Refuting Atlantic Fake News Trump Hit Piece
It appears The Atlantic used Trump grumbling out of context to villainize him with a made-up unsubstantiated story á la Christopher Steele-style fabricated dossier which smeared Trump. OF NOTE to me: I find it interesting that Trump has begun a poll surge even with a Leftist poll with questions designed to skew the polls negatively against Trump. Then suddenly – a story from 2018 manifests making Trump to wear mud. IT SMACKS OF FAKE NEWS LIES! Obamagate and Ukrainegate show when “anonymous” is sworn under oath, the story mysteriously disappears in a puff of smoke. READ ENTIRE REFUTATION:
#TheAtlanticSmear #AnonymousMeansUnreliable #Election2020 #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
It appears The Atlantic used Trump grumbling out of context to villainize him with a made-up unsubstantiated story á la Christopher Steele-style fabricated dossier which smeared Trump. OF NOTE to me: I find it interesting that Trump has begun a poll surge even with a Leftist poll with questions designed to skew the polls negatively against Trump. Then suddenly – a story from 2018 manifests making Trump to wear mud. IT SMACKS OF FAKE NEWS LIES! Obamagate and Ukrainegate show when “anonymous” is sworn under oath, the story mysteriously disappears in a puff of smoke. READ ENTIRE REFUTATION:
#TheAtlanticSmear #AnonymousMeansUnreliable #Election2020 #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
Refuting Atlantic Fake News Trump Hit Piece
It appears The Atlantic used Trump grumbling out of context to villainize him with a made-up unsubstantiated story á la Christopher Steele-style fabricated dossier which smeared Trump. OF NOTE to me: I find it interesting that Trump has begun a poll surge even with a Leftist poll with questions designed to skew the polls negatively against Trump. Then suddenly – a story from 2018 manifests making Trump to wear mud. IT SMACKS OF FAKE NEWS LIES! Obamagate and Ukrainegate show when “anonymous” is sworn under oath, the story mysteriously disappears in a puff of smoke. READ ENTIRE REFUTATION:
#TheAtlanticSmear #AnonymousMeansUnreliable #Election2020 #TrumpDerangementSyndrome