• SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet?
    NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control!

    SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my opinion are pulled around by the puppet strings of Elitists who are very wealthy and have an odd political combination that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago yet certainly existed in the background even then.

    That odd political-combo is Globalism-Marxism-Fascism-Corporatism all wrapped in the bouquet of Climate Change. AND Climate Change is the lie the Elitist actually care about the planet when they actually only care about controlling the masses who far outnumber the Elitist minority. …MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3qCYyde
    #DoNotBeElitistTool #DepopulationAgenda
    SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet? NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control! SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my opinion are pulled around by the puppet strings of Elitists who are very wealthy and have an odd political combination that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago yet certainly existed in the background even then. That odd political-combo is Globalism-Marxism-Fascism-Corporatism all wrapped in the bouquet of Climate Change. AND Climate Change is the lie the Elitist actually care about the planet when they actually only care about controlling the masses who far outnumber the Elitist minority. …MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3qCYyde #DoNotBeElitistTool #DepopulationAgenda
    1 Reacties 0 aandelen 3471 Views
  • AT LEAST Do Not Comply on an Individual Basis
    The Constitution is too Shredded to Rely on Rule of Law Relief

    SUMMARY: This is going to be a more sharing day than a commentary day. Of course what chaps my hide is the increasingly glaring tyranny that is a mixture of Marxism-Globalism-Fascism-Corporatism that has been infecting the once Land of the Free and Home of the Brave for decades. … MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3BsPEAI
    AT LEAST Do Not Comply on an Individual Basis The Constitution is too Shredded to Rely on Rule of Law Relief SUMMARY: This is going to be a more sharing day than a commentary day. Of course what chaps my hide is the increasingly glaring tyranny that is a mixture of Marxism-Globalism-Fascism-Corporatism that has been infecting the once Land of the Free and Home of the Brave for decades. … MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3BsPEAI #DoNotComply
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 3048 Views
  • FBI Director At Davos: Corporatism & Pre-Crime Technology

    FBI Director At Davos: Corporatism & Pre-Crime Technology https://youtu.be/Tf1BPGCJsjU
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 459 Views
  • Nazi Plans Present in the Current European Union
    The Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
    - Berlin 1942
    t may shock most to learn that Nazi ideology was, and still is, behind the EU. The
    document that follows is the English translation of the original German one as
    referenced under the World Catalogue OCLC number 31002821 and available in the
    public domain via various libraries, archives and websites. It is a document of great
    historical significance and essential to understanding the mindset behind the
    European Union and where the idea originated. It is the original blueprint for ‘the
    European Economic Community’ which would later become, as we know, the
    European Union. Created as a series of seminars by the Third Reich’s Economic
    Minister and various advisors to Adolf Hitler so that in the event the Nazis should
    fall to the allies and lose the war, they could complete their plans covertly by
    subversion, treason and sedition from ‘within each government’. In it you will find
    the proposal of a one united Europe with one currency, one transport system...and
    more importantly, the United Kingdom was to be “de-industrialised“, and used for a
    limited amount of agriculture and tourism. The plan was to usurp each nation’s
    sovereignty, including Britain, and create a Europe wide dictatorship; and for us,
    stripping out anything that put the “Great” into “Great Britain”.
    Ironically - Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Corporatism have all
    turned out to be distracting labels for the same ideology and in reading this
    document, one will find it chilling that most of the changes that the Nazi’s had
    planned for the United Kingdom have already been implemented. Slowly, but surely,
    and by covert means, the followers of this ideology, these conspirators, backed by
    huge financiers, namely the international banking families, have succeeded in
    infiltrating Westminster through the political system and parts of the Intelligenstia
    over the last 60 plus years. They have ushered in the Acts and Treaties envisaged in
    this document – NATO 1947, The Treaty of Paris 1951, Jean Monnet 1952, The
    Treaty of Rome 1957, European Communities Act 1972, European Monetary System
    1979, Single European Act 1987, The Maastrict Treaty 1991, Euro Currency 2002,
    The Lisbon Treaty 2009
    This manifesto is the foundation that these traitors within our political establishment
    have been building on since the end of the second world war. It was a means to an
    end. An ugly end. We may had removed Hitler from power, but the forces behind
    him pressed on and what was not achieved by arms, has sadly now been established
    through money, treason and subversion.
    Nazi Plans Present in the Current European Union The Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft - Berlin 1942 http://www.bilderberg.org/EWG.pdf t may shock most to learn that Nazi ideology was, and still is, behind the EU. The document that follows is the English translation of the original German one as referenced under the World Catalogue OCLC number 31002821 and available in the public domain via various libraries, archives and websites. It is a document of great historical significance and essential to understanding the mindset behind the European Union and where the idea originated. It is the original blueprint for ‘the European Economic Community’ which would later become, as we know, the European Union. Created as a series of seminars by the Third Reich’s Economic Minister and various advisors to Adolf Hitler so that in the event the Nazis should fall to the allies and lose the war, they could complete their plans covertly by subversion, treason and sedition from ‘within each government’. In it you will find the proposal of a one united Europe with one currency, one transport system...and more importantly, the United Kingdom was to be “de-industrialised“, and used for a limited amount of agriculture and tourism. The plan was to usurp each nation’s sovereignty, including Britain, and create a Europe wide dictatorship; and for us, stripping out anything that put the “Great” into “Great Britain”. Ironically - Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Corporatism have all turned out to be distracting labels for the same ideology and in reading this document, one will find it chilling that most of the changes that the Nazi’s had planned for the United Kingdom have already been implemented. Slowly, but surely, and by covert means, the followers of this ideology, these conspirators, backed by huge financiers, namely the international banking families, have succeeded in infiltrating Westminster through the political system and parts of the Intelligenstia over the last 60 plus years. They have ushered in the Acts and Treaties envisaged in this document – NATO 1947, The Treaty of Paris 1951, Jean Monnet 1952, The Treaty of Rome 1957, European Communities Act 1972, European Monetary System 1979, Single European Act 1987, The Maastrict Treaty 1991, Euro Currency 2002, The Lisbon Treaty 2009 This manifesto is the foundation that these traitors within our political establishment have been building on since the end of the second world war. It was a means to an end. An ugly end. We may had removed Hitler from power, but the forces behind him pressed on and what was not achieved by arms, has sadly now been established through money, treason and subversion.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 816 Views
  • Are YOU Worthy to be Eliminated?

    SUMMARY: The NWO perpetrated largely under the leadership of the WEF under what many might consider an odd mixture of Marxism, Fascism and Corporatism is being pushed not only in America but also on people of the once-considered Free World.

    As you read and/or watch the below intentions/actions exposed among the Elitist designs, YOU should reflect: “Are YOU worthy of being one of the ELIMINATED?” –READ & WATCH: http://bit.ly/3jf3hht
    Are YOU Worthy to be Eliminated? SUMMARY: The NWO perpetrated largely under the leadership of the WEF under what many might consider an odd mixture of Marxism, Fascism and Corporatism is being pushed not only in America but also on people of the once-considered Free World. … As you read and/or watch the below intentions/actions exposed among the Elitist designs, YOU should reflect: “Are YOU worthy of being one of the ELIMINATED?” –READ & WATCH: http://bit.ly/3jf3hht #ElitistsVsMasses
    Are YOU Worthy to be Eliminated?
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © January 27, 2023   The New World Order (NWO) perpetrated largely under the leadership of the World Economi...
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 637 Views
  • https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/12/ron-desantis-corporatism-is-not-same-free-enterprise/ Ron DeSantis: 'Corporatism Is Not the Same as Free Enterprise' #desantis #corporations #free #capitalism
    https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/12/ron-desantis-corporatism-is-not-same-free-enterprise/ Ron DeSantis: 'Corporatism Is Not the Same as Free Enterprise' #desantis #corporations #free #capitalism
    Ron DeSantis: 'Corporatism Is Not the Same as Free Enterprise'
    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Sunday said the mentality held by some Republicans needs to change when it comes to corporations.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 455 Views
  • https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/fauci-the-epitome-for-getting-rich-from-corporatism/
    Fauci: The Epitome For Getting Rich From Corporatism - LRC Blog
    “Corporatism” is when power (government), money (corporations), and propaganda (media) merge together to repeatedly rip-off the people at large. The antithesis to this “system” is severely limited government, sound money and free markets. But as long as the people at large resist their freedom, the rip-off machine will happily continue on to the next “latest thing.”
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 384 Views
  • The best result of the last 2 years is that people stopped trusting our tyrannical government and their fascist WEF/NWO corporatism. 2 timothy 2. We have returned to a 1776 Declaration of Independence moment in our history. Birx still peddling EVIL with her smiley face hopium that lead to the destruction of peoples lives, our country and the free world. https://rumble.com/v19l081-rep.-jim-jordan-exposes-the-biden-admins-lies-on-vaccine-efficacy.html
    The best result of the last 2 years is that people stopped trusting our tyrannical government and their fascist WEF/NWO corporatism. 2 timothy 2. We have returned to a 1776 Declaration of Independence moment in our history. Birx still peddling EVIL with her smiley face hopium that lead to the destruction of peoples lives, our country and the free world. https://rumble.com/v19l081-rep.-jim-jordan-exposes-the-biden-admins-lies-on-vaccine-efficacy.html
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 656 Views
  • Use Actual Words & Documents to Expose WEF & Depopulation

    SUMMARY: On 5/30/22 I posted an excerpted/edited video of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla indicating Pfizer will be responsible for depopulating planet Earth by 50% by 2023. I FELL FOR IT! …

    I find it extremely sad that probably well-meaning Conservative-Patriots utilized a Leftist editing tactic to make Bourla appear at face value to be openly a genocidal maniac…

    NEVERTHELESS, LET’S BE CLEAR – The WEF, Fascist oriented Corporations (Corporatism) and Marxist-Globalists have an agenda to transform world culture to bend the knee to Elitist directives which includes decreasing the world’s population to a more manageable compliant Sheeple. MORE TO READ: https://bit.ly/3m5XVTR
    Use Actual Words & Documents to Expose WEF & Depopulation SUMMARY: On 5/30/22 I posted an excerpted/edited video of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla indicating Pfizer will be responsible for depopulating planet Earth by 50% by 2023. I FELL FOR IT! … I find it extremely sad that probably well-meaning Conservative-Patriots utilized a Leftist editing tactic to make Bourla appear at face value to be openly a genocidal maniac… NEVERTHELESS, LET’S BE CLEAR – The WEF, Fascist oriented Corporations (Corporatism) and Marxist-Globalists have an agenda to transform world culture to bend the knee to Elitist directives which includes decreasing the world’s population to a more manageable compliant Sheeple. MORE TO READ: https://bit.ly/3m5XVTR #WEFtransformationDepopulation
    Use Actual Words & Documents to Expose WEF & Depopulation
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © June 1, 2022 On 5/30/22 I posted an excerpted/edited video of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla indicating Pfizer wi...
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 849 Views
  • Buffalo Shooter Manifesto Reveals Confused Anti-Conservative, Anti-Semitic Racist Who Was Into Communism at Age 12

    While a writer, known for her journalistic lies from the Rolling Stone, tried to spin this fool as a Republican, his Manifesto tells otherwise.

    Page 9 - “When I was 12, I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old high school and ask about me and you will hear that." https://bit.ly/37RJu1Y

    “From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.”

    Page 7 - “Are you a Christian? No,” Gendron wrote. “I do not ask God for salvation by faith, nor do I confess my sins to Him. I personally believe there is no afterlife. I do however believe in and practice many Christian values.”

    Page 8 - “Are you a conservative? No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

    Page 158 - Gendron declared in capital letters: “CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD.”

    Then later in the manifesto says he is left wing, right wing and socialist depending on the definition...Oh, and a fascist to boot. https://bit.ly/3PqOsDM

    So, we have a non-Christian, conservative hating, populist, fascist, right wing, left wing, socialist, communist, anti-Semitic, white nationalist fool.

    What we don't have:

    - a Republican

    What we do have:

    - one seriously confused individual

    Meanwhile, Biden is rushing to Buffalo.

    Where was he in Wisconsin when a black man who posted a racist manifesto killed 6 white woman and children and injured 62 with his car during the Waukesha, WI Christmas parade?

    Expect this insanity to continue as Dem run cities decay and Biden policies continue to undermine our nations economy and security.

    #buffaloshooting #paytongendron #shootermanifesto #biden
    Buffalo Shooter Manifesto Reveals Confused Anti-Conservative, Anti-Semitic Racist Who Was Into Communism at Age 12 While a writer, known for her journalistic lies from the Rolling Stone, tried to spin this fool as a Republican, his Manifesto tells otherwise. Page 9 - “When I was 12, I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old high school and ask about me and you will hear that." https://bit.ly/37RJu1Y “From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.” Page 7 - “Are you a Christian? No,” Gendron wrote. “I do not ask God for salvation by faith, nor do I confess my sins to Him. I personally believe there is no afterlife. I do however believe in and practice many Christian values.” Page 8 - “Are you a conservative? No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.” Page 158 - Gendron declared in capital letters: “CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD.” Then later in the manifesto says he is left wing, right wing and socialist depending on the definition...Oh, and a fascist to boot. https://bit.ly/3PqOsDM So, we have a non-Christian, conservative hating, populist, fascist, right wing, left wing, socialist, communist, anti-Semitic, white nationalist fool. What we don't have: - a Republican What we do have: - one seriously confused individual Meanwhile, Biden is rushing to Buffalo. Where was he in Wisconsin when a black man who posted a racist manifesto killed 6 white woman and children and injured 62 with his car during the Waukesha, WI Christmas parade? Expect this insanity to continue as Dem run cities decay and Biden policies continue to undermine our nations economy and security. #buffaloshooting #paytongendron #shootermanifesto #biden
    5 Chilling Statements from Buffalo Suspect's Manifesto Prove He's an Atheist Who Hates Conservatism
    'Are you a conservative? No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it,' the teen declared in his manifesto.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 831 Views

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