometimes even your own family!

    Fortunately NOW I'm doing a little better and have a ride, hope to NEVER be without one again...... But regardless, if one of my neighbors needs a hand (Or a ride) you can bet money that I WILL HELP THEM! And those people who would NOT help me...... Well, they've gotten their LAST from me!!

    The quickest way to learn WHO YOUR REAL FRIENDS ARE is to be
    "DOWN & OUT" and see who still wants to be your friend!

    A REAL FRIEND will help you out when you are in need!

    A selfish scumbag will ask you to help THEM.... But they rarely will return the favor when it's YOU who needs the help!

    And I'm the type of person who TRIES REALLY HARD to NEVER ask for help!
    I've always been that way! So if I'm asking someone to help me, it's usually because I'm out of options!

    When I was younger there was an old guy who sold papers on 610 Loop. He was a good old guy. I later found out that he was once a "Chemical Engineer"

    His wife passed away, which set him on a path to self-destruction and a lot of drinking... He wound up homeless and selling newspapers.

    My roommate at the time had one of those campers that sits in the back of a pick up truck. We set the thing up under an awning at the house we were renting.

    One day I was talking to the old man and I invited him to stay in that camper beside the house. We ran him an electric cord out there and stuff, and EVERY WEEKEND we'd bbq and the old guy ALWAYS ate with us

    I guess I was just raised to "Treat others as you'd like to be treated"
    If it were just me, I'd have let the old timer stay in the house! But I had a house full already.

    It cost me NOTHING to let that man stay beside my house!
    But you know what??? I'll bet it made a HUGE DIFFERENCE in his life!
    It gave him stability and some people in his life that he could depend on

    THAT is priceless when you have nobody!
    And it's just the right thing to do!

    Personally..... I don't see how ANYONE could enjoy living in a huge, over-priced mansion with 15 cars while there are people sleeping on the pavement!

    Of course the "pan-handlers" are a different animal entirely!
    I DON'T give money to people who will likely buy drugs/alcohol with it!

    Just something to think about!

    Should I go to PRISON for this? Cop Watch Truth Revealed | Vlog #6 F*CK "Christmas" AND #Saturnalia too! (What you are ACTUALLY celebrating on December 25th) This year INSTEAD of wasting money buying people a bunch of useless sh*t, and being a "good little consumer" how about you ACTUALLY HELP SOMEONE??? Government is putting Americans on the streets BECAUSE WE CONTINUE ALLOWING IT. How about this year we find a way to HELP THESE PEOPLE? Pay them to clean up around the city! Let them cut the grass! SOMETHING! NOT "Charity" but a way to help them HELP THEMSELVES! MOST HOMELESS PEOPLE WON'T ACCEPT CHARITY! That's WHY they are homeless! BUT THEY WILL TAKE A JOB! Way to go brother! Not enough folks help others! You'd be amazed at how much something like not owning a vehicle can destroy someone's life if they don't have anyone to help them out with a ride! I say that from personal experience! I've always helped people when I can, especially with stuff like a ride to the grocery store etc...... Then I lost my ride, and never thought that I'd say this, but there a LOT of real a**holes in the world! Trying to get 15 miles to my doctor's office OR to the grocery store with no ride can be tough! Hell, I stayed with my own cousin, and the rotten POS acted like you asked him to take you to Nebraska or something if you asked him for a ride 10 minutes up the road! I'll surely NEVER FORGET the scumbags that I THOUGHT had my back, but in reality are just selfish scumbags! And I really won't ever forget the few people I found willing to give me a ride to town. I never thought it a big deal to give someone a little less fortunate a ride somewhere, loan them a couple of bucks, or help them by donating a little of my own time! I mean it was always just "What people do" for one another! THEN I GOT STUCK IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY AT MY COUSIN'S PLACE! That's when I learned how selfish and uncaring people can be, sometimes even your own family! Fortunately NOW I'm doing a little better and have a ride, hope to NEVER be without one again...... But regardless, if one of my neighbors needs a hand (Or a ride) you can bet money that I WILL HELP THEM! And those people who would NOT help me...... Well, they've gotten their LAST from me!! The quickest way to learn WHO YOUR REAL FRIENDS ARE is to be "DOWN & OUT" and see who still wants to be your friend! A REAL FRIEND will help you out when you are in need! A selfish scumbag will ask you to help THEM.... But they rarely will return the favor when it's YOU who needs the help! And I'm the type of person who TRIES REALLY HARD to NEVER ask for help! I've always been that way! So if I'm asking someone to help me, it's usually because I'm out of options! When I was younger there was an old guy who sold papers on 610 Loop. He was a good old guy. I later found out that he was once a "Chemical Engineer" His wife passed away, which set him on a path to self-destruction and a lot of drinking... He wound up homeless and selling newspapers. My roommate at the time had one of those campers that sits in the back of a pick up truck. We set the thing up under an awning at the house we were renting. One day I was talking to the old man and I invited him to stay in that camper beside the house. We ran him an electric cord out there and stuff, and EVERY WEEKEND we'd bbq and the old guy ALWAYS ate with us I guess I was just raised to "Treat others as you'd like to be treated" If it were just me, I'd have let the old timer stay in the house! But I had a house full already. It cost me NOTHING to let that man stay beside my house! But you know what??? I'll bet it made a HUGE DIFFERENCE in his life! It gave him stability and some people in his life that he could depend on THAT is priceless when you have nobody! And it's just the right thing to do! Personally..... I don't see how ANYONE could enjoy living in a huge, over-priced mansion with 15 cars while there are people sleeping on the pavement! Of course the "pan-handlers" are a different animal entirely! I DON'T give money to people who will likely buy drugs/alcohol with it! Just something to think about! https://youtu.be/4y0WyL7wVcQ
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 404 Views

    It's weird how the world programs people!
    Christmas is one those "programs" that have been installed

    Once you discover that you are actually celebrating the ancient Pagan Tradition of #Saturnalia and try to demonstrate this FACT to people, even your family, they get defensive. Some will tell you "Don't upset the children!"

    It's NOT my place to tell people's children anything of an adult nature... BUT IT IS THEIR PLACE!

    There is something deeply troubling to me that folks don't want to snap children out of the LIE they've been told, and allow their own child to continue worshiping PAGAN GODS

    You know... Like Santa. Get your house in order!

    BE READY! THE GREAT FALLING AWAY HAS BEGUN It's weird how the world programs people! Christmas is one those "programs" that have been installed Once you discover that you are actually celebrating the ancient Pagan Tradition of #Saturnalia and try to demonstrate this FACT to people, even your family, they get defensive. Some will tell you "Don't upset the children!" It's NOT my place to tell people's children anything of an adult nature... BUT IT IS THEIR PLACE! There is something deeply troubling to me that folks don't want to snap children out of the LIE they've been told, and allow their own child to continue worshiping PAGAN GODS You know... Like Santa. Get your house in order! https://youtu.be/kIVcvag4vXw
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 457 Views
  • Saturnalia Nimrod Tammuz Saturn Worship Christmas Pagan Roots

    I wonder.... HOW LONG will the people of the world continue to allow #Elite worshipers of #Satan to control their lives???

    How Long? Governments were ALL established through trickery, deception, and lies! Governments are actually ALL secret Illuminati Cults of Death!

    Each of them GUILTY of educating the masses with LIES!
    EVERYTHING these people force you to learn is designed to keep you a #Slave to their Death Cult!

    EVERYTHING they force you to learn is a LIE, of their father THE DEVIL! I think it's time that people WAKE UP!

    STOP enforcing the traditions and laws of #Evil & #Corrupt MEN who belong to the Synagogue of Satan!

    THINK FOR YOURSELF! STOP allowing them to inject your children with poisons designed to stunt their mental growth, leaving them unable to THINK FOR THEMSELVES!

    The fluoride in your water, vaccines, "geo-engineering" etc...


    Saturnalia Nimrod Tammuz Saturn Worship Christmas Pagan Roots I wonder.... HOW LONG will the people of the world continue to allow #Elite worshipers of #Satan to control their lives??? How Long? Governments were ALL established through trickery, deception, and lies! Governments are actually ALL secret Illuminati Cults of Death! Each of them GUILTY of educating the masses with LIES! EVERYTHING these people force you to learn is designed to keep you a #Slave to their Death Cult! EVERYTHING they force you to learn is a LIE, of their father THE DEVIL! I think it's time that people WAKE UP! STOP enforcing the traditions and laws of #Evil & #Corrupt MEN who belong to the Synagogue of Satan! THINK FOR YOURSELF! STOP allowing them to inject your children with poisons designed to stunt their mental growth, leaving them unable to THINK FOR THEMSELVES! The fluoride in your water, vaccines, "geo-engineering" etc... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cmg5nCsRDY
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 361 Views
  • Good Evening Godless sodomites!
    And Merry Saturnalia!


    The Elites know this! But they fund schools and television and use other forms of programming to hide this FACT from YOU!

    You need to realize that "Santa Clause" represents a PAGAN belief system! Santa = Satan first of all....

    These people are the devil's pied pipers! And their following is GREAT! WAKE UP to the lies you've been told!
    Take the time to watch this short video!

    This guy also does a really good, honest, straight forward "History of Religion" Series that EVERYONE should watch and share with their kids! Learn the #Truth folks! REPENT!

    If our people TRULY REPENT and stop our #Evil ways God WILL heal your land! Stand in TRUTH and abandon the darkness!

    Christmas History: Bible & Pagans - The Truth
    Good Evening Godless sodomites! And Merry Saturnalia! YOU need to understand that EVERY TRADITION WE HAVE IN AMERICA IS BASED ON PAGAN RITUALS! The Elites know this! But they fund schools and television and use other forms of programming to hide this FACT from YOU! You need to realize that "Santa Clause" represents a PAGAN belief system! Santa = Satan first of all.... These people are the devil's pied pipers! And their following is GREAT! WAKE UP to the lies you've been told! Take the time to watch this short video! This guy also does a really good, honest, straight forward "History of Religion" Series that EVERYONE should watch and share with their kids! Learn the #Truth folks! REPENT! If our people TRULY REPENT and stop our #Evil ways God WILL heal your land! Stand in TRUTH and abandon the darkness! Christmas History: Bible & Pagans - The Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEDXBmMv5zE
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 315 Views

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