Check out this amazing rock!
Our Father is so great and powerful that he creates things as beautiful as this,
and buries them under the ground for us to find later!
I find myself appreciating His amazing #Creation more and more every day!
We get so distracted either watching stupid sh*t on television, or else being indoctrinated by schools or the "News" or just being the #Slave of the
"money printers" who have duped us all into "consenting" to be their Slave...
that we don't often enough just appreciate the magnificent beauty of His Creation!
You know, like Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the #Firmament shows His handy work"....
And that is just the heavens!
"Big Bang" my a**!
We have the honor of living in an amazing, magical, and very beautiful place...
Created for us by the greatest, and most powerful Artist of all time!
A place capable of abundance for ALL, forced into scarcity by men who print money and worship #Satan by way of OUR OWN CONSENT!
I feel blessed just to finally realize that, after a whole lot of years too busy to notice!
And you know what???
I NEVER "Consented" to giving ANYONE control over my life, or the earth which I was given dominion over by it's Creator! And it's about time that we remedy this
ONLY YOU can choose to NOT consent!
You ALWAYS have a choice!
Take a look around....
And then you tell me that ALL OF CREATION is not worth fighting over!
The criminals may have deceived y parents and grandparents out of their consent...
But they have NEVER gotten mine!
This fine specimen came from a mine in Peru
Our Father is so great and powerful that he creates things as beautiful as this,
and buries them under the ground for us to find later!
I find myself appreciating His amazing #Creation more and more every day!
We get so distracted either watching stupid sh*t on television, or else being indoctrinated by schools or the "News" or just being the #Slave of the
"money printers" who have duped us all into "consenting" to be their Slave...
that we don't often enough just appreciate the magnificent beauty of His Creation!
You know, like Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the #Firmament shows His handy work"....
And that is just the heavens!
"Big Bang" my a**!
We have the honor of living in an amazing, magical, and very beautiful place...
Created for us by the greatest, and most powerful Artist of all time!
A place capable of abundance for ALL, forced into scarcity by men who print money and worship #Satan by way of OUR OWN CONSENT!
I feel blessed just to finally realize that, after a whole lot of years too busy to notice!
And you know what???
I NEVER "Consented" to giving ANYONE control over my life, or the earth which I was given dominion over by it's Creator! And it's about time that we remedy this
ONLY YOU can choose to NOT consent!
You ALWAYS have a choice!
Take a look around....
And then you tell me that ALL OF CREATION is not worth fighting over!
The criminals may have deceived y parents and grandparents out of their consent...
But they have NEVER gotten mine!
This fine specimen came from a mine in Peru
Check out this amazing rock!
Our Father is so great and powerful that he creates things as beautiful as this,
and buries them under the ground for us to find later!
I find myself appreciating His amazing #Creation more and more every day!
We get so distracted either watching stupid sh*t on television, or else being indoctrinated by schools or the "News" or just being the #Slave of the
"money printers" who have duped us all into "consenting" to be their Slave...
that we don't often enough just appreciate the magnificent beauty of His Creation!
You know, like Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the #Firmament shows His handy work"....
And that is just the heavens!
"Big Bang" my a**!
We have the honor of living in an amazing, magical, and very beautiful place...
Created for us by the greatest, and most powerful Artist of all time!
A place capable of abundance for ALL, forced into scarcity by men who print money and worship #Satan by way of OUR OWN CONSENT!
I feel blessed just to finally realize that, after a whole lot of years too busy to notice!
And you know what???
I NEVER "Consented" to giving ANYONE control over my life, or the earth which I was given dominion over by it's Creator! And it's about time that we remedy this
ONLY YOU can choose to NOT consent!
You ALWAYS have a choice!
Take a look around....
And then you tell me that ALL OF CREATION is not worth fighting over!
The criminals may have deceived y parents and grandparents out of their consent...
But they have NEVER gotten mine!
This fine specimen came from a mine in Peru