On this monster's birthday, let's remember what a war criminal he is!
Barack Obama spied on 193 countries, maintained a kill list, expanded drone strikes, destroyed Libya, Syria, and Yemen, propped up dictatorships, and locked up more journalists and whistle-blowers than all his predecessors COMBINED. Barack Obama oversaw 10x more global airstrikes during his presidency than under his predecessor (George W. Bush) and dropped more bombs in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency! In 2016 alone, Obama's administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs, which means that every day the US military blasted citizens overseas with 72 bombs. That’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day! And while Bush's approach to war was to kidnap people around the world and torture them in black sites, which are secret torture prisons operated by the CIA, Obama's method was to kill people immediately and anyone else around them using lethal drones. Barack Obama is a mass murderer and a war criminal. Everyone who voted for this monster must be held accountable. It's shameful. The blood of the innocent citizens around the world bombed by Obama's drones is on the hands of everyone who voted for this war criminal.
#BarackObama #Obama #HappyBirthdayObama #HappyBirthdayBarackObama #HappyBdayObama #LethalDrone #DroneProgram #LethalDroneProgram #MassAssassinations #LegalCrime #OrganizedCrime #GlobalAssassin #WarCriminal #WarCrimes #StateTerrorism #Terrorism #Terrorists #MassMurderer #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite
Barack Obama spied on 193 countries, maintained a kill list, expanded drone strikes, destroyed Libya, Syria, and Yemen, propped up dictatorships, and locked up more journalists and whistle-blowers than all his predecessors COMBINED. Barack Obama oversaw 10x more global airstrikes during his presidency than under his predecessor (George W. Bush) and dropped more bombs in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency! In 2016 alone, Obama's administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs, which means that every day the US military blasted citizens overseas with 72 bombs. That’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day! And while Bush's approach to war was to kidnap people around the world and torture them in black sites, which are secret torture prisons operated by the CIA, Obama's method was to kill people immediately and anyone else around them using lethal drones. Barack Obama is a mass murderer and a war criminal. Everyone who voted for this monster must be held accountable. It's shameful. The blood of the innocent citizens around the world bombed by Obama's drones is on the hands of everyone who voted for this war criminal.
#BarackObama #Obama #HappyBirthdayObama #HappyBirthdayBarackObama #HappyBdayObama #LethalDrone #DroneProgram #LethalDroneProgram #MassAssassinations #LegalCrime #OrganizedCrime #GlobalAssassin #WarCriminal #WarCrimes #StateTerrorism #Terrorism #Terrorists #MassMurderer #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite
On this monster's birthday, let's remember what a war criminal he is!
Barack Obama spied on 193 countries, maintained a kill list, expanded drone strikes, destroyed Libya, Syria, and Yemen, propped up dictatorships, and locked up more journalists and whistle-blowers than all his predecessors COMBINED. Barack Obama oversaw 10x more global airstrikes during his presidency than under his predecessor (George W. Bush) and dropped more bombs in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency! In 2016 alone, Obama's administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs, which means that every day the US military blasted citizens overseas with 72 bombs. That’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day! And while Bush's approach to war was to kidnap people around the world and torture them in black sites, which are secret torture prisons operated by the CIA, Obama's method was to kill people immediately and anyone else around them using lethal drones. Barack Obama is a mass murderer and a war criminal. Everyone who voted for this monster must be held accountable. It's shameful. The blood of the innocent citizens around the world bombed by Obama's drones is on the hands of everyone who voted for this war criminal.
#BarackObama #Obama #HappyBirthdayObama #HappyBirthdayBarackObama #HappyBdayObama #LethalDrone #DroneProgram #LethalDroneProgram #MassAssassinations #LegalCrime #OrganizedCrime #GlobalAssassin #WarCriminal #WarCrimes #StateTerrorism #Terrorism #Terrorists #MassMurderer #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite