• Former AG Bill Barr Stopped Investigations Into Trailer Load of 288,000 Ballots Delivered from NY to PA Before the 2020 Election Count

    I remember seeing a video of this postal service truck driver, Jesse Morgan, relating how he delivered pallets of paper ballots to Pa from NY in the middle of the night as the counting was proceeding. https://bit.ly/3r7syLx

    Then, it kind of faded from public view like a lot of the evidence that was surfacing at the time.

    Turns out Redcoat Bill Barr (who I never did trust once I found out Mueller was a family friend who attended Barr's daughter's wedding during his appointment hearings), told US AG for Eastern PA to stop investigating the 2020 election and send any cases over to the Democratic PA AG during the summer of 2021.

    And that obviously ended that line of evidence.

    Never did trust that guy and his time in the Bush administration was not a feather but a red flag that should have been noticed, not lauded as praiseworthy, as it was.

    And this is how crime is committed in plain view and gotten away with.


    He slipped quietly away unscathed.

    #2020electionfraud #2020election #votefraud #2020votefraud #billbarr
    Former AG Bill Barr Stopped Investigations Into Trailer Load of 288,000 Ballots Delivered from NY to PA Before the 2020 Election Count I remember seeing a video of this postal service truck driver, Jesse Morgan, relating how he delivered pallets of paper ballots to Pa from NY in the middle of the night as the counting was proceeding. https://bit.ly/3r7syLx Then, it kind of faded from public view like a lot of the evidence that was surfacing at the time. Turns out Redcoat Bill Barr (who I never did trust once I found out Mueller was a family friend who attended Barr's daughter's wedding during his appointment hearings), told US AG for Eastern PA to stop investigating the 2020 election and send any cases over to the Democratic PA AG during the summer of 2021. And that obviously ended that line of evidence. Never did trust that guy and his time in the Bush administration was not a feather but a red flag that should have been noticed, not lauded as praiseworthy, as it was. And this is how crime is committed in plain view and gotten away with. Barr? He slipped quietly away unscathed. #2020electionfraud #2020election #votefraud #2020votefraud #billbarr
    Former AG Barr Stopped Investigations into Trailer Load of 288,000 Ballots into PA from New York in 2020 Election   - Big League Politics
    Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for the US Postal Service, came out after the election and told his experience about hauling tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 election in December 2020.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1628 Views
  • Dems Pushing for Vote on H.R. 1 & S. I by the End of June. Find Out What They Are Trying to Do and What You Can Do to Stop It

    Schumer has announced that the Senate will vote on S. 1 in the last week of June.

    That is the Senate bill related to the House Bill which was introduced on 1/4/21 (immediately after Congress convened) and passed on 3/3/21.

    The bill essentially transfers important local responsibilities for voting over to the federal government.

    Stuff like:

    - implementation of internet voter registration (Vote fraud with dead people and illegal citizens with no paper trail anyone?)

    - Automatic voter registration via electronic transfer of data

    - Same day voter registration (Kind of like an electronic Dade County dump of paper ballots for every election.)

    - Honest ads act (Guess who gets to determine whether an ad is honest or not. Hint: The same group that fed us Russian Collusion for over 2 years.)

    - Challenges to the act would have to go through D.C., not Federal Courts located in the states.

    For more details and a link to tell your Senator to oppose the bill click here: https://bit.ly/3bB3GUF

    #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #votebill #2020election
    Dems Pushing for Vote on H.R. 1 & S. I by the End of June. Find Out What They Are Trying to Do and What You Can Do to Stop It Schumer has announced that the Senate will vote on S. 1 in the last week of June. That is the Senate bill related to the House Bill which was introduced on 1/4/21 (immediately after Congress convened) and passed on 3/3/21. The bill essentially transfers important local responsibilities for voting over to the federal government. Stuff like: - implementation of internet voter registration (Vote fraud with dead people and illegal citizens with no paper trail anyone?) - Automatic voter registration via electronic transfer of data - Same day voter registration (Kind of like an electronic Dade County dump of paper ballots for every election.) - Honest ads act (Guess who gets to determine whether an ad is honest or not. Hint: The same group that fed us Russian Collusion for over 2 years.) - Challenges to the act would have to go through D.C., not Federal Courts located in the states. For more details and a link to tell your Senator to oppose the bill click here: https://bit.ly/3bB3GUF #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #votebill #2020election
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 630 Views

  • Mike Lindell's Latest Video on the 2020 Vote Fraud - Absolutely 9-0

    Good video but i don't share his confidence in the Supreme Court doing anything about this fraud. They are just as corrupt as the politicians and protect corruption, not address it.

    Link to the video: https://bit.ly/2TOtLJN

    #2020election #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #mikelindell
    Mike Lindell's Latest Video on the 2020 Vote Fraud - Absolutely 9-0 Good video but i don't share his confidence in the Supreme Court doing anything about this fraud. They are just as corrupt as the politicians and protect corruption, not address it. Link to the video: https://bit.ly/2TOtLJN #2020election #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #mikelindell
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 748 Views
  • How the Dems H.R.1 and S.1 Legislation is Designed to Promote Federal Takeover the Election Process

    If you think this last election was corrupt (and it most certainly was) you ain't seen nuttin' yet. https://bit.ly/3bB3GUF

    If the Dems get this legislation through key control of the election process gets Unconstitutionally transferred to the federal government.

    After that, free and fair elections? Never again.

    Mechanisms proposed under H.R.1/S.1:

    - Automatic electronic voter registration (Section 1012) no paper trail
    Internet voter registration (Not that electronic fraud ever happens or anything.)

    - Same day voter registration (no cut off period)

    - Federal "Honest Ads Act" {Guess who gets to determine the honesty of an ad? Not that we can't trust our politicians to deliver the truth about an issue or anything.)

    Response mechanisms provided at the end of the article.

    #2020votefraud #voterlegislation
    How the Dems H.R.1 and S.1 Legislation is Designed to Promote Federal Takeover the Election Process If you think this last election was corrupt (and it most certainly was) you ain't seen nuttin' yet. https://bit.ly/3bB3GUF If the Dems get this legislation through key control of the election process gets Unconstitutionally transferred to the federal government. After that, free and fair elections? Never again. Mechanisms proposed under H.R.1/S.1: - Automatic electronic voter registration (Section 1012) no paper trail Internet voter registration (Not that electronic fraud ever happens or anything.) - Same day voter registration (no cut off period) - Federal "Honest Ads Act" {Guess who gets to determine the honesty of an ad? Not that we can't trust our politicians to deliver the truth about an issue or anything.) Response mechanisms provided at the end of the article. #2020votefraud #voterlegislation
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 552 Views

  • Pelosi is Very Confident Democrats Will Keep the Majority Despite the Census Changes and Mid-Term Trends. Wonder If It Has Anything to Do With NO Real Election Reform?

    We all know Biden was not elected by the people but by electronic algorithims and downright fraud. https://bit.ly/3e55QNJ

    That's why disgusting scum like Pelosi can still feel confident about retaining the House majority.

    Nothing has been done to change that.

    In fact, steps have been taken to assure more of the same election corruption will prevail. Even the so-called reform in Georgia is designed to maintain status quo when all is said and done. https://bit.ly/3s06WOz

    Unless, electronic voting is eliminated (it cannot be "reformed") and other reforms are instituted, political slime like Pelosi and her ilk will continue to run and run down this nation.

    Count on it!

    #votescam2020 #votefraud #pelosi #2020votefraud
    Pelosi is Very Confident Democrats Will Keep the Majority Despite the Census Changes and Mid-Term Trends. Wonder If It Has Anything to Do With NO Real Election Reform? We all know Biden was not elected by the people but by electronic algorithims and downright fraud. https://bit.ly/3e55QNJ That's why disgusting scum like Pelosi can still feel confident about retaining the House majority. Nothing has been done to change that. In fact, steps have been taken to assure more of the same election corruption will prevail. Even the so-called reform in Georgia is designed to maintain status quo when all is said and done. https://bit.ly/3s06WOz Unless, electronic voting is eliminated (it cannot be "reformed") and other reforms are instituted, political slime like Pelosi and her ilk will continue to run and run down this nation. Count on it! #votescam2020 #votefraud #pelosi #2020votefraud
    Pelosi 'very confident' Democrats will keep majority, despite Census changes, historical trends
    "I feel very confident that the Democrats will hold the majority after the next election," Pelosi said Thursday.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 885 Views
  • Mike Lindell's Latest Video on the 2020 Election Fraud - Scientific Proof: Internationally Renowned Physicist Absolutely Proves 2020 Election Was Biggest Cyber-Crime in World History.

    One hour in length. Provides more details on the use of algorithms to steal the election nationally, not just the swing states. https://bit.ly/31GvEZR

    Thanks to mewe group Just STFU admin, Mike Connors, for sharing this.

    #2020election #2020electionfraud #2020votefraud #2020vote
    Mike Lindell's Latest Video on the 2020 Election Fraud - Scientific Proof: Internationally Renowned Physicist Absolutely Proves 2020 Election Was Biggest Cyber-Crime in World History. One hour in length. Provides more details on the use of algorithms to steal the election nationally, not just the swing states. https://bit.ly/31GvEZR Thanks to mewe group Just STFU admin, Mike Connors, for sharing this. #2020election #2020electionfraud #2020votefraud #2020vote
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 1032 Views
  • HR 1 Voting Bill Prompts 21 State AG's to Threaten Legal Action If It Passes

    Along with dismantling our nation economically and culturally, the Marxist left in Congress also wants to dismantle the vote to ensure their continued rule - while we still have a nation anyway. https://bit.ly/3v8U4Zt

    HR1 - the 791 pg. For the People Act of 2021 (although "shaft" might be a better description than "act") pushes provisions that would:

    • Override ALL state laws on voter ID, voter registration, restoration of voting for felons, mail-in voting, and more
    • Increase vote fraud by barring state election officials from verifying voter eligibility and voter rolls.
    • Give illegal citizens equal representation with legal citizens
    • Legalize ballot harvesting for paid political operatives
    • Create a “free speech czar” at the FEC (What other administration had 31 "czar's" I wonder, Joe?)
    • Increase vulnerability to foreign election interference and more.

    As former VP Pence put it:

    "Every single proposed change in HR 1 serves one goal, and one goal only: to give leftists a permanent, unfair, and unconstitutional advantage in our political system." https://bit.ly/3v3hoaS

    #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #voterfraud #votescam #HR1
    HR 1 Voting Bill Prompts 21 State AG's to Threaten Legal Action If It Passes Along with dismantling our nation economically and culturally, the Marxist left in Congress also wants to dismantle the vote to ensure their continued rule - while we still have a nation anyway. https://bit.ly/3v8U4Zt HR1 - the 791 pg. For the People Act of 2021 (although "shaft" might be a better description than "act") pushes provisions that would: • Override ALL state laws on voter ID, voter registration, restoration of voting for felons, mail-in voting, and more • Increase vote fraud by barring state election officials from verifying voter eligibility and voter rolls. • Give illegal citizens equal representation with legal citizens • Legalize ballot harvesting for paid political operatives • Create a “free speech czar” at the FEC (What other administration had 31 "czar's" I wonder, Joe?) • Increase vulnerability to foreign election interference and more. As former VP Pence put it: "Every single proposed change in HR 1 serves one goal, and one goal only: to give leftists a permanent, unfair, and unconstitutional advantage in our political system." https://bit.ly/3v3hoaS #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #voterfraud #votescam #HR1
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 497 Views
  • We'll Get Them in 2022 and 2024 You Say? Uh, Don't Count On It. Biden Signs Executive Order Directing the AG to Help Increase Prisoner Voting Procedures

    We know the election was stolen. Electronic voting was heavily engaged in pulling off this fraud. Anyone doing anything about it? Doesn't seem so. http://bit.ly/3bo0uvG

    No worries. Damaged goods Joe just signed another executive order to facilitate voter registration and voting for "eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons."

    Biden is also asking the U.S. Marshals Service to include language in its contracts to facilitate voting by mail and provide eligible criminals information on voting and voter registration.
    Yeah, it just keeps on coming folks. Ensure the demise of this nation by our closet Commies through every means possible.

    #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #prisonervoting #biden #votescam2020
    We'll Get Them in 2022 and 2024 You Say? Uh, Don't Count On It. Biden Signs Executive Order Directing the AG to Help Increase Prisoner Voting Procedures We know the election was stolen. Electronic voting was heavily engaged in pulling off this fraud. Anyone doing anything about it? Doesn't seem so. http://bit.ly/3bo0uvG No worries. Damaged goods Joe just signed another executive order to facilitate voter registration and voting for "eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons." Biden is also asking the U.S. Marshals Service to include language in its contracts to facilitate voting by mail and provide eligible criminals information on voting and voter registration. Yeah, it just keeps on coming folks. Ensure the demise of this nation by our closet Commies through every means possible. #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud #prisonervoting #biden #votescam2020
    Biden Signs Election Executive Order to Increase Voting by Criminals
    President Joe Biden signed an executive order on March 7 altering the way the federal government handles elections, ...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 913 Views
  • The Supreme Court Dismisses the Election Lawsuits - More Proof That the Common Person No Longer Has a Say in Our Political System

    The level of corruption in our political (and economic) system has reached the breaking point. https://bit.ly/2NO9h0H

    Meanwhile, the voter has been castrated and rendered powerless.
    As My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell's documentary, Absolute Proof, makes clear ( http://bit.ly/37F2PA7 ) the election was rife with fraud and there is an abundance of proof demonstrating it.

    Yet the ALL of our corrupted courts find ways to not hear the evidence. IMHO it is because they know how clearly corrupt they will look if they deny it after it reaches the public hearing stage.

    When the winner is selected through systems that allow for blatant deceit and any legal remedy is disallowed (because the courts are in bed with the rest of the corrupt system) our votes mean nothing.

    Unless electronic voting is eliminated and real reform and oversight are introduced, voting is no longer an exercise of your right to select but rather an exercise in total futility.

    #2020electionfraud #2020election #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud
    The Supreme Court Dismisses the Election Lawsuits - More Proof That the Common Person No Longer Has a Say in Our Political System The level of corruption in our political (and economic) system has reached the breaking point. https://bit.ly/2NO9h0H Meanwhile, the voter has been castrated and rendered powerless. As My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell's documentary, Absolute Proof, makes clear ( http://bit.ly/37F2PA7 ) the election was rife with fraud and there is an abundance of proof demonstrating it. Yet the ALL of our corrupted courts find ways to not hear the evidence. IMHO it is because they know how clearly corrupt they will look if they deny it after it reaches the public hearing stage. When the winner is selected through systems that allow for blatant deceit and any legal remedy is disallowed (because the courts are in bed with the rest of the corrupt system) our votes mean nothing. Unless electronic voting is eliminated and real reform and oversight are introduced, voting is no longer an exercise of your right to select but rather an exercise in total futility. #2020electionfraud #2020election #2020votefraud #2020voterfraud
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 995 Views

  • Kind of the Short Version (16:29 minutes) of My Pillow Guy's Vote Fraud Documentary - Absolute Proof

    Undeniable fraud demonstrated. Loaded with facts in a compressed amount of time. Watch it and/or pass it on.

    Don't bother with BigTech media of course. They'll ban it and delete you for good measure. http://bit.ly/2Z9VEeM

    #votescam2020 #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #fakepresident
    Kind of the Short Version (16:29 minutes) of My Pillow Guy's Vote Fraud Documentary - Absolute Proof Undeniable fraud demonstrated. Loaded with facts in a compressed amount of time. Watch it and/or pass it on. Don't bother with BigTech media of course. They'll ban it and delete you for good measure. http://bit.ly/2Z9VEeM #votescam2020 #votefraud #2020votefraud #2020vote #fakepresident
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1005 Views
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