• DEA’s Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit!


    #DEA #TSA #WarOnDrugs #WarOnCash #PoliceMisconduct #FourthAmendment #SearchAndSeizure #CivilAssetForfeiture #CivilForfeiture #CivilRights #UnitedStatesVPlace #Lawsuit #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
    DEA’s Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit! https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2024/07/26/deas-airport-search-scam-caught-on-video-help-fund-the-lawsuit/ #DEA #TSA #WarOnDrugs #WarOnCash #PoliceMisconduct #FourthAmendment #SearchAndSeizure #CivilAssetForfeiture #CivilForfeiture #CivilRights #UnitedStatesVPlace #Lawsuit #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
    DEA's Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit! - The Civil Rights Lawyer
    Even though it's perfectly legal to board an airline in the United States with any amount of cash, the TSA and the DEA are running a scam where they will attempt to seize that cash, even where you are not suspected of having committed any crime. Then they make you fight to regain your cash, which can take years and thousands of dollars in legal fees. The government makes a lot of money this way and it has nothing to do with investigating or fighting crime. This is rare footage of exactly how they run this scam.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 46 Views

    The Constitutional Right to Travel (without a License)& Case Law to support it!

    ...KNOW YOUR "RIGHTS", "SHARE" THIS, EVERYWHERE!!!... The Constitutional Right to Travel (without a License)& Case Law to support it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rasd_qPHpzU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 150 Views
  • Video Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors

    SUMMARY: Our U.S. government has become so corrupted on every Constitutional Branch…MY OPINION: There is a COVERUP by American Traitors on went down on the Trump Assassination Attempt…Take a Look at videos of Republic Patriots vs USA Traitors!
    #USARepublic #AmericanTraitors
    Video Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/video-theme-usa-republic-vs-usa-traitors SUMMARY: Our U.S. government has become so corrupted on every Constitutional Branch…MY OPINION: There is a COVERUP by American Traitors on went down on the Trump Assassination Attempt…Take a Look at videos of Republic Patriots vs USA Traitors! #USARepublic #AmericanTraitors
    0 Comments 0 Shares 325 Views
  • In America, free speech is illegal, if you are countering the false narratives of Big Pharma and the Biden Regime. It’s just like Communist China, where if you challenge the government’s lies, you go straight to jail. Do not pass go, and do not collect your $200. That is exactly how and why Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino got booted from Fox News. They were too good at exposing the Left’s lies and questioning the narratives about election fraud (namely Dominion voting machines), Fauci Flu, proxy wars and the purposeful dismantling of the U.S. infrastructure and supply chain.
    In America, free speech is illegal, if you are countering the false narratives of Big Pharma and the Biden Regime. It’s just like Communist China, where if you challenge the government’s lies, you go straight to jail. Do not pass go, and do not collect your $200. That is exactly how and why Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino got booted from Fox News. They were too good at exposing the Left’s lies and questioning the narratives about election fraud (namely Dominion voting machines), Fauci Flu, proxy wars and the purposeful dismantling of the U.S. infrastructure and supply chain. https://www.newstarget.com/2024-07-16-proof-conservatives-constitutionalists-health-advocates-being-censored.html
    MAJOR PROOF of conservatives, constitutionalists and health advocates being BLATANTLY CENSORED by Big Tech, Big Pharma and the insidious Biden Regime
    Like never before in America, the government is censoring millions of voices that counter all the corruption, from proxy wars to dirty vaccines, from adulterated food to communist education. Is Natural News censored? According to search results, Natural Health News was delisted from Google search results for somehow violating Google’s “webmaster guidelines” regarding “mobile redirection” […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 458 Views
  • And that is a FACT people!

    And when you "vote" for the "lesser of two evils"
    you are still voting for #Evil! So don't act all innocent!

    One day the American people will realize
    what I've been telling them for YEARS now is true....

    You have no legitimate "government"
    What you call #government is a for-profit #Corporation located offshore!

    The "Statutes and Codes" passed by #Congress are NOT Laws!
    They are CORPORATE POLICIES that must be followed by State & Federal employees and people who declare themselves to be "Citizens"

    A "citizen" is a willing #Slave to the CORPORATION!
    PROPERTY of the corporation actually

    American "Courts" and courts around the world are operating under a #Fraudulent system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" (the law of the SEA)

    ONLY "citizen slaves" and state & federal employees are subject to their #Jurisdiction... but YOU can be manipulated and brought under their jurisdiction via "Implied Consent" or FRAUD or by your "consent"

    To give "consent" however, requires that you first comprehend

    It's ALL about #Jurisdiction folks!
    MEN & WOMEN fall under the Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW
    YOU likely have no "constitutional protections" because you have been duped into "consenting" to be ruled under maritime admiralty law.

    YOU need to learn how to stand as a MAN under COMMON LAW!
    And do not ever be duped into the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law again!

    Learn the information within these videos!



    And that is a FACT people! And when you "vote" for the "lesser of two evils" you are still voting for #Evil! So don't act all innocent! One day the American people will realize what I've been telling them for YEARS now is true.... You have no legitimate "government" What you call #government is a for-profit #Corporation located offshore! The "Statutes and Codes" passed by #Congress are NOT Laws! They are CORPORATE POLICIES that must be followed by State & Federal employees and people who declare themselves to be "Citizens" A "citizen" is a willing #Slave to the CORPORATION! PROPERTY of the corporation actually American "Courts" and courts around the world are operating under a #Fraudulent system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" (the law of the SEA) ONLY "citizen slaves" and state & federal employees are subject to their #Jurisdiction... but YOU can be manipulated and brought under their jurisdiction via "Implied Consent" or FRAUD or by your "consent" To give "consent" however, requires that you first comprehend WHAT YOU ARE CONSENTING TO! It's ALL about #Jurisdiction folks! MEN & WOMEN fall under the Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW YOU likely have no "constitutional protections" because you have been duped into "consenting" to be ruled under maritime admiralty law. YOU need to learn how to stand as a MAN under COMMON LAW! And do not ever be duped into the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law again! PLEASE FREE YOURSELF! Learn the information within these videos! https://youtu.be/Ov90nZ2nKJY https://youtu.be/1udn7rAp81s https://youtu.be/USvJd8iVeXQ
    0 Comments 0 Shares 492 Views
  • Breaking! Judge Cannon Dismisses Trump Classified Docs Case, Rules Biden DOJ Appointment Of Jack Smith Unconstitutional https://www.infowars.com/posts/breaking-judge-cannon-dismisses-trump-classified-docs-case-rules-biden-doj-appointment-of-jack-smith-unconstitutional/
    Breaking! Judge Cannon Dismisses Trump Classified Docs Case, Rules Biden DOJ Appointment Of Jack Smith Unconstitutional https://www.infowars.com/posts/breaking-judge-cannon-dismisses-trump-classified-docs-case-rules-biden-doj-appointment-of-jack-smith-unconstitutional/
    0 Comments 1 Shares 254 Views
  • Winning!!
    Trump Classified Docs Case Dismissed, Judge Finds Special Counsel Appointment Unconstitutional
    Winning!! Trump Classified Docs Case Dismissed, Judge Finds Special Counsel Appointment Unconstitutional
    0 Comments 0 Shares 171 Views
  • Nugent asserted that voters do not have a constitutional right to access mail-in or early voting options. He highlighted that Ohio's schedule for obtaining and submitting absentee ballots remains more accommodating than those in 30 other states.
    Additionally, he refuted the argument that limiting ballot drop boxes to one location negatively impacts voters, noting that this provision, implemented by the GOP-controlled legislature after extensive debate, was first used in 2023.
    Nugent asserted that voters do not have a constitutional right to access mail-in or early voting options. He highlighted that Ohio's schedule for obtaining and submitting absentee ballots remains more accommodating than those in 30 other states. Additionally, he refuted the argument that limiting ballot drop boxes to one location negatively impacts voters, noting that this provision, implemented by the GOP-controlled legislature after extensive debate, was first used in 2023. https://newstarget.com/2024-07-12-federal-judge-upholds-ohio-photo-id-law.html
    Federal judge upholds Ohio law requiring photo ID at polling booths
    A federal judge has upheld Ohio’s strict voter ID law, including its photo ID requirement, deeming it constitutional and rejecting a challenge brought by a Democratic law firm. Senior District Judge Donald Nugent of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, appointed in 1995 by former President Bill Clinton, ruled that […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 536 Views
  • John H. Bryan - Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped:


    #PoliceMisconduct #Malfeasance #TrafficStop #TerryFrisk #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #FieldSobrietyTest #Marijuana #WarOnDrugs #WrongfulArrest #FalseArrest #JusticeForJaden #ThrownToTheWolves #Music #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
    John H. Bryan - Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2024/07/11/country-singer-writes-song-about-arrest-by-idiot-cop-charges-now-dropped/ #PoliceMisconduct #Malfeasance #TrafficStop #TerryFrisk #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #FieldSobrietyTest #Marijuana #WarOnDrugs #WrongfulArrest #FalseArrest #JusticeForJaden #ThrownToTheWolves #Music #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
    Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped - The Civil Rights Lawyer
    This 18 year old country music singer from Montana was pulled over for speeding by a state trooper who is looking for reasons to accuse him of driving intoxicated. Even though he blew a 0.0 showing he had no alcohol in his system, and even though he did all the stupid human tricks he was asked to do, and even though he was 100% polite and cooperative with the officer, he was still wrongfully arrested and charged. A blood test taken after the arrest showed what any rational police officers should have known: that the kid was completely sober. Yet this happened to him. He wrote a song about it.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 652 Views
  • EXCLUSIVE: Arrested for ONE WORD in Texas

    People are always claiming
    "I have the right to free speech guaranteed by the #Constitution"

    You WOULD have that right if you were under the #Jurisdiction of the LAND, or COMMON LAW.

    You see.... "The Constitution" is the law of the LAND!
    But YOU are not a party to the Constitution because YOU are under the JURISDICTION of the SEA under Maritime Admiralty Law!

    The entire thing is based purely in #Fraud and deception folks! Your inalienable human rights have been USURPED by a Corporation!

    This corporation claims that YOU are under the jurisdiction of "Maritime Admiralty Law" because you have "consented to it"

    I'm not certain how this is possible WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE.... but that is what they claim! Under maritime admiralty law you have no rights! YOU are the PROPERTY of the Corporation!

    At least in their corrupt, illegitimate,
    and #Criminal system of FRAUD!

    You did not "consent" you say? Well.... they'll claim that your actions (or lack of actions) to refute this claim gives them "Implied Consent"

    ROFL YOU are a slave of a corporation because they have used a fraud based system to enslave you! YOU do not have "Constitutionally guaranteed rights" because you have supposedly given them away in favor of being a piece of PROPERTY of this criminal corporation!

    Is that what you did? Or are we ALL victims of FRAUD???

    Dumbf*cks, badges, and more dumbf*cks!
    You have no "right" to "Not be offended"

    #Police are a pathetic joke.
    This is a year old, but still worth a watch

    As long as armed scumbags in body armor are roaming American streets nobody is safe. These are modern day #Pirates, robbing people under the illegitimate "Maritime Admiralty Law" system of #Fraud which has made landfall!

    YOU need to get yourself OUT of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law and make every American aware of this fraud based criminal system of #Slavery!

    ⭐EXCLUSIVE: Arrested for ONE WORD in Texas People are always claiming "I have the right to free speech guaranteed by the #Constitution" You WOULD have that right if you were under the #Jurisdiction of the LAND, or COMMON LAW. You see.... "The Constitution" is the law of the LAND! But YOU are not a party to the Constitution because YOU are under the JURISDICTION of the SEA under Maritime Admiralty Law! The entire thing is based purely in #Fraud and deception folks! Your inalienable human rights have been USURPED by a Corporation! This corporation claims that YOU are under the jurisdiction of "Maritime Admiralty Law" because you have "consented to it" I'm not certain how this is possible WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE.... but that is what they claim! Under maritime admiralty law you have no rights! YOU are the PROPERTY of the Corporation! At least in their corrupt, illegitimate, and #Criminal system of FRAUD! You did not "consent" you say? Well.... they'll claim that your actions (or lack of actions) to refute this claim gives them "Implied Consent" ROFL YOU are a slave of a corporation because they have used a fraud based system to enslave you! YOU do not have "Constitutionally guaranteed rights" because you have supposedly given them away in favor of being a piece of PROPERTY of this criminal corporation! Is that what you did? Or are we ALL victims of FRAUD??? Dumbf*cks, badges, and more dumbf*cks! You have no "right" to "Not be offended" #Police are a pathetic joke. This is a year old, but still worth a watch As long as armed scumbags in body armor are roaming American streets nobody is safe. These are modern day #Pirates, robbing people under the illegitimate "Maritime Admiralty Law" system of #Fraud which has made landfall! YOU need to get yourself OUT of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law and make every American aware of this fraud based criminal system of #Slavery! https://youtu.be/vW956uzZjEM
    0 Comments 0 Shares 957 Views
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