• Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen.

    Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1815057918229975147.html
    Thread by @ConceptualJames on Thread Reader App
    @ConceptualJames: Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a ...…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 610 Views
  • Dr David Martin Minces No Words

    I’m done talking about COVID and I’m done talking about SARS-CoV-2. And I’m done for a very simple reason: For 110 years, we the people of the world have been lied to; where a group of a very small number of criminal, industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entirety of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity and I’m done being polite.

    We’ve long past polite. When the words “acceptable death rate” become part of an industrial norm, we have lost the plot o humanity. And that’s not my words, those were the words of the World Health Organization and of Pfizer and of Moderna, when they were given the authorization to begin the process of killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals.

    Next slide. And I’m also not going to sugarcoat this: This is is a criminal cartel. We are acting as though there’s some sort of redeemable quality, somewhere, in some esoteric layer, that somehow or another, the World Health Organization must have some salutatory benefit.

    Well, I’m going to tell you, since its formation in the 1940s, the World Health Organization has been nothing more than a criminal cartel that has a sole and singular intent – and I will show you the document that proves what I’m saying. This is not an allegation. This is actually provable by their own words, in their own hand and they use a four-step process to execute every one of their nefarious plans.

    They begin by planning an exercise. Then, they go to the business of funding that exercise. Then, they create the rationale for the thing that they’re going to do. And then they deploy and profit from it.

    And in violation of 15 US Code Section 19, which, for those of you listening, coincidentally started with the Clayton Act in the same year that the World Health Organization in the United States, 1913, the same year the World Health Organization’s progenitors also started.

    So, I find it fascinating that we passed the Clayton Act in 1913 and we set in motion, 110 years ago, the criminal conspiracy, which we now call the World Health Organization, 110 years later. And in violation of TFEU or TEU – I don’t know even how to say it – the T-F-E-U, the treaty, allegedly for the functioning of the European Union, which I think needs to now be called the “Treaty for the Dysfunctional European Cabal”, Article 101 unambiguously lays out the conditions that this was never a public health anything. It was racketeering for the purpose of instilling terror to adapt the behavior of population, period.

    That’s what it was. That’s what it always was and we can come up with every theoretical argument we want to make about things but the problem even with the theory that we had an outbreak of something is falsifiable for the data from Zurich that shows us that in the year of the death pandemic of the Globe, life insurance companies paid $30 billion less in claims.

    Now, if there’s a medical professional or a social professional or anybody else who wants to debate that we could develop a virus cunningly that could find out your bank account, your insurance policy statements and whether you’re paid up on your premiums, that’s a big ask.

    It turns out that the data is unambiguous: We did not have a pandemic. We had genocide. And we need to call it what it is.

    Next slide. When I say, “we planned it”, let’s make sure we understand exactly the not-so-fine print of the fine print and I want to call your attention, first, to the right hand column of the slide: This is the 2011 data that the World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust, PATH and the Gates Foundation did on their wonderful worldwide program for a malaria vaccine for children under the age of 6 months of age. And in their clinical trial, it’s helpful to point out that they murdered 6
    Dr David Martin Minces No Words https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-minces-no-words/ I’m done talking about COVID and I’m done talking about SARS-CoV-2. And I’m done for a very simple reason: For 110 years, we the people of the world have been lied to; where a group of a very small number of criminal, industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entirety of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity and I’m done being polite. We’ve long past polite. When the words “acceptable death rate” become part of an industrial norm, we have lost the plot o humanity. And that’s not my words, those were the words of the World Health Organization and of Pfizer and of Moderna, when they were given the authorization to begin the process of killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals. Next slide. And I’m also not going to sugarcoat this: This is is a criminal cartel. We are acting as though there’s some sort of redeemable quality, somewhere, in some esoteric layer, that somehow or another, the World Health Organization must have some salutatory benefit. Well, I’m going to tell you, since its formation in the 1940s, the World Health Organization has been nothing more than a criminal cartel that has a sole and singular intent – and I will show you the document that proves what I’m saying. This is not an allegation. This is actually provable by their own words, in their own hand and they use a four-step process to execute every one of their nefarious plans. They begin by planning an exercise. Then, they go to the business of funding that exercise. Then, they create the rationale for the thing that they’re going to do. And then they deploy and profit from it. And in violation of 15 US Code Section 19, which, for those of you listening, coincidentally started with the Clayton Act in the same year that the World Health Organization in the United States, 1913, the same year the World Health Organization’s progenitors also started. So, I find it fascinating that we passed the Clayton Act in 1913 and we set in motion, 110 years ago, the criminal conspiracy, which we now call the World Health Organization, 110 years later. And in violation of TFEU or TEU – I don’t know even how to say it – the T-F-E-U, the treaty, allegedly for the functioning of the European Union, which I think needs to now be called the “Treaty for the Dysfunctional European Cabal”, Article 101 unambiguously lays out the conditions that this was never a public health anything. It was racketeering for the purpose of instilling terror to adapt the behavior of population, period. That’s what it was. That’s what it always was and we can come up with every theoretical argument we want to make about things but the problem even with the theory that we had an outbreak of something is falsifiable for the data from Zurich that shows us that in the year of the death pandemic of the Globe, life insurance companies paid $30 billion less in claims. Now, if there’s a medical professional or a social professional or anybody else who wants to debate that we could develop a virus cunningly that could find out your bank account, your insurance policy statements and whether you’re paid up on your premiums, that’s a big ask. It turns out that the data is unambiguous: We did not have a pandemic. We had genocide. And we need to call it what it is. Next slide. When I say, “we planned it”, let’s make sure we understand exactly the not-so-fine print of the fine print and I want to call your attention, first, to the right hand column of the slide: This is the 2011 data that the World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust, PATH and the Gates Foundation did on their wonderful worldwide program for a malaria vaccine for children under the age of 6 months of age. And in their clinical trial, it’s helpful to point out that they murdered 6
    Dr David Martin Minces No Words
     This is the Earth-shattering presentation, "Dr David Martin Liberty & Justice in an Era of Pandemics - Ending the WHO Tyranny," made on September 13th, 2023. Dr Martin and a panel bravely exposed the World Health Organization for the criminal organization that it is and proved that COVID is, indeed a bioweapon. ### TRANSCRIPT I'm
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4999 Views
  • Maritime Law: Ever Wonder Why It’s Called “Shipping” When You Send Something Across Land?

    While I'm not into the esoteric stuff....
    We ALL need to understand that we are surrounded by the #Occult!

    Occult means "Hidden"
    And the #Criminals of this world are hiding a LOT from you!

    The masses are all slaves in a worldwide game of "Hide the Weenie"
    And they are hiding the weenie, Right up your behind!

    It is time to bring their crimes into the light!
    There are a couple of really clear info-graphics and a good Jordan Maxwell video on this page.

    So check them out and SHARE!
    Because I believe that EVERYONE is tired of playing their game!

    The entire world has a sore a** and it's about time that we bring some creative criminals to justice! NOT their "Corporation" (BAR Association) Justice.....

    But actual, real, COMMON LAW JUSTICE!

    Maritime Law: Ever Wonder Why It’s Called “Shipping” When You Send Something Across Land? While I'm not into the esoteric stuff.... We ALL need to understand that we are surrounded by the #Occult! Occult means "Hidden" And the #Criminals of this world are hiding a LOT from you! The masses are all slaves in a worldwide game of "Hide the Weenie" And they are hiding the weenie, Right up your behind! It is time to bring their crimes into the light! There are a couple of really clear info-graphics and a good Jordan Maxwell video on this page. So check them out and SHARE! Because I believe that EVERYONE is tired of playing their game! The entire world has a sore a** and it's about time that we bring some creative criminals to justice! NOT their "Corporation" (BAR Association) Justice..... But actual, real, COMMON LAW JUSTICE! https://in5d.com/maritime-law/
    Maritime Law: Ever Wonder Why It’s Called “Shipping” When You Send Something Across Land?
    Maritime Law - Tax and SHIPPING. Ever wonder why it's called "shipping" when you send something across land? It's not being sent by ship, so why isn't it called TRUCKING?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1285 Views
  • https://twitter.com/iluminatibot/status/1695856623724499316?s=19
    Here is a list of my recommended documentaries to watch. Feel free to add to it:
    911 in Plane Site
    2000 Mules
    Above Majestic
    America: Freedom to Fascism
    Beyond Treason
    Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove
    Died Suddenly
    Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
    Esoteric Agenda
    Everything You Know is Wrong
    Fabled Enemies
    The Fall Of The Cabal
    The Fluoride Deception
    Food, Inc.
    The Great Global Warming Swindle
    Invisible Empire
    JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick
    The Light Bulb Conspiracy
    Loose Change
    Money as Debt 1-3
    The Money Masters
    A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995
    Out of Shadows
    Police State IV: The Rise of FEMA
    Resonance: Beings of Frequency
    The Revelation of the Pyramids
    RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story
    Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 1-3
    State of Mind: The Psychology of Control
    The Underground: The Phil Schneider Story
    Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?
    Trace Amounts
    What in the World Are They Spraying?
    What Is a Woman?
    The World According to Monsanto
    Zero Point Volume 1-4

    https://twitter.com/iluminatibot/status/1695856623724499316?s=19 Here is a list of my recommended documentaries to watch. Feel free to add to it: 911 in Plane Site 2000 Mules Above Majestic America: Freedom to Fascism Beyond Treason COVIDLAND Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove Died Suddenly Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement Esoteric Agenda Everything You Know is Wrong Fabled Enemies The Fall Of The Cabal The Fluoride Deception Food, Inc. The Great Global Warming Swindle Hoaxed Invisible Empire JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick The Light Bulb Conspiracy Loose Change Money as Debt 1-3 The Money Masters A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 Out of Shadows Police State IV: The Rise of FEMA Resonance: Beings of Frequency The Revelation of the Pyramids RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 1-3 State of Mind: The Psychology of Control Terrorstorm The Underground: The Phil Schneider Story Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? Trace Amounts Vaxxed What in the World Are They Spraying? What Is a Woman? The World According to Monsanto Zeitgeist Zero Point Volume 1-4 https://agoodamerican.org/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6297 Views
  • I find it very curious......
    EVERYONE who runs a "space agency" or who claims to have gone to the moon are ALL #Freemasons!

    Each and every last one of them are Devil worshipers and Freemasons!

    Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason and a #Pedophile

    Jack Parsons, a founding member of JPL (Jet Propulsion Labs) was a follower of Crowley... "The Beast." You won't know #Evil until you get to know #NASA

    Well... I'll let wikipedia tell you...

    John Whiteside Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons;[nb 1] October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952) was an American rocket engineer, chemist, and Thelemite occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He invented the first rocket engine to use a castable, composite rocket propellant,[1] and pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets.

    Born in Los Angeles, Parsons was raised by a wealthy family on Orange Grove Boulevard in Pasadena. Inspired by science fiction literature, he developed an interest in rocketry in his childhood and in 1928 began amateur rocket experiments with school friend Edward Forman. He dropped out of Pasadena Junior College and Stanford University due to financial difficulties during the Great Depression, and in 1934 he united with Forman and graduate Frank Malina to form the Caltech-affiliated Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory (GALCIT) Rocket Research Group, supported by GALCIT chairman Theodore von Kármán. In 1939 the GALCIT Group gained funding from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to work on Jet-Assisted Take Off (JATO) for the U.S. military. After the U.S. entered World War II, they founded Aerojet in 1942 to develop and sell JATO technology; the GALCIT Group became JPL in 1943.

    Following some brief involvement with Marxism in 1939, Parsons converted to Thelema, the new religious movement founded by the English occultist Aleister Crowley. Together with his first wife, Helen Northrup, Parsons joined the Agape Lodge, the Californian branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) in 1941. At Crowley's bidding, Parsons replaced Wilfred Talbot Smith as its leader in 1942 and ran the Lodge from his mansion on Orange Grove Boulevard. Parsons was expelled from JPL and Aerojet in 1944 owing to the Lodge's infamous reputation and his hazardous workplace conduct.

    In 1945, Parsons separated from Helen, after having an affair with her sister Sara; when Sara left him for L. Ron Hubbard, Parsons conducted the Babalon Working, a series of rituals intended to invoke the Thelemic goddess Babalon on Earth. He and Hubbard continued the working with Marjorie Cameron, whom Parsons married in 1946. After Hubbard and Sara defrauded him of his life savings, Parsons resigned from the O.T.O., then held various jobs while acting as a consultant for Israel's rocket program. Amid McCarthyism, Parsons was accused of espionage and left unable to work in rocketry. In 1952, Parsons died at the age of 37 in a home laboratory explosion that attracted national media attention; the police ruled it an accident, but many associates suspected suicide or murder.

    Parsons's libertarian and occult writings were published posthumously. Historians of Western esoteric tradition cite him as one of the more prominent figures in propagating Thelema across North America. Although academic interest in his scientific career was negligible, historians have come to recognize Parsons's contributions to rocket engineering. For these innovations, his advocacy of space exploration and human spaceflight, and his role in founding JPL and Aerojet, Parsons is regarded as among the most important figures in the history of the U.S. space program. He has been the subject of several biographies and fictionalized portrayals.
    I find it very curious...... EVERYONE who runs a "space agency" or who claims to have gone to the moon are ALL #Freemasons! Each and every last one of them are Devil worshipers and Freemasons! Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason and a #Pedophile Jack Parsons, a founding member of JPL (Jet Propulsion Labs) was a follower of Crowley... "The Beast." You won't know #Evil until you get to know #NASA Well... I'll let wikipedia tell you... John Whiteside Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons;[nb 1] October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952) was an American rocket engineer, chemist, and Thelemite occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He invented the first rocket engine to use a castable, composite rocket propellant,[1] and pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets. Born in Los Angeles, Parsons was raised by a wealthy family on Orange Grove Boulevard in Pasadena. Inspired by science fiction literature, he developed an interest in rocketry in his childhood and in 1928 began amateur rocket experiments with school friend Edward Forman. He dropped out of Pasadena Junior College and Stanford University due to financial difficulties during the Great Depression, and in 1934 he united with Forman and graduate Frank Malina to form the Caltech-affiliated Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory (GALCIT) Rocket Research Group, supported by GALCIT chairman Theodore von Kármán. In 1939 the GALCIT Group gained funding from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to work on Jet-Assisted Take Off (JATO) for the U.S. military. After the U.S. entered World War II, they founded Aerojet in 1942 to develop and sell JATO technology; the GALCIT Group became JPL in 1943. Following some brief involvement with Marxism in 1939, Parsons converted to Thelema, the new religious movement founded by the English occultist Aleister Crowley. Together with his first wife, Helen Northrup, Parsons joined the Agape Lodge, the Californian branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) in 1941. At Crowley's bidding, Parsons replaced Wilfred Talbot Smith as its leader in 1942 and ran the Lodge from his mansion on Orange Grove Boulevard. Parsons was expelled from JPL and Aerojet in 1944 owing to the Lodge's infamous reputation and his hazardous workplace conduct. In 1945, Parsons separated from Helen, after having an affair with her sister Sara; when Sara left him for L. Ron Hubbard, Parsons conducted the Babalon Working, a series of rituals intended to invoke the Thelemic goddess Babalon on Earth. He and Hubbard continued the working with Marjorie Cameron, whom Parsons married in 1946. After Hubbard and Sara defrauded him of his life savings, Parsons resigned from the O.T.O., then held various jobs while acting as a consultant for Israel's rocket program. Amid McCarthyism, Parsons was accused of espionage and left unable to work in rocketry. In 1952, Parsons died at the age of 37 in a home laboratory explosion that attracted national media attention; the police ruled it an accident, but many associates suspected suicide or murder. Parsons's libertarian and occult writings were published posthumously. Historians of Western esoteric tradition cite him as one of the more prominent figures in propagating Thelema across North America. Although academic interest in his scientific career was negligible, historians have come to recognize Parsons's contributions to rocket engineering. For these innovations, his advocacy of space exploration and human spaceflight, and his role in founding JPL and Aerojet, Parsons is regarded as among the most important figures in the history of the U.S. space program. He has been the subject of several biographies and fictionalized portrayals.
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