• Angela Marsden, the owner of Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill, posted a video on social media this week after she saw production tents and tables set up in a parking lot just a few feet from the outdoor dining area she's not allowed to open for business. Marsden has owned the restaurant for 10 years. She says she spent around $80,000 setting up an outdoor dining area and making changes to meet L.A. County's health requirements, but she's run out of loan money and can't afford to offer takeout, so for now, she's closing.

    "Everything I own is being taken away from me and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio. They have not given us money and they have shut us down. We cannot survive. My staff cannot survive...This is dangerous...We need your help. We need sombody to do something about this," said Angela in the video.

    And she's right. We need to do something. But the only solution to tyranny is a revolution. Governments worldwide have embraced fascism and Nazism under the guise of protecting the masses from a virus that 99.99% can't kill anyone. Of course, the virus is nothing more than an excuse and a false flag intended to allow the changes that governments worldwide have always wanted. These changes include:

    1. Mass surveillance on an Orwellian scale. You will be forced to tell the authorities where you've been, where you're going, whom you've met with and why and for how long, and allow them to keep track of your every movement. For your safety, of course.
    2. New World Order, which is a world of absolute control of every aspect of human life. It's a world where you no longer have control over your own body or your own mind or your own decisions. It's a world where individuality is completely abolished and replaced with collectivism. It's a world of absolute submission to the whims of the authorities.
    3. One World Government in which power, authority, and decision-making are centralized into the hands of fewer people at the very top of the pyramid.
    4. Endless mass vaccinations with lab-made viruses to cripple the immune system permanently. The worst part about these mandatory vaccines is the fact that they contain experimental genetically modified substances that can permanently modify the human organism and create a new generation of GMO humans. Even more sinister, these "Humans 2.0" can be patented and owned by corporations as property.
    5. Global tracking ID implants to monitor the movement of all citizens anywhere on the planet. This implant will eventually become the international passport of the One World Government that's always INSIDE the human body.
    6. Cashless society through centralized debt-based digital fiatmoney to immediately shut down financial services to those who disobey the government.
    7. Abolishment of small businesses to centralize the economy in the hands of monopolies like Amazon and Walmart. That way fewer families will be self-employed and the majority will be deplorable slaves to the system (employees) who are less likely to revolt and most likely to obey.
    8. Quash the leaderless uprisings that ignited last year worldwide. 2019 will always be remembered as the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: POLITICIANS AND THE BANKING CLASS THAT PUPPETEERS THEM. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Thanks to COVID19, mass protests are now illegal. Your constitutional right to protest has been canceled.

    #AngelaMarsden #PineappleHillSaloonAndGrill #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask

    Angela Marsden, the owner of Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill, posted a video on social media this week after she saw production tents and tables set up in a parking lot just a few feet from the outdoor dining area she's not allowed to open for business. Marsden has owned the restaurant for 10 years. She says she spent around $80,000 setting up an outdoor dining area and making changes to meet L.A. County's health requirements, but she's run out of loan money and can't afford to offer takeout, so for now, she's closing. "Everything I own is being taken away from me and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio. They have not given us money and they have shut us down. We cannot survive. My staff cannot survive...This is dangerous...We need your help. We need sombody to do something about this," said Angela in the video. And she's right. We need to do something. But the only solution to tyranny is a revolution. Governments worldwide have embraced fascism and Nazism under the guise of protecting the masses from a virus that 99.99% can't kill anyone. Of course, the virus is nothing more than an excuse and a false flag intended to allow the changes that governments worldwide have always wanted. These changes include: 1. Mass surveillance on an Orwellian scale. You will be forced to tell the authorities where you've been, where you're going, whom you've met with and why and for how long, and allow them to keep track of your every movement. For your safety, of course. 2. New World Order, which is a world of absolute control of every aspect of human life. It's a world where you no longer have control over your own body or your own mind or your own decisions. It's a world where individuality is completely abolished and replaced with collectivism. It's a world of absolute submission to the whims of the authorities. 3. One World Government in which power, authority, and decision-making are centralized into the hands of fewer people at the very top of the pyramid. 4. Endless mass vaccinations with lab-made viruses to cripple the immune system permanently. The worst part about these mandatory vaccines is the fact that they contain experimental genetically modified substances that can permanently modify the human organism and create a new generation of GMO humans. Even more sinister, these "Humans 2.0" can be patented and owned by corporations as property. 5. Global tracking ID implants to monitor the movement of all citizens anywhere on the planet. This implant will eventually become the international passport of the One World Government that's always INSIDE the human body. 6. Cashless society through centralized debt-based digital fiatmoney to immediately shut down financial services to those who disobey the government. 7. Abolishment of small businesses to centralize the economy in the hands of monopolies like Amazon and Walmart. That way fewer families will be self-employed and the majority will be deplorable slaves to the system (employees) who are less likely to revolt and most likely to obey. 8. Quash the leaderless uprisings that ignited last year worldwide. 2019 will always be remembered as the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: POLITICIANS AND THE BANKING CLASS THAT PUPPETEERS THEM. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Thanks to COVID19, mass protests are now illegal. Your constitutional right to protest has been canceled. #AngelaMarsden #PineappleHillSaloonAndGrill #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask Sources: https://is.gd/ycIyPM
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