• Venus and Sirius - both traditionally signified by the 5-pointed star symbol, or pentagram.


    “Symbols are very important. If you don’t think so, put a swastika on your arm, walk into a synagogue, and see the kind of response you get. Symbols elicit and bring out emotional responses in people. Even more importantly, symbols have their own spiritual presence. They tell you things.” -Jordan Maxwell, Ancient Symbols and Hidden Meanings Lecture
    Occultists believe that symbols are given a supernatural power at their creation. It is also believed that this power increases to whatever degree the non-initiated remain ignorant of the sign's true meaning. According to the book Magic Symbols by Fredrick Goodman, an occultic symbol is defined as, "...an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..."---- How Satan Turned America Against God; by Dr. William P. Grady

    “Some of the techniques that they use in this psychic dictatorship are words, symbols, colors, rhythms, light, movement, and mudras (which mean hand-positions, gestures) which have been used for aeons as means of spiritualization, used by cults, infused with mysticism, are now being used on us for quite an opposite agenda: to drag us down into the pits of our own miasma, our own hells.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003A symbol veils or hides a secret and is that which veils certain mysterious forces. These energies when released can have a potent effect. - Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Freemasonry

    Venus and Sirius - both traditionally signified by the 5-pointed star symbol, or pentagram. SO THAT'S WHY STARS ARE EVERYWHERE! ON OUR FLAGS, ON OUR SPORTS TEAMS, AND EVEN ON OUR DRIVER'S LICENSES! “Symbols are very important. If you don’t think so, put a swastika on your arm, walk into a synagogue, and see the kind of response you get. Symbols elicit and bring out emotional responses in people. Even more importantly, symbols have their own spiritual presence. They tell you things.” -Jordan Maxwell, Ancient Symbols and Hidden Meanings Lecture Occultists believe that symbols are given a supernatural power at their creation. It is also believed that this power increases to whatever degree the non-initiated remain ignorant of the sign's true meaning. According to the book Magic Symbols by Fredrick Goodman, an occultic symbol is defined as, "...an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..."---- How Satan Turned America Against God; by Dr. William P. Grady “Some of the techniques that they use in this psychic dictatorship are words, symbols, colors, rhythms, light, movement, and mudras (which mean hand-positions, gestures) which have been used for aeons as means of spiritualization, used by cults, infused with mysticism, are now being used on us for quite an opposite agenda: to drag us down into the pits of our own miasma, our own hells.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003A symbol veils or hides a secret and is that which veils certain mysterious forces. These energies when released can have a potent effect. - Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Freemasonry http://whale.to/b/symbology_q.html
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  • Zeynep Tufekci - Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid?


    #GermTheory #Miasma #Cholera #Semmelweis #Chapin #Fear #Hysteria #CollectiveHysteria #Delusion #CognitiveBias #Propaganda #AppealToAuthority #WuhanCoronavirus #Scamdemic #Plandemic
    Zeynep Tufekci - Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/07/opinion/coronavirus-airborne-transmission.html #GermTheory #Miasma #Cholera #Semmelweis #Chapin #Fear #Hysteria #CollectiveHysteria #Delusion #CognitiveBias #Propaganda #AppealToAuthority #WuhanCoronavirus #Scamdemic #Plandemic
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