• Hecate "Queen of Witches"
    Like the necklace?
    Hecate "Queen of Witches" Like the necklace?
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    YOU be the judge!
    follow the link below to the photo of #Hecate "Queen of Witches" and pay special attention to her necklace! You may find it interesting!

    Revelation 18
    23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

    I believe the bible is referring directly to the "sorcery" of Big Pharma here!
    A also believe that the drugs being handed out like candy actually opens up spiritual "gates" that were not meant to be opened!

    You listen to the people talking about how "the drugs helped at first" and then turned into a nightmare, withdrawals, illness etc...

    But more than anything with the psychotropic drugs we hear #Suicide
    These people even clearly say "It was not me. It's like something had taken me over"

    This is the words coming out of their own lips!
    Gee.... whatever could "Take you over?"
    A demon perhaps?

    Plants and herbalism
    Hecate was closely associated with plant lore and the concoction of medicines and poisons. In particular she was thought to give instruction in these closely related arts. Apollonius of Rhodes, in the Argonautica, mentions that Medea was taught by Hecate: "I have mentioned to you before a certain young girl whom Hecate, daughter of Perses, has taught to work in drugs."[63]

    A number of other plants (often poisonous, medicinal and/or psychoactive) are associated with Hecate.[66] These include aconite (also called hecateis),[67] belladonna, dittany, and mandrake. It has been suggested that the use of dogs for digging up mandrake is further corroboration of the association of this plant with Hecate; indeed, since at least as early as the 1st century CE, there are a number of attestations to the apparently widespread practice of using dogs to dig up plants associated with magic.[68]


    MEDICATING NORMAL: HOW BIG PHARMA MAKES HEALTHY PEOPLE SICK | ENDEVR DOCUMENTARY YOU be the judge! follow the link below to the photo of #Hecate "Queen of Witches" and pay special attention to her necklace! You may find it interesting! Revelation 18 23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. I believe the bible is referring directly to the "sorcery" of Big Pharma here! A also believe that the drugs being handed out like candy actually opens up spiritual "gates" that were not meant to be opened! You listen to the people talking about how "the drugs helped at first" and then turned into a nightmare, withdrawals, illness etc... But more than anything with the psychotropic drugs we hear #Suicide These people even clearly say "It was not me. It's like something had taken me over" This is the words coming out of their own lips! Gee.... whatever could "Take you over?" A demon perhaps? Plants and herbalism Hecate was closely associated with plant lore and the concoction of medicines and poisons. In particular she was thought to give instruction in these closely related arts. Apollonius of Rhodes, in the Argonautica, mentions that Medea was taught by Hecate: "I have mentioned to you before a certain young girl whom Hecate, daughter of Perses, has taught to work in drugs."[63] A number of other plants (often poisonous, medicinal and/or psychoactive) are associated with Hecate.[66] These include aconite (also called hecateis),[67] belladonna, dittany, and mandrake. It has been suggested that the use of dogs for digging up mandrake is further corroboration of the association of this plant with Hecate; indeed, since at least as early as the 1st century CE, there are a number of attestations to the apparently widespread practice of using dogs to dig up plants associated with magic.[68] https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1664158588823670786?referrer=conservativethinking https://old.bitchute.com/video/YSRIvRedf4Jw/
    Hecate "Queen of Witches" Like the necklace? Plants and herbalism Hecate was closely associated with plant lore and the concoction of medicines and poisons. In particular she was thought to give instruction in these closely related arts.... | Minds
    ... herbalism Hecate was closely associated with plant lore and the concoction of medicines and poisons. In particular she was thought to give instruction in these closely related arts. Apollonius ...
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  • The Hecate Trinity, Statue of Liberty, The Christian/Babylonian Trinity

    It seems that the scholars disagree, or only possess a partial picture
    But one thing is for sure, This is an abomination to God! Period!

    For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water.

    2 The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient,

    3 The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator.

    4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.

    5 And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

    6 When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand:

    7 In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people.

    8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory.

    9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

    10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

    11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.

    12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

    13 The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.

    14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses.

    15 What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord God of hosts.

    16 Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:

    17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.

    18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,

    19 The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,

    20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings,

    21 The rings, and nose jewels,

    Isaiah 3...

    The Hecate Trinity, Statue of Liberty, The Christian/Babylonian Trinity It seems that the scholars disagree, or only possess a partial picture But one thing is for sure, This is an abomination to God! Period! For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water. 2 The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient, 3 The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. 4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. 5 And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable. 6 When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand: 7 In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people. 8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory. 9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. 10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. 11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. 12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. 13 The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people. 14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses. 15 What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord God of hosts. 16 Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: 17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts. 18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, 19 The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, 21 The rings, and nose jewels, Isaiah 3... https://amredeemed.com/hecate-trinity-statue-liberty-
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