• The desperation of Macron's voters is priceless.

    They seem retarded, like their boss.

    The desperation of Macron's voters is priceless. They seem retarded, like their boss. https://www.usasupreme.com/liberal-heads-explode-watch-this-video-from-last-night-in-france-looks-very-similar-to-when-trump-beat-hillary/
    Liberal Heads Explode - Watch This Video from Last Night in France… Looks Very Similar to When Trump Beat Hillary - USA SUPREME
    Right-wing parties saw the biggest swing of voters in this weekend’s elections, sending shockwaves through the political establishment and triggering
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 40 Views
  • Ewww he's so disgusting.

    Flies are attracted to decaying organisms.

    Don't blame the fly. It's just looking for a decaying piece of meat to lay some larva.

    Maybe his diapers weren't enough once again!

    Ewww he's so disgusting. Flies are attracted to decaying organisms. Don't blame the fly. It's just looking for a decaying piece of meat to lay some larva. Maybe his diapers weren't enough once again! https://www.usasupreme.com/video-joe-biden-vs-the-fly-a-close-battle-that-followed-a-disgusting-incident/
    Video: Joe Biden vs. The Fly - A Close Battle That Followed a Disgusting Incident - USA SUPREME
    President Biden began to wander off during a skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in southern Italy on Thursday, prompting
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 21 Views
  • He is getting an authentic police officer experience with an encounter with BLM dirtbags. So, there is that.

    I just don't get how anyone can find this funny?!

    He is getting an authentic police officer experience with an encounter with BLM dirtbags. So, there is that. I just don't get how anyone can find this funny?! https://www.usasupreme.com/video-black-kid-battling-rare-incurable-brain-and-spine-cancer-sworn-in-as-honorary-police-officer-this-is-how-he-is-treated-in-his-neighborhood/
    Video: Black Kid Battling Rare, Incurable Brain and Spine Cancer Sworn in as Honorary Police Officer - This Is How He Is Treated in His Neighborhood - USA SUPREME
    The City of Mansfield’s council meeting on March 25th was described by Mayor Thomas Jones as “the most touching meeting
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 39 Views
  • Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT!

    This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died. What does this mean to Americans? The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country. In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive. Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars. Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America. When you have a lot of something, the price goes down. The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today.

    A few weeks ago, the Biden Administration started supplying missiles to Ukraine and gave the evil regime their permission to start shooting them into Russia. What could go wrong with that hairbrained decision? How about Russia is now sending nuclear armed subs and stealth submersible craft to patrol the US coastline. How long will Russia allow the US to shoot missiles into Russia before it shoots a few into the US? If a nuke hits Saint Louis, there will be no Republicans and Democrats anymore. It will be just “We the People” sinking in the same boat. Call your Congressman and Senator and ask them if they have lost their minds to be pulling this reckless stunt with Russia, a hypersonic nuclear armed country. Really—call them.
    Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT! https://rumble.com/v51ipmp-dollar-dying-russian-missiles-here-cv19-vaxnot.html This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died. What does this mean to Americans? The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country. In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive. Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars. Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America. When you have a lot of something, the price goes down. The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today. A few weeks ago, the Biden Administration started supplying missiles to Ukraine and gave the evil regime their permission to start shooting them into Russia. What could go wrong with that hairbrained decision? How about Russia is now sending nuclear armed subs and stealth submersible craft to patrol the US coastline. How long will Russia allow the US to shoot missiles into Russia before it shoots a few into the US? If a nuke hits Saint Louis, there will be no Republicans and Democrats anymore. It will be just “We the People” sinking in the same boat. Call your Congressman and Senator and ask them if they have lost their minds to be pulling this reckless stunt with Russia, a hypersonic nuclear armed country. Really—call them.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 131 Views
  • William Shatner ATTACKS woke LANGUAGE POLICE as they CANCEL STAR TREK!
    On January 29, the 92-year-old Shatner sounded off regarding a woke EU “guide” that would banish words used in the early-days opening of the television series – a “guide” that suggests “phasering-out” lines such as, “To boldly go where no man has gone before!” Supplying screen-shots on X from the original Sun.co.uk article that tells readers about this EU language “tool kit,” Mr. Shatner took a low-key, sincere approach to the information he had read. And it’s information that easily could cause many sensible people a lot of vexation. Paramount is avoiding using or featuring in any way their most ICONIC character, William Shatner's Capitan Kirk! William Shatner took shots at Paramount over the handling of the Star Trek franchise and the erasure of the most beloved character in Star Trek history, Captain Kirk. Prompted by a question from X user Herostraous, asking, “But will we ever see Captain Kirk again?” William Shatner took a recent Paramount+ Star Trek Originals promotional image, with a poster with every captain from every Star Trek show on the image, but oddly, Captain Kirk is missing. William Shatner wrote along with the image, “All you have to do is look at the Paramount+ graphics to answer that question.” His answer sparked outrage from fans, chief among them pop culture experts Nerdrotic, Doomcock, and The Critical Drinker. Nerdrotic posted, “This is a crime against Star Trek.” Doomock said, “This is a travesty. Captain Kirk is the heart of Star Trek and without Captain Kirk, the whole thing is a SHAM. God bless #WilliamShatner and the immortal character he created. My childhood hero. Thank you for all the joy you brought me, Bill. You’re the best.” However, the discussion didn’t stop there as another fan asked William Shatner, “Has anyone at Paramount come out with an official explanation for this MASSIVE FLUB?” Shatner replied once more, taking more shots at Paramount over their handling of the series, stating, “It’s not the first time it’s been going on for years. It makes no difference to me that a group who think they are “enlightened” (or whatever they think they are) obviously feels threatened by the Kirk character. It’s a character from a 1960’s TV show- get over it.”
    William Shatner ATTACKS woke LANGUAGE POLICE as they CANCEL STAR TREK! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Kr2j6cFqk On January 29, the 92-year-old Shatner sounded off regarding a woke EU “guide” that would banish words used in the early-days opening of the television series – a “guide” that suggests “phasering-out” lines such as, “To boldly go where no man has gone before!” Supplying screen-shots on X from the original Sun.co.uk article that tells readers about this EU language “tool kit,” Mr. Shatner took a low-key, sincere approach to the information he had read. And it’s information that easily could cause many sensible people a lot of vexation. Paramount is avoiding using or featuring in any way their most ICONIC character, William Shatner's Capitan Kirk! William Shatner took shots at Paramount over the handling of the Star Trek franchise and the erasure of the most beloved character in Star Trek history, Captain Kirk. Prompted by a question from X user Herostraous, asking, “But will we ever see Captain Kirk again?” William Shatner took a recent Paramount+ Star Trek Originals promotional image, with a poster with every captain from every Star Trek show on the image, but oddly, Captain Kirk is missing. William Shatner wrote along with the image, “All you have to do is look at the Paramount+ graphics to answer that question.” His answer sparked outrage from fans, chief among them pop culture experts Nerdrotic, Doomcock, and The Critical Drinker. Nerdrotic posted, “This is a crime against Star Trek.” Doomock said, “This is a travesty. Captain Kirk is the heart of Star Trek and without Captain Kirk, the whole thing is a SHAM. God bless #WilliamShatner and the immortal character he created. My childhood hero. Thank you for all the joy you brought me, Bill. You’re the best.” However, the discussion didn’t stop there as another fan asked William Shatner, “Has anyone at Paramount come out with an official explanation for this MASSIVE FLUB?” Shatner replied once more, taking more shots at Paramount over their handling of the series, stating, “It’s not the first time it’s been going on for years. It makes no difference to me that a group who think they are “enlightened” (or whatever they think they are) obviously feels threatened by the Kirk character. It’s a character from a 1960’s TV show- get over it.”
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 168 Views
  • Deepfakes in Mass Media potentially spreading misinformation and influencing public opinion.

    HR software is used by global corporations to SMEs to free up their time to focus on employee engagement and strategic issues.

    Governments and organizations will need to develop new regulations and ethical guidelines to address the misuse of deepfakes and enhance cybersecurity measures.
    Deepfakes in Mass Media potentially spreading misinformation and influencing public opinion. HR software is used by global corporations to SMEs to free up their time to focus on employee engagement and strategic issues. Governments and organizations will need to develop new regulations and ethical guidelines to address the misuse of deepfakes and enhance cybersecurity measures.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 109 Views
  • God's Word for #America and ALL the wicked in America and Globalists! NO EXCUSES! YOU KNOW THERE IS A #GOD & #JESUSCHRIST! You just want to be in your dark sinful mind justified in your sin, belief, filth, rot, unbelief and perversions!
    #Romans 1:18 - 32 #kjv #kingjamesbible
    18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
    19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
    20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and #Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
    God's Word for #America and ALL the wicked in America and Globalists! NO EXCUSES! YOU KNOW THERE IS A #GOD & #JESUSCHRIST! You just want to be in your dark sinful mind justified in your sin, belief, filth, rot, unbelief and perversions! #Romans 1:18 - 32 #kjv #kingjamesbible 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and #Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 213 Views
  • Great, send them all to Gaza to stand up for what they supposedly believe in.

    I believe that they are all Antifa and the media should stop pretending they're not.

    Great, send them all to Gaza to stand up for what they supposedly believe in. I believe that they are all Antifa and the media should stop pretending they're not. https://www.usasupreme.com/this-pro-hamas-rally-sign-outside-the-white-house-says-everything-you-need-to-know/
    This Pro-Hamas Rally Sign Outside the White House Says Everything You Need to Know - USA SUPREME
    Thousands of pro-Hamas supporters descended on Washington, DC, and surrounded the White House today. These demonstrators set off smoke bombs,
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 224 Views
  • It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong, Greg Hunter

    Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024. Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%. Armstrong explains, “It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean. This is completely crazy. The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here. The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet. He’s not really in charge. He’s not making any decisions.”

    Are the Deep State globalist Democrats panicking over the 6% to 7% Biden approval rating? Top people on both sides know this is an accurate number. With about four months to go before the 2024 Election, are they now panicking over these dismal approval numbers? Armstrong says, “Oh, yes, they are panicking. I have been in politics for more than 40 years. I know how it works. All of a sudden, you see in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, oh, Biden is slipping behind closed doors. That would not make the press unless they wanted it to. They are floating a ballon to see how it goes. All of a sudden, they want Biden to do a debate. Before, no debates. Why? Because they know he’s going to look bad. . . . At the Democrat Convention, they will draft someone else, and that is most likely going to be Hillary.”

    The economy and war are linked in a big way, according to Armstrong, and he explains, “You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year. . . . You’ve got Secretary of State Blinken threatening China with war. China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024. That means China are sellers and not buyers. You had Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen flying to China asking, ‘Please don’t sell.’ It didn’t work. This is why they are talking about raising the capital gains to 44%. Why? If nobody is going to buy the debt, that’s when default comes. If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what? It’s done. This is how governments fall, and I have been warning them for decades that this is how it’s going to end. . . . This is why they need war. This is why Europe is going into war. . . . If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default. If you have war, and that is what is really behind this, if you go into war, they get to default and blame Putin. . . . In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III regardless who is on the other side. If you get Hillary or you get Biden, it’s the same thing. Hillary is a neocon, and Biden says yes to whatever the neocons want.” And the neocons clearly want war–a big one.
    It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v50bzlc-its-trump-vs-wwiii-martin-armstrong.html Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024. Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%. Armstrong explains, “It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean. This is completely crazy. The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here. The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet. He’s not really in charge. He’s not making any decisions.” Are the Deep State globalist Democrats panicking over the 6% to 7% Biden approval rating? Top people on both sides know this is an accurate number. With about four months to go before the 2024 Election, are they now panicking over these dismal approval numbers? Armstrong says, “Oh, yes, they are panicking. I have been in politics for more than 40 years. I know how it works. All of a sudden, you see in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, oh, Biden is slipping behind closed doors. That would not make the press unless they wanted it to. They are floating a ballon to see how it goes. All of a sudden, they want Biden to do a debate. Before, no debates. Why? Because they know he’s going to look bad. . . . At the Democrat Convention, they will draft someone else, and that is most likely going to be Hillary.” The economy and war are linked in a big way, according to Armstrong, and he explains, “You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year. . . . You’ve got Secretary of State Blinken threatening China with war. China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024. That means China are sellers and not buyers. You had Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen flying to China asking, ‘Please don’t sell.’ It didn’t work. This is why they are talking about raising the capital gains to 44%. Why? If nobody is going to buy the debt, that’s when default comes. If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what? It’s done. This is how governments fall, and I have been warning them for decades that this is how it’s going to end. . . . This is why they need war. This is why Europe is going into war. . . . If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default. If you have war, and that is what is really behind this, if you go into war, they get to default and blame Putin. . . . In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III regardless who is on the other side. If you get Hillary or you get Biden, it’s the same thing. Hillary is a neocon, and Biden says yes to whatever the neocons want.” And the neocons clearly want war–a big one.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 652 Views
  • Historical Perspectives
    Ancient Civilizations: Early human societies measured time using natural phenomena—such as the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans developed calendars and astronomical observations.

    Mechanical Clocks: The invention of mechanical clocks in medieval Europe revolutionized timekeeping. By the 14th century, clocks with escapements allowed for more accurate tracking of hours and minutes.

    Standard Time: The 19th century saw the establishment of standard time zones, essential for railways and communication networks. Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide standard time system in 1879, leading to the adoption of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

    Scientific Developments

    Relativity Theory: Albert Einstein's theories of relativity in the early 20th century fundamentally altered our understanding of time. Time is relative, affected by speed and gravity, leading to the concept of spacetime.

    Quantum Mechanics: In the realm of the very small, time behaves differently. Quantum mechanics introduces probabilities and uncertainties, challenging classical notions of time as a linear, continuous progression.

    Technological Advances
    Atomic Clocks: The development of atomic clocks in the mid-20th century provided unprecedented precision. These clocks, based on the vibrations of atoms, are accurate to within billionths of a second.

    Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS technology relies on the precision of atomic clocks to provide accurate positioning information. Time synchronization is crucial for the system's accuracy.

    Cultural Aspects

    Perception of Time: Different cultures perceive and value time differently. Western cultures often see time linearly and quantitatively, while many Eastern cultures view it cyclically and qualitatively.

    Time in Art and Literature: Time has been a central theme in art, Lost Time" to Salvador Dalí's "The Persistence of Memory" explore the nature and impact of time.

    Future Directions

    Temporal Physics: Research in temporal physics explores the nature of time, including the possibility of time travel, the directionality of time, and the flow of time in different environments.

    Artificial Intelligence and Time: AI can change how we interact with and manage time, from personal productivity tools to large-scale simulations of temporal processes.

    Societal Changes: As technology accelerates, our relationship with time continues to evolve. Concepts like the "singularity" suggest a future where time's progression could be fundamentally different from our current understanding.
    Historical Perspectives Ancient Civilizations: Early human societies measured time using natural phenomena—such as the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans developed calendars and astronomical observations. Mechanical Clocks: The invention of mechanical clocks in medieval Europe revolutionized timekeeping. By the 14th century, clocks with escapements allowed for more accurate tracking of hours and minutes. Standard Time: The 19th century saw the establishment of standard time zones, essential for railways and communication networks. Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide standard time system in 1879, leading to the adoption of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Scientific Developments Relativity Theory: Albert Einstein's theories of relativity in the early 20th century fundamentally altered our understanding of time. Time is relative, affected by speed and gravity, leading to the concept of spacetime. Quantum Mechanics: In the realm of the very small, time behaves differently. Quantum mechanics introduces probabilities and uncertainties, challenging classical notions of time as a linear, continuous progression. Technological Advances Atomic Clocks: The development of atomic clocks in the mid-20th century provided unprecedented precision. These clocks, based on the vibrations of atoms, are accurate to within billionths of a second. Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS technology relies on the precision of atomic clocks to provide accurate positioning information. Time synchronization is crucial for the system's accuracy. Cultural Aspects Perception of Time: Different cultures perceive and value time differently. Western cultures often see time linearly and quantitatively, while many Eastern cultures view it cyclically and qualitatively. Time in Art and Literature: Time has been a central theme in art, Lost Time" to Salvador Dalí's "The Persistence of Memory" explore the nature and impact of time. Future Directions Temporal Physics: Research in temporal physics explores the nature of time, including the possibility of time travel, the directionality of time, and the flow of time in different environments. Artificial Intelligence and Time: AI can change how we interact with and manage time, from personal productivity tools to large-scale simulations of temporal processes. Societal Changes: As technology accelerates, our relationship with time continues to evolve. Concepts like the "singularity" suggest a future where time's progression could be fundamentally different from our current understanding.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 733 Views
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