Another Fearmongered Pandemic Exposed?
SUMMARY: If you are not familiar with terms associated with this Plandemic/Scamdemic that ushered in Dementia-Beijing Joe and his Dem-Marxist oligarchy into power in America give “[REFUSE] THE DARKEST WINTER” ( another examination. … Fear has not only been used to manipulate elections, FEAR has been used to make sure criminal election acts are not adjudicated by the legal system. NOW it appears the Globalist-Marxists are about to utilize lessons learned in fear to consolidate power over YOUR life. Johns Hopkins documentation from 2017 points to the CURRENT COVID-control practices imposed on Americans & globally! READ ABOUT THE PLANDEMIC CALLED The “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028”:
#SPARSPandemic2025to2028 #GlobalistMarxistPlandemic
SUMMARY: If you are not familiar with terms associated with this Plandemic/Scamdemic that ushered in Dementia-Beijing Joe and his Dem-Marxist oligarchy into power in America give “[REFUSE] THE DARKEST WINTER” ( another examination. … Fear has not only been used to manipulate elections, FEAR has been used to make sure criminal election acts are not adjudicated by the legal system. NOW it appears the Globalist-Marxists are about to utilize lessons learned in fear to consolidate power over YOUR life. Johns Hopkins documentation from 2017 points to the CURRENT COVID-control practices imposed on Americans & globally! READ ABOUT THE PLANDEMIC CALLED The “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028”:
#SPARSPandemic2025to2028 #GlobalistMarxistPlandemic
Another Fearmongered Pandemic Exposed?
SUMMARY: If you are not familiar with terms associated with this Plandemic/Scamdemic that ushered in Dementia-Beijing Joe and his Dem-Marxist oligarchy into power in America give “[REFUSE] THE DARKEST WINTER” ( another examination. … Fear has not only been used to manipulate elections, FEAR has been used to make sure criminal election acts are not adjudicated by the legal system. NOW it appears the Globalist-Marxists are about to utilize lessons learned in fear to consolidate power over YOUR life. Johns Hopkins documentation from 2017 points to the CURRENT COVID-control practices imposed on Americans & globally! READ ABOUT THE PLANDEMIC CALLED The “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028”:
#SPARSPandemic2025to2028 #GlobalistMarxistPlandemic