INFO Inconvenient to Elitist Narrative
SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK!
SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK!
INFO Inconvenient to Elitist Narrative
SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK!