Snapshot America if Dems Win Elections
Two stories on American Thinker. The first dated on 6/21 about a Trump supporting Hispanic unleashing Saul Alinsky Communist tactics on a White supporter of Communist Black Lives Matter in Tulsa (the irony is magnificent). The second story is dated today (6/22) about how Communist Antifa/BLM have turned Seattle into a violence-ridden totalitarian enclave within the borders of the United States of America. A snapshot of America if Dems win elections on November 3, 2020:
#DemPartyAnarchy #RaceBaitingCommunists #CHOPMurder
Two stories on American Thinker. The first dated on 6/21 about a Trump supporting Hispanic unleashing Saul Alinsky Communist tactics on a White supporter of Communist Black Lives Matter in Tulsa (the irony is magnificent). The second story is dated today (6/22) about how Communist Antifa/BLM have turned Seattle into a violence-ridden totalitarian enclave within the borders of the United States of America. A snapshot of America if Dems win elections on November 3, 2020:
#DemPartyAnarchy #RaceBaitingCommunists #CHOPMurder
Snapshot America if Dems Win Elections
Two stories on American Thinker. The first dated on 6/21 about a Trump supporting Hispanic unleashing Saul Alinsky Communist tactics on a White supporter of Communist Black Lives Matter in Tulsa (the irony is magnificent). The second story is dated today (6/22) about how Communist Antifa/BLM have turned Seattle into a violence-ridden totalitarian enclave within the borders of the United States of America. A snapshot of America if Dems win elections on November 3, 2020:
#DemPartyAnarchy #RaceBaitingCommunists #CHOPMurder