• https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/142295
    JD Vance continues to wipe the floor with the Parasite Media. (52 seconds)
    https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/142295 JD Vance continues to wipe the floor with the Parasite Media. (52 seconds)
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 74 Ansichten 0
  • I've been on this earth a LONG TIME, and I've NEVER seen hurricanes act like these OR mysterious "Fires" that melt cars and houses, and leave trees and grass un-burned!

    And I also thought it was curious that these "fires" just so happened to burn down the poor people's houses, while leaving the wealthy #Parasite Class's houses untouched, right next door.

    AND they also just so happen to have occurred exactly where the #Criminals of #UnitedNations and the #WEF have planned their #slavery zones, or "15 minute cities" Which are actually "15 minute open air prisons"

    YOU are under attack by the people who claim to "protect you"
    The same people that steal half of your paycheck, and then steal 80% of what is left out of that on other "Taxes" and fees and permits and "licenses"

    You are literally funding your own demise
    The ONE WAY to put an end to all of this is SOUND MONEY!

    STOP using the Federal Reserve's worthless "notes of DEBT" and get back to trading with your fellow man using REAL MONEY!

    You see, the money system controls the WORLD!
    You will never get wealthy, no matter how much money you make!

    Because once you get a lot of their worthless monopoly money, they will just PRINT UP a lot more, which makes that you have worth less!
    You will be a #Slave until you get back to using sound money!
    Gold, Silver, Copper etc.....

    Because paper and ink are UNLIMITED!
    When THEY print it up it's "business as usual"
    If YOU print it it's a FEDERAL FELONY!

    Are you starting to put the pieces together yet?
    If they don't like you they will simply print a mountain of worthless paper, and then give it to some poor inner-city kid to off you!

    They will STEAL / BUY YOUR LAND using worthless paper!

    How do you take over the entire world???
    You get people to agree to trade using your worthless paper!

    Then you create "Banks"in every city in the world to control the distribution of this worthless paper! And for every worthless piece of paper the people "deposit" in these banks, the bank is allowed to "Loan" 10 pieces of worthless paper to people and charge interest!

    It is called #Usury and has been outlawed by every country on earth at one time! Around 1913 that all changed!

    And realize that SOUND MONEY
    is the ONLY THING that can save us all
    I've been on this earth a LONG TIME, and I've NEVER seen hurricanes act like these OR mysterious "Fires" that melt cars and houses, and leave trees and grass un-burned! And I also thought it was curious that these "fires" just so happened to burn down the poor people's houses, while leaving the wealthy #Parasite Class's houses untouched, right next door. AND they also just so happen to have occurred exactly where the #Criminals of #UnitedNations and the #WEF have planned their #slavery zones, or "15 minute cities" Which are actually "15 minute open air prisons" YOU are under attack by the people who claim to "protect you" The same people that steal half of your paycheck, and then steal 80% of what is left out of that on other "Taxes" and fees and permits and "licenses" You are literally funding your own demise The ONE WAY to put an end to all of this is SOUND MONEY! STOP using the Federal Reserve's worthless "notes of DEBT" and get back to trading with your fellow man using REAL MONEY! You see, the money system controls the WORLD! You will never get wealthy, no matter how much money you make! Because once you get a lot of their worthless monopoly money, they will just PRINT UP a lot more, which makes that you have worth less! You will be a #Slave until you get back to using sound money! Gold, Silver, Copper etc..... Because paper and ink are UNLIMITED! When THEY print it up it's "business as usual" If YOU print it it's a FEDERAL FELONY! Are you starting to put the pieces together yet? If they don't like you they will simply print a mountain of worthless paper, and then give it to some poor inner-city kid to off you! They will STEAL / BUY YOUR LAND using worthless paper! REAL ASSETS traded for WORTHLESS PAPER! How do you take over the entire world??? You get people to agree to trade using your worthless paper! Then you create "Banks"in every city in the world to control the distribution of this worthless paper! And for every worthless piece of paper the people "deposit" in these banks, the bank is allowed to "Loan" 10 pieces of worthless paper to people and charge interest! It is called #Usury and has been outlawed by every country on earth at one time! Around 1913 that all changed! WAKE UP And realize that SOUND MONEY is the ONLY THING that can save us all
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 764 Ansichten
  • I NEVER use the term "Elite." I call them what they truly are, #Parasites
    I NEVER use the term "Elite." I call them what they truly are, #Parasites
    1 Kommentare 1 Anteile 214 Ansichten

    every last one of these #Corporate "POLICY ENFORCERS" should get a burial at sea! Well... perhaps decorate a tree!

    These are "THE ENEMIES AMONG US"
    #Traitors to their country and to their countrymen!

    These criminals need to be rounded up and put into their OWN CAGES! Permanently!

    There is NO DIFFERENCE between these blue-belly scumbags and the #Stasi or #KGB!
    They are the storm-troopers of the #Luciferian CORPORATIONS

    And it's time for their contract to be CANCELLED!

    Prisons and Jails are for people who

    You know... like these clowns with badges and guns who harm Americans EVERY DAY!
    There is no lower form of life than a cop!

    #Parasites feeding off of the other PARASITES within the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Fraud based system, which NOBODY has "consented to live under"

    OUTRAGEOUS! AMERIKA - THE NANNY POLICE STATE every last one of these #Corporate "POLICY ENFORCERS" should get a burial at sea! Well... perhaps decorate a tree! These are "THE ENEMIES AMONG US" #Traitors to their country and to their countrymen! These criminals need to be rounded up and put into their OWN CAGES! Permanently! There is NO DIFFERENCE between these blue-belly scumbags and the #Stasi or #KGB! They are the storm-troopers of the #Luciferian CORPORATIONS And it's time for their contract to be CANCELLED! Prisons and Jails are for people who CANNOT EXIST WITHIN SOCIETY WITHOUT HARMING OTHERS! You know... like these clowns with badges and guns who harm Americans EVERY DAY! There is no lower form of life than a cop! #Parasites feeding off of the other PARASITES within the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Fraud based system, which NOBODY has "consented to live under" https://old.bitchute.com/video/Q106QAwsuJc/
    OUTRAGEOUS! Amerika - the Nanny POLICE STATE
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Come over to the NEW CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p0TiP568Rg&t=37s Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: …
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 722 Ansichten
  • Shirtless dude takes down parasite media reporter. (1 min, 25 sec)
    Shirtless dude takes down parasite media reporter. (1 min, 25 sec) https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/140401
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 183 Ansichten 2

    ⚠️Exposing the darkest secrets of the world's 'elites' - full documentary
    ⚠️EARPIECE USED DURING THE FAKE DEBATE - https://old.bitchute.com/video/s0l3M9pXeoq3/ ⚠️911 The Inside Job - FULL DOCUMENTARY - https://old.bitchute.com/video/3o46Vaftn9ie/ ⚠️911 FOLLOW THE MONEY! full documentary - https://old.bitchute.com/vi…
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 404 Ansichten
  • Reported a BAD COP, Then Got ARRESTED

    More #Criminals with badges
    It's simply what #Police are!

    Police are #OrganizedCrime

    I like Chille, and I respect what he does, But I don't share his stuff much anymore because he needs to WAKE UP and smell the coffee!

    He STILL believes that he can defeat the Police and their maritime admiralty law courts.... AND HE CAN'T!

    Maritime Admiralty Law is NOT "The Law of the LAND"

    You must CONSENT to being put into the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law folks! The key to beating these CRIMINALS is staying out of their maritime admiralty law JURISDICTION, and then holding the accountable AS A MAN under COMMON LAW!

    The PEOPLE have every right to convene a grand jury!
    We do not need to enter their "Maritime Admiralty Law" Jurisdiction to beg and plead for justice to be done! (And it will NEVER BE DONE)

    You must go after these people under the COMMON LAW!
    Common Law is a higher form of law than is maritime admiralty law!

    You must go after the MAN or WOMAN in their capacity as a MAN or WOMAN! You DON'T go after their title or office!

    EVERY AMERICAN must come to realize that our system has been usurped by a CORPORATION!

    THE PEOPLE have a remedy, they just don't know how to use it!
    JURY NULLIFICATION is something all Americans should know about!

    And we ALL need to restore COMMON LAW to our courts and cities and towns and kick the corporate #Parasites out! (Put them in prison)

    Reported a BAD COP, Then Got ARRESTED More #Criminals with badges It's simply what #Police are! Police are #OrganizedCrime I like Chille, and I respect what he does, But I don't share his stuff much anymore because he needs to WAKE UP and smell the coffee! He STILL believes that he can defeat the Police and their maritime admiralty law courts.... AND HE CAN'T! YOU WILL NEVER WIN WHILE PLAYING ANOTHER MAN'S GAME! Maritime Admiralty Law is NOT "The Law of the LAND" COMMON LAW IS! You must CONSENT to being put into the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law folks! The key to beating these CRIMINALS is staying out of their maritime admiralty law JURISDICTION, and then holding the accountable AS A MAN under COMMON LAW! The PEOPLE have every right to convene a grand jury! We do not need to enter their "Maritime Admiralty Law" Jurisdiction to beg and plead for justice to be done! (And it will NEVER BE DONE) You must go after these people under the COMMON LAW! Common Law is a higher form of law than is maritime admiralty law! You must go after the MAN or WOMAN in their capacity as a MAN or WOMAN! You DON'T go after their title or office! EVERY AMERICAN must come to realize that our system has been usurped by a CORPORATION! THE PEOPLE have a remedy, they just don't know how to use it! JURY NULLIFICATION is something all Americans should know about! And we ALL need to restore COMMON LAW to our courts and cities and towns and kick the corporate #Parasites out! (Put them in prison) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF2iI6kCofs
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 733 Ansichten
  • Cops Owned, Fired and Sued by 15yr Old

    While I know this is yesterday's news.....
    If you have not seen it, you NEED to watch it!

    EVERY 15 year old should be as bright as this one!

    If you think #Police are "on your side" you are DEAD WRONG!
    Police in America TODAY are the equivalent of the #Stasi in E. Germany under #Communism

    The scumbags in blue are enemies of EVERY AMERICAN!
    They ONLY exist to protect the #Criminal political #Parasites of this country AND their #Pedophile bosses! Look up the boystown cover-up by the FBI

    These blue bellied scumbags ARE a foreign military on US Soil as prohibited under the US Constitution. They are nothing but violence happy, steroid raging criminals with badges and guns. And to support them is to support criminality!

    Like ALL criminals, they prefer to operate in DARKNESS!
    It's one of the reasons they utilize blinding strobe lights.....

    It blinds the passer by's to the violent misconduct taking place by these thugs in blue
    There is NOTHING lower than a criminal with a badge!

    It's NOT "A couple of bad apples" as they try to sell you....
    The ENTIRE BUSHEL is rotten to the core!

    This is what legalized #OrganizedCrime looks like!

    Cops Owned, Fired and Sued by 15yr Old While I know this is yesterday's news..... If you have not seen it, you NEED to watch it! EVERY 15 year old should be as bright as this one! If you think #Police are "on your side" you are DEAD WRONG! Police in America TODAY are the equivalent of the #Stasi in E. Germany under #Communism The scumbags in blue are enemies of EVERY AMERICAN! They ONLY exist to protect the #Criminal political #Parasites of this country AND their #Pedophile bosses! Look up the boystown cover-up by the FBI These blue bellied scumbags ARE a foreign military on US Soil as prohibited under the US Constitution. They are nothing but violence happy, steroid raging criminals with badges and guns. And to support them is to support criminality! Like ALL criminals, they prefer to operate in DARKNESS! It's one of the reasons they utilize blinding strobe lights..... It blinds the passer by's to the violent misconduct taking place by these thugs in blue There is NOTHING lower than a criminal with a badge! It's NOT "A couple of bad apples" as they try to sell you.... The ENTIRE BUSHEL is rotten to the core! This is what legalized #OrganizedCrime looks like! https://youtu.be/_FY_oKR8r3k
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 760 Ansichten

    A couple of things have pricked my ears.....
    Accountability for All does good work, there's no doubt!
    But in the past couple of weeks I've heard....

    1.) he has been invited onto "Dr. Phil's show"
    2.) Now Warren Sapp says that he watches his show!

    These are good things
    providing that we are not seeing some kind of infiltration taking place!

    I gave up on the "Bread and Circuses" long ago!
    I could care less about Football, or any other child's game!

    What I DO WATCH & RESPECT are those people who are fighting to

    These people make up the #Parasite Class!
    NONE of them make anything, produce anything, or serve anyone
    (except themselves)

    These are the people who live parasitically off of the backs of hard working Americans, who just want to be left alone! They bother nobody, they harm nobody, but still.... The PARASITES come for them.... to rob them, cage them, maybe even murder them in cold blood!

    And it's time that BS is STOPPED DEAD in it's tracks!

    It's time for actyual ACCOUNTABILITY!
    Accountability as a MAN, for REAL HARM done to other MEN, in a COMMON LAW "Court" consisting of ONLY hard working American MEN & WOMEN!

    NO PARASITE CLASS "referees" to ensure that justice does NOT prevail.....
    (As we have with the "Maritime Admiralty Law" crime syndicate "courts")

    Because those "courts" serve the CRIMINALS!
    I'm skeptical.... but impressed that Warren Sapp is stepping up for accountablity!


    It truly is "us vs THEM"
    THEY have always considered YOU an "enemy"

    I think it's about time that we do the same!
    Because they ARE your enemy, and enemies of freedom itself!

    SUPER BOWL CHAMP BEATS ILLEGAL ARREST! A couple of things have pricked my ears..... Accountability for All does good work, there's no doubt! But in the past couple of weeks I've heard.... 1.) he has been invited onto "Dr. Phil's show" 2.) Now Warren Sapp says that he watches his show! These are good things providing that we are not seeing some kind of infiltration taking place! I gave up on the "Bread and Circuses" long ago! I could care less about Football, or any other child's game! What I DO WATCH & RESPECT are those people who are fighting to STOP THE #TYRANNY IN AMERICA, BY THE #POLICE, THE #COURTS, & POLITICIANS These people make up the #Parasite Class! NONE of them make anything, produce anything, or serve anyone (except themselves) These are the people who live parasitically off of the backs of hard working Americans, who just want to be left alone! They bother nobody, they harm nobody, but still.... The PARASITES come for them.... to rob them, cage them, maybe even murder them in cold blood! And it's time that BS is STOPPED DEAD in it's tracks! It's time for actyual ACCOUNTABILITY! Accountability as a MAN, for REAL HARM done to other MEN, in a COMMON LAW "Court" consisting of ONLY hard working American MEN & WOMEN! NO PARASITE CLASS "referees" to ensure that justice does NOT prevail..... (As we have with the "Maritime Admiralty Law" crime syndicate "courts") Because those "courts" serve the CRIMINALS! I'm skeptical.... but impressed that Warren Sapp is stepping up for accountablity! EVERY MAN & WOMAN MUST DO THE SAME EVERY TIME THE BADGE WEARING CRIMINALS VIOLATE THEIR RIGHTS, OR SOMEONE ELSE'S! It truly is "us vs THEM" THEY have always considered YOU an "enemy" I think it's about time that we do the same! Because they ARE your enemy, and enemies of freedom itself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIyNUCbqZ9s
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 741 Ansichten
  • Donut Operator MESSES UP! BIG TIME

    While the guy that gets shot up by Police in this video looks like a
    "Likely Suspect" THAT IS NOT UNLAWFUL! Neither is possession of a device to defend yourself! It is THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF EVERY MAN

    Having said that, while I'm NOT forming an opinion on the man's conduct, what I do want to point out is something that Brian missed!

    The "Police" had NO PROBABLE CAUSE to even interact with the man!
    They had NOT witnessed the man commit a crime, none of them!

    They "Got a phone call"
    Folks.... Having someone CALL POLICE and make claims does NOT make them true! And the phone call is NOT "Probable Cause" for anything!

    Police rolled up on this man, with NO INDICATION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, and started making demands of him! This is not lawful.

    While this guy may have well been a criminal.....
    Police had ZERO PC to detain him! He is a man walking down the road!

    No "Crime" had even been committed!
    Just scumbags with badges who believe that YOU having a firearm gives them a license to exterminate you!

    The police SHOT THE MAN TWICE with bean bags before the man responded violently! As far as I'm concerned, the man had every right to defend himself against his criminal aggressors!

    If you are "pro-#Police then you are anti-American!
    That is the bottom line folks!

    Police do NOT "Serve and Protect" they "Harass and Collect"
    UNLESS you happen to be involved in #OrganizedCrime, like our politicians!

    You see... Police are here to protect the political #Parasites from YOU and I
    They will gladly put YOU into a cage without cause, based on nothing!

    But those same cops WON'T ARREST THOSE COMMITTING #Genocide against the world! Because those are the people PAYING THEIR SALARY!

    It's truly PATHETIC to see a MAN or WOMAN who will sell out their morals, and their fellow man, for a PAYCHECK! But that's exactly what police do!

    These scumbags are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE because they have the right to
    "Investigate THEMSELVES" and to "Prosecute THEMSELVES" unlike any other American!

    We are supposed to be "Treated EQUALLY and FAIRLY under the law.....
    But we aren't. Police are treated differently than any other American other than JUDGES and POLITICIANS... ALL of which are treated DIFFERENTLY under the law!

    Their crimes are IGNORED and never prosecuted!
    Let's see YOU try what these people do EVERY DAY!

    You will die in prison, as they laugh, and commit another crime

    Donut Operator MESSES UP! BIG TIME While the guy that gets shot up by Police in this video looks like a "Likely Suspect" THAT IS NOT UNLAWFUL! Neither is possession of a device to defend yourself! It is THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF EVERY MAN Having said that, while I'm NOT forming an opinion on the man's conduct, what I do want to point out is something that Brian missed! The "Police" had NO PROBABLE CAUSE to even interact with the man! They had NOT witnessed the man commit a crime, none of them! They "Got a phone call" Folks.... Having someone CALL POLICE and make claims does NOT make them true! And the phone call is NOT "Probable Cause" for anything! Police rolled up on this man, with NO INDICATION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, and started making demands of him! This is not lawful. While this guy may have well been a criminal..... Police had ZERO PC to detain him! He is a man walking down the road! No "Crime" had even been committed! Just scumbags with badges who believe that YOU having a firearm gives them a license to exterminate you! The police SHOT THE MAN TWICE with bean bags before the man responded violently! As far as I'm concerned, the man had every right to defend himself against his criminal aggressors! If you are "pro-#Police then you are anti-American! That is the bottom line folks! Police do NOT "Serve and Protect" they "Harass and Collect" UNLESS you happen to be involved in #OrganizedCrime, like our politicians! You see... Police are here to protect the political #Parasites from YOU and I They will gladly put YOU into a cage without cause, based on nothing! But those same cops WON'T ARREST THOSE COMMITTING #Genocide against the world! Because those are the people PAYING THEIR SALARY! It's truly PATHETIC to see a MAN or WOMAN who will sell out their morals, and their fellow man, for a PAYCHECK! But that's exactly what police do! These scumbags are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE because they have the right to "Investigate THEMSELVES" and to "Prosecute THEMSELVES" unlike any other American! We are supposed to be "Treated EQUALLY and FAIRLY under the law..... But we aren't. Police are treated differently than any other American other than JUDGES and POLITICIANS... ALL of which are treated DIFFERENTLY under the law! Their crimes are IGNORED and never prosecuted! Let's see YOU try what these people do EVERY DAY! You will die in prison, as they laugh, and commit another crime https://youtu.be/rkSKggtDCiM
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 702 Ansichten

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