• Satanic #Pedophiles are spraying us all like cockroaches, supposedly to "modify the weather" (Which they've done)

    These devils are spraying YOU and your children with TOXIC CHEMICALS like Barium and Aluminum, and many others!

    NOW they are spraying nano-particulates into the atmosphere so that you'll BREATHE THEM in hopes of controlling your mind!

    This is the "New World Order" they envision!
    Where YOU will function as a "Remote Control Drone" controlled by the Luciferian scumbags!

    Don't believe me???
    I suggest that you do some READING on their plans.....
    And on new "Scientific advances" they plan to use to ENSLAVE YOU

    WHY do you think that little worm from the #WEF is saying that "humans are hackable animals" and that "Free Will is IVER"????

    YOU had better WAKE UP and start TAKING ACTION to stop these lunatics..... BEFORE YOU WAKE UP DEAD!

    (Or a remote controlled toy of Satanic Pedophiles)
    Satanic #Pedophiles are spraying us all like cockroaches, supposedly to "modify the weather" (Which they've done) These devils are spraying YOU and your children with TOXIC CHEMICALS like Barium and Aluminum, and many others! NOW they are spraying nano-particulates into the atmosphere so that you'll BREATHE THEM in hopes of controlling your mind! This is the "New World Order" they envision! Where YOU will function as a "Remote Control Drone" controlled by the Luciferian scumbags! Don't believe me??? I suggest that you do some READING on their plans..... And on new "Scientific advances" they plan to use to ENSLAVE YOU WHY do you think that little worm from the #WEF is saying that "humans are hackable animals" and that "Free Will is IVER"???? YOU had better WAKE UP and start TAKING ACTION to stop these lunatics..... BEFORE YOU WAKE UP DEAD! (Or a remote controlled toy of Satanic Pedophiles)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1588 Views

    If you are "pro #Socialism" then you are also "pro #Communism"
    which makes you pro-#Genocide AND a real m0ron to boot!

    I have zero respect for useful idiots like this

    People with absolutely no argument or facts on their side always do the SAME THING! They either flee like cockroaches when the lights come on OR they name call!

    This is because they cannot rationalize their position!
    Because somewhere deep inside, even they know that they are wrong! You cannot debate against the #Truth!

    You'll always LOSE!
    So instead... you make strawman arguments or use ad hominem attacks like a 4 year old child! Because the TRUTH cannot be defeated in a debate, and they know this

    PRO-COMMUNISM STUDENTS SCHOOLED BY CUBAN If you are "pro #Socialism" then you are also "pro #Communism" which makes you pro-#Genocide AND a real m0ron to boot! I have zero respect for useful idiots like this People with absolutely no argument or facts on their side always do the SAME THING! They either flee like cockroaches when the lights come on OR they name call! This is because they cannot rationalize their position! Because somewhere deep inside, even they know that they are wrong! You cannot debate against the #Truth! You'll always LOSE! So instead... you make strawman arguments or use ad hominem attacks like a 4 year old child! Because the TRUTH cannot be defeated in a debate, and they know this https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jq2Q9kkXlJDf/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1516 Views

    Hey People... I have something that I MUST say!
    If you don't already know that you & your family are being sprayed like cockroaches with TOXIC MATERIALS that maim and kill humans, destroy the earth's ability to grow food, kill wildlife and crops.... THEN CLIMB OUT OF YOUR F*CKING HOLE!!!

    NO PERSON ON EARTH should tolerate this BS!
    These planes should be sh*t down on sight because they are attacking whomever is below them! It's no different than a "bombing run"

    The scumbags of government have been lying to you about chemtrails for years!

    That is what you get from a #Criminal cabal!

    It's time to stop this BS!
    And I don't mean wait around for politicians!

    These planes take off from somewhere!
    #TinkerAFB on #Oklahoma happens to be one of those places!

    The #Military is importing TONS OF TOXIC MATERIALS for the express purpose of dumping them onto YOUR HEAD, poisoning YOU, your children, the soil, the air, the water, and the entire earth for that matter!

    And they try to claim the "Health Issues" are your fault!
    As they tell you "Those are just contrails!"

    As we all watch the CHEMICAL CLOUD descending across the atmosphere every day of the week! People are dying right now because of this POISON!

    And the scumbags responsible need to be tried for #Genocide

    Get off your a**, make some noise, get some RESULTS!
    STOP the wholesale poisoning of every person earth!

    NO HOMESTEAD / OFF GRID CHANNEL WILL DISCUSS THIS! BUT I WILL.. Hey People... I have something that I MUST say! If you don't already know that you & your family are being sprayed like cockroaches with TOXIC MATERIALS that maim and kill humans, destroy the earth's ability to grow food, kill wildlife and crops.... THEN CLIMB OUT OF YOUR F*CKING HOLE!!! NO PERSON ON EARTH should tolerate this BS! These planes should be sh*t down on sight because they are attacking whomever is below them! It's no different than a "bombing run" The scumbags of government have been lying to you about chemtrails for years! Telling YOU they don't exist AS THEY RELEASE DETAILS ON GEOENGINEERING! It's DOUBLESPEAK! That is what you get from a #Criminal cabal! It's time to stop this BS! And I don't mean wait around for politicians! These planes take off from somewhere! #TinkerAFB on #Oklahoma happens to be one of those places! The #Military is importing TONS OF TOXIC MATERIALS for the express purpose of dumping them onto YOUR HEAD, poisoning YOU, your children, the soil, the air, the water, and the entire earth for that matter! And they try to claim the "Health Issues" are your fault! As they tell you "Those are just contrails!" As we all watch the CHEMICAL CLOUD descending across the atmosphere every day of the week! People are dying right now because of this POISON! And the scumbags responsible need to be tried for #Genocide Get off your a**, make some noise, get some RESULTS! STOP the wholesale poisoning of every person earth! https://www.bitchute.com/video/rwxxAR1t1ABV/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4379 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/ebay-employees-harassed-blogger-couple-by-sending-cockroaches-pig-mask-etc-put-up-their-names-on-craigslist-as-sex-workers-company-agrees-to-pay-3-million-penalty/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 755 Views
  • While I love my fellow man, or at least the ones NOT trying to kill me and make the human race go extinct..... Our Dogs deserve recognition!

    Your Dog will always stay by your side!
    I can tell you from personal experience that when you are DOWN
    the world hates you!

    You lose your job, get broke, have no vehicle etc.....

    There's a good chance that your wife / GF will leave you,
    then all the people who call themselves your "friends" and who have asked you for endless favors, well they are NOT generally going to return those favors when you are down and out!

    So you lose EVERYTHING and your wife leaves you, your friends disown you, the further you fall the more people separate themselves from you... And you'll then KNOW the power that "Money" and "Status" holds over this world!

    You THOUGHT all of these people cared about YOU....
    Then you discover (when you are down and out) that they only loved WHAT YOU COULD DO FOR THEM!

    When it's YOU who are in need, 99.5% of people will abandon you... But NOT your dog!

    Your wife may leave, your friends may abandon you, you may get fired, you may lose your home, your lights may get turned off as they tow your car away.....

    People will treat you like you have the plague... But your DOG will stay by your side, through thick and thin, Feast and Famine, hard times as well as good times!

    That's why the term "Fair Weather Friends" was invented!
    When everything is going your way, the world loves you!

    When everything goes South in your life people abandon you like cockroaches in a spotlight! Those are "fair-weather friends" and they are worthless!

    Your DOG is not a "fair weather friend."
    He is a true friend who will hang with you until the death!
    So very rare!

    If everyone had FRIENDS as loyal as their dog, we would have no homeless people or hungry people, and the suicide rate would definitely be lower!

    Be a FRIEND like a dog, and NOT a "fair-weather friend"
    Because ANYONE will stick with people who are rising stars!
    It requires a true friend to hang with you when it all falls apart!

    John 15:13
    “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
    While I love my fellow man, or at least the ones NOT trying to kill me and make the human race go extinct..... Our Dogs deserve recognition! Your Dog will always stay by your side! I can tell you from personal experience that when you are DOWN the world hates you! You lose your job, get broke, have no vehicle etc..... There's a good chance that your wife / GF will leave you, then all the people who call themselves your "friends" and who have asked you for endless favors, well they are NOT generally going to return those favors when you are down and out! So you lose EVERYTHING and your wife leaves you, your friends disown you, the further you fall the more people separate themselves from you... And you'll then KNOW the power that "Money" and "Status" holds over this world! You THOUGHT all of these people cared about YOU.... Then you discover (when you are down and out) that they only loved WHAT YOU COULD DO FOR THEM! When it's YOU who are in need, 99.5% of people will abandon you... But NOT your dog! Your wife may leave, your friends may abandon you, you may get fired, you may lose your home, your lights may get turned off as they tow your car away..... People will treat you like you have the plague... But your DOG will stay by your side, through thick and thin, Feast and Famine, hard times as well as good times! That's why the term "Fair Weather Friends" was invented! When everything is going your way, the world loves you! When everything goes South in your life people abandon you like cockroaches in a spotlight! Those are "fair-weather friends" and they are worthless! Your DOG is not a "fair weather friend." He is a true friend who will hang with you until the death! So very rare! If everyone had FRIENDS as loyal as their dog, we would have no homeless people or hungry people, and the suicide rate would definitely be lower! Be a FRIEND like a dog, and NOT a "fair-weather friend" Because ANYONE will stick with people who are rising stars! It requires a true friend to hang with you when it all falls apart! John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2268 Views
  • Schools Out Of Their Minds

    Like cockroaches, government officials and underlings sometimes scatter...

    Schools Out Of Their Minds Like cockroaches, government officials and underlings sometimes scatter... https://terrylclark.substack.com/p/schools-out-of-their-minds
    Schools Out Of Their Minds
    Analysis, Musings, Humor, Health. Covering the important w/historical context.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 317 Views
  • Racists all gather together like cockroaches. I have a can of spray for all of you.
    Racists all gather together like cockroaches. I have a can of spray for all of you.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1924 Views
  • Did you hear about the plague of locusts and cockroaches that hit the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, during Ramadan?
    Did you hear about the plague of locusts and cockroaches that hit the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, during Ramadan? https://barenakedislam.com/2023/05/16/did-you-hear-about-the-plague-of-locusts-and-cockroaches-that-hit-the-grand-mosque-in-mecca-the-holiest-city-in-islam-during-ramadan/
    Did you hear about the plague of locusts and cockroaches that hit the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, during Ramadan?
    Of course, you didn’t. Western media wouldn’t dare publish a story that would put Islam in a negative light. Now, if it was the Vatican or Jerusalem… there would have been massive…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 305 Views
    IMHO: IT'S OK TO KILL COCKROACHES, OR TYRANTS, ON SIGHT!!! https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=64518e1a7a505802dbd72654
    0 Comments 0 Shares 211 Views

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