• Only about 2% of all abortions are done for reasons having to do with rape, incest, fetal abnormality, or the mother's health.

    The rest are all done for selfish reasons.

    Only about 2% of all abortions are done for reasons having to do with rape, incest, fetal abnormality, or the mother's health. The rest are all done for selfish reasons. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/06/05/analysis-vast-majority-of-abortions-done-for-birth-control-n3789673
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 25 Views
  • From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE SHARE!
    #FEMA Camps for American Dissidents - #FEMACamps - https://rumble.com/v54nvqm-fema-camps-for-american-dissidents.html
    FEMA Camps for American Dissidents
    The USA has a long history of prison camps - Once You Watch & Study This You Will See Why I Daily Cry Out & Pray to God for HIs Divine Wrath & Judgment Once for All! #GodDamnAmerica
    The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing three-hundred-thousand civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps.
    The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents. In 1961 the US forced eight million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support.
    Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps. Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail. The 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison. And in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns.
    “The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.”
    “You say guns will be taken?” “No one will be able to be armed. We're going to take all weapons.” #DoNotDisarm #2a #2aShallNotBeInfringed
    ~ ABC NEWS
    “You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing maintaining concentration camps, as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace. So the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.”
    “As we in the research community say, this is a psyop. They are preparing people for what is coming. Not what is being presented today.”
    “So you're saying they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?”
    “That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.”
    After 9/11 came the Patriot Act. And American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state.
    In 2006, George Bush Jr. amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the President power to declare martial law. And in 2007, signed Directive 51.
    “For the smallest of reasons, included in the documents own text, any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger at the president's will total martial law.”
    During #COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test. And if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them.
    “The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call. Like, to let the wellness people know, let the police know.”
    “In response to their 000 calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.”
    Prison camps are being built all over the world. And they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. #WakeUpAmerica while you can!
    From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE SHARE! #FEMA Camps for American Dissidents - #FEMACamps - https://rumble.com/v54nvqm-fema-camps-for-american-dissidents.html FEMA Camps for American Dissidents The USA has a long history of prison camps - Once You Watch & Study This You Will See Why I Daily Cry Out & Pray to God for HIs Divine Wrath & Judgment Once for All! #GodDamnAmerica The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing three-hundred-thousand civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps. The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents. In 1961 the US forced eight million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support. Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps. Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail. The 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison. And in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns. “The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.” “You say guns will be taken?” “No one will be able to be armed. We're going to take all weapons.” #DoNotDisarm #2a #2aShallNotBeInfringed ~ ABC NEWS “You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing maintaining concentration camps, as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace. So the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.” “As we in the research community say, this is a psyop. They are preparing people for what is coming. Not what is being presented today.” “So you're saying they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?” “That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.” ~ POLICE STATE II (THE TAKEOVER) After 9/11 came the Patriot Act. And American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state. In 2006, George Bush Jr. amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the President power to declare martial law. And in 2007, signed Directive 51. “For the smallest of reasons, included in the documents own text, any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger at the president's will total martial law.” ~ ENDGAME: BLUEPRINT FOR #GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT During #COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test. And if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them. “The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call. Like, to let the wellness people know, let the police know.” “In response to their 000 calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.” ~ AUSTRALIAN NEWS Prison camps are being built all over the world. And they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. #WakeUpAmerica while you can!
    0 Commentarii 1 Distribuiri 435 Views
  • The reality is that they knew about this all along but covered it up by lying that any claims to this effect were “Russian propaganda” and/or a “conspiracy theory”, all because they actually approved of the Democrats installing a literal placeholder in the White House who the liberal-globalist elite could control.
    Biden was chosen as the Democrats’ candidate in 2020 precisely because he was already senile and therefore completely controllable. Any acknowledgement that they were aware of this would expose their role in 2020’s de facto coup.
    The reality is that they knew about this all along but covered it up by lying that any claims to this effect were “Russian propaganda” and/or a “conspiracy theory”, all because they actually approved of the Democrats installing a literal placeholder in the White House who the liberal-globalist elite could control. Biden was chosen as the Democrats’ candidate in 2020 precisely because he was already senile and therefore completely controllable. Any acknowledgement that they were aware of this would expose their role in 2020’s de facto coup. https://korybko.substack.com/p/dont-let-the-elite-get-away-with
    Don’t Let The Elite Get Away With Gaslighting That They Didn’t Know About Biden’s Senility
    The country is being ruled by a shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites that are united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology. Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week made it impossible to deny his senility, yet the Western elite is gaslighting they were supposedly oblivious to this until now. Time Magazine published a piece titled “
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 128 Views

    believe that!
    I don't really sweat all of this too much, the Most High has it under control....
    But that don't mean to lay down and do nothing!

    PEOPLE and attitudes got to change, and unite
    against our common enemy

    WEATHER WARFARE, ARTIFICIAL STORMS TERRORIZE NATIONS, COMMUNIST PLOT TO BRAINWASH KIDS. believe that! I don't really sweat all of this too much, the Most High has it under control.... But that don't mean to lay down and do nothing! PEOPLE and attitudes got to change, and unite against our common enemy https://old.bitchute.com/video/ThthNFyRZc9H/
    Weather WARFARE, Artificial Storms TERRORIZE Nations, COMMUNIST Plot To BRAINWASH Kids.
    The Full Stew Peters Show. 29/06/2024. Dane Wigington is here to talk about how weather manipulation involved dispersing nanoparticles that millions of Americans ingest every year. Researcher Lisa Logan is here to talk about the globalist plan to u…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 140 Views
  • I suppose that after you have been lying for your entire career, lying comes as naturally as breathing does. Sadly, there are still millions of Americans that are falling for his lies after all this time. Biden would like for us all to believe that the economy is “booming”, that the southern border is under control, that our communities are safe, and that Ukraine is going to win their war against Russia. Our entire society is literally crumbling all around us, and Biden and his minions have brought us to the brink of global war. I am entirely convinced that he has been the worst president in U.S. history, and that is really saying something.
    Ultimately, Joe Biden is just another slimy politician that is trying to save his job.
    I suppose that after you have been lying for your entire career, lying comes as naturally as breathing does. Sadly, there are still millions of Americans that are falling for his lies after all this time. Biden would like for us all to believe that the economy is “booming”, that the southern border is under control, that our communities are safe, and that Ukraine is going to win their war against Russia. Our entire society is literally crumbling all around us, and Biden and his minions have brought us to the brink of global war. I am entirely convinced that he has been the worst president in U.S. history, and that is really saying something. Ultimately, Joe Biden is just another slimy politician that is trying to save his job. https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/21-facts-that-joe-biden-doesnt-want-you-to-know/#google_vignette
    21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn't Want You To Know
    It takes a lot of gumption to go on television and repeatedly lie to more than 300 million Americans. I honestly don't know how Joe Biden does it. I suppose that after you have been
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 292 Views
  • Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet

    SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/debate-removes-doubt-biden-an-installed SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK! #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © June 28, 2024John’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. The Biden Debate Debacle thanks to an X/Tweet from the Libs of Tik Tok in a minute & 35-seconds:
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 297 Views
  • The European Union’s law on digital bandwagon issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) decisions on a digital euro in the coming months. European Parliament States control and the role starting to wonder with this projects is politics worth to pursuing at all.
    The European Union’s law on digital bandwagon issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) decisions on a digital euro in the coming months. European Parliament States control and the role starting to wonder with this projects is politics worth to pursuing at all.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 256 Views
  • Donald Trump vs Joe Biden - First Presidental Debate - LIVE

    If you #Vote what you are really doing is saying that you NEED TO BE RULED because you are not capable of handling your own affairs!

    If you feel the need to "vote" let's hold a nationwide referendum on how high we should hang the #Corporate #Traitors who call themselves "government!

    I don't NEED to claim myself "incompetent" by voting... and THAT is exactly what you are doing when you vote! You are claiming that you are mentally incompetent, and giving the #Corporation of the United States "Power of Attorney" over your life!

    Voting for the "lesser of two EVILS" (Like you ALWAYS end up doing)
    YOU are still voting for EVIL!

    We all should KNOW that our "vote" means NOTHING!
    If our "vote" meant anything at all... we would NOT end up voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" because we'd actually be choosing the candidates!

    But the "primaries" are more rigged than the elections!
    YOU are going through the motions.... But your "choice" don't mean sh*t!

    It is time to STOP being a #Statist twit!
    It's time to STOP being a #Slave!

    It's time to STOP allowing your Rockefeller funded indoctrination into Slavery control your life! Stand up and be a man! Tell these corporate scumbags to f*ck off!
    Better yet, how about form a posse and arrest them?

    Their thin blue line Stasi enforcers are just as guilty of crimes against humanity!
    You should look upon these people with utter disdain!

    They are literally WORSE than #Pedophiles!
    Of course they are likely pedophiles TOO!

    Donald Trump vs Joe Biden - First Presidental Debate - LIVE If you #Vote what you are really doing is saying that you NEED TO BE RULED because you are not capable of handling your own affairs! If you feel the need to "vote" let's hold a nationwide referendum on how high we should hang the #Corporate #Traitors who call themselves "government! I don't NEED to claim myself "incompetent" by voting... and THAT is exactly what you are doing when you vote! You are claiming that you are mentally incompetent, and giving the #Corporation of the United States "Power of Attorney" over your life! Voting for the "lesser of two EVILS" (Like you ALWAYS end up doing) YOU are still voting for EVIL! We all should KNOW that our "vote" means NOTHING! If our "vote" meant anything at all... we would NOT end up voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" because we'd actually be choosing the candidates! But the "primaries" are more rigged than the elections! YOU are going through the motions.... But your "choice" don't mean sh*t! It is time to STOP being a #Statist twit! It's time to STOP being a #Slave! It's time to STOP allowing your Rockefeller funded indoctrination into Slavery control your life! Stand up and be a man! Tell these corporate scumbags to f*ck off! Better yet, how about form a posse and arrest them? Their thin blue line Stasi enforcers are just as guilty of crimes against humanity! You should look upon these people with utter disdain! They are literally WORSE than #Pedophiles! Of course they are likely pedophiles TOO! https://rumble.com/v53ywbq-donald-trump-vs-joe-biden-first-presidental-debate-live.html
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 447 Views

    Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior...

    Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous!

    He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves....
    But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball!

    The same is true of James Corbett!
    And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious!

    ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are...

    And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS!
    I agree with 100% of Larkin says......

    Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway!

    Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world
    CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment!

    “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55

    VICTIMS AND VICTIMIZERS Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior... Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous! He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves.... But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball! The same is true of James Corbett! And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious! ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are... And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS! I agree with 100% of Larkin says...... Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway! Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment! “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55 https://www.bitchute.com/video/edkLwmluxII/
    Victims and Victimizers
    To subscribe to "The Rose Channel," just go to: http://www.TheRoseChannel.com ( To get the NOVEL, "The Jones Plantation," go to: http://www.TheJonesPlantationBook.com ) Feel free to keep enjoying the free stuff on this channel. And if you want to …
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 480 Views
  • Matt Taibbi on journalism.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    Matt Taibbi: How Intel Agencies Control the Media, Putin’s Rise to Power, and 2024 Predictions https://rumble.com/v543gr3-matt-taibbi-how-intel-agencies-control-the-media-putins-rise-to-power-and-2.html
    Matt Taibbi on journalism. God Bless America, God Save The Republic. Matt Taibbi: How Intel Agencies Control the Media, Putin’s Rise to Power, and 2024 Predictions https://rumble.com/v543gr3-matt-taibbi-how-intel-agencies-control-the-media-putins-rise-to-power-and-2.html
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 161 Views
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