Is the DC Local Government Constitutionally Legal?
The District of Columbia is a federal district. Meaning that it is not a state. It is under the authority of the federal government. Thus Congress is responsible for the laws governing the
#DistrictofColumbia and the executive branch is responsible for administering those laws. Has Congress violated the Constitution in establishing a local government outside its jurisdiction? Shouldn't the effective Mayor of the District of Columbia be appointed by the chief of the executive branch? Can anyone name a federal property or reservation that falls under local jurisdiction? Something to consider. Have we allowed an
#UnconstitutionaGovernment to operate within the United States?
Is the DC Local Government Constitutionally Legal?
The District of Columbia is a federal district. Meaning that it is not a state. It is under the authority of the federal government. Thus Congress is responsible for the laws governing the #DistrictofColumbia and the executive branch is responsible for administering those laws. Has Congress violated the Constitution in establishing a local government outside its jurisdiction? Shouldn't the effective Mayor of the District of Columbia be appointed by the chief of the executive branch? Can anyone name a federal property or reservation that falls under local jurisdiction? Something to consider. Have we allowed an #UnconstitutionaGovernment to operate within the United States?
#MonumentRemoval, #WashingtonMonument, #JeffersonMonument, #DCTaskForce, #TheConstitution, #FederalDistrict